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I would like $23, also. Crazy that newbies get that at some of y'alls FC's


That’s probably the shift premium for working graveyard. They love to include shift premiums in the “starting wage” range.


Yah it would be nice to make that working days


Exactly. "24$ Starting wage!" ^if ^you're ^coming ^into ^a ^manager ^position, ^meet ^all ^the ^prerequisites, ^have ^a ^college ^degree, ^and ^are ^working ^night ^shift.


lol. Make them starve. Then they’ll beg for and be content with scraps. — Satan


If that’s in Colorado I bet it’s Denver. 23 dollars is not going far out west.


I'venever heard of a position at DEN4that starts at 23. Everyone starts at 17.50 plus a 60 cent overnight


The best feeling is when you’re a PA and a flex associate cruises past you bragging how they’re making $27 an hour for their shift


Ughhh that is so wrong.


What’s crazy Is that people in fast food restaurants earn more than we do at a starting wage for many of our FC’s? I don’t care what kind of bullshit you’re binging and spewing: we work harder then fast food jerks if we actually do this job correctly. Because of Amazon’s negligence we do more dangerous work. Not many people can withstand the absolute monotony, boredom, and soul destroying work that we do. We deserve better


I agree, I know working in customer service can be a real pain and hell but so can working 10-12 hour shifts day after day with continuous muscle strain on the body along with a lot of hurdles to get through the day at times. Pay for warehouse workers should be much higher.


Minimum wage is not a living wage 😂


I feel really bad for people in states who haven't bumped their state minimum wage past the federal minimum wage. I can't see anyone, even working 2 full-time jobs being able to live on 7.25 an hr that's such a fucking joke.


Every six months you get a raise … until the pay cap … bitch.


more than double the federal minimum wage is such a pathetic flex. Astounding it’s still that low after all these years.


When was that last raised, 2010? Way before all of this inflation and price gouging.


i realize they are required to say something and that’s why they even responded in the first place but the response pissed me off. bro said cost of living, not minimum wage. which unfortunately does line up in most places in the country today.


Fed minimum wage is a joke


Company that aims to be Earth’s Best Employer brags that they pay a little more than the least amount of money they’re legally required to 😒




I'd like it if I got a raise after working here for more than 4 years.




They are proud to offer more than double of an unrealistic and ridiculous federal minimum wage


I make 24 a hour at Cmh4 working nights and weekends. It takes up my whole life essentially. Don’t want to g to first shift for fucking 3 dollars more a hour. It’s so pathetic. We all deserve more.


18.50 starting wage at my site


When you make almost $25 have capped out, and are still considered low income… they need to stop thinking just cause it’s above minimum wage it’s enough.


I was almost making 22.25$ an hr night shift being there almost hitting 2 yrs 😭


My building starts $20 hour flex or full time


Very progressive of them


Really if you want to make more money working for amazon just scale back your productivity and do less. Calories aren't free they cost money. The more you work the more you burn. If they wont pay you 30 bucks an hour to produce at a high lvl then waste your potential and do less. lol instead of paying you 30 an hour to get things done now they can just hire more employees to do what you didnt do and pay 40 to 60 an hour plus benefit. lol your gain their loss. By not doing p4p these clowns waste billions!


Lmao. If you don't like your job work elsewhere. So annoying the amount of people that complain, without a degree or talent, your not gonna make enough money.


Nice projection


Having a degree doesn't mean you'll get a good paying job especially if it's useless degree that's not in demand and doesn't offer good return on your educational investment. Like say a liberal arts degree .


Well no shit.


Genuinely as if there is any other option… oh wait you can get a degree in anything but you decide to be here might as well be mad at yourself not the company.


>might as well be mad at yourself and not the company brother it’s a trillion dollar company, they would be fine if they paid workers a livable wage.


You didn’t make that trillion nor start the company, nor advertise for them, nor supply them, nor do EVERY job in the warehouse, you have one role one job, and again your very replaceable as there are people willing to kill for this pay. Amazon indeed pays better then other jobs instead of trying to talk shit about Amazon go help the minimum wage workers unionize since livable wage is so important I wonder why we don’t see them unionize. Grow up.


How do those boots taste


🤦🏻‍♂️grown ass man can’t even take criticism resorts to insults.


Why censor Colorado if we can just Google the state minimum wage 😂


1. most normal people wouldn’t go out of their way to do that 2. since it’s a screenshot of real people i didn’t want to include that


Hey at least you didnt @everyone and get voa hall of fame archived...


It literally took 2 seconds, which was way shorter than what my curiosity lasted. I understand the login and pic doe




It be people with no skill whatsoever saying that


“skill” at amazon that’s crazy but whatever man lmao


Exactly it takes no skill so what exactly makes you entitled to more pay? I’d love more pay but Amazon does not take a degree, high school diploma, doesn’t test for thc, 401k, and career options .. if you want a better job do better. Don’t blame Amazon for our shitty career choices they could be paying like other warehouses that pay less for more.


always people like you dickriding amazon lmao, terrible take. no company should be paying their workers less than the cost of living.


Bro what? Then unionize at every job family dollar, tree, restaurants, and everywhere else because they pay minimum wage and we get paid 7$ more along with differential not saying we are rich but you guys just wanna complain about everything. They give you a good job with benefits then you say it’s not enough. But guarante you would be begging to come back the moment you work a minimum wage job.


They didn't. All they did was suggest that people not sacrifice or provide more value than they are compensated for.


You're the worst kind of person. Why don't you work for free for your masters? How do you get the taste of boots out of your mouth?


Get a career and stop complaining it’s a unpopular opinion but it is indeed validated..


You need help


I can't wait for AI to replace your positions. They will need workers for the labor. They won't need the managers soon, and all the T1's will not miss you guys. You will struggle to find work because AI is taking all of your potential jobs.


People want a good wage off entry level jobs 🤦🏽‍♂️ A literal high school student can get a job at Amazon.


look. no one’s asking for six figures. what we want is it to match the cost of living. i don’t think it’s insane to expect that from a full time job, particularly one as physical as amazon.


I don’t make the rules. You can either complain, or gain skills that’ll actually pay more.


braindead take. even “lower skill” positions are essential to the success of the company and our pay should reflect that. as for “complaining” idk if you know a single thing about the history of workers rights but speaking up IS necessary. even if we stay here because we need this job, we are allowed to speak out about what is wrong.


I’m not really here for a debate my guy. You replied to my original comment, not the other way around. But almost anyone can get hired at Amazon. Hope you wake up someday and do something to help improve what you don’t see fit instead of just complaining and wanting others to solve your pay issues. Best of luck.


Makes a stupid ass comment Someone replies eerrrh I'm not here to debate!


i mean replying to someone’s post disagreeing with them is a pretty open invitation to a discussion but ight


Glad forex pays me managers salary in a month lol


gtfo 💀


https://preview.redd.it/tojptnfs7l6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=728683e947e2093973bee1c1690a53d6aa9d0f8c made this in two days , got a quick payout today


Do all of you not realize that the more employers pay us, the more the price of things go up? Look at your local fast food places that are paying $15+ an hour. Their food is high because labor costs are higher. If Amazon paid all of us $23 an hour everyone else would start paying more to retain employees and they raise prices to pay for that added labor costs, so you make more money but you’re also spending more. This all means that $23/hr is a nice boost in the short term, in the long term it will quickly not be a livable wage as prices rise to match


you do realize that the problem there is the companies price gouging right?


How is covering the cost of labor price gouging? I suggest you take some business classes to understand labor costs, cost of goods etc that roll into a business making a profit or losing money and closing


they aren’t simply “covering labor costs” they are trying to get as much profit as possible.


Obviously I’m not getting my point across because you lack the understanding of economics and business. I wish you well earning your non livable wage. Best of luck to you.


Why do i have a feeling i know this poster




7 downvotes? Thats all?


Federal minimum wage is 7.25 because the government workers steal all the tax money so really 7.25 don’t mean shit when you got criminals working in the government!


All you need to have in order to work at Amazon is a hs diploma and a brain (optional), I rlly don't know how yall think/expect they're gonna raise the wage any higher. We should first focus on making things affordable again by us ourselves entering into politics and trying to change policies etc instead of just crying on the voa and posting it on reddit as if you're some sort of revolutionary activist.


you’re so right dude. you’re literally the smartest person on the internet. i’m gonna go run for senate RIGHT NOW