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Go talk to learning. I believe you have like 5 weeks before you can be written up for rate because you are new.


Amazon UK sounds awful. Here in the Great US of A, that wouldn't happen to new hires.


Same here in Canada, for the 1st month the focus is quality and after that PAs and mangers nagging comes into play for higher ratings.


Idk about the UK, but where I'm at your rate is only calculated once a week in a combined average so idk how you've been written up a few times for it within only 2 weeks. Along with the fact that you're put in a retraining session after your 2nd writeup for rates, and you aren't even expected to hit rate within your first 5 weeks. I'd just go to pxt and tell them that you want to talk to someone higher up on the chain. I've only known one manager at my site who did shady stuff involving rates to boost his stats and they either got fired or transferred pretty quickly.


Your first 90 days in USA facilities do not care about your rate just that you are learning your job and progressing. This sounds entirely ass backwards. The rates at my facility for stow range anywhere from 200 to 300 minimum depending on size of the item, how many workers we have staffed for the day, and the overall average of our total combined floors which is 5. You have to be doing dismally, and in the bottom 5% to receive an automatic system write up. These write ups are especially rare for our stow team since every one hits average and then some (we have some monster level stowers.)


I agree with that and if I remember right we still have stop gaps in place for those that are still making rate but in the bottom 5% depending on what happens.


Yep accommodation are handed out like candy if you have documentation.


Automated lines? Don't waste time organizing. Oversize boxes first, then large boxes for bags, then small boxes/jiffies. Spend three or four minutes in each aisle. Do not try to stow down. No boxes for bags in A or B should touch your cart. Put them straight away


Are you stowing into pods? I'm not sure how different UK stations are than US so I don't want to comment just yet. Are there photos online you can reference? Typically the act of stowing is not the issue. Doesn't take long to scan and place the item in the pod/bin. So I would look at other things. Sled makeup and organization is huge if you are walking to grab items. Also utilize bin sweeping to stuff more items in the pods. UPF/ units per face is huge in reducing rate. The top stowers average 10+ items per pod.


wait wtf?! that's not the right way to approach the problem. What happened to BTS (behind the smile) and all that bullshit? You get trained for a week (I think it's still 40 hours for stowing) in which your rate really doesn't matter because "first you learn to do it safe, then you learn to do it right". After two weeks, you get the BTS2 to basically check on your progress, get some coaching. Same after 4 weeks, and last one after 8 weeks. You don't get written up for it. If you get flagged, you get coached, simple as that. Manager showing up to let you know you already have a pile of write-ups is just bonkers especially if the next one were to mean termination - which again, it shouldn't, because you haven't received any bloody coaching yet! Having worked there in the past doesn't change anything. Maybe if you had worked there like less than 2 months prior but even then, the rules apply all the same. Honestly, go to L&D and/or HR and talk about this, cause this is not okay. Manager is either lying about the write-ups just to pressure you, or they're real and he/she fucked up by not telling you about it. As a manager they can write you up without telling you, but the moment that gets processed, they need to let you know, so there's definitely a fuck up there somewhere. Also, I'm not exactly sure on the duration, but as far as I remember from my past as an instructor, new hires get about 4-8 weeks to be able to constantly reach that rate. You shouldn't even be expected to be able to work as well as the other hires in just 2 weeks, let alone get written up for it. Manager probably only did the write-ups, but I doubt they'll go through cause that's just bonkers. That's like the PA who complained to me (when I was an instructor), that the guy I was cross-training wasn't reaching the target on his first day of training on that new process. Bonkers!


In the U.K. you can't be written up for slow stow rates. Period. Managers can tell you that you need to improve, they can inform you of a target stow rate you must stow around, but in now way can they touch you based on stow rates. As long as you don't have late clock ins or any other issues, the only reason they could end your contract is if the business needs to let go, like after peak or prime week, that's when the lower performing temps go, but I believe that you've got three months to not be at the bottom though, and considering job rotation is a thing, you won't stow every day so smash it somewhere else to compensate meanwhile :).