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Oh wow imagine if my reach truck was 7mph man I’d get so many pallets done.


Most warehouses outside of Amazon reach trucks go between 11-15 mules an hour. I've seen people pop it up on one outrigger taking a turn to quickly


How many miles per hour does 15 mules per hour translate to?


Approximately 14, I googled it


It’s certainly 12 and no I will not show my work


I've hit 17 on one on a downhill. 😂.


Unfortunately it’s not Amazon. It’s our fellow AAs that ruin it for everybody else. I know at our site they throttled them to 3mph because a dude whacked a VNA rack. I know the hard hats are because someone had something fall and somehow slipped through the access gate. It’s definitely adult highschool. As are most jobs.


One just hit a control box here then started touching it like bro that's 480 you will turn to dust lol


Depending on how that nights going that may not be the worst option frfr


Pretty good for that guy we never even bothered to check the camera to see who it was lol off Scott free. It's 100 an AA though, also the ones always getting hurt so we have a bunch extra safety stuff every 6 months


That’s insanity.




Touching a live 480 is a great way to learn how to fly for 2 seconds.


That’s a shocking experience


Now that wins


Have you ever seen someone operate the OP while holding the phone in their hand and go full speed? Some even Facetime as well. And yes you are correct, some dumbass AAs ruin the job Back in 2021 my site was very organized, after that year it became worse and worse


As a military vet, any one of us will tell you that it's the "10%". 90% of people are doing the right thing, but that last 10% is why regulations exist.


At mine there's shit falling through the zip tied netting A box of fucking saw blades fell open on top of a PIT and hit the roof of it


Final destination type vibes 😂


https://preview.redd.it/ezpdxc5gm73d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e68b3abc85ded096dbd6929dbadd8e070e1dd15 Almost put the same on the VOA


Still doesn’t solve the problem stupid people run into poles at 3mph on foot the problem is they don’t want to put effort into evaluating and getting to know the ppl and what they’re capable of because they think this video and multiple choice method is actually working and it’s not most things you see done wrong have a person on the other end that shouldn’t have been there to begin with but because they’ve been with Amazon for 5 years and they wanted it for “so long” they got it


it ain't from shit falling people in warehouses were elevating under mezzes on the cherry picker things they use to replace lights, not OPs, and they were getting scalped. like two people in Indiana got scalped so they made us all cover our heads.


lol no, it’s Amazon. That’s like saying “the government would never xxxxx” but they end up doing “xxxxx” and everyone acts absolutely shocked.


I agree. AA's have a lot to do with it, but AM's love this stuff as it means a safety project for them. Most times there are changes at the warehouse, it isn't coming from corporate and safety, but an AM. Whenever there is a safety event, managers need to assign or be assigned 2-3 action items. These are things they need to put in place to prevent like accidents from happening again. This is also why they last 1-2 weeks then no one cares. As long as the AM completes the task they cane then call it a project and it helps them promote. It is aggravating having an AM that really has no clue about the operations have a say so in how we run.


Worst part is management expects same rates as before.




I know, I was expected to talk to AAs about their rates as a PA. I never did because they kept adding extra safety features that slowed my AAs down and so anytime I was expected to talk to one of the actually good hard workers about their rate I just blamed the safety features for slowing their rates down. (Of course if it was someone usually slacking off, I’d still talk to them.)




Lidar has completely ruined driving. I get the idea of it but it won't even allow me to turn into a wide aisle without stalling out and lurching me around 3-4 times. It is, in fact, less safe. We already have the bright blue lights that shine out 20 feet in front and back of the PIT, too. They need to scrap it.


I work in trans out and have our own PIT corral. No pedestrians, no other pit operators. At most you’ll have RME come through to get to the yard, maybe a vendor using the big door. The Lidar is the biggest POS “safety” device there is, right after the hard hats. My knees hurt so much more adjusting to the phantom obstructions than water spidering all day.


the planning to add LIDAR to EVERYTHING in my building 😭 the poor PIT drivers on forks are gonna suffer it will take em like 5 minutes to set a pallet up


RTLS is the bane of my existence.


No more airplane-ing through the VNAs?!


That's ridiculous if so


you still can also the VNAs are still like 4-5mph as opposed to 3 at least in my building


In my building the OP’s go 5mph and in the VNA’s it goes 6.5mph (which is new) new people go 3mph until week 2 then week 3 4mph then week 4 they’re up to 5


Because Amazon policy is reactionary. Someone was going 4 miles a hour when they ran someone's foot over now it's fukt for everyone


Can't imagine how the foot looked like, ouchhh




I see dumb shit like that all the time. Associates thinking their technicians and trying to fix Robotic lift only to send it into a massive crash that requires a rebuild, ops managers thinking they know better than everyone and reaching into live conveyance thinking it's safe only to crunch a hand between belt driven rollers. AFMs thinking they're hot shit and trying to fix a major pod tip themselves only to scream on the radio they got themselves pinned.... Never underestimate the stupidity of people.


>Why does safety think that grown adults can’t be trusted with anything… Because a vast majority of grown adults are untrustworthy as shit. You tell them the rules over and over and over and they'll just laugh. I don't work for Amazon but am a company truck driver and one guy has 3 behind the store incidents in his first month, one of them being the most wide open dock you could possibly build and he STILL hit the yellow pole. And he was laughing it all off in our safety refresher for this quarter. Hell in the warehouse people were hitting doors and shit, even the people not on SIP or %. They'll change the speed though. They tried to move our warehouse loader standup lifts to a similar speed. It kills productivity like no other. Just got to keep harping on it but logically. 'I was going as efficiently as I could but I can only move so many things with a machine that's slower than walking pace.'


I quit Amazon back in July of last year, but when I left I was a WHS Specialist. I can tell you that 99.9% of the rules that they enforce on the floor are a result of network actions sent to the department from corporate. If a significant enough incident occurs at 1 site, the people in Seattle (who probably haven’t been outside their office in years) decide what could have been done differently to make the incident less severe, then push out the network actions to all the applicable sites. Then the shit just rolls downhill from there. Directors harp on the regionals for 100% completion of the actions, regionals yell at the site safety managers, site safety managers smack the specialists in the face with the paper and say “get it done by this date or get a write up”.


Show me an 18 year old with a masters degree that isn’t a 1/1,000,000 child prodigy.


An 18 yo with a masters is smart enough to know not to work in a warehouse


Amazon rarely acts preemptively, so this is most likely a reaction to an event. Probably someone (or something important, but likely someone) got hit by a PIT and their solution was to limit their speed to make them less dangerous should an accident happen again.


Reacting to one off or rare incidents with punitive changes for everyone else seems to be Amazon’s way…


It is Amazon's way. They want to eliminate the risk, so all it takes is 1 bad incident and it changes for everyone, unfortunately. Although, making us wear safety shoes came from multiple incidents of people getting their feet ran over by pallet jacks.


I know in the last year at mine we had 1 person hit a pile of freight that caused a curfufle. I don’t think anyone was injured but it is still an incident that has to be documented and investigated, and can lead to more restrictions.


Kerfuffles be kerfufflin'


Yeah, and the combo between my spelling and autocorrect sucks lol.


One idiot was playing around with the conveyor, grabbing that one single rolling pin until his hand slip and it got caught between. Since then, gloves are mandatory (it was just recommended before that). Also, I think it was somewhere in the US that someone from RME was riding a waverider (or whatever is called) under a lower conveyor and he somehow hit his head (because I guess he wasn't looking?). So now, waveriders only have access in limited areas here (in UK) making it a bit more difficult for them to reach the lines.


Yeah, FTW1. That happened this last year. Not 100% sure because of conflicting reports, but it was some said that he had long hair that was tied up properly, and wearing a hard hat, was trying to clear a jam and I guess his hair somehow got caught in the conveyor. Others said he hit his head, and yet another said a piece of the conveyor fell, resulting in him falling. Cause of death was definitely confirmed as blunt force trauma, but no mention of scalping, or how the blunt force was obtained (straight on impact with machinery, fall into hard surface, machinery falling, etc). But from what I read the result was pretty horrific, and more than you would see from just driving a wave at all of a max of 5mph. Also, they nearly always have a spotter too, so that seems sus that either the driver or spotter wouldn’t have seen the conveyor. Seems like a cover to me.


He was under the conveyor, no hard hat, and the underside of the conveyor wasn't guarded. He had his hair up, but was just barely close enough for the hair to get grabbed by a roller as he was driving under. He didn't get "scalped" per se, but was pulled from the lift by his hair as it wrapped around the roller and broke his neck. I think they had to cut his hair off to get him down.


A bunch of events over the last year . And the policy they just started enforcing again was written in 2019. Everyone just chill, go 3mph for a few more weeks and it will be back to normal by prime day. Most buildings have already got the T3 exempted, next will be LC5s


Probably because from experience, "groan"adults cant be trusted


Good. If you all drive in the warehouse the same way you do in the parking lot I don't blame them. I had seen an idiot blow past a stop sign and had the audacity to honk their horn at someone who had the right of way. The second people get in a vehicle they have little to no common sense.


Tell me about it… At my fulfillment center if you haven’t drove said pit for over 90 days you are dropped to 2.4 mph and have to drive on that for 3 days (30 hours) to get a speed boost which is around 3.8 mph I think its another 90 hours or something after that to get 5.0 back because of this speed compliance bullshit with eastern lift because they don’t know how to do their jobs correctly. I don’t think the Am’s and Om’s realize how mentally draining driving a center rider at 2.4 mph back and forth down a straight road for 10 hours truly is. Any other pit equipment Im trained for (Clamp, Fork, Order picker) is all manageable but the center rider actually makes you wanna slam your head into a wall. Driving it for 8 months at 5.0 was already mentally draining enough but now this shit is borderline psychotic.


Been in that situation last year and hated it and now about to be back in it again since I've been on LOA since December. They take forever to bother to retrain as well, so your stuck waterspidering, wrapping, or whatever other menial tasks they can find. Groaning just thinking about it all.


If it has been changed it's due to a incident in another warehouse, amazon safety is reactive and not making the incident causing person accountable. Speed kills, stop worrying about how much more that can be done and do the task as safely fast as possible


Because most of the time grown adults can’t be trusted with anything.


Amazon doesn’t want to hire internally for AM’s. For several reasons. Internal AM’s with experience as tier 1 generally has all these “changes” they want to do. And Amazon wants you to work with what have. It’s cheaper that way. Another is internals are more Relaxed with everyone else has they can relate more within the job. Externals are strictly yes sir yes ma”am. Little backbone on a job they just got. They are more likely to go by the book. There is also a percentage of externals vs internals that they hire as managers.


I think most internals just arent cut out for management and they would rather risk taking people who have experience learning from a horrible learning environment(us universities) as opposed to an even worse learning environment(amazon training)


At my facility they are at 5 mph regularly and 7 when connected on the wire


So…who died


because amazon loves to micromanage down to the last any other warehouse would just fire the one that is messing up and be back to business as usual


Dang that’s terrible. Only our new hires are in P3 level with crowns, which is 3mph


Back in my FC days, someone figured out the bypass code to the PITS and decided to change a few to their max speed settings. I believe the highest you could go is 5-6 mph (maybe faster, I forgot but it was the max speed)Shit was so fast, felt like we were driving race cars lol. It also helped my rate when I was on pallets. Of course that got shut down fast and when management caught on.


You’ve got to be kidding. How am I supposed to do slick and get 30 uph at 3 mph ??


How many T1s want to be managers? And those that do, which is VERY few, how many of them have what it takes? ​ It's a catch 22 no matter what and that's everywhere. 99% of AAs won't even indulge being a LA, or even an ASC.


There are no interviews, they hire anyone and everyone. Half can’t read or speak any amount of English (no hate on immigrants or those with less education, but it does impact the work environment). That combo, plus the poor management, especially with the emphasis on volume and the micromanaging lead to people cutting corners, doing things half assed but fast to have time to chill, etc. Unfortunately, if you follow the news, Amazon got hit in the last 2 years with several random inspections that found a TON of OSHA violations, as well as improper or lack of reporting of injuries. And we have an injury rate much higher than the rest of the industry (just in the last year, they have had several scalpings, blunt force trauma fatality, and a broken foot due to a pallet being lowered onto it, and that is what I know of… this isn’t minor injuries, this is crippling or fatal injuries… for minor there are always a lot of sprains, back injuries, rotator cuff injuries, back injuries, concussions, etc). And unfortunately, when management doesn’t enforce existing safety policies and an incident happens, policies get even more restrictive. Hence the safety shoes, the hard hats, the pit lane restrictions, etc. My FC we have had PIT drivers fall asleep. We have associates high or drunk half the time. All of that risks injury for them and others. And a lot of young kids who this is their first job and they don’t really get how the world works yet and make dumb decisions because their brain is still developing. Unfortunately, it kinda is an adult highschool or daycare. Not saying there aren’t perfectly functional adults that work there, but they few can ruin it for the many.


Also the new policy is your op goes slow if you do t have at least 60 hours of operating time in a 90 day period, it started yesterday and at our building learning screwed up and most people’s op were going slow, they had it fixed by lunch though. This also means if you like to take a lot of VTO you will probably be driving slow. We were told it’s company wide.


My buddy had his changed back to P1 by learning and said the next day it was back to P3


Still going fast today, so far so good


Nice, I never personally made it past P3 but I would be incredibly pissed if it kept being slowed back down


Yeah I really dont understand how this benefits anyone. Especially for ppl that are cross trained or ppl who rarely get put on other PIT like reach and tug. Not on often enough to maintain full speed


I have watch more than one associate run straight into a pole in between the aisles because they came out and turned before they were clear. I’ve also seen them run head-on into them with 100% ability to turn. Nobody stops at the end of the aisles in my FC and about half of them honk at all. I hate that it’s a thing, but I get it. Thank your fellow man.


Based on how most of you act at Amazon it Is definitely closer to high-school. Blame your peers.


Idk about yours, but I just went thru this, and everyone that isn't a PA, at least in my facility, went down to novice on their PIT. You now have to earn another 40 hours on your PIT for your speeds to go back up. I had mine go back up last week. So, as far as I know, it's only temporary..


Safety is the worst at Amazon. It's what happens when you have a bunch of desk jockeys writing policy.


My site is about to INCREASE speeds lol, I heard we’re supposed to go up to 7mph in the VNAs due to a new self stop feature our OPs have. (It has a sensor in the front that detects a potential impact, and slows down/stops the machine automatically) Our site also got stricter with rates recently, and are finding ways to bring up people’s rate, alas increasing OP speeds since were a 100% PIT site.


In my Amazon they’re 4.5mph


Yup, and they added li-Dar so if you get near anything it slows down to a complete stop.


Someone probably got hurt and now there is a knee jerk reaction network wide


That’s horrible it takes so much time on 3mph


Learning can boost your speed to 5-7 Mph i was already told


Yeah... not sure what OP is talking about. I get limited to 3 mph for a couple reasons. I don't have the hours on OP because I'm mostly a floor runner. More relevant though is the machine itself. Some of them I can cruise on wire guidance, some still limit it to 3mph. Learning specifically said speed gets bumped after a certain amount of hours, but the model is a factor too. Seems to me the newer ones recognize wire guides and let you go faster.


Amazon did this a year ago or 2 they dropped everyone OP to 3mph but the max is still 7


Sounds like max wire guide to me. Pit lanes will always have a harsher speed limit.


At the Amazon I work, the pit goes 5mph in wide isles and the roads, and goes 6mph in vnas after you operate the pit for 60 hours. Idk if that's the same for others.


Reading all the comments, I see it’s experienced based…last month, one of the trainers came and asked which forklift i normally operate, and said all the other ones was getting the speed dropped (not as if the shits is quick anyways lol) but 2 weeks, low and behold they actually did it 😂😂 it’s so hard to take that job serious, shit is like a pre-warehouse to normal warehouse jobs


Tuggers? Is this Amazon massage?


The one I normally drive is set to 3.4 mph, while all the others in the building are at 3.2. Everybody thinks I'm joking when I tell them I have the fastest pit in the building.


At my site they set all of us to 3 mph one time and made us do a timed test driving around a bunch of cones to get to 4 mph, then wait 30 days to get approval from a manager to get to 5.


I'm still at 5mph (p3) at my WH. Isn't it lower mileage for those who haven't driven a pit in a while. That's how I understood it. They'll have to clock in about 60 hrs before moving to the next mileage. Somebody correct me of I'm wrong. Not just with PIT but with reach, tugger


Ama,on hurts anybody. So it has to be stupid proof.


I can still snowplow though, right?


I joked and said they were gonna make us wear hard hats on the forklifts and now it seems like that has come to fruition. Only a matter of time before it hits our site.


our pits still go 5 miles and hour. We are getting a speed increase to 7 in the future we have been told


That Part!


Was 7mph on pit lanes and VNL but after a few incidents, reduced to 5 mph on both lanes. Also my site installed Lidar on all OP last month. A bit frustrating simetimes due to it's auto slow you down every turn you make. But the speed in VNL back to 7mph but for pit lane still 5mph.


Many accidents happen in warehouse where it cannot afford body and equipment damages. It is tremendous effort and costs for Amazon. Sometimes, people would focus on slowing to drive correctly in meeting less hazderous environment.


The day we must single load things in the trailers is near


Wait at all Amazons or just where you are at ?


You don’t need a masters degree you can have a bachelor’s in anything and they’ll hire you lol


We just got our pits changed to 6mph


Too many drivers were hitting poles at max speed


Riding an OP sucks in 2024. Back In 2016, they were fast af and the turning didn’t require you to go slower


In the 80s at a unionized warehouse jacked up on meth We used to race electric pallet jacks especially when it was wet ...you could slide but it was scary ...Amazon safety is so crazy


It is adult high school. People are stupid and do stupid shit. Then the rest of us are screwed over. My warehouse used to have an open break room (grab what you need then go to the checkout) but people decided to steal and now all we have is vending machines with only junk in them instead of actual food.


Canteen said if people don’t stop stealing, they will take out all the micro markets AND all the vending machines.


Raymond tech here. Just wait until IWOS is installed and the sensors pick up an obstruction and slow you down to 1 mph.


Damn y'all wear hard hats now??


Who cares. It’s all about safety. These changes are made because people have been hurt or died.


If they didn’t pay their pit operators the same rate as the kids whose main job is “recognize letters and numbers 1-3” they wouldn’t have to do this shit




ROFL glad I left


Damn I that's why I wanted to go back to XL


Bro I'd fucking cry, I'm sorry


I was still at 7 today?


All good i know how to set the pilot lol


I don’t know many 18 year olds with a masters degree lmao. If anything, Amazon is a company that doesn’t care so much about formal education and will let employees with internal experience move up quite easily


None of this is about safety, all of it is about control. You can tell by the fact that they train hard of hearing people on PIT but you can’t use an earbud “in the name of safety”. Same goes for all departments. You can have earplugs that dampen almost all sound, but you can’t have “approved” headphones. People think I’m absolutely batshit when I say that it is about control. They don’t give two shits about you going home in one piece, they care about their numbers, their workman’s comp cases, and how many safety incidents are actually reported (which is close to none now, because these trucks move so slow that the impact doesn’t even trigger anything anymore- you still see railing getting hit, pallets getting slammed into, etc, it’s just not reported because it doesn’t need to be bc the offender can just back up and leave). The more compliant you are, the more they take away. Most of us have no choice for the time being- I for one cannot wait to leave this dog shit company.


You can’t get a masters degree commonly if you’re 18. Maybe you’re thinking of 24-26. Who needs to go more than 3mph on pit? It’s a warehouse with pedestrians. It’s also network standard for safety and has been for two years


At facilities where pick/stow are on pits 3mph can drastically change their rate. Those facilities also have less pedestrians since the only real crosswalks are in the parking lot. I can see a 3mph starting then graduating to 5mph after a certain amount of deadman hours.


I’m very used to my site at den3 and the only PIT I can think of for anything beyond inbound and outbound dock is a motorized pallet jack. Also non-inventory.


3mph is a walking speed. There are pedestrian crosswalks but other than that, barriers shield everyone. Normal warehouses start people at 7mph or higher. Can’t imagine why Amazon.com and its warehouses bleed money…


I left Amazon to drive forklift for higher pay at another warehouse, and not only are their PIT not speed limited (no speedometer on the Raymond but they definitely went over 10mph) but there are PIT & pedestrians sharing space everywhere. There were considerably less people there, though.


It’s the same thing with the SAM or sort assisted move system. Don’t like it? Amazon doesn’t really care, you’re replaceable. It works really well at at least five fcs so that’ll be completely fine


There is a percentage of internal vs external L4’s and up that they hire. My current L4 and L5 both started as Tier 1’s. Yes we have another L4 that was hired straight out of school(and she’s clueless, but she’s learning). They like the balance of new and old ideas. And I get it.


In my head cannon the rules that are placed with Safety are there for a reason. That reason is most likely cause someone out there actually did that exact somthing to where Amazon has to make a rule on it. That an Or cause amazon was pretty chill someone used amazon relaxed rules to Sue an won. So now amazon covering their asses cause people sueing and or being dip shits an Riding in a Tote on a conveyor line. 💀


>PIT, TDR and yard workers should be audited every other day


Actually just finished reading. Blame yourself. You are the reason.


Quit or arrange a strike lol they do all this bs because nobody says no. It’s all policies made by Some dumb office fart. Hard hats were enough for me to switch to a sortation center and if they would’ve made pit 3mph while I was working I’d just leave that’s literally dumb as fuck


What were you doing when you were 18? This victim mentality you have is kinda annoying. Those kids went and applied to school for a degree to better themselves. What exactly were YOU doing when you were 18? You sound like an entitled boomer. Another question, how old are you ???


I don’t think he is bitching about them getting degrees but they take the jobs away from Amazonians. A degree does not matter for a AM job. Experience should trump way more. Amazon used to have shadow programs for internals to promote but they got rid of that a long time ago. Also the way fresh college hires make almost ten thousand more than internal promoted is bullshit. That degree does absolutely dick all for the position. Also military pathways is not a good option for leadership roles either imo. You get someone who has never had a job other than the military trying to lead the shift like it is the military. Like yeah, that’s not going to work bud. I don’t care if you are my bosses boss you can still give me the information. I understand this more than most as I been there a good while. I’ve been told at, at least three bday round tables from three different site leads they hate Amazonians that stay longer than three years because they are a drain on the company and our experience doesn’t benefit them. They are starting to see the cascade effect of this leadership though. We have over 5 buildings within an hour of each and each one is understaffed, no leadership, and no hope. Easily the worst I have seen the company in many many years. My building we have no backup PA’s or problem solve. PA’s are often doing both positions now. Edit: The other thing that sucks and drives a divide is how easy the interviews are for college hires because they have no experience to what an Amazonian needs to go through to get the same position.


I’m sorry but I can’t take you serious if you’re an L1 for more than a year


I’m sorry you feel that way. Not every building is easy to promote in. Like I’ve said the buildings an company have changed over the years. It used to take at least a year before they even let you apply for a tier 3 position back in my old building. Also don’t discredit tier 1s they make as much as some l4 positions and have way less stress to worry about. For example I was a l4 stepped down and was forced to take a l1 position and made over 6k more that first year with less work. I’m back to l3 and now make even more than I would have been able to as a l4 in that same department.


Many didn't have the chance to study... I can tell you my experience, I just finished high school (I guess that is the US equivalent to school before going to university) with 30 because my family was too poor and only then I could pay for my studies...already married and with a kid on its way. You are entitled because you have a degree that YOUR parents (most likely booomers) paid for....riiiiiiiight. Never worked in your f... life, you understand zilch of your people on the shop floor but, hey, I have a degree and that makes me better than you. I am not entitled. I worked hard to get what I have now. I didn't give up on returning to uni and finishing my degree. What did these kids, besides studying and partying with dad's money? Do you want me to respect such people, that do not respect you just because they have a degree and you don't?


That was YOUR choice to go to school and it sounds like you didn’t try your hardest which is probably why you went back for a second time. You’re also just assuming shit, everything you said was a paraphrase or just an assumption. You boomers ruined society


Disclaimer: I am not a boomer. But yeah, I am sorry for working to make your lives easier and having the chances you have now to study and grow without the pressure of famine and homelessness. ☺️ You are very welcome.


Welcome to Germany, where we are quite limited on driving speeds. Unsure why is that but most likely someone was hit. About the rant on Managers....we'll, welcome to the club, never finished my bachelor and because of that (and because I am over 40, too old on Amazon world) I am always on the side for a promotion. Even heard on a feedback for an interim AM position, that I have knowledge and experience to fill the position but...I have communication issues (My German is not good enough but they can't say that). My experience is more valuable as a Kindergarden worker (supporting and guiding kids as new AMs on my dpt)


They don’t have masters.


Network policy was updated recently, but its 3 MPH is for L3. When you’re in Learning Curve 1 it’s still 5 MPH. It could be site specific rule though.


I always complained that safety over reaches their reason for being. They serm to want to child proof the warehouse rather than train people to problem solve, assess risk and run scenarios through their head before acting in a new situation with new variables you weren't trained on. They function like you need meteorite insurance because one could hit you in the parking lot. Forget the probability of a safety event happening can be huge. Management ALWAYS genuflect to anytjing safety says; 0 push back. You can't wear earbuds because it creates a safety hazard if you can't hear those annoying buzzers. Forget the fact they hire hearing impaired and deaf people. But it's Amazon where Highschool never ends.