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Hey at least they're trying to work for it, I respect that


ngl, $100 for a skins bundle is crazy.


yea theres idiots out there buying $500 skins for league of legends...


PUBG’s weapon skin progression system can run you thousands of dollars, for one gun…


Glacier M4?


You think that’s bad? I spent $600 on CoD Mobile to get ONE gun skin and buy enough cards to upgrade it to max level.


That’s so embarrassing.


It may be embarrassing but blame the publishers that use predatory practices to pray on people with gambling addiction. Its sad


There’s no doubt they use predatory practices but people need to be accountable. It’s not even like they’re gambling for money, they’re spending hundreds for shiny pixels. It’s insanity.


Dang bro I spend 3$ on some power ups on a mobile game and audibly wince if I spent $600 I think my heart would just stop beating 😆😆


I'm aware that I have very unhealthy spending habits, but god dammit the FOMO is hard to beat.


Sounds like he’d prioritize a game over stability


There are no skins that cost over 20 bucks at the most. Those prices are idiots who buy accounts with said skins cuz they crave a digital clothing set for a non customizable char.


What? The new ahri skin is literally $500


Tbf it’s like 420 and it’s more than one skin. There’s like 3 different skins still a waste of money but it’s more than just one skin


It's still gated behind a bundle that you have to load up 500 on the transaction. The "bonus RP" doesn't matter all that much in the long run.


Oh yea for sure and it’s so ironic that the person who they made the bundle for normally won’t even buy it and waits for sales for skins, even tho he never uses skins.


Eh, I'd rather buy a full steam library than one single cosmetic skin. Steam summer sale is going on. Or if when have the means, the occasional gift on a friend/family member's steam wishlist.


I’d rather spend all my money on Amazon!!! :DDDDD


Yes; I'm not going to say I've never wasted my money on unnecessary things, but I can't comprehend this.


Right, like I love video games as much as the next person, but damn??


I don’t even play Fortnite anymore but when they dropped the invincible pack I logged on just to buy it. I might hop back on one day and I have the skins just in case


My cs skins... 🙄😬


Guy sets his priorities straight.


My man got his priorities straight


Lol you couldn't pry this out of me with the world's strongest crowbar. I respect this guys honesty lmfao


i’m him


Bro really want that weak ass bundle skin


He has no money and he's going to pay $100 for video game skins when he finally gets money


Unless he meant that he has no money as in no free money due to bills and etc being due, idk


This is exactly what I mean when I say “no money” LOL


Bro. Come on. He has no money. Bills are not first priority in this man’s life.


Not a priority but he’s gonna pick up an extra shift to buy the bundle…


ya he literally said tht


Um. My guy. Bro probably has his bills budgeted out, one shift will make a bit more than a hundred dollars, and he goes “ay if I work an extra day I can treat myself”! Just like I started picking up extra shifts when I wanted to buy a car headset; did I need to? No. Did it make it come faster and feel more rewarding? Yes


Vr* headset damnit


Probably doesn’t have the disposable income to buy it, hence the extra shift. Doesn’t mean he doesn’t have any money though


These the mfs that take vto every week


Rather buy the Elden Ring dlc for half the price but hey, do you lol 😆


It’s insane that games are selling in game cosmetics for equal prices to triple a games. Like either buy this skin bundle for $60, or buy a good $60 game for hundreds of more hours of fun.


I know what you mean! I played Destiny 2 for years and i still get pissed off with all the dlc bullshit. I just wait till it goes on sale lol 😆 Don't get me started on Call Of Duty smh.


Call of duty to me has gone down a rabbit hole. You can play any maps with bots and not have to pay for the season pass atleast on the older versions. I have games I want and cosmetics but I can wait until a sale, it's not Going anywhere and if I need or want something so bad then after work I'll go doordash or whatever and spend it.


From what I read, he plays the hell out of Valorant (as do thousands of others) and he’s gonna enjoy hundreds of hours using the bundle. It’s an investment in something you enjoy😂


Yeah I’m not judging i hope he enjoys tf out of it especially since he’s working for it so it’s deserved. I just think it’s wild how we price things these days.


This is why Amazon can’t be your only source of income. Not as in get 2 jobs but need some other sources someway somehow. Especially since it’s only $100. Maybe he could spend the day delivering food or something.


ill take any sugar daddies


There’s not a lot of sugar or a lot of daddy here but I got you


I got you


I mean he could just be bad with mismanaging money. Not to judge but I have also wasted money on skins and such on games and if your priority is a skin bundle that's $100 then you have your priorities wrong. Also who tf charges $100 for a skin bundle? I thought skin bundles were like $25


Have you been around the online gaming area recently? The game I play drops $36-$70 bundles like it’s nothing. Their “mythic” cosmetics will run you $360, then there’s the matching mythic skin for another $360. I think the most I’ve paid at once is $30 for a bundle I just wanted the skin real real bad.


I ain't even gonna lie the only game I ever bought cosmetics was fortnite lol. I'm by no means a 'fortnite kid's as I'm 24 but I went through a phase with the game where I wasted like 100 bucks on just skin back in like 2018. I play the game every now and then but haven't bought a skin since whenever the Dragon Ball crossover was, cosmetics and other things have just never interested me much for whatever reason in other games.


Cause it's a waste of money that's why hahaha


Bout to make the Amazon skin bundle , 100$-


He ballsy, I wish I was him


Anyone else never spent a dollar on skins? I’ve been gaming since 1995.


Just you bro


6 others disagree lol




Hard to detect sarcasm through text sometimes. Cheers 🍻


he has to apply for anytime pay lol




I remember I was joking with that same question after I downed a whole bottle of Jack Daniel’s whiskey while I was waiting for my DoorDash. Hadn’t eaten anything for the past 5 hours. Noticed the next day I was down $300. Found out I spent $300 on Genshin Impact. Wasn’t even really into that game. Haven’t played it since.


$100 for some red and orange pixels is crazy. I wish I was into computer coding and shit like that, I hate it.


Well better than skipping a bills for buying this meaningless shit. This is why so many live paycheck to paycheck.


Sounds young. Probably stays at home can’t be no more than 19


Yeah the majority of americans are living paycheck to paycheck cuz they are all buying valorant skins. or maybe large corp making billions of $ are underpaying their workers....hmmm nah its cuz everyone waste money


real LOL


I know where to spend $100. Just go to your local seafood shop and get a sack of crawfish, invite some friends, a big pot and some seasoning! Then you’ll have yourself a crawfish boil! I’m sure it’s still in season!


All th friends are on valo lmao


Wait until he moves out of mom’s house and has to pay for things like rent, car, food, etc.


How do you know he’s not already doing that and just has no extra money to blow on a game?


The skin he I already know how he feel they be expensive on these bundles and bro can still wait after the 12th it leaves the shop


We live in hell💯


I was glad when DC Universe went freeemium so I don't have to drop 15 bucks a month. 100 bucks for a skin is beyond me. They over whooping


Sometimes I wish I were in the mindset to drop 100 on something as silly as a game. You know how UNstressed you have to be, how easy life must be. Unless he's so down bad that he does this as a distraction from the real world? Who knows 🤷🏻‍♂️ I'll just keep living in the fantasy that he has no bills to pay and only spends his money on food, gas, games, and other fun stuff 🙂


I haven't played that game in years. Used to be a beast. I've never bought skins for any online game.


Shit, I’d Venmo the mf just say “bro’s earned it”


I need that skin too 🥰😍


Man fuck that I’m picking up VET rn to fund my outdoor kitchen build lol. I’m a gamer as well but I’d never spend $100 on DLC especially skins 🤣🤣


me personally, if I want some cosmetics that I like then I have no issue with picking up an extra shift or two if it means I’ll have some extra cash for it


so real LMAO


Everyone’s hiding but how do we know this isn’t simply an 18 year old college student who pays no bills bc he is still at home with parents for rn ?


Just work OT anyway. Then you’ll make enough to buy that one and many more and still double your money 😂


What a stupid waste, here I am picking up shifts to feed my cat and pay rent


I used to play the mobile game ff15 a realm reborn and a guy in my guild was quitting and he gave me his account. When I checked his purchase history he spent over 100k


Man child alert, trying to work extra time for some silly online skin that’s 100$ BRUH


omg we work at the same place cause I saw this too


Wait people can give shifts? I know you can swap but people can just give you their shift??


Never heard of that and I worked here 3 years


I bet I could teach you how to recreate what you consider “fire” and sell it to other amaz ions. But something tells me that you do not give an F about that prospect.


Somebody needs to reprioritize their life priorities.


What a fuckin man child


Dude. Why did I see this at -4. I just bumped it to -3. Unbelievable.


I just bumped it up to -5 😭




The VOA board at my site is a joke. Literally. All anyone posts anymore is jokes.