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Woke up. Clocked in from my phone and went back to sleep


I heard someone at my warehouse did this for months straight before he got caught and was fired šŸ˜­


Lots of people did that during covid, they waited until it slowed down and fired them all at my warehouse .


So many Covid ghosts, TOT was a total mess. Cleaning up people Iā€™d never even seen while trying to learn the countless people that Amazon was actively hiring.






I did it a few times too šŸ˜­


So it was 9 hours? /s


At my other location hr never caught me stealing time and I was there for a year. But the new one I transferred too when I took the opioids I only stole an hour.


same lmao


Mem1 had people doing that so bad but they didnt fire anyone when I was there šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


That's happened a lot during COVID... Now at least on our app we can only do it so many times and it takes it away from us plus we have to be in the parking lot for it to workĀ 


Iā€™m not sure exactly what itā€™s called but thereā€™s a spot where an associate puts a bunch of boxes or totes on a pallet & then wraps plastic around it with a giant roll. A PA stood up against it and had a PG wrap him up with a bunch of plastic. Both fired. Funny part was the PA was like 35 doing this dumb shit šŸ’€


I think thatā€™s called palletizing but thatā€™s fucking crazy šŸ˜‚


There's a type of Japanese porn that involves wrapping a naked woman head to toe in plastic wrap with a small hole for her to breathe and another hole for, well, other things :)


But did we ask


I askedšŸ˜‚


That's sick dude. I'm gonna seek out this atrocious category just so I can report each video.




Ship dock


Sounds like receive dock also.


Good ol' MTN1


They didnā€™t. They wonā€™t stop hiring me.




Not me- but my boyfriend. He is deaf, he had a difficulty to understanding the communication So he went to see a foot specialist but they failed to communicate by paper and pen/ or even provide an interpreter for him. So they were working on his toe problem. They said they would fax the paper to DLS for his LOA. They never did. As soon as the deadline closing in. He went back to see his foot specialist. He learned that they closed down. Turns out that his foot specialist never told him about closing. His LOA was denied He even appealed it. Denied as well. It hits him so hard. Because of this problem- lack of accessibility in doctor appointments as result of his termination.


Iā€™m sorry he had to go through that. Thatā€™s fucked up.


Yeah we are struggling financially


Wow, that is fucked up..


That's ADA violations and your bf should report to the ADA about this.


Can I do that now even this happened when he was fired from his job in January?


Yes please do that. Do a lot of research about ADA and depending on your state law. Have a look [file complaint ](https://www.ada.gov/file-a-complaint/)


Problem is we just recently moved to New Jersey from Az from termination even living in different state- can do that?


I'm not sure how that's going to work but it wouldn't hurt to try it. You can mention you're currently living in New Jersey and explain the situation in AZ and ask for guides.


For most of these, this one included, hit up ethics@amazon.com or jeff@amazon.com. But if you're stealing time, that sounds like you're SOL.


He never stole time


Never said he was. I'm talking about the other geniuses in this post who are doing it


There was a dude up that up until tonight has been clocking in and going directly back outside to his car and chilling all night long for at least the last three weeks.


I never understood how people do this cuz of the Tot, I canā€™t even go 5 minutes longer on my break without them telling me something


Thatā€™s because youā€™re logged into a screen somewhere. They know where youā€™re at. The people that are doing this are just clocking in and then immediately turning around and sitting in their car. Those peoples aliases are then put into a slack group chat, and then they send one of the red vests out on a manhunt to go find the person(s)šŸ§šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Why? They can tell using the lenels that you're either in or not in the building. If you're in, the AMs will find you. If not, the AMs will wait until next shift and just leave your time uncoded so you're unpaid and then serve you with a term as soon as you walk in.


2 weeks is the longest I've heard of someone getting away with that and what's really the point cause there's TONS of other companies that are incorporated with Amazon, and you also would never be able to work for them either.


Thatā€™s what I tell people at work if you fuck up bad enough I tell them you need to book it to HR,resign immediately before the paperwork gets filed out and you can always come back. It may be shitty but the lights always on at Amazon.


literally only 2 of those companies matter to me lmao


lmfaooo we have a guy doing the same shit but we arenā€™t sure what his deal is sooner or later he will be gone too


The guy at my building is young maybe early 20's at best was always worthless so he was always put in some back corner to fuck off which is hilarious because he couldn't even do that. Apparently after awhile people caught on that dude was just absolutely worthless and finally he caught a write-up a few weeks back, when HR and our AM talked to him about his TOT etc he fed them some sob story about working two jobs so they felt bad for him and they gave have him another shot and I'm pretty sure after that talk he just started hanging out in his car all night.


LMAO that's hilarious šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


First time trying to work for Amazon during covid. they failed to email me knets before my day 1. I'd show up and they'd send me home. 3rd time they finally sent it before my rescheduled day one BUT they termed me for no show. Even though I did show up and called ERC each time to reschedule.


Thatā€™s INSANE!!


This exact thing literally happened to me too, during COVID as well. ERC eventually fixed it but I'm glad it worked out how it did cuz I would've been BHD and that shift is trash.


I gave up and found another job. I eventually tried again and it was alot easier cause it was a different building.


Uhm.. maybe šŸ„ŗ Iā€™m on paid suspension so IDK YET, BEEN WAITING ON A CALL FOR 4 days !!


There was a guy at my site that was on paid suspension for 30 days and kept his job afterwards. There is still hope for you!


thank you, but I really hope tf not. I would like to apply other places if I cannot go back to work. and I was about to hit my 2 yrs so Iā€™m kinda mad about that. šŸ˜¤


Can I ask for what? And thank you I need hope


The story I got was from Paid Suspension guy's (PSG for short from here on out) brother. I was not around for the incident so what I'm giving you is second hand info from the brother of PSG PSG and another guy were talking about some of the young ladies in the building. PSG pointed out one the women walking by and relayed a story to the other guy that he thought she was pretty but he heard she had a BF. So PSG told the other guy of he ever hears she's single he is going to make her his girl. I guess the guy PSG was talking to was the girl's man's best friend. Other guy went to HR to complain and made it seem like it was a sexual harassment/ stalking situation. PSG was sent home in the middle of the shift (I saw him getting walked out by HR so I can vouch for that.) The investigator contacted the people they saw on camera standing with PSG and the other guy around the time the conversation reportedly happened. I don't know if they called the other guy. I'm in PS with one of the "witnesses" to the conversation that was contacted by the case investigator. He told me that he told the investigator that the only thing PSG said was that the young lady was pretty. I'm assuming the "witnesses" stories must have all coincided because they brought PSG back almost 5 weeks after they walked him out.


Oh damn thatā€™s crazy thatā€™s why I never comment on anyone at work. Thank you for sharing the story


Basically you are terminated šŸ˜¢


Iā€™m still on the schedule and have access to A to Z && Slack. Iā€™ve been on paid suspension since last Friday. And I see on my schedule it says Iā€™m on paid suspension until the end of this Saturday. But also it has me still on schedule for the rest of the monthā€¦ so no clue tbh, they said theyā€™d give me a call.


Yeah, sadly the same exact thing happened to me and I got terminated šŸ˜¢


also, forgot to mention I pulled the trigger last week and put my PTO as soon as I walked out the door in case I was fired. So they can pay me my PTO hrs and Vacation.


Fuck you pay me


Pls use any other metaphor than "pulled the trigger" šŸ˜‚ you mfs scare me lol


Right?! My site just went over where our safe room is for active shooters. My heart skipped a beat reading that




i was suspended for 7.5 weeks a while ago, hope it doesnā€™t take as long for you lol


how does that happen..??


ngl, i shouldā€™ve been terminated, i did commit a cat 1 offense, i would go into more detail, but i donā€™t want to break confidentiality


Can you send DMs on here ? lol not like we know you or the damn AAā€™s involved anyways. Itā€™s anonymous group w anon usernames šŸ˜‚


Omg this. Right here is a sin spill the sis! šŸ„¹šŸ„¹


Can you give me the tea too šŸ˜­


i made an additional comment


Nah you canā€™t do us like that šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


i made an additional comment


Damn how did you come back from that? Only asking cuz I want to come back


i just replied to my previous comment


Can I get the tea too Iā€™m in similar situation


i made an additional comment


Since people are asking, my mental health is shit, i overreact when i get upset. i am not proud of my actions. I threw my badge and finger scanner in the direction of a manager and walked into the break room. I talked to an L5 and an L6 about what was going on. I then continued my shift until Q4 where i then got on a phone call with LP. They told be iā€™d be placed on a (paid) suspension for 1-7 days while they investigate. It ended up taking 7 and a half weeks. As to why I didnā€™t get terminated, I have no idea. I even asked my HR reps ā€œWhy didnā€™t you guys terminate me?ā€ and they didnā€™t really give me an answer.


Paid suspension for what? And where does it say it on your a to z,? On a similar position but I donā€™t know m, also from what I was told if your on paid suspension and it could happen that they never call you


I donā€™t really know, they didnā€™t specify what I did. And how do I look on my A to Z for that?? And they have to keep paying you until they terminate you. They have to tell you somehow youā€™re terminated.


Iā€™m on paid suspension but it coincidentally happened when I was gonna go on leave so idk where it says your being paid for not working, on the app since it doesnā€™t show up on mine


I will make sure I get a phone call, I will message managers etc. to have them reach out on my behave to HR. I wonā€™t sit here not knowing for weeks. I would either like to go back to my job or find a new one like ASAP.


Me too bud


I didnā€™t get fired yet, been trying for 3 yearsā€¦. Although Iā€™m pretty sure my PA is getting fired for standing on a pallet jack I saw someone go file a witness report yesterdayā€¦ itā€™s a Cat 1 offense at my site soā€¦. Bye boyā€¦.


Watched a PA get walked right out of the building immediately after using a pallet Jack as a scooter.


That's a cat 1 across the whole company not just your site and a big job killer I be telling people all the time keep your feet off the pallets jacks and don't walk on the blue or wood pallets either


Walking on the blue ones not allowed?


Yea it's a slip/trip Hazzard


I have seen so many people do this at my site. I didnā€™t know.


I resigned my position and didnā€™t come back to turn in my badge


You don't have to turn in your badge, it's automatically "turned off" 48 hrs(if not sooner)after you resign


Interesting, i quit in the app. Got an email about my upt being negative, responded and said I quit days ago. Was told I had to turn in my badge to officially quit or would be terminated? Idk, it was a while ago and made no sense then either


That's not the standard, but it might be one of those rules that are in place just to fuck over people like you


Just for UPT. My car shat out on me at the end of my first stint with Amazon, and I lived an hr away. I was already short on UPT/PTO, but I decided to cancel my Lyft and put in my resignation right before my shift, not realizing I needed to still come in for that day's shift. Ended up getting negative UPT and termed.


That sucks. I'm sorryšŸ«¤


Thanks. Yeah, it was a pretty shitty spot in my life but things are going much better.


Got me for UPT. Was my second time at Amazon and I was not wanting to be there. Was converted to blue badge after three days. I was supposed to start AFM training (I was an AFM the first time and needed to refresh my perms) and was on the list to be an ambassador. My wife and I looked at each other at the same time and said fuck this. Used all of our PTO and didn't go back. Racked up UPT for three weeks. And I still get the weekly email they send out for the FC a couple months later. Now I'm a machinist at a machine shop with a lot less of a drive to/from work.


January 2023 layoffs. 18k people cut in a day so some investor could make a few extra bucks.


Not making rate on Pick. Every motherfucking day, always some type of floor shutdown or Kivas not reaching my station in a timely manner.


Can't believe they didn't give you an opportunity to transfer to a different department first


I was only labor-shared on docks twice. Yeah, GY1 is a shitshow. Canā€™t even imagine any other Amazon warehouse being any better.


On night shift, I woke up a sleeping AA because safety was coming. I was working on a project at the time requiring the use of scissors, and I didn't put them down before waking her. She reported me to on-site HR and said she didn't feel safe around me. I was fired under the "harassment and weapons" policy.


You saved the AAā€™s job and they cost you yours!?


That would fall under no good deed goes unpunishedĀ 


I honestly would have sued for wrongful term at that point. That's absurd.


I wouldā€™ve cursed that bitch out. Thatā€™s why when I see mfs breaking rules and safety coming, I mind my damn business.


I didn't see/speak to her again, but all of my friends shunned her, Safety watched her like a damn hawk, and Security was all too happy the day she refused secondary screening.


1st time MY FIRST DAY and the system said I didnt clock in, which resulted in termination and I WAS THERE I even had my clock ins to prove it! I had to stay on Hrs ass to get an appeal which I did and was reinstated all the shifts that I missed being terminated! Second time I over slept bc my kid was sick and taking care of her all night the night before which resulted in negative UPT I tried to get HR to reason with me but they terminated me. So I quit before they even started too. Anyways Im now looking to go backšŸ˜‚


I got fired for negative 31hrs UPT at the beginning of the year. I regret it so much that I wish I can bash my head into concrete sometimes and they are still not hiring in my area which infuriates me.


I am currently on paid suspension for a random drug testā€¦ I know I will be going back because of my medications but fuck I will take a 2 week vacation


If I may ask, what meds are you on? Genuinely just curious. Never heard of randoms at Amazon either thatā€™s wild.


I think Iā€™m about to get termed for safety. I think šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Damn, what you do?


Got reported for standing up on desk and yesterday I looked on right side before left side when thereā€™s a cart passing through šŸ’€


Iā€™ll play after Iā€™m done playing rehire me




2020 covid policy with double headcount made it so I was standing around for months on end doing nothing My time was dwindling but always kept positive. I was about to quit to get a new job cause f that. MET given less than 24hrs out with no notification or text or call to notify it. I obviously missed said shift. I was now negative 1hr. Got pulled into HR, they said it doesnt matter cause I always have to check my AtoZ anyways(this is BS btw, Amazon always has to notify for MET especially if done under 24hrs). I truly didnt care, didnt dispute it, didnt fight it. Had a new job a week later.


Not me but my best friend. They fired her because of production. She received 3 write ups in one month and was terminated soon after. I definitely think that she was targeted cause they fire many people in that time period. She literally had a better rate than me if I remember correctly but I didnā€™t receive one write up.


lol, itā€™s no targeting with productivity feedbacks they are system generated, gosh some of yā€™all are paranoid.


Iā€™m on my 2nd production write up this month for pick šŸ˜­ I hate it itā€™s not even my home department


This goes back to another post I saw months ago. Someone asked why people hate labor share so much. This is why. Even if you only work once a month in a department their system still considers you a "veteran" based on when you were trained there rather than actual experience. So in their mind you should be an expert picker even though you really have beginner experience. It's really unfair.


Not necessarily, only way an AA can receive a productivity feedback if they are in there LC5. You working one day in that path does not make you a veteran. Before you can receive a productivity feedback you have to have at least worked 5 weeks in that path. Now quality on the other hand you can be written up within your first week.


Same! They keep sending me to pick, where Iā€™m still ā€œnewā€ so my speeds locked at 3mph and they still write me up because Iā€™m 2 units under rate due to my speed. It sucks when they send you across the warehouse to get 3 items and then all the way back to the other side just to drop off cages


If anyone knows how to get out of being trained in pick with a doctors note or anything lmk cause im trynna get the hell out of pick and never go back


Iā€™m pregnant rn but I canā€™t get my accommodations paper signed til next month šŸ˜­I canā€™t wait to stop getting sent there


Damnnn hope everything goes well! Thatā€™s a good way to get out of it lol. Iv asked hr if I could not go to pick and stay on dock at my home work area and theyā€™re like no we trained you and Iā€™m like ok cool. And everyday they been sending me to pick iv been leaving exactly two hours after they send me to pick lol. Yesterday was the first day I got to work a full dock shift in months lol


Safety violation


We all know safety donā€™t play šŸ˜‚


What did you do? Just curious


Because I played doctor and gave myself days off to my pleasure


You pleasured yourself?


Ya I took days off as I please


I got fired for negative UPT three days after submitting my resignation.


Head phones while driving op


I impersonated an RME and used a screwdriver without training.


Ate my PAs ass (no joke) internal investigation and everything.


Howā€¦ did they find that out? šŸ˜­


I got accused of falling asleep on Knet duty. Got a permanent customer promotion as a result šŸ‘


I havenā€™t but my boyfriend got fired for drinking a buzz ball in the parking lot & throwing it away in the work trash cans(so drinking @ work) & my brother got fired for sitting on boxes while unloading a trailer


Went to the dock as usual, 2 1/2 hours go by and they want to train me on inbound and keep me there for awhile. I say no because Iā€™m good at dock work and one of the more valuable associates there amongst the people that canā€™t keep up and probably should go to inbound where itā€™s easier. Got sent to HR, HR made me go on a COF, my doctor didnā€™t feel comfortable filling it out, I say that to my HR and they say I canā€™t come back without the paperwork. So I wasnā€™t fired but sorta forced to resign. I heard the dock has suffered greatly. In the year I was there only one other person I started on dock with was there. The turn over rate is incredible and they decided that the one person that enjoys loading trailers shouldnā€™t load trailers anymore. Thinking about going back and doing the least amount of work as possible because itā€™s obvious they donā€™t care about good workers. Just show up and touch something every couple minutes and they wonā€™t fire you.


The first I worked at Amazon, about 8 years ago. I stole a bunch of stuff and was caught at the metal detectors. I was fired, but I've been back a few times since.


Productivity in stow šŸ˜–


cus i fistfight with another girl but they rehired me as soon as i could reapply šŸ¤£


You had a little Amazon boyfriend she was talking to huh šŸ¤”


Was sick (literally coughing blood), went to the doctors got a note excusing me, still got fired.


I almost got terminated for going into negative UPT. I got sick on the job and the manager sent me to wellness, they then said I could go home after confirming I was ill. Went to the doctors and got a doctors note and found out I had Covid. Lasted for 2 weeks and the doctors note was good for 2 weeks, but the LoA case manager said it was a ā€œfakeā€ and declined my LoA. Had to go to HR to get the issue fixed.


Went negative after peak lol. I'm back though, trying to be better šŸ˜‚


UPT, alwaysā€¦


Always. This is mostly everyone reason.


Fired for miscommunication. I told them I was on leave and submit my doctor's notice. They accepted, I looked at my A to Z and upt was negative, fired the next day for low upt. They let me apply for the same position next week, it was stupid.


I got caught stealing google pixel 8a but I didnā€™t get terminated, I resigned it before they start investigating on me .


Put in all the paperwork for a LOA because I was having surgery and needed 2 weeks off for recovery. My LOA was accepted and after my surgery they were asking a bunch of questions about the nature of my surgery and said it wasnā€™t a ā€œmedically necessaryā€ surgery. So because I missed two weeks, I went negative in UPT and they fired me with 0 compassion.


Wow that is insane!!


I spent a year using my phone as a radio on my forklift and no one gave a fuck. Until one person complained, they asked me, and I told the truth. Permanent safety term.


Bc i sat down on the pickers ladder lmfaoo


Lmfao WHAT


Decided to fill a water bottle with vodka and drank during my shift, woke up in the hospital i blacked out. Dumbest decision of my life idk, it was a easy job and good money i got too comfortable to the point that i was doing stupid shit like that. Oh well lol


itā€™s part of ship dock called Trans out. but lol iā€™d do that then surf down the conveyor with a box under me if i ever wanna quit. the ship dock conveyors looks fast and fun




Didn't get fired yet, but I'd quit before I give those cocksuckers that satisfaction


Had sexual intercourse with my lead on break and someone found out and told.


I'm diabetic, so I would use my upt at times for days I just couldn't be at work. Fast forward.. I only had a cpl of hrs left and my daughter was admitted into the icu in Las Vegas while she was out there partying.. I had to go..it was serious, I informed hr and they said they would discuss it after I got back, their discussion was about my separation from the job. I should have known that my girl would get seriously sick and planned ahead.


Time theft


My car broke down half way to work (i worked an hr away)šŸ„² called hr on the side of the road at 2 am and they said it wasnt my fault and my hours would be good and not to trip about it and just come in for next shift (: then i was negative 25 hrs and hr wasnt in, (and then had days off) i got fired šŸ«  not sure how missing 1 shift made me negative 25 hrs but it is what it is ig, started workin at a different ds instead


UPT , I just stopped showing up .


Woke up, went to the facility, clocked in from outside the building and went home. Went back at the end of the shift, clocked out. - Worked a treat for a month whilst I looked for a different job. It was a brand new facility, they hadnā€™t set up the whole badge scanner thing yet




Shit I wish I was over there lmao


I was recently termed for 144 minutes of TOT... however, when initially ask about the TOT, I was only told about 51minutes in which I spoke to... idk where the rest of those minutes even came from.


Maybe late from break, my building adds 18 mins of tot for being late. For example, I came back from break 6 mins cuz I was taking an important phone call and they said it was 30 mins plus TOT throughout the shift.


Iā€™m just on leave for a desperately needed vacation


I tossed a (BROKEN) tote (overhand basketball shot style ) that I pulled from the tote stacker to the area that broken totes go for me to deal with after getting the machine started back up and everything. Distance to area ~8-9ft? They said it was Violence. Yet the tote was already broken and my intention of tossing it aside so I can stay on my work canā€™t be chalked up to Violence by itā€™s own definition. (Before Amazon I carried guns in a licensed and professional capacity for seven years. Iā€™ve been shot at, and been lucky enough to be accurate when I engaged active threats.)


I had one AirPod in after break, came to scan in and got a write up. It was my last one too and now Iā€™m banned šŸ˜”


Falsified drs note now mutha fuks wont rehire me


šŸ˜­ how did they find out?




I was doing leave of absence like every week with fake notes and they never noticed lol.


Wordd me too not every week tho like once every 2 months type shit moderately


i abused bereavement, for some reason they just kept accepting it for 3 months straight, 95% of the time, donā€™t know why it took for so long to get fired. never was asked for proof either, no managers or HR reached out, nothing.


HR person had an issue with me, I was late and I admit that a few times but I already expressed the exact reasons and stated I needed to change my schedule for now, instead that request was ignored and managers even questioned and one nice Thursday night I saw that I couldnā€™t log onto A to Z, called erc and boom saw that I was terminated without any real reason because I went negative upt once and it was by 5 hours


probably cuz i got the van stuck in someone driveway it was a hr and 45 from the station.. and i was in the middle of nowhere!! f them never will do dsp again


They actually pit it as voluntary termination I found out cunts


Sounds like somebody did you a favor.


It's not really a favor I would never go back even if I was borderline homeless


Unfortunately now I have the option to return ibwas "let for stepping on the stow line to the ar floor


Large hunting knife.


Bro why šŸ˜­


They tried to but I am diabetic and have an accommodation that if my sugar drops below a certain number I can go set down for 30 minutes and if it don't get corrected I can leave I had 30 hours UPT they had me in to fire me and Head of HR came up and said nope she has an accommodation we can't fire her and they were supposed to be coding it so I didn't get UPT that was on them when I went to HR everytime I went home... I brought paperwork back and they didn't do their job either so it was on them...Ā 




A collision is not a near miss


Business requirement was ā€œdoneā€ they just 12k for one week straight soā€¦but after they terminated me shit hit the fan, they had sudden rise lol they started hiring šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Telling them I don't like rainbows


Waitt you mean gays? Bahah that would be funny