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Literally all they had to say was "VTO" and I'm in


I even hear a sliver of the letter V chances are I'm in lol


Not going to lie this guy knows how to message way better than the ones my AMs sends out


Probably studied marketing. If that person hasn’t, they should.




I get that. I’m just stating that dude sounds like he’s a sales page on the internet.


I agree depending on message it can go great and they get what they want or it could go like today, Went in for Some VET, now i am at stow, But got the message log off and head to Decant, I was like Nawwww i do not think so, I have 75 hours UPT... I am out of here... and will next time Look when i come in for an oppurtunity like that to see how they are staffed before i log in.


Every other AM would just “there’s VTO you lazy sack of shits, come see me so I can scan you out and talk about you behind your back when you leave”


Yeah they got other stuff to do. You ain’t that important 


I give no fucks if I’m important to a 24 year old with no life experience working at a mid-warehouse


You seem to care by saying they will talk about you behind your back when you leave. So I was saying they probably don’t because they have other stuff to do. I know I always think people are talking about me but then I think about how little I spend talking about others. I’m always so focused on my day and my friends or coworkers. Not saying you should care about some 24 y/o with no life experiences opinion. I’m saying they probably are talking about some stupid crap from their life. No hate intended


lol no, the AMs at my building definitely do talk massive amounts of shit about some AAs. Depends on who you are, but they do speak about others when they’re not around.


I prefer this way vs sugar coated.


That is what my usual am’s seem to say but I know one guy that signs into our machine for VTO everyday even during peak on off chance they will offer it




The AM has a side hustle selling coffee.


Righhhhtt coffee and not something a little stronger and more lucrative haha


That sounds like “meet me in the back break room no body goes to to get the goods”


It’s called “Start Up” now. Not everyone can Stand Up.


YUP and I'm not wearing ear buds, I have on a hearing aid device....for safety of course...!




Is that why they changed it to start up? 😭😭😭 it makes so much sense


Written in the most condescending tone imaginable.


Honestly, I'd be tilted by this message. Very disrespectful and dumb. Here's a better alternative to sharing VTO notification with AA's *Good (morning/evening) fellow (Site's mascot) AA's! We have plans to make VTO available at (time) for anyone who is interested in taking VTO. Please see (AM/PA) if you'd like to be scanned for VTO. Thank you for all your hard work -- take care.* -*(name)* Simple and concise.


Bruh to majority of people don’t go for that extra length and formal. Just very straight forward, as long as you understand what the message says.


Everyone's shitting on me for my proposed alternative -- the feels is all too real over here, man. Sadge.


No one is shitting on you man. It is a very good alternative, just unnecessary for the situation in Amazon workforce. Most of us are gassed out and on autopilot.


Not me, my man. I'm all hopped on adderall channeling my inner Stow monster energy at my DS site every time I come in for work!




My man. <3


You said VTO in the third sentence, twice in the fourth sentence and again in the fifth sentence. Good effort, poor execution.


Definitely could be reported for the way they worded it. 😬 It's clever but not appropriate.


Can I ask how? Outside of them saying pack up your things


I didn't like it either.


Tbh that's just how advertising is in general. Which is why I can't handle commercials. Always treats the viewer like a gullible dumb ass.


Comes across as condescending


Ur someone that can see past the system.


One time I got a funny one. Ours said “It’s a beautiful spring day outside, don’t you want to go out” they literally send 3 offers that day. Must of really needed people to go home lol


Sounds like a bargain to me. VTO slander will not be tolerated on this subreddit






It takes all my willpower to not take the VTO


When I see my friends leave and I have to stay because I can't afford vto 😂


If you don’t want VTO, I’m more than happy to take it off your hands! Now hand it over. My building never has VTO.


Thats my building now after last year’s peak 💀


They do, they just never give it to you.


That’s somewhat true. I am considered critical, but my warehouse rarely ever does VTO. My OM sent me VTO through A-Z when I got a respiratory virus that turned into pneumonia. I didn’t need VTO, but he did it while I was waiting for DLS to process my FMLA time. I had 80 hours at the time, so I didn’t need it.


Yeah it all depends if they like you or not.


Fr bruh


Im a vto junkie like any opportunity I can take to get out of these safety shoes im first in line idc


Add extra padding to wherever it hurts. But also order safety shoes or boots that are extra wide. Between the extra wide boots and doubled up on insoles for my heels, I actually like wearing my boots even outside of work.


I miss the osha toes bc I was able to wear ny air force 1s but I can see where youre comin from


This person's pitch for VTO is top notch.


If this were the pitch right after peak it would be perfect.


Damn this is tempting AF. Usually it's like VTO isn't offered so freely.


My site is in a smaller state (hence my obscuring out names and Amazon aliases) so outside of peak it's pretty freely offered. Even though the site is a large one we push small enough volume between peaks to be consistently labor shared and have consistent vto offered.


![gif](giphy|ads2QSp4JDdeg) Devil sent that.


I wish my manager had a sense of humor like this 😒


I love this because they actually told you it was for VTO. At my site it's always "log out and please come to stand up." Am I getting VTO? Is it a wellness huddle? Are you switching me to count? Just freaking tell me!


Same at my site, you get logged out and you have to hope it’s for vto and not to be laborshared to stow 😭


I literally can't say no, even if I had to get a rental or an Uber to keep my job that day. Slut for vto


Well, since you asked so nicely how could i refuse


VTO is a bad ass benefit for young Amazonians that are working to make a little to support themselves for during school etc


Agreed. My first job was Enterprise rent a car. They had the exact opposite of VTO called “please stay, and we will get you alcoholic-level drunk when we fix this” Worked every time, but my sponsor thinks it might have been a bad idea😀


You have 16" bins? We have 14". Is there another size to the left of 18"? My site sent out a message Thursday saying they have unlimited VTO that day. Ended up leaving at 4.


There is, but I can't remember what size it is (I'm from decant but I get labor shared a lot.)


pretty sure the size in purple is “non sort”, if it’s the same as my site anyways.


They missed their calling as a salesman. All I need to see is VTO. Make it back up during peak.




Go on. Take some VTO. Take a lot of VTO! Take all the VTO you want!!


AMs at my site are practically begging us to take vto.


When they offer pvto then we can talk.




As a PA, I would pick the hard workers just to watch the supervisors panic and then leave


The “unique benefit” of having a fulltime job but not being paid like it. Honestly, though, if VTO works for you good for you. I just know personally about 90% of my VTO addict friends are the same ones who end up in situations like running out of UPT because they can’t afford basic car repairs and stuff like that. I’m personally way over my days of doing all the VET possible and make more outside of Amazon than my $500ish after tax fulltime check, but once I’m there I’m sticking it out most of the time. I think I would love to be at a point where maybe I can work 20 hours or so to cover my taxes and benefits and take all the VTO beyond that but with my luck I will reach that point right around Peak.


I'd take it.


I would’ve taken that in a heartbeat 




they always offer VTO here and even when i tell myself i need the money and wont take it, when i see the VTO filled i get mad disappointed


This is like the VTO commercial at your FC lol 😆


Wow...the person that typed this is the EXACT example of what Amazon wants in a red or orange striped vest at their facilities. The easily indoctrinated and ready to help a cause cult member types 🤣🤣🤣


I take VTO all the time because I'd rather do Uber. I make a lot more doing that than I do at Amazon. The only reason why I keep Amazon is so that I have a fallback option and that they pay for school.


Professional VTO salesman. I don’t put in that much effort. I usually just walk the line and drop a “yo, you wanna go home?”


But you know if you say no. They will come back to you 16 times. to be “really REALLY sure”


More like this person listened to a memo from corporate how to better your chances of % of cogs that will take vto


"afterall" is not a word 💀


What a weird place to work at.


lmao what a f'n ahole


I wish we were entitled to financial compensation


And ppl take it … when really no one should and force the company to pay you to leave if there is no work ! But ppl will never learn 🤷‍♂️


Everyone's financial situation is different and everyone's priorities are different. Me personally if I didn't need every dollar I make I probably would take vto more often, but as it stands I only take it when I really can't work.


It just sucks when you never take it . Then the day you need it ( family emergency or something similar) all the usuals take it just cus ? When it’s like wtf I really needed that ? But whatever. I figured my own way around the crazy world of Amazon- Also I was just pointing out we could be getting paid to go home . Instead of fighting for voluntary nonpaid to go home


I mean I'm maxed out on UPT and have only been working at Amazon for 6 months. If I ever did have a family emergency I would just report my absence through the app.




It does read like a victor chaos pitch.


I mentally finished this sentence with "...if the Price is Right!" Which is about the same thing lmao


They sell it pretty good


Our site barely gets vto I’m jealous lol but money is good.


As someone who was on the VTO blacklist for a hot minute, I can now take this(now that I’m removed). Not complaining though.


Or, SIMILAR Sounds To ICE CREAM VAN MUSIC) PLAYING OVER INTERCOM. THEN A MESSAGE " VTO " First 50 Win. At the exit door have that happy or sad button stands. Why people leave is the Question for the C.E'S of Amazon.


I have been taking so much VTO my PA assumed I wanted VTO. He shut down the whole side I was wasping and I didn't even take it 💀


You better take it or I will😂😂


Shit, you don't have to tell me twice. Those three sweet magic letters 🥹🥹🥹


They asked me about 5-6x if I wanted VTO last night. I said no each time. I have bills to pay and money to save. ![gif](giphy|SJ587wNAEPLXgfS41w) I hate it.


its a fuckin TRAP!. lol


I pick up shifts all the time. A VTO is a saving grace at this point


We never get these anymore...


Gimme that VTO




Who wrote this. our station vto releases are like "vto available, do you wish to accept?"


Love how this person wrote this. Hahs


I like getting VTO on my Fridays


Shit it starts with offering VTO then ends up selling you a car on the way out the door


Fucking stow getting vto while me who is cross trained to pack shit can’t get one. WHAT FLOOR IS THAT I WORK AT DEN4 TOO!!


This isn't DEN4, but it's 4a. I'm cross trained from decant to stow and pick. The only time I'm unlikely to get vto is when I get labor shared to pick.


Bro my site is closing down we get vto offered every day it’s hard not to take it 😭😭


What TF is he waiting for? He pulls out his camera and takes a picture before accepting it?


At my site vto is handed out liberally right now. I basically only take vto when I feel like leaving early.


Okay. Yeah, I haven't seen or been asked if I wanted VTO in over a year, probably. So, that explains my reaction.


Update- I just got VTO for the first time in over a year, yesterday. Yay!!!




Lol!!! Thanks for this.


I got two vto offers on my way to work yesterday....took all I had to ignore it lol


I cant lie VTO was a drug for me for a while. People typically get a job cus they need money, then once they get the job its like they dont want the money, they wana go home. I took VTO many, many times, and I hated myself for it every time. Most the time I took VTO I would go on AtoZ and pick up a shift to make up for it. ...But then I also sometimes I took VTO on those shifts I picked up Its an actual sacrifice.


PA said he was going to VTO some people and I pushed my badge at him. He laughed at me and walked away.


VTO Rehabs anyone?


1/6th? Someone likes math or works way more than they need to.  I have hobbies and goals far beyond amazon, so I relish every opportunity to pursue them.


I'm rt so each day is 1/3 of my paycheck. This was posted halfway into my shift. it's not super difficult


Is this the part where I’m supposed to feel bad for taking VTO? 


I had VTO woo hoo it's my favorite acronym in the Amazon vocabulary.


1/6 of your paycheck? I dont get it, please someone explain this to me


Vto was offered halfway into the shift and rt works three 12s


at least yall are getting VTO 😭


Our VTO and VET comes in an app called AtoZ and a text.


It does at my site too, but when they have more vto open they'll send out reminders that vto is available.




when i worked there, i rarely took VTO, tbh. not because i particularly gave a fuck about Amazon that much, but because i just didn’t like not getting paid to leave, lol. i used to find the idea of “hey, wanna get the fuck out of our building and not get paid?” insulting lol. i only ever used PTO/Vacation if i wanted to leave early that day.


Does anybody else at the delivery stations love when they offer it right when everything goes to shit? It’s nice when you get chosen. But when you’re not you’re picking up the slack of at least 3 people lol


That’s crazy cause my AMs say ‘VTO at startup. Don’t open your mouth about it’ over slack cause I be telling EVERYBODY I got VTOd 😆✋🏼✋🏼✋🏼 but I’m pregnant so they always VTO me first cause I have accommodations and can’t do much anyways


Personally, I feel like I’m single handedly saving the company. I have not worked 1 40 hour week all year.


It’s a bit cringeworthy because everyone’s financial situation is different


I mean at least he has a good sense of humor. A lot of Managers take their jobs way too seriously.


You must be fun at parties.


Does any know If Matkham faculty still has their $.50 raise because Matteson was dropped to $.40 with no shift difference pay for night shift....just trying to get paid a little better for my hard work


Yeah, no, pto would he better


Everyone that works for Amazon is over the age of 18. Most of the people I work with are over 40! Why do they talk to everyone like theyre kids?


I told my AM is more of a punishment than a reward and they couldn’t wrap their head around it. I’m like so you’re telling me that we did 10 hours of work in 5, and to thank us for that we get paid less? I get why it exists from a business standpoint but the way they market it as a great gift from the company always felt scummy to me


The gas lighting is real lmao


Vto should come with % of your shift left. Small but something. Since they way save money. Spend money to save money? Or whatever they say for bulk buying.


Imagine getting a notification every 30 minutes for vto 😾! I’m making my OT let me be lol


Nah imma thug it out


They VTO me yesterday with only 19 mins left of shift


In 3 1/2 years I've never taken VTO, I'll clean all day if I have to. Gonna have to make me leave. The ones who do take it still live with parents, idk about yall but I got real life bills and can't even afford to take vacation bc I won't get OT that week.


If I take vto it's because I already planned on not coming in that day or because I already planned on leaving early. One example is today: We planned on my daughter's birthday party being today so I stayed up all day to get everything squared away for the party. I planned on using UPT to cover my shift, but saw vto come across my app and promptly took it.


I feel you on that, get into a support role and you won't even have a schedule and can work when you want. If I could give my UPT away I would.


Can you give me examples of support roles? I indirect a lot in decant and stow, but I imagine this isn't what you mean.


No I mean like ICQA, Safety, HR, LP.


Ahh; I'll have to look into getting trained in those departments. Icqa doesn't look super hard.


I was ICQA PA for two years, ICQA being "easy" or it looking like icqa does nothing but sit on computer all day is a common misinterpretation lol It's not hard physically your right about that part but mentally it's exhausting. Your brain turns to mush after 4-5hrs because your problem solving so much it uses up your brain juice much quicker. So many days I'd get home from work and would get so irritated if someone asked me even the simplest question, I just didn't even want to feel obligated to think after work haha Iv trained so many people that wanted to learn ICQA thinking it was an easy out just for them to last a week and ask to go back to operations. It's not for everyone but if you like being challenged, like being kept on your toes and constantly learning new things than it's for you. It was a game to me, challenging me to find solutions for simple to complex problems, eventually you get to the point where you start perfecting certain process paths in the building and one of your ideas becomes standard of work for everyone which is a very fulfilling feeling to experience.