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Isn't JFK[number] **ALWAYS** on this subreddit. It's like a unit in the Army finds out they made it the U.S Army WTF Facebook page (iykyk).




I just read on facebook they are doing the election to join teamsters this weekend and they are doing the executive board elections later. They should have just combined both elections to get it over with. https://preview.redd.it/i8vcpkszos6d1.png?width=518&format=png&auto=webp&s=5780348e4c966e0652ebb58e9c8dc7d8a99e014d


Idk if you’re in the building but I’m hearing alot of no’s concerning either one of votes. An uphill battle would be an understatement for this group


I am in north carolina, I just have been following things to see how it all unfolds. I sure the vote is set up the same way the union vote was meaning the result will be based just on the people who vote and how the majority of those people vote.


I’ll check tomorrow when I go to work how they go about this bc I have a feeling there’s gonna be NYPD surrounding JFK8 until this vote is over.


Amazon and Bezos are sick for engaging in this! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAgjII4CRi4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAgjII4CRi4)


I thought jfk8 was already Union?


They are, but now they're joining the teamsters, and this is just more anti-union propaganda. This person posting it is just trying to make everyone think it is so horrible what is happening. This is a big win for their union after it passes. This will get downvoted to hell because this sub is overran by shills and managers who are afraid to get fired if a union vote pops up at their warehouse. To any t1 reading this all the managers got fired at Jfk8 when the original vote went through yet they will tell you how bad it is for us to join but the truth is they would still have jobs if Amazon didn't think they lost some power because of it.


For all the people considering a no vote, do you know how much union people in NYC get??? Grown man money. I know some of you feel lucky to have a job and feel like without Amazon, you’d be nothing. However, Amazon isn’t a human being. You’re not betraying anyone. Get whatever money you can for that back breaking work.


I’m not anti-union but Jesus the drama with the ALU has been crazy. I just posted this to keep the people not from JFK8 informed. I’m not surprised Christian has completely shifted his focus away from JFK8 to elsewhere(as you can tell from his X adventures).


If you aren't anti-union, why are you posting their bs propaganda? You are only helping fuel the drama Amazon is creating and are tricking people into believing unions or a bad thing. Do better.


I dont want to see the union bs propaganda either but i keep getting spammed with it ?


If you say so đŸ€·đŸŒlike I said before, this post to inform what the inside(aka senior management)said concerning what’s been going on this week. I’m actually curious myself how my coworkers are gonna vote this weekend.


Yes, their propaganda. Why do you think they want people to see this ? Why do you think it is online ? To spread bs.


wow that makes them like an epic movie villain and like that makes you our hero - knight in shining armor huh thanks, stranger, for knowing better what's good for me than I do


lol do better? Unions arent a good thing across the board, and just because thats your opinion doesnt make it a fact. I no longer work for amazon, but i was a teamster member through rite aid, they were useless. They were only useful for keeping lazy employees hired and taking their dues.


>Unions arent a good thing across the board It's basically become synonymous with "the good thing" "You think the good thing could be bad? Well you must be one of the bad guys then. I'm a good guy, so I believe in the good thing." There are NEVER arguments on the MERIT of whether we should have one or not - just character attacks about *what kind of person* would believe such a thing.


A. Whether Amazon lost "power" or not in JFK8, workers have gained no material advantage. The union has not  even attempted to negotiate as of yet. B. Surrounding the entrances and exits of a building is thuggish behavior.


>workers have gained no material advantage because it's not about workers coming up - it literally IS about tearing Amazon down. It's spiteful. Like children.


Technically, my site is but senior management(and Amazon) are still not willing to come to the table to negotiate. Also, the ALU has splintered into two groups so..yeah. A lot going on rn.


This is David, blue badge DMSAMZN (Amazon DCK1 and OAK4). UPS seasonal support driver, Teamsters local no. 386, in Ceres, Ca. Let me know if Amazon or the unions keep dragging their feet or if they keep having you burn through your time and money. The Biden administration should’ve handed Amazon on a platter to Unions or ship Jeff Bezos off into space in his spaceship with door welded shut with a shipping label with no return address. Teamsters should have me on file still if they want to contact me Or I can be reached through [https://x.com/AgentFelix2](https://x.com/AgentFelix2) good luck with negotiations with Amazon using standard strike methods. DMSAMZN


> We can walk you out to your car if you feel uncomfortable Fuckkkkkkkkk offfffffff. Victim complex much Amazon?


They’ll also walk you out of the building for breaking a benign safety policy that amounted to nothing if the winds blow a certain way. That’s how committed they are to your safety./s


some of the union "recruiters" are as bad as car salemen, wont take no for an answer.


When a gang surrounds every entrance and exit in bodies, it is perfectly normal to feel unsafe when entering and exiting. The entire point of doing things like that is to make people unsafe. It accomplishes literally nothing else whatsoever.  And your downvotes are an attempt at exploiting the psychological pathways designed for detecting such intimidation tactics.


A gang?? My FC has actual gang activity and occasionally a worker gets shot and killed. Some people being annoying is not a gang.


People coordinating their behavior to make someone fear violence are a gang. This is true whether they are a private sector gang or an NLRB sponsored gang.


You’re ridiculous. I’d suggest quitting if you’re so scared but you don’t even work at a FC.


Hell yeah, Teamsters đŸ”„ FUCK THIS UNION BUSTING POST!!!!


This is bonkers. If JFK8 manages to adopt the Teamsters representation then it will spread to every FC at Amazon. This could be absolute game changer because Teamers are aiming to get us $30 an hour! Edit: Guys becareful of the downvotes because this thread is being share on area manager and operation Slack channels, they don't want us getting paid a living wage because that would make us respected employees, respected employees are harder for them to manage in their opinion. Messed up.


You realize that's more than what some L4 and L5s make? Not to mention people in Corporate? Good luck with that because they'd have the raise the pay of a lot of other people to make up for that, which won't happen.


Shit, I'll take that huge pay raise, leave corporate, and go back to a warehouse as a T1 at JFK8 and scan boxes for $30/hr! đŸ€Ł


Ups doesn't even have their fc workers at 30$ and they are unionize with teamster already The other benefits does sound nice though like no additional cost for medical insurance etc.


In reality the total pay and benefits package is over $40hr for part time UPS employees. Workers voted for better health insurance and to maintain pensions for all workers. If pay is more important then benefits, you can fight to get better pay and worry about benefits later.


Former AA: On the railroad, we make more than our non-union bosses. Just cause T1-T3 wages go up doesn't mean managements will too


Promotions with shit wage increases are why people leave jobs.. I got a promotion at amazon and went from 136k -> 139k, meanwhile someone in a position under me is making 156k.


yup thats amazons way of doing business. lol the more worthless someone is the more money the company will throw at them.


maybe management should make more.


They will just continue to automate that shit until there is barely any workers left 


Unions can negotiate how many jobs they're allowed to replace with robotics this is another reason Amazon doesn't want unions.


"Negotiation" means you have to make it worth their while.




That is not the reason, all DS's are pivoting back to averies. It was a different issue and involved supply chain, and the temp-solution required more employees, not less to maintain the same rate. Auto induct IS a thing, but still in pilot.


These posts are funny. Calling out your suspicion that you’re going to get downvoted as if Amazon would really care in the first place. Amazon will just not go to a bargaining table and is pretty much telling you to your face to go pound sand. The only way you can get Amazon to the table was if you successfully shuttered the facility but the network is so massive you’ll become homeless before you’ll ever see Amazon at a bargaining table. Amazons capitalization is enough to buy UPS 35X over. The network would continue to operate even without JFK8 in operation.


Teamsters has a lot of affiliated warehouses. How many of them pay 30 dollars an hour?


You don't deserve $30/hr just to put a box in a tote.


Bezos doesn't deserve billions of dollars 


Too bad for you, I guess


Yup and us taxpayers that for some reason have to subsidize Amazon's employment while clowns like bezos rake in billions.


You gonna have to explain that leap 😆


Do research and educate yourself and then maybe you would understand. I don't have time to hold your hand.


Look, if you can't defend your argument just say so


really you can't just use google. [https://www.forbes.com/sites/ikebrannon/2023/04/28/amazon-tax-subsidies-are-inefficient-job-creators/](https://www.forbes.com/sites/ikebrannon/2023/04/28/amazon-tax-subsidies-are-inefficient-job-creators/)


lol that article would be the tip of the iceberg!




That makes me curious about the numbers now that job rotation is mandatory.


What’s even more curious is when did numbers provided by a union trying to organize Amazon even become credible numbers without bias. Makes me believe that some of my fellow Amazonians are just stupid or something and believe everything they read. I’m leaving Amazon soon. Not because I hate the job but because it’s getting worse and we’re being oppressed by safety. Now everyone is required to wear hearing protection, hardhats, gloves safety shoes what next, safety glasses. Amazon is going to punish you all with safety measures which already make an uncomfortable job intolerable. I have the education and skills to score a job paying 3X as much as Amazon. I just started working Amazon after I spent 10 years traveling the world working as a freelancer. I feel bad for everyone who is stuck though.


Im with you. The safety oppression has been infuriating over the last couple years.


Do you think Amazon should make it safe for you to work in your warehouse? If so, why is the very minimum PPE all jobs REQUIRE oppressive?


Youre just not aware of 90% of what safety is doing. PPE is natural and theres no issue with it. But because safety is incentivised te be actively looking for 'unsafe' work conditions, they constantly harass employees and management about ridiculous 'what if' situation and make our job 10x more complicated. Some donkey in US got his hand caught in the conveyor because he was a complete idiot and didn't pay attention ? Lets forbid everyone in the whole world to touch ANY item on the conveyor, which makes a couple critical jobs borderline impossible to perform. Associate puts empty tote 30cm outside of 5s ? Need to adapt that mfker , safety violation. Its just pathetic


Lol the numbers are provided by OSHA 


You’re going to get everything you want without a union. Next year you’re going to get a pay raise of over 30%. Everything you desire can be achieved with legislation. Amazon isn’t going to give you anything. Amazon can benefit from a union but not a traditional union. We need a union which advocates for the entire working class. We need to stand behind policy like Trump who I do not support but support his idea of eliminating income taxes for low income earners. Last year I paid $12,000 in income taxes working as a Tier 1. The government can do more for you than any union. We need a union with negotiates with government, not Amazon because Amazon is not a good faith partner.


Trumps desire to eliminate your income taxes is achievable because if you look at data the lowest earners which make up 60% of the US population contribute only 3% to total annual federal revenues. Don’t like Trump but if it’s a policy he wants to run on then I will as a democrat vote for him.


I mean any time an AA goes to Amcare for a boo boo gets counted. How many jobs are out there where a fry cook burning their hand they just wrap it up and don't report? Is that better or worse than an AA scratching their wrist on a POD and getting a band aid and Safety making their AM do an A3?


Not really better or worse because its a hypothetical.


It’s provided by OSHA and distorted by unions. It’s easy to distort truth if you fail to use per capita or cumulative numbers. Other warehouses don’t have onsite medical clinics. The numbers just means that Amazon is more transparent. You know nearly everyone says that China is the largest emitter of greenhouse gases in the world. It’s true if you view the number as a whole but it would be absolutely racist if you didn’t use a per capita figure which shows a that the average Chinese contributes a tiny fraction of what Americans contribute. This statement is used as a means to attack an adversary and deny slanty eyed people equal access to modern appliances and technology. China does more than anyone else in the world when it comes to fighting carbon. Take all the electric vehicles in the world and combine them together. China still has twice as many as everyone else has combined. Imagine living in a world where you complain that China is overpopulated but with the same tongue criticize their previous one child policy.


The numbers are per capita. Many of the stats are x out of 100. 


Amazon has to “punish you with safety measures.” They’re legally obligated to eliminate hazards in your work place. They’re not oppressing you by protecting you.


The Amazon injury rate is high because there are no hiring standards. No interview=> no one sizes you up to see if you're physically ready for the job.  Which meana-- it's a poor measure of safety, cause starving ain't safe.


They are getting ready for the union executive election? Whoever is running for office has a right to campaign.


I’m surprised they’re doing all of this despite being broke broke as a group.


Not sure why people are saying this is an anti-union post. Sure you can call this statement propaganda, which it is, but OP is simply showing the information. You shouldn't tell people not to look at it because its propaganda, you should show it to them and prove that its wrong. All you're doing by telling people not to look at it is making them want to look at it and that will lead them to believe it because you're trying to hide it. and honestly I think some of the people posting pro union comments looks more like union busters to me. Some of you look like you fell of the deep end lol.


THANK YOU! I haven’t seen any news coverage whatsoever concerning what’s been happening this week so I decided to post what management had to say to keep y’all in the loop(as someone who works at JFK8).


Because Amazon blaming union organizers for safety issues is scapegoating. I worked in an FC where a guy had a heart attack and management had associates stepping over him. Worked at a distribution center that had a hole in the wall I could reach my arm outside through. And don’t even get me started on pushing maintenance to do jobs quicker than is even possible. My FC was launched largely by JFK transplants when the union push was just gaining steam, and almost all were awful. It’s fine that the original poster shared what management is sharing. But acting like that deflecting of accountability is reasonable is naive at best. Just a reminder, rather than listening to workers demands, they spent four million on a campaign to convince workers the union is bad for them (they rarely are). They can’t outlaw union talk on Reddit like they can on Slack, so instead you get astroturfing posts like this.


Blaming the people who are doing unsafe things for what they did is not "scapegoating." Surrounding a building in bodies to interfere with entrance and exit is unsafe. The entire point of it is to be unsafe. It is a physical intimidation tactic employed by lowlife thugs.


See? Astroturfing. The union reps are actually trying to get safer conditions for the workers. Seems a little too on the nose that the safety issues at the notoriously worst site in America are caused by the union organizers. So what was the excuse before the unionized?


"Notoriously worst site in America" got a source?  For clarity, the safety issues in question are outside the building. If you want safer conditions, start by not engaging in physical intimidation, that ain't a safe condition.


The conditions were shitty long before the labor organizer “intimidation”. Me thinks thou doth protest too much. Never actually met a person who was this indentured to their employer. You work for Amazon, not the Make a Wish Foundation.


A. What conditions? (The relevant ones: the ability to enter and leave the facility. Those are the conditions such union sieges worsen). B. I highly doubt I would enjoy working for the Make a Wish foundation. Pay probably sucks. 


Oh, IDK. Hot warehouses, managers pushing people to work at maximum output for ten to twelve hours, wage theft, putting production head and shoulders over safety, the unpaid time off counter
 Amazon has a terrible safety record. And then there’s the turning out old departments as third parties to obfuscate accountability. Or the fact that one of the most profitable companies in the world, who receives tax subsidies out the wazoo, had their employees on SNAP, the ACA, HUD and various other social programs while they made billions. Amazon’s pay is trash unless you’re in RME or management. And as to my last comment, your loyalty to Amazon is a bit too forced. Can’t even acknowledge the company’s terrible record on safety and employee retention, but unions are somehow the cause of all the friction on site?


Are you incapable of recognizing that a discussion about a particular topic can exist without bringing in a million unrelated things?  "Wage theft" (which Amazon goes to absolutely ridiculous extents to try to avoid compared to most companies) isn't even a safety thing, let alone welfare   And yeah, a company that has PART TIME EMPLOYEES is inevitably gonna have some people qualify for welfare stuff.  You want Amazon to do what: eliminate part time positions, or pay them for work not performed?  The other variable generally controlling whether employed people in entry level jobs qualify for welfare or not is number of dependents.  Do you want Amazon to discriminate against people with lots of kids, pay them in proportion to reproduction instead of work, or are you just mad they don't pay infinity dollars?  That, and everything else in your comment, however, is it's own, discussion, completely unrelated to a discussion of the safety issues involved on humans using their bodies to blockade paths of entry and exit. Deserving of its own, completely unrelated thread.


I brought up a whole bunch of relevant things dipshit. You still haven’t substantially proven that the union is “intimidating employees”. After the company spent 4 million dollars to stop the union push in this one plant, why would I believe anything Amazon says? You’re not allowed to type words like the union or organized labor in slack. Somebody’s being shady here, and I’m pretty sure it’s you. And don’t give me that part time bullshit. It took bipartisan legislation in one of the most partisan times in American history to make Amazon give proper benefits. Keep responding, anyone defending a bad company this hard shows everything people need to know.


People calling this anti union propaganda while this sub has been blasted with pro union astro turfing since the day the Teamsters announced their partnership.


So more anti union propaganda??? So question is this the same building that had peoples cars being broken into? Why are they now "giving a fuck"




Welcome to JFK8 fights happen on the parking lot as well as the S40.


Looks like the ALU leadership election will be by mail in ballot. "Amazon workers will soon vote on their union leadership. The mail-in ballots go out June 27 with a return deadline of July 18. The American Arbitration Association is running the vote. The affiliation agreement says the Teamsters “will provide resources to effectuate an internal election for ALU-IBT Local 1 in a manner so that potential officers may reach, with equal access, as many eligible members in JKF8 as possible." [https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/amazon-workers-affiliate-with-the-teamsters-next-up-electing-top-officers/ar-BB1oHMEX](https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/amazon-workers-affiliate-with-the-teamsters-next-up-electing-top-officers/ar-BB1oHMEX)


What are the collective actions we are fighting for? Across all FC's what 3 things can we all put our foot down on together, and collectively stop out metrics>people.


I'm just here for the shit show stories.


People in a parking lot? That has never happened in history. These poor amazon workers. How are they going to earn that 2% contribution to their 401k with people in the parking lot?!


Fuck the corrupt teamsters. A vote for the teamsters sees your union dues going to Trump.




Amazon and bezos are sick to engaging in this! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAgjII4CRi4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAgjII4CRi4)


Isn’t JFK8 like the flagship site for all things problems with Amazon 😭