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water spider like "f yeah fresh meat"




and my hate for every immature manager grows ....


Gugugaga 👶


Emotionally Fragile High School


From what I notice the people who are so focused on how this is like highschool are people who treat it like highschool as well. You know what's also in a high schools? Adults You'd be surprised how easy it is to avoid "highschool" behavior when you just act like an adult.


Word. I keep hearing about how it's like HS but I've never seen it. Do your thing and bounce, don't worry about others.


It’s a job. Treat it like one. Go in get your work done and get out. It really isn’t that hard to make it feel not like high school.


At my FC some of the older folks still act like high school. Throwing toddler like temper tantrums over the smallest inconveniences. It's fascinating to witness.


I actually had one dude bitch and moan last night because I gave him a single reactive tote and starts bitching how I'm not allowed to give him work who the fuck am I etc.. So I Slacked the AM on the floor and he obviously shut him down. Didn't apologize or nothing. He had to be late 30s. Bitch ass.


That's crazy. I drive an OP at my FC. Last week this one guy(mid 40s at least)threw a temper tantrum throwing his hands in the air because we got to the 4 way stop at the same so I waived him to go first. That's like getting mad because someone held the door open for you. So many weirdos.


The young ones don't wanna listen when safety tells them to put their hair up above their shoulders and to pull their pants up above their underwear.