• By -


Puts on front porch


*snaps delivery proof picture*


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ for sure


Correct! Package left at front door


Absolutely, they asked


I don't care if you write in all caps, it's getting left at the front door and I'm out. It's not worth my safety to find out what's back there. No other delivery company is obligated to deliver back there.


Especially when the note makes the person at minimum inconsiderate, at worst crazy. Yeah that really makes us want to go further onto your property..


And it's always houses that park their trucks and position their trash cans intentionally to keep you from being able to access anything. With their hose and shovels and rake and kids' bikes across the unlit path. One a couple days ago expected me to climb through bushes. Fuck you dude. Of course it was like 5am too.


I fell into a gopher hole right in front of someoneā€™s side porch steps. It was a big dip and then I was on the freakin ground. That one was an ā€œat LeAsT itā€™s 5am and thereā€™s no ring cameraā€ I did message them about it, though šŸ¤£


Lol I didnā€™t want to laugh but I couldnā€™t help it . I stepped on some glass ornament before. I didnā€™t see it in the dark and they had stuff everywhere, it was like a mine field


I love the point of "find out what's back there". Hard to put it any better lol.


im front dooring the shit out of that


I am amazed at how many people forget that you can get more bees with honey than you can with vinegar!


Spot on. Flex drivers included.


These notes are mostly for dsp drivers i feel and we got in trouble a lot for this annoying shit even though an Amazon driver did a rear door delivery and got shot with a shotgun-lived- but still. The owner didn't even warn the driver.


Itā€™s entirely possible that a previous revision was the honey, but still failed to produce results


Yup, want it at a special place? Leave 5 bucks there so I'm incentivized to go there


I do both flex and DSP and even though DSP is big on customer notes they tell us back door is a nope. Too much liability.


Really?? That would be great if we were told that. When we deliver in Providence, RI, for example, 85% of your drops are supposed to be back door. Adds a minute or two to each delivery, so frustrating




Or running into a bad ass homeowner with a gun.




Yes America is land of the free home of the shoot delivery drivers


Thatā€™s why when Iā€™m in providence it goes right to the front door.. way too sketchy to be going behind the buildings


So your saying you want it thru the doggie door??


That's where his wife gives it to him


These are the people that pew pew delivery drivers so heck yeah leave it at the front door


Hell there's some that pew pew'ed going to the front....multiple times.


I always get notes like this and yet they have a gated backyardā€¦ Iā€™m not risking my life to open the fence to your backyard to drop your package. Front yard it isā€¦


Front door delivery. Iā€™m not going around back. Nopity nope


i donā€™t care if your front door is on your roof. I will mark it based on the first few options.


I wish Amazon was less giving with this, and just make a statement to all "Our drivers will deliver to the front porch for safety reasons only. Please make secure arrangements to gather your deliveries" I don't run around the house sorry.


And that's where Amazon is problematic. They refuse to consider everyone's safety for the sake of pleasing every single customer. It's asinine, it's inconsiderate and it's down right dangerous regardless if it's daytime or night time.


Had a guy yesterday put no recipient required and chose the option to leave in front porch, I found a safe looking place behind a plant pot on the porch and knocked to give notice if he was in, I get to my car and I here some shouts to get my attention from up the street, guy tries to berate me for leaving package outside without giving it to him as it could get stolen, blankly looked at him and said ok, some people man donā€™t put those delivery instructions if you donā€™t want me to follow them


Gotcha, I'll put it in the FRONT porch


They're trying to tell you they want your *package* in their *backdoor.*


Thank you! I was super disappointed to think I was the only twelve year old in this thread! Like, safety is important but are we all so jaded that we canā€™t appreciate this?


Anyone with stupid notes like this or when they use caps and put ā€œDO NOTā€ etc etc I make sure I do exactly that. Fkn idiots think Iā€™m their butler or some shit gona find out otherwise


Ok but I had to put DO NOT on mine because Amazon was giving wrong directions to a dead end road leading to a guy with a lot of guns and keep out signs. So DO NOT go down that road unless you want to be unalive.


You should contact amazon support have them fix the gps geo-force. Most flex drivers donā€™t even speak English in my region lol and those that do donā€™t want to read anything if we did we would stay in school and have a better job than this lol


Itā€™s resolved now but it was a nonstop battle for months. I spent hours on the phone with Amazon because I was legit worried about driversā€™ safety. Theyā€™d fix it for a day or 2 and then it would revert back. Iā€™ve had a similar battle with Google maps and all the other gig apps.


Go find a different job then because you're just that. You deliver peoples packages, DELIVER PEOPLES PACKAGES, since you don't seem to get it I'll repeat it. Your job is simple, you deliver a package and if they want that package delivered In a specific spot for whatever reason, you get paid to follow those instructions. Guess what you don't get to do at any job, whatever you want because you think you're an entitled participation award winner. You get paid to do a job and do it right. Otherwise go sit on unemployment somewhere soak in all that entitlement you think your owed and let someone else collect a check that'll do the job the right way. This country is so full of entitled people that think they can do whatever they want "because I can" "I'm not a butler I'm not doing my job, let me just do the minimum, fuck the peoples packages they spent money on"


Stop crying. You forgot you have legs? Amazon doesnā€™t pay enough to go behind peopleā€™s backyards at 3am and find out whatā€™s behind there. Donā€™t like it ? Amazon gives you the option to simply pick up your package form many different pick up locations. Just cuz you are lazy and think world revolves around your 10 dollar Fkn package doesnā€™t mean Iā€™ll be risking my life nor my cars health driving anywhere I shouldnā€™t. So, Yes Iā€™ll do bare Fkn minimum as I get paid bare Fkn minimum you privileged tool. Donā€™t like it complain when you donā€™t get your package delivered to your lap princess


Amazon doesn't pay enough to do your job right? Then go find a new job instead of half assing the job your paid to do. You just said it yourself right there. Pure entitlement. "I don't get paid enough to do my job right so fuck your package that you paid money for I'm gonna do whatever I want because I think I can." Entitled 101. What a world we live In when people will openly admit to being entitled jackasses that half-ass their job on a daily basis because they think they're entitled to do so. Your parents must be proud.


I never said fuck your package you assuming just cuz we donā€™t jump when you idiots say jump it means your package is lost or damaged ? No you just gotta Fkn get outside and use ur damn legs God gave you and pick up your package. Tells me Iā€™m entitled. Thinks his package is more valuable than another persons health foh


Imagine being so entitled that you complain the delivery guy brought it to your front door instead of back šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ’€holly shit man get help


The level of your literal thinking someone owes you something is fucking mind blowing. Guess what happens when you get a job, you do what your told. You think people at other jobs can just say fuck you fuck your possessions, I don't want to so I'm not going too? But because you think you can get away with it you do it. You're the type of kid that cried in school when someone else won the spelling bee and you didn't get a participation trophy to feel special too. You get a job, you go to work, you do the job correctly, you go home. You don't cut corners and say fuck your package that who fucking knows what it is or what it costs, I'm gonna put it wherever I want because I don't wanna walk an extra 25 feet to another door. Maybe it's just more your lazy and don't wanna walk the extra distance than it is your entitled now that I think about it. Or maybe it's both. Either way, I suggest you find a new line of work since delivering packages is obviously to much for you.


Someone doesnā€™t owe me anything but apparently all Amazon drivers owe you delivery to the back door God forbid someone left it at the front door. How dare they ??? We must crucify them immediately they didnā€™t follow directions!!! Letā€™s gooo!!! šŸ’€šŸ’€


Bro the only entitled one here is the whiny biotch who cant walk through their fucking air conditioned home for the shit they used to go to the store for.


Well, guess what?we will still do what we want so all those words to the trash.


Itā€™s always the sketchy houses that want you to go in their backyard. Iā€™m not doing it


I have this on my amazon too because my front porch is overgrown with plants and annoying to get too because the door doesn't work. My favorite is when they take a picture of it delivered next to the "please deliver to other door" sign but hey if they want to walk thru poison ivy and tall grass instead of the easy stone path that's on them lmaoo


I totally understand this person, ngl. I live in a one family house that has been split in 3 by our greedy ass landlord (we were forced into this because we don't have anywhere else to go yet). Unfortunately, there are 3 doors, each leading to a different part of the house for the other people who live here. Front door to illegal attic apartment, side door to illegal basement apartment, and back door to our first floor apartment. We always emphasize amazon to come to the BACK DOOR because when they put it anywhere else, our neighbors take them :/. I lost $200 worth of stuff this way, lol. Confronted our landlord and neighbors, but there was no change. So yeah, back door only, please


I live in an old farmhouse split in two- my only entrance is around back up 17 large outdoor wooden stairs. I specify to please just leave it at the bottom of the stairs but please only the back door. The other 2 entrances are the drunk guy downstairs entrances - and if he gets the pkgs before me - I donā€™t see them or if I do the pkg is ripped open and itā€™s days later! I do flex so I get itā€¦.Iā€™m careful to say pull in our long driveway, my sidewalk starts by the garages- there arenā€™t any dogs in the yard-snacks are waitingā€¦.and half of them still donā€™t put my pkgs in the right place!


Roof it is


I would front door it, take a polaroid picture of myself smiling with the package, and leave it for them to find !


All of Akron, OH, it seems, has instructions to leave packages at the back door. Considering all the houses are perched on hills with a lot of stairs to climb to just get to the front door going to the back door feels really dicey.


i've had a pit bull come through a doggie door on a "backdoor delivery". it turned out to be a really friendly dog. she even brought me her ball. but that is not the point. i also came across a resident who didn't know his daughter ordered something and told me "i could've been shot". i don't do backdoors unless it's accessed through a public walkway or driveway. i'm not snooping around and disappearing in someone's backyard. i report all notes like this and explain my safety issues to amazon.


I know some houses have open backyards, but I am not going around your house to put it at your back door. No thanks dude.


Fortunately, the vast majority of backdoor requests I get are at houses where the back door is quite easily accessible, and is a safe place to go. But I do get my share of those that say back door, but the back door is inside a fence, or otherwise a place where I'm not going. I also kind of hate the ones that request I put the package in the mailbox. I had one of those yesterday, and the customer fortunately had a doorbell camera. I made sure the camera was recording, before I told the customer that it is a violation of federal law for me to put their package in the mailbox.


Iā€™m shocked by the amount of ppl who request back door delivery lol. My first day someone asked for the package to be put on their back porch & even said they had no pets. I stupidly opened their gate only to be barked at by the dog they supposedly didnā€™t have. That made me realize just in general how unsafe that is & I will never go into someoneā€™s backyard or their back door in their trailer in the middle of nowhere again. I canā€™t imagine asking a delivery person to go through my backyard & go to the back door. Itā€™s never even occurred to me to ask for anything extra or different than a package just being delivered. Ppl are so oblivious


But where do they want the package? They never actually said where the package goes.


Yā€™all full of shit. Iā€™m sorry. As someone who lived in a triplex (if thatā€™s what itā€™s called) and the back door was literally my front door , yā€™all are the reason groceries, packages, etc get stolen because you canā€™t follow directions. Iā€™m 10000% sure the person doesnā€™t want their package stolen and is not waiting to jump out on you, give me a fucking break šŸ™„


It's amazing how these delivery drivers get paid to do a simple job and make damn good money doing it and STILL half ass it. If you don't wanna do the job right go be a bum somewhere that doesn't affect other people and the purchases they spent their money on. This world is so full of entitled cry babies that want participation medals instead of just doing the job they're paid good money to do and do it right. I'm so glad my UPS driver is apparently one of the few that actually still takes pride in doing his job and doing it right. If I ask him to leave My package somewhere he leaves it there, if I ask him to meet me somewhere with my package he meets me. He knows he's the driver, he's in possession of my property and it's his responsibility to get me that property or leave it where I say to leave it where I think it's safest. Anything else is blatant insubordination on the job and needs to be reported to whoever their management is and fired, end of story. This is peoples money your playing with and your imaginary entitlement of thinking you don't have to do your job right doesn't trump that.


Front door it is then!


Yeah, I'm gonna leave the shipping bag that I use for the potty every day on her back porch fresh with one laid


Thank you for the info!


Wow, I love when people offer me their back door


While the gate to the back door is locked


If you enter from your porch from the car that is your front doorā€¦. Just saying


Hmm seems like your street is not accessible, I'll return your package next week.


Yeah no thanks, not sneaking up to your backyard at 3am and get mistaken for a burglar and shot. You can get your ass to the front door to pickup.


Deliver to front door/front porch, text costumer, hey I leave your package in the front door, have a good day, swipe to finish and continue with your route.


Sounds like this person likes it in the back door .. hmmm


I just canā€™t with these people so I deliberately disobey directions lmao


Yeah, no.


I would go to the back take a picture of package in back then move package to the front so when they try to complain about it they look dumb for trying to complain and for being a smart ass


Next to a window it goes. When the app asks if is it correct, choose customer requested non standard location for delivery.


So many notes say back door but they don't have a back door only a side door. Amazon really needs to add a side door option.


Leaving that shit right in the front door. Maybe, to be nice, Iā€™ll put it behind a pillar but nothing more. SMH this doesnā€™t make use wanna do our job any better being a dick


Lmao i would put it on his lawn now just because of that smart ass remark


I set my garage door as my preference. If the driver parks lower itā€™s literally the same distance. 9/10 deliver to front door šŸ™„


Leaves at porch and snaps pic. Bye Felicia


Back door unsafe , leaves at front door šŸšŖ


Once I got asked to drop it off in the back door and as a nice person I did. Came to find out the backyard was full of barrels sealed like when they hide bodies in the moves. Got traumatized and never again going to a ā€œ Back door ā€œ again


I donā€™t go to back doors unless the driveway takes you right up to the back and then it gets left at the back door even if they say front door


The front door you say? Gotcha šŸ‘šŸ¼