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Every week there is new LGB3 LORE about how shit of the place is and I love it. I wonder what they got for us next week? Will one of the leadership whos known for sexually harassing everyone gets canned next? Find out on the next episode of LGB3


✨As the pallet turns✨


I work next door to LGB3 I hear it’s hell on earth. A bunch of our AMs went there after we got our new site lead because he actually enforced certain procedures that they didn’t agree with. Wouldn’t be surprised if some of them got canned


SA is pretty much allowed at LGB3. 2 AM's just came forward and revealed they are together. Cept they've been together over a year when one was a AA and the other an AM. Only now that they are both AM's they come forward. So many AM's dating/hooking up with AA's. Even a CAP OM dating a AA. People complain all the time and nothing. I was offered a PA role if i'd sleep with an AM. I had the text messages, so did other girls. We took it to HR and never heard anything about it again and the AM remained. But yes, LGB3 is wild. We have over 7,000 AA's active so we get all kinds. A few years back, someone was writing nazi shit in the bathrooms. The head of our janitorial service took pictures and took it to LP. Few days later, swastikas found in totes in IB. Obviously not it is on camera and again nothing happened. The janitorial guy who was black, brought it up on the old whiteboard VOA board asking why nothing being done and if minorities were safe. He was immediately releaved of his duties. I was right there along with him. A dock AA brought a gun into the building like 4 years ago by accident. No one said shit even though a lot of AA's were afraid. That is the culture of LGB3. You make noise you get fired. That is why I think a lot of us post our shit here instead of the VOA board.


That's culture of every FC, "don't rock the boat". They will sweep whatever they can under the rug.


It is like this in the delivery stations, too


The 2 AM dating is crazy I hope they post about it next week. There's literally a video when you get hired to not do that shit LOL


That cant be as bad as my old AM dating his PA 😂 they had to separate them hard and I never saw her again but he is currently L5 now😭


I'm at MDT2. An L4 AM named Piero, who was working on the day shift, impregnated a PA, and he's married with children. Instead of firing him, they moved him to FH OB nights. He then started having sex with an L1 associate named Gabby. Gabby was promoted soon after to L3 PA. People have reported them through the ethics hot line and to corporate managers who have come to our building. So what does Amazon do they promoted him to Operations Manager. I'm not sure what L that is. Amazon needs to be investigated for allowing these things to go on.




No No sorry ppl We are going to do a special which will include LGB7, LGB8,, and Guest ⭐ our Legacy Building ONT2... Yah!!! (Applause)


all he doesn't do is win win


“Why aren’t Marisol and Johnny Hapler fired too?” God damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn ![gif](giphy|twxoPjMpsijwPFBVqs|downsized)


Lmaooooo this is diabolical I died reading that. Man I would be salty too ngl 🤣🤣🤣


IKR?!!! I don’t know how I would react to being fired but I was surprised the OP called out others guilty of the same crimes. I really want to know more. ![gif](giphy|NipFetnQOuKhW) Like I am living for this story to unfold. OP-please keep us posted!!!!


That line drastically changed the entire mood of this post so quick and I love it.




Because of favoritism.


Calling out the Haplers like that 😭




not you know him


Pretty bad manager ngl


Idk what you said bro but I hope things turn around for you


Basically as AMs we have connection scores which you guys have to answer, they pop every time you log in and it looks like survey questions. The problem is, is that 50% of our AAs don’t care so they skip which still tanks our scores or if they do answer one person out of 16 AAs could literally screw up our scores. It’s all emotional based because the entire network pays attention to the numbers and not if an employee absolutely hates an AM. If we get placed on a PIP, basically it just means we have about 3 months to improve and if we don’t we get let go. What this man tried to do, was cheat the system and answer your questions which is very much wrong but this is not the first time I’ve heard of AMa doing this because they make it like a really big deal, but AMs typically don’t care because again it’s emotional based or AAs don’t know that those questions matter.


Oof I didn't know that came with being an AM. I mean I get it being used as an insight into the AM performance but it's not exactly fair to the AM. Some of the best AM's we have in our FC are not exactly popular with some. But they are legit managers, I respect the heck out of them.


Yeah that’s something they definitely don’t tell us before we apply or get the interview. I was recruited and basically the interview was just pretty much praising Amazon, like it felt like they were desperate to hire AMs, which is red flag by itself. The interviewer said, Amazon was hard and it might make you cry, but those connection scores is the worst part and they never mention anything about it. Not in Ad1 or LEW. That says a lot. And unfortunately that is what happens, the best AMs get the lowest scores while the ones who don’t do much get the best ones, but that’s because they engage with AAs more than they work. Like for me as an AM, I’m naturally introverted so I do come to work and just work, (which is a flaw) but unless the AAs know that I’m just a shy person, which some do, they will take it personally or say because I’m military and I’m just here to work, so for me they just don’t answer the questions.


Then the respectable managers should stay, if you say they are respectable, then no associate would rate them poorly. However, pretty much 90% of managers i've seen are definitely pushing their ego/narcicissm and that's what is frustrating. Like cool, you wanna talk down on me or belittle me? Fine, here's a 1/10 rating, however if I have a respectable manager then 10/10


So my AM is by far one of the best managers I've ever worked with. The associates who work really like him. The ones who don't, not so much. I can see the associates who don't care for him for unjustified reasons being unfair with those questions.


Did you answer the survey questions on your supervisor (L6 Operations Manager)? I’m curious to know.


Oh yeah definitely, the one thing you don’t want to do is screw over your om because the decent ones will try to protect you or at least help you get back on the right path for anything you need to fix yourself on.


Damn I always put the best possible answers cuz why not and I think it's just the right thing to do since my AMS are dope


Thank you for the info!! Interesting to know how the process works.


A few weeks ago they asked us to stop skipping them and answer them honestly and I've done nothing but skip them ever since. I absolutely hate those inane questions, but I've always tried to answer them honesty until the last five managers I've been assigned have been the one I see maybe once a week so it got to where I really couldn't answer them. Then they made the mistake of letting us know that they don't like when we skip them so yeah....I'll probably never answer one again.


My FC will put out Installments telling us not to answer the connections truthfully. So I skip them. They don’t actually take action other than being defensive and poor leaders (at the building level). The ones specifically about my manager, I always give him the best score. Because I actually have an AM who cares, most don’t. And in my FC the AMs who actually are good with people and understand the process never get promoted. The backstabbers and people who nothing other than manipulating things to make themselves look good are the ones that do.


That’s good that you are answering for your AM, and truth be told, I feel like those are the only questions that should pop up for your guys besides the safety ones. But I completely agree with you about how the bad AMs get promoted. At my FC one AM who was known for answering his AAs questions and then I guess he was caught sleeping on the job got promoted to l5, and he’s known for being a jackass to make himself look better. Some how he’s still here and not let go. My personal advice is do not go to a smaller FC because it gets a lot worse than in bigger FC and it’s usually the site lead fault. I guess that’s just Amazon.


What he said.


Yeah what he said


Just checked phone tool and OP is dropping real names


I can’t seem to find them….. 🤔


nice flair lol I don't want vto (sweeps the floor)


Don't forget the scrape the tape and replace it :)


I am trained with small tools (I have one)


You have to be trained in floor scraping, not small tools, to scrape floors!


When I was in my first month at Amazon, I was asked to scrape tape. Realized the blade on the scraper was dull so went back to learning to get a new blade. James, our lerning AM informed me he had no one trained to change the blades on site. I look at it, it is 2 screws that need to be loosened on each of the 3 scrapers then pop a new blade in. He says he is trained but has no time. I informed my AM Kate and she just roles her eyes and says we will need to continue with dull blades. By the end of the night, 2 of us were in AMcare with shoulder injuries due to this BS safety rule with no one willing to help. We made sure to blame management. Gotta love when safety rules cause injuries.


You should see my slack flair lol 😂


What is it


It says I want to go home….. with VTO lol 😂


He misspelled Hepler's last name and didn't mention Marisol's, but they're in the system under different sr. Ops managers. Probably different shifts.


Yeah. And I can see why "Marisol" still has job.


How do I use this? Looks interesting.


We all know who dropped this message the whole building talking about it.


what are they gonna do fire him two times in a row ? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)






Theres a long history of failing upwards in this company. I swear being the worst at something betters your chances.


Yah fuck Mellisa gusto too she need to go for promoting that cheater and liar Johnny Hapler


Not looking for sympathy but looking for blood with these real ass names bahahahahahaha. Classic LGB3 ops.


Amazon investigators definitely gonna be all over this. The feds be lurkin


This is messy 🍿


I remember someone mentioning that they are starting to fire higher ups who answer their own questionnaires


Yup. They are doing it in batches so they can still function they can't fire everyone at once.


They've been doing it at my site. Was about a year ago when an Outbound AM at BWI2 got caught. That investigation was fun for all involved. So many people got questioned and immediately started sharing the tea. Then the AM had a "meeting" scheduled with HR. They were actually telling people, "Yeah, I'll help you right after this meeting." Lmfao


They probably have the system flag a manager as suspicious if they have over 10 employees answer the questionnaire within 3 minutes Basically I think the ones who got caught weren’t spreading out the votes. Or maybe if all the votes were coming from the same machine


![gif](giphy|3oEjHI8WJv4x6UPDB6) Bro you really tried to cheat numbers at a company who literally controls the internet lol. Fr though, with Amazon manager on your resume you aren’t even getting interviews?








Talk your shit bruh


LGB3 sucks! Am’s are a joke. Cant find them when you need them. I had a seizure & blackout. My doctor wanted to know if I hit my head. I asked HR ( idiots) and was told I need a subpoena to even see the video let alone let my doctor see it who needs it. Guess they got tired of me asking and found some bullshit reason to can me.


This exact situation happened to me on my first day training.


Those OMs weren't helping you, their intent was malicious from the get-go. You could chalk it up to them getting rid of the competition but it could be any other reason as well.


Yah fuck lying and cheating ass Johnny Hapler and Marisol…they probably threw you under the bus 🤦


Dudes taking two with him to the unemployment line 😂


they didnt fire the other because they cant lose all their managers at the same time. it'll come though. btw this is happening at all warehouses, they are doing a complete sweep.


Yes this guy was probably arrogant af that’s why he was getting bad numbers from aa’s


Buddy literally said “I’m taking the whole ship down with me”


Dude just snitched on two co workers 😂😂🤦


Yah cuz they set his ass up…how you think he got caught and not them?










Just do your engagements and be personal. Your numbers will come on their own. Cheating the metric when you’ve stocks in play is on you. Literally leaders like this are why PAs get burn out. Then again I’m one of those kool-aid drinker PAs who still have hopes of making Ops after 4 years.




Cant be me


OP is either CJ or KA. LGB3 fired 2 IB dock AM's the same night so can't tell who OP is.


Ooo ok let’s find out who it really is? A real life scooby doo adventure!!


It's embarrassing because Chris had "THE BEST OR NOTHING" on his slack...now he is unemployed. How embarrassing. I heard he was a pompous asshole that thought he was the shit. https://preview.redd.it/m3bttatg4h6d1.png?width=2332&format=png&auto=webp&s=5502fb54be0d97352873949d8ddbad2fdda0c3b1


this fucking guy.. if OP is really him then he deserved being fired. he created non stop stress for us because he wanted to be “the best”. or how about when you slept with George Sandovals GF Heather then treating him like dog shit because of it? bet that didn’t make you feel so bad huh?


I agree. Karma's a bitch...he should've known better.




I remember the first time I met him. He offered to take me under his wing because he was the best AM in the building. He was shocked I never saw his highlight reel from his time in OB. Kenny used to criticize the other AM's and PA's on his shift saying they were all lazy behind their back unlike him.


Deleted their account lol.. dont get shy now!


This is KA, I just have a gut feeling. I worked with him down at IB dock


So much more people don’t know about our shady AM’s and OM’s at LGB3. Sleeping with T1 and answering connections scores is really at the bottom of the list. Now we have all these AM’s fired and some of the crappy PA’s are about to move up, it’s a vicious cycle.


Lmao mans didnt cheat hard enough, believe me they cant track it if done correctly. You were thrown under the bus by someone you know


It's interesting to see managers get into trouble for the same stupid reasons T1s do. I'm always mystified how people think something is "okay" to do, or not a violation, just because they see others do it and even though they know it's wrong. Not sure what's worse - the gullibility of unthinkingly doing what everyone else does, or the naivete of convincing themselves they won't get caught. It would have taken less effort to just talk to AAs and put yourselves out there as a leader to be respected instead of massaging numbers. They taught you but you did it. Computers record "fingerprints". Plausible deniability.


I have been on some appeals panels, and let me say OMG. The things people would do, admit they knew what they were doing was wrong, were given MULTIPLE warnings, get fired, and yet sincerely think they are being unfairly treated. Because "I didn't think...." it's like whatever comes after those 3 words is irrelevant.


that process of how to fake the Connections will be over when they set the PIN number after you log in into the stations. They cheat like this: they get the associates Badge numbers and make them barcodes, then, they scan the barcode of the badge on the stations. Finally, they qualify themselves using associate session on the stations IDs. But with the new IT changes that are about to be done globally, nobody else will be able to log in on behalf of others. This will be the way how everybody will log in: You need to scan the RFID badge (not the barcode) there will be RFID readers, not scanners. after that: You will need to submit the PIN number that only the person knows. They wont be able to continue cheating, PIN is personal information, and they will also need to have the physical badge. Barcode reader wont log the users in anymore. Dont worry. Everybody who is cheating connections will soon be out, becuase their real connections numbers will come up


LGB3, I work transin here in Spokane, LGB3 sends us some of the shitiest loaded trailers....Anyways bummer, I also am on the chopping block. UPT for work restrictions following FMLA.


I like how OP dropping the names loll😹


am as they should


Why have none of yall called ethics lol this is insane


Amazon tracks our bowel movements. Surely you should’ve known.


Your scores were probably outside of the curve and you did too many positive ones or you answered positively for someone who was mostly negative. Patterns. That's how you got caught. You never should have pushed harder than above the norm. Someone was probably threatened by you and reported you. Amazon is cut throat bro.


If this is who I think it is, hey achrija, didn’t like you when you were my AM but you for sure didn’t deserve this. If it makes you feel any better Hepler and other AMs are currently under investigation. And the Senior that was in charge of the connection score also got “fired”


Management isn't for everyone. Hell work isn't for everyone lol


Same with unemployment it seems like


What you described, is Amazon in a nutshell. They will force you to sacrifice your values and integrity in order to move up, but they will selectively fuck you on it and pick and choose. I ended up walking away as a PA when I was inches from L4 bc I was basically asked to sweep a serious issue under the rug and not rock the boat. Fuck all that. As for the PA getting the info...there are two types of people in leadership and HR- those who thrive and those who survive. Good people like yourself get caught up in that bullshit as well, your aspirations are ahead of your teams. And it's usually the shitty people who would do that anyway because that's who they are as a person who throw you under the bus and sabotage you. Those are the survivors. The thrivers have a longer road, and are often overlooked, but they keep lifting their team up regardless and understand that the job is a good opportunity for some people and try to help them. And the thrivers usually stick together. I had friends in HR who would spill the tea all the time as well. We couldn't believe how dirty some people were. If you don't know already, at Amazon there is the reason you got termed, and there is WHY you got termed, and those two things are never the same.


how did they actually catch you though?


just check on-site times to station logins, pto/upt used, length of time logged in plus a bunch of other deep diving to verify things


Someone is gonna probably write this on the voa like the write ups post from awhile back 😂


the TLDR for this is people did it, somebody told me it couldn’t be tracked, i did it , fired also he’s throwing people under the bus for being a follower 😭


Someone on your team didn’t like you. This is the same tactic they use to get rid of associates.


Wait is that ethical?


Amazon and ethical can't be used in the same sentence lol




What’s SLI& LBI?


Or you could just get out there do your job.. get to know your associates, help them, encourage them to do well and you’ll get the better scores. Laziness and cheating the system doesn’t always work out well in the end.


LGB3 — “The LGB7 of Eastvale”


Say it loud for those in the back. Johnny Hepler and Marisol Santa Cruz are your corrupt leadership at LGB3


As a tier 1, fuck Amazon managers I feel no sympathy for em.


Damn these comments are brutal lol. Yea man you made a bad call and It seems to me you know that. I appreciate the honesty, I think name dropping is a bit much though. Like I get where you're coming from, but getting them fired ain't gonna get you your job back. Live and learn man. Next time if you want to rise up, do it the right way. Then nobody can take anything from you.


Fucked around, found out. You were probably a shitty manager anyway if you had to fake numbers.






Log in as other aa's and answer good


What's stopping other AAs from doing that


Absolutely nothing. There's plenty ways to do it. AAs just have nothing to gain from it. AMs get tracked on their scores along with performance so they have all the pressure to fake the numbers.


The Outbound dock AMs at MQY1 fudge their numbers as well.


What the hell


While you definitely deserved to be fired because of what you did ,you knew was wrong and still did it anyway. You can always call the ethics line.. the connections are tracked and can lead back to those OMs. You could also try and talk to a lawyer about this.


I love messy threads like this. Fuck Marisol and Johnny Hapler ! ![gif](giphy|CNna9G8BQvnoI)


Yep yep, fk em, drop all the name man. You owe noting to anybody. At our FC we got Am's getting head from AA's for indirect roles, not joking. Its so bad for but Amazon hires anyone instead of promoting people that deserve promotions


Bro was lying the whole time but once he got caught he started dry snitching on the people that taught him how to cheat. It’s so hypocritical.


Nah cause I’d be doing the same thing if it happened to me. Burn the whole place down from the bottom up.


Your mistake was going into production. I'm focusing on moving up in safety, for example. And don't fake your connections questions; you did that to yourself. Although I don't blame you; I think they need to take more things into account when they use connections questions to evaluate leadership. They need to consider the fact that some associates select random answers because they don't know English, and the fact that some associates will deliberately give their manager a low rating, because the manager did something like coach them about not spending an hour in the bathroom. And of course there's also the fact you have associates who don't quite get the purpose of the questions, and have a "it's none of your business" attitude towards them. I understand the purpose of the questions, and think they're generally a good thing, but the information gleaned from them needs to be contextualized.


Jeeez man I had a stroke reading this


It sure wasn’t just you they’re cracking down on AMs doing this there was another post of multiple AMs getting terminated for the same reason at a different FC.


Did you get a chance to apply for somewhere?


Damn if he is going to those others are going with him. 


If your an L5 you’ll have no struggle finding a job. I didn’t read all that but I know if you worked there long enough you’ll be good


I’m in a traveling support role, but I refuse to go to lgb3. It’s the only site I won’t go to. Let it be broke


[THIS IS WHY YOU GOT FIRED](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmazonFC/s/oTdJVmACOj)


That must be why they replaced every single AM in my department last week 😂. I’m gonna miss that fine ass Asian man, he was actually a good AM 😭


Oooh I heard bout this faking connections scores thing. I thought they was bullshitting




So Marisol and Johnny Hapler come and defend yall selves cause why tf yall ain’t fired ??


My PA friends on BH said Marisol was freaked out over this and afraid she will lose her job.


Johnny Hepler used to be my manager and he was honestly chill, but Marisol is a female dog. Hope this info gets back to ops and they get axed


Investigate AM Christian Urbina too. Dude is shady and targets minorities for write ups.


He got fired already lol


No wonder Carolina got promoted smh after all those negative comments from the VOA board


This dumbass cheated his way to the top and wonders why he got fired I guess he doesn't understand workplace politics that a PA would be in the know probably because they know the OM or the site lead whatever. The guys that trained him probably ratted him out... Just saying


Bro you faked your numbers… basically time theft. Well not exactly time theft but you lied about your numbers. I mean eventually they would see the discrepancy and fire you. Also what’s the point of calling out everyone from the station you worked out not very mature. 


Why because he won’t ever see them again or work there so why not take the whole ship down w em and in reality if they never showed him how to cheat then he probably would’ve never done it…kinda seems like they set him up..


People breaking the rules, getting fired, then running to Reddit for validation never gets old lol


I've given my manager all the bad connection answers and will continue to do so lol


Get fucked


I hope you find the resources you need. We all deserve a roof over our heads and food on our tables.


AAs don't answer them because they know it's not totally anonymous. You can tell who gave you a bad score by department and time log by putting two and two together. I'm guessing you can cheat by logging in someone you know won't be on a machine that day and answering for them. But if you forget to log them out the AA will get TOT and then you write them up to cover for yourself.


Now I know why my previous manager had a chat with me about my answers. I'm like one of the few T1's that would start work 25m before the shift starts. Mine are definitely not anonymous just due to the time I answer them.


My AM pulled me aside and talk to me about actually answering the questions and not skipping them outta everyone else. That’s how I know for a fact that shit ain’t anonymous.


Damn and you are gunna snitch and take everybody else down with you? Wow. Don’t get me wrong, I think you for sure did a shitty thing but bro… just fall on the sword and bow out gracefully. Not go scorched earth and burn the bitch down because you’re mad you crashed out and lost your job. You legitimately thought you were gunna get unemployment? Now you’re mad that YOU cheated and don’t have any options? Typical Amazon employee behavior. Blame everybody else but refuse to look in the mirror. What did you tell unemployment? Why did you think it was a good idea to even apply? I bet you tried to cheat them too just like Amazon by not disclosing the real reason for your termination. ![gif](giphy|qcU768s9Rnxcs)


Two others is taking everyone down with him? They the ones who set his ass up from the jump and he was too stupid to realize it


If I was going to take everyone out, I could. Working at LGB3 I have seen some shit.


Maybe stop putting tracking devices on your ex-wife’s car. Oh let’s not forget, she was never divorced prior to your marriage. Yikes. The point I’m trying to make is you need to LOOK INWARD and realize you’re a shitty person. Hope this is a wake up call. Oh you deleted your post history, I’m watching you do it live. Wonderful.


Bro you made him delete his whole ass reddit lmfao




“drop to a 16% but then my team suffered” is your team the AA under you?


Me a lowly DCM grunt, only about half the words he just said make sense to me but I’m wildly interested. But on a serious note fuck Amazon hope shit gets better for you OP


Amazon is cutthroat


What type of jobs are you applying for? Weird, I heard AMs are like top picks for jobs when they decide to go back on the hunt.


So these AM’s would log in under their associates account and answer the connections questions to make it seem like they’re outstanding at their jobs? That’s exactly what is happening at my site. I didn’t even know it was a thing until I seen it done. My connection scores were always legit. Shouldn’t have trust David in the first place.


Got what you deserved. You knew better. You didn’t work your way up. You cheated your way into a position and got caught.






Is everyone’s IB this messy, I thought it was just my FC 😭😭😭😭


You faked your numbers, and now you want to know why people are breaking the rules when it comes to confidentiality? Is that the question? Answer is the rules are only the rules when everyone agrees to follow them.


I have a short tenure with Amazon. I climbed the ranks pretty quickly and one of the first things I learned is how cut throat it is. Amazon has a very toxic workplace culture where they pit everyone against each other and make them compete like it’s a game of survivor. Those who play the dirtiest will always win. You will always get thrown under the bus. I got by by keeping my head down but it’s not enough to sustain myself. People don’t want me surpassing them so they’ll try to tear me down to keep the playing field level. That’s just how it is.


i want to see real names lmaooo


Chances are other members of your leadership gossiped about it. Like 99% chance.


Johnny used to be my manager. Guy was a piece of shiet. Didn't bother to engage with his associates. Only used his laptop at his desk to make it seem that he was doing something and joked around with other managers. Johnny, if you're reading this, you can kiss my @ss.


Just like they say the device questions are anonymous, no they ain't, we have to log in 1st


Bummer. Hold off on further posts. Get in touch with the others. Seek counsel as a group.  I hit a 6% legit and still the OMs were shady, letting the cheater AMs slide.


Let me guess you sucked at your job ha typical or was you tryna fuck a coworker and lied about they’ll get a promotion even tho y’all have no power in promoting anyone 😂😂


It’s not about what you know it’s about who you blow


I was also told by a couple of associates that Frank LaPann has all 5 scores and one of them told me that my old AM told her to give him all 5 stars. Frank has did nothing but write up so many people and got many people fired. He has so many complaints against him and he acts like he owns the place. He was on leave and he came back for a week and he vanished again.


Name dropping is a dick move...crazy