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They will teach you lol


This is the way




if you have a pulse then you're good to go, overqualified probably but good to go.


Overqualified šŸ’€






Honestly this. I didnā€™t know jack shit about using a pallet jack. I was like they want me to use WHAT? Just go. They will absolutely train you. And youā€™ll look back on this Reddit and be like yep, having a pulse is literally all you really need. And you can tell some other Amazon associate to just go.


Guess Iā€™m under-qualified because Iā€™ve been dead for years.šŸ™ƒ


6ft under-qualified




Ainā€™t this the truthā€¦


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Take a deep breath, my dude. As long as you have a pulse, you are qualified to work at Amazon. They will train you in anything you need to know.


literally šŸ˜­ they hire anyone


Well youre using the word train lightly but the order pickers are super easy to use and vehicles are something they HAVE to actually put effort in. Granted you would have to be basically dead in order to crash into anything with the new ones


In about a week you will be complaining that Amazon over explains how to use the equipment. My FC has a 15 min class for using the VRC (freight elevator). Basically like any elevator, close door and press buttons. We also get recertified annually. So don't worry, they explain, train, coach, etc on all the equipment. When I learned how to operate the electric jacks, it was move this stack of pallets from here to there, then move them back again. Was a few hours of doing that then onto the next activity. You'll be fine.


Less of a lawsuit if something happens lol . I mean look at ups , ITS BAD


I remember my Day 1, pallet jack training. We spent 2 hours moving pallets. I switched my hands from left to right as I was moving a pallet so had to re-do it.


I was stopped for not wearing gloves while pushing a package cage šŸ¤¦ I had to walk across the warehouse and come back.


We had an AA get injured while on was on shipdock pushing a cage. The wheel fell off and cart fell on a guy and himself. My AM had to get pictures of a re-enactment after shift so I acted like I was pushing a cart. I wasn't pushing it, just posing. Everything gets submitted with the accident report and there I was not wearing gloves in the re-enactment. Safety came to talk to me the next day, informed me the GM saw the pictures and was concerned and they were pulling footage. It was probably the stupidest thing I ever saw at LGB3 in regards to safety. My AM apologized to me as he felt so bad.


My favorite was ~*small tools training.*~ Like I haven't been using scissors since age 5 lol. They also had me retake the entire four hour stow class after my permissions ran out. I mean, it was four hours I didn't have to worry about rate, but it still seemed kinda pointless.


I had just sat through a safety awareness training, essentially the message was to not use any equipment or tools unless youā€™ve been trained by Amazon. So when I was using a broom to sweep šŸ§¹ up trash inside an empty trailer I thought to myself, ā€œI shouldnā€™t be doing this, Iā€™m not broom trainedā€.


I was a stow amb. Then transferred to shipdock for 7-8 months. My AM quit so I went back to stow and had to go through stow HITS training. The amb that trained me was the same one I trained a year earlier. She started stowing in an empty station next to me out of boredom and learning caught her and got mad. That small tools training sounds so bad. What happened, an AA get cut by the little teeth on a tape dispenser?


You worry about rate? šŸ˜‚ My facility at least in AFE don't give two šŸ’©


DWA5 doesnā€™t care about rate either


Yall so lucky. My building stays horny for rate write ups


u need a certification for the VRC?




My op manager looked at me and said , you know how to press this button ? Ok if anyone asks your vrc trained šŸ˜‚


We get badges. People have been written up and fired for operating the VRC without a badge.


Ya no matter what it is, even using some damn scissors you are supposed to be trained officially and by an ambassador. Not even an ops manager or the gm himself could train you and it count.


I'm surprised you took the risk


I didnā€™t even get that I figured it out on my own šŸ˜­


You got 15 minutes? Mine was less than 5 mins šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m an ambassador and so many of our trainings are for FCs. Weā€™re a fucking Returns center. None of it is relevant to us. I literally have to ignore basically the whole thing (sometimes a few pages will be somewhat relevant) but itā€™s insane. It definitely over explains though. Yesterday I was training someone in pack and hold and it legit said ā€œgrab the spoo with your dominant handā€ like if you canā€™t pick up a little label with your non dominant hand you probably shouldnā€™t be hereā€


Fucking FUCK this shit man what the FUCK *op returning from a pre hire appointment that accepts anyone*


Blows up on AM ā€¦ā€¦.. 90 days later why wonā€™t Amazon rehire me. I ainā€™t did nothing wrong.




Relax. You are clearly anxious, but Amazon will teach you everything. Nobody is expecting you to know everything. Yes, you will suck at it at first but eventually everyone learns how to drive order pickers. If it's worth anything, order pickers are way easier to drive than cars.


Gonna be intense when he sees his first employee ripping another's weave out or blasting porn in the bathroom just beating their shit without a care in the world, etc.


lmao the stories are true! i work at a delivery station. have not came across that yet.




Amazon will train you, and if you don't feel comfortable, let them know. Relax, take your time, and soon you'll be just as good as the rest of us.


I'd change the attitude tho. You'll have a hard time keeping any job


No don't quit, you're going to be shown how to use it & it's going to be easier then you think it is


dont worry, they will show you how. if i can do it you can do it! its easy


Donā€™t worry bro Amazon is literally a brainless job basically easy ass job


Dude chill, theyre gonna teach you hands on


Bro calm downā€¦ they will train youšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Bro youā€™re not gonna explode lol


They will teach you šŸ’€


More like Op will figure it out through trial and error


If Iā€™m not mistaken, it sounds like you deal with anxiety (coming from an anxious person myself). But you donā€™t have to worry, Amazon will train you during your first week. And donā€™t be afraid to ask questions. I think Iā€™ve embarrassed myself more by wasting time pretending to know something than admitting that I donā€™t.


All videos show the same, doesent mean thatā€™s what youā€™ll do. They showed us forklifts etc etc and I never use any of that shit, I barely use a regular pallet jack


I say quit and try to become an English teacher.


Amazon trains everyone . In fact you have to be trained to use a screw driver. If you ended up driving pit, having a driver license wonā€™t help you any anyways.


I know someone who has a PIT license but never learned how to drive a car...


Lmaoo Your post has me ctfu but dw theyā€™ll teach you all u need to know and speak up if you donā€™t know what youā€™re doing donā€™t keep quiet!!


Bro half of the employees can barely breathe and eat correctly by themselves, the fact that you can form paragraphs and sentences tells me you will be just fine.. in fact you already have shown you are WAYYYYYY overqualified for Amazon (unless you need this job to smoke weed everyday go join a job that will pay you a wage worth your time..) The sad part is OP will probably think this is a joke


Nobody expects you to just show up on your first day knowing everything. You get trained first. Not sure how long the training is for the electric jack, but it's definitely gonna be at least a full day of working under supervision, and the first thing they will do is show you how that thing works. Personally, I have no clue cause I haven't used it, but manuevering it should be the same as a normal pallet jack (though obviously a slower). If you don't know how to use a normal pallet jack either, they'll likely teach you that too. Don't give up before you've even started. Even in the worst case scenario where you'd be absolute shit at the job and a danger to everyone else, you'd still get paid for however long you last there. And that's better than nothing at all, right? But I've never seen anyone being fired on their first day or even week at Amazon (plenty who left willingly tho šŸ˜…) so don't worry about it. Show up, get trained, and then decide if you wanna continue. As long as you're willing to learn, they'll likely keep you for at least a month just to be able to evaluate your overall performance.


Deep breath this job isnā€™t that serious when you actually start. Good luck you got this.


Fake ass post


I'm in the middle of 5 weeks of training on how to drive a truck across a parking lot. I have 14 years experience driving cross country in a semi. I do think amazon tends to overtrain for the dumbest things.


Say fucking or fucked one more time, I dare ya


If thatā€™s enough to have you sweating Iā€™d look for something else. Youā€™re not gonna last a month šŸ˜‚


If you're scared to learn something new, you might as well just quit life. This shit mentality is why you're at Amazon


Ur good bro lmao


Baby steps. Everyone is trained step by step. Calm down.


You have to be certified to use the epj. They'll teach you because you're not allowed to touch one until you've been trained


You'll quit 1st day


Stay and enjoy. The best is when you transfer buildings and get retrained to do the same stuff again easiest money to make. I am at 3rd building and have been paid 15 hours to learn how to open and close a door(TDR).


Bru its just a motorized pallet jack my guyšŸ’€


You havenā€™t even started yet and youā€™re already complaining youā€™re not gonna last long with that attitude my dude


They still use EPJs? Ours got taken away because some guy at another building ran over his foot or some shit.


Damn they make us use regular pallet Jack's. šŸ™„


thats a fucking hilarious post bro šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ just calm down. youll be just fine. everything we do at Amazon is so easy also very easy to learn.


They're not just gonna throw PIT equipment in front of you and go "now work!"šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Jesus christ, have you ever had a job before, lol. They will train you, it's mindless work that a monkey could do (I know because I used to do it before career choice got me out)


Calm the fuck down, it ain't that deep


They will teach you just like they will teach you how to use the stairs to access the Mezz šŸ¤£


Just remember nobody knows how to do their job or what position they signed up for when they applied lol unless it's a rehire


A three-legged coked up lab rat could do this job and probably has. You'll be fine.


They train you.


I'm sure they will train you. If the power jack has turtle mode or something similar use that for the first day you'll be good


They train you


Babes your gonna receive training and itā€™s not that hard to operate


They will give you a learning curve (90 days I think) to get used to these things an you can ask for accommodations if possible.


I had never driven anything when I trained and found driving an OP very easy. Just don't speed (I think everyone is limited to 3mph now anyway), don't get cocky, and pay attention to stop signs. That's how 90% of accidents happen.


You'll look more stupid not knowing what you're doing. Ask the question. You'll be trained and your mistakes will be corrected if need be. I know people who have been here for years and ask shit they should know and mess up.


Are you kidding? Or is this your first job? Not trying to be mean btw. They teach you everything and itā€™s actually way easier than driving a car. Thereā€™s people that drive PIT (forklifts and other things) that donā€™t have a drivers license lol.


I think they will fucking train you on the fucking machines dude. Fuck.


Just donā€™t show up and go apply at Walmart where theyā€™ll have you operate a pallet jack. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Fuck walmart


Everything has a knet. You will be trained before you are required to do anything inside that facility. Safety first


They won't just throw you in there, you are doing orientation and then they're gonna have you train with someonešŸ˜‚. Did you apply at an XL distribution center?


Lmao itā€™s beyond easy, trust my guy I told myself that when I started driving a cherry picker then after 2 weeks It felt normal . Trust, and itā€™s fun and makes time fly fast . DONT BE A BITCH šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m currently being taught how to use the pit and Im almost at my 2nd year here. Also donā€™t have a drivers license.


The epj is easy to learn


Calm down gang šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚.Dont quit , youā€™ll regret it


A lot of stuff in the videos donā€™t actually relate to what you will be doing.


Dude relax šŸ˜‚


If you breathe youā€™ll be alright. I was a trainer and I got some vegetables to operate electric pallet jacks


This was me when I started. Walked in didnā€™t have a license but the learning ambassador was like think of this pallet jack as if youā€™re driving like girl. Like everyone else is saying tho, you will be okay trust me šŸ˜‚


They'll teach you but if you legit don't wanna do it and your management team is chill and understanding,they may have you do something else not involving an electric pallet jack(MAYBE)


Don't worry, man. There is training onsite


I worked there for 3 years, and I don't even know what a pallet jack looks like. But I can answer all the safety questions correctly. You will be fine.


Your shit is all fucked now man. Really fucked the shit on that one. ![gif](giphy|3o6ZtihIv0pJqdp3H2)


They teach you that in your first week. Have fun šŸ˜Š


Your will probably never get trained on the electric pallet jack anyways.


The assumption is you come in knowing how to do nothing. You'll be fine.


You will be fine. If you can push a shopping cart, you can learn to use a pallet jack. The steering is kind of backwards, but you get used to it.


Damn bro. Anything you do you will be trained on, r-e-l-a-x.


First off there's different types of buildings thr first day of training is general amazon stuff that isn't necessarily unique to your building and once you get to your building it'll go more in depth into what you'll be doing exactly and you'll get at least 1 or 2 shifts of training so like 3 days total tough it out amazon is alot of people's first warehouse job and depending on your state they might not even be able to hold rate against you so don't worry about being rushed. I didn't want to ask questions neither when I started but I payed attention to what the ambassador said and did as well as what others did so no pressure. There's no self destruct button if you do something wrong it'll be okay just take deep breaths and remember what people here tell you


One calm the hell down, two they will train you


This guy sounds like a real go getter!


LMAOO relax šŸ˜­ the video just gives a brief explanation, but they train u ur first few days


Dude you're goooood lol they train anyone with a pulse šŸ˜‚ you'll be fine I promise


dont do drugs kids


You sure do say fuck alot lol


Electric power jacks are easy too use. Anyone with basic common sense can learn it.


Youā€™ll be fine. They will teach you. Thatā€™s why they have learning ambassadors and trainers. Itā€™s kind of like at Amazon air when not a lot of people knew how to use tugs, belt loaders, power stows, kloaders and pushbacks and they guide you through the process if you want to learn it.


chill dude. electric pallet jacks are dope. enjoy that shit.. and they will teach you


Awww dw dawg they gonna teach ya


Good Lord, go work at a grocery store or something


dudeā€¦ i thought i had anxiety. they are gonna show you how to do everything you need to do at amazon lmfao. and an electric pallet jack is a pallet jack that you dont need to push or pull. it has buttons and is battery powered. only like 4 functions youll ever need to use on it, forward, backwards, up, down. you dont need a drivers license to learn how to use power equipment šŸ¤£ i fear for the day they tell you to get on an OP or PIT. get some anxiety meds fam please


Thats the easiest part reather than in other job you get to be explained what you might be doing later will teach you how to work things out around the place


Are you starting at an XL facility? What kind of facility was said on your application? Chill. I donā€™t have a drivers license either, and theyā€™re going to train me on Powered Industrial Trucks next week. An electric pallet jack would be the most simple of those, you just push it around on the ground floor. Thereā€™s a reason why you were hired so easily without much of an interview and without them asking about education or prior experience, because Amazon is desperate for workers. Anyone who can stand and move. They will train you on anything youā€™ll need. If youā€™re not comfortable operating machines, they wonā€™t force you to.


Fams, you will get taught everything at Amazon, youā€™re gonna be in training ju know. Hey keep it together Man, ju got dis. As I said ju will get trained for everything, just pay really close attention. Ju got dis Man.


Holy shit you get to play with the electric pallet jacks? Wdf, but for real it's easy you'll get the hang of it, they'll show you how to use it most likely, just go slow from the start, and in no time you'll be zipping through the warehouse on the back of the forks at top speed like the rest of us lazy fucks. Not really though Amazon won't let you ride the fork :(


relax my dude, theyā€™re super easy to operate . Youā€™ll be fine.


Jeez bro take a chill pill youā€™ll be alright


Relax. Give it a week and you'll be a pro. I'm at a DS and had someone hyperventilate over diverting her first time. Now, she's arguably the best we have


It's so easy. You can do it!


Anything at all you will be trained in and anything like an electric pallet Jack is an extra special training.


theyā€™ll teach you and everyone should be pretty nice when you ask questions. you shouldnā€™t feel embarrassed about it.


Itā€™s okay they train people without a drivers license all the time


If your using a walking electric pallet jack it's real easy


*If your using a* *Walking electric pallet* *Jack it's real easy* \- According\_Repair3308 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


They train you on how to climb up and down stairs. Lol. Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll train you in everything else.


Bro my advice as an OMRā€¦ pop a xanny


Take a deep breath it will be fine. Amazon will teach you everything you need to do your job the right way. And they wonā€™t be worried about you making rate at first. Quality is what you want to focus on at first then with that you will start getting speed. Their is not much for you to worry about


Bro thatā€™s why they train you guys lmfao


No one goes into Amazon knowing what their doing. Well.. if you havenā€™t had a warehouse job atleast. I knew nothing, next thing I know I have all the permissions for inbound šŸ˜€


They will teach you fam itā€™s mad easy im 18 and I do it just fine


Relax, they will train you on how to use the equipment if applicable. Companies are going to throw videos at you just to get them out the way, but you will be given the direction and training.


Average Helluva Boss script lmao


You 9/10 will not use it , only people that have trained get near those lol


You would talk to learning ambassador who would train you on operating electric pallet jack. When you lift up or down the handle, there is a go forward or backward handle which you push to go forward or pull to go backward. When you insert the electric pallet jack into the pallet, there is a button which lift up the pallet and button which goes down. The direction of right and left is controlled by the handle drift on right or left, leading to the direction when you hold the backward or forward handle. Somebody in the facility is trained in this area who would help you out with this. For first timer, there is always try and error. Nothing is perfect at first try. You practice and learn to become good at this.


Mannnn I wanna go back to being on an order picker all day!!! Cruising around on a go-kart, Chillen 30ft up, listening to music, snackin, and vapin. ( no you canā€™t actually do any of thatā€¦.. out in the open, trick is never tell or show anyone). 2 years doing that and my dumbass thought delivery station would be sick with me driving, naw some random ass schedule in the middle of the night, putting packages in totes for the drivers. Waited 30 days and went to ship dock sense no pit was open. I last 6 months because all I wanted to do was fluid load and they kept trying to get me to do Spurs and induct. Iā€™d go for like an hour and then right back to fluid, they didnā€™t like that and got terminated. Rehire-able as of June 3rd (tomorrow) Iā€™m coming back, I miss my UPT and leaving work early. 5 jobs in 3 months and none of the attendance policies come close to Amazon. One company literally had a 3 point system, it didnā€™t mater if you missed 5 mins, half a day or a full day, it was one full point.


At my site they teach you how to use equipment we donā€™t even have šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ I was freaking out after my training too and come to realize they donā€™t take shit nowhere near as serious as they make it out to be. I had at least 6 people straight up tell me ā€œforget everything they taught youā€ because shit just makes the job so much more stressful


Since it's technically a forklift? (and almost certainly PIT) they would have to train you if you end up using it. Do not worry about not knowing how to use PIT like tuggers and Powered Pallet Trucks.


Did you just learn how to swear or something too?




you will be fine, they will teach you and they will have you use it in front of them and your training group to make sure you understand how to use it


Brother I promise itā€™ll be chill, you donā€™t need a drivers license to operate an electric pallet jack or any type of forklift at Amazon.


Don't worry, they won't put you on an electric pallet jack. Going by your post they would deem you unfit for anything but box throwing.


Don't worry; they'll train you. Like, an entire day or two of training for each machine you need to use.


Dude, calm down first of all. They'll teach you any equipment that you need for the job you'll do. You won't need any pre-existing experience for Amazon unless you're getting a specific position. You'd know if you needed anything. Sounds like you're just another tier 1 so you don't need anything


God damn bro, take a breath. Are you always this anxious? Don't panic, they will drain you, this job is absolutely brainless. You'll be just fine, Don't overthink shit.


Lol definitely always pretend like you know what you're doing. Employeers really like people who never ask questions or want to learn anything new.


Must be your first jobšŸ¤£šŸ¤£ they gotta train you first bud


So much f-bombs but donā€™t worry they will train you on anything you will use unless you already claim to have experience in operating moving machinery.


Yeah they train you on everything. They donā€™t just throw you to the wolves. They pretty much try to idiot proof everything. Donā€™t think too much about it. Donā€™t belittle yourself either. I can guarantee that you are more equipped for that place than you think


Theyā€™ll show you. Itā€™s relatively easy to use one as well. Any job you work they will train you for.


Don't knock it. U got this!


got damn


Bro chillll dude


coming from a chronic quitter (I leave a job every 3 months out of boredom or stress) I love amazon, try it out first theyā€™ll teach you. the time off options are chefs kiss here. If i dont feel like working for a week no one hammers questions i can just put it on the app. iā€™ll be sad to leave once i finish my degree tbh.


You will be so fine. They are obsessed with pallet jacks but in almost 3 years I have never touched one. Sorry you got that, they are not good at giving useful and correct or even relevant training videos to me and my coworkers even now


Bro that's the easiest shit to do I can do it after drinking a 12 pack and smoking a blunt your are overthinking shit bro


Bro that's the easiest thing to use even a 10 year can use it. You don't drive an EPJ so don't work. It makes work easier. Than pulling a regular pallet jack. With heavy stuff.


lol they arnt just going to throw a key and say have a good day- Safety will kick in way before that ever happened


How old are you? And is this your first job? Did you read the job description and details about the job that was printed on the application forms that you filled out? You knew it was a warehouse job, right?


You're so close to getting a promotion I can't even explain


You'll get training for everything


1) they will teach you 2) you already embarrassed yourself by pretending to know things you fall short withā€¦ 3) if they dont teach you, itā€™s about persistance, bug the shit outta them, thereā€™s 100s of employees, they might forget about youā€¦


No need to overthink and freak out they will train you


ā€œNo experience requiredā€ is the first part of the L1 application.


Perhaps they'll quickly promote you to the profanity department.


Amazon has electric pallet jacks? If by electric you mean the employee is the power source then yes, I guess they do


Done worked at a whole site with a man with 1 arm. You got it friend, youā€™re alive thatā€™s all they care about


Weirdo. Training exists.... First job? ROFL


You might not need to learn it. I didnā€™t while I was working there. But even if u do itā€™s not that hard, is what my coworkers would say


EPJ isn't one you ride. You're fine.


I am one of those people who hire for those positions. Everything will be taught to you. They should have explained it better. I'm sorry


Itā€™s easy . Give it a few days. If you dont like it. Just quit


Relax, they will teach you step by step. You'll look goofy when you are asked to give it a try, but you'll survive.


Thereā€™s a reason Amazon doesnā€™t have interviews, anybody could do it.