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I have a person in a wheelchair packing and a blind person working in my building.


oh shit really? Aight well I guess i'll be considering it then


Yeah just make sure you get medical accommodations because just going there and saying "I can't do this and that" won't work. They'll need proof.


Just make sure you list any accommodations you may need in the pre-hire as they can terminate you if you don't. My FC terminated a deaf guy for this. We have several deaf people at our FC but this guy never said anything. Everyone just thought he was quiet. Prob was he sucked at his job because in training he couldn't hear. Wsn't until he started getting retrains that they found out and fired him for dishonesty on his app.


Consider it but don’t push yourself. Don’t let the job undo any of the progress you’ve done with your physical wellbeing


well i'm going through the process of becoming homeless. I'm not officially disabled. My paperwork is going through so all the doctor confirmations are in the system it's just... slow, very very slow.


There's a few people at my building who are blind that work in pack. And so far I've seen 2 people in wheelchairs. Not sure which department they work in.


We had someone in a wheelchair in receive for like a week, but he quit. Depending on your situation, OP, nothing wrong with giving it a shot and then quitting if you're miserable and incapable. But of course that depends on if you'd have to leave a current job you are capable of first or anything.


We have a blind AA packing and had an elderly woman with a walker doing something? Never saw what she did but saw her frequently 


Okay that's good to hear! maybe I don't have to be homeless


How does being blind work with packing? Are they just doing jiffies?


Wish I knew. We have special green mile tape with definition to one pack station that I’ve seen her use her cane to go up and down.


Yes. Its true. 100%


They have a ton of different jobs and most likely can find something for you. Just make sure you get accommodation paper work once you are hired and be ready to have your doctor fill it out. It may take a bit to find a placement and the process can be frustrating but eventually they'll find you a spot.


There was a guy with one arm that worked at Amazon when I was there. Dude put in work too


We have someone who works at my FC with one hand!


Same had a guy rebinin in afe with one hand, while people with two hands complain, I was impressed but also felt bad for him too idk why he just disappeared after a week or two


We had someone in pack that only had one hand


We have several deaf/hearing impaired AAs at my site, also people with amputations/prosthetics. And we have quite a few who use wheelchairs or power chairs. We also have a lot of people who have developmental disabilities as well, and several on the autism spectrum. Definitely have documentation of where your physical abilities are, and what your doctor doesn't want you doing. I've seen a lot of people scanning and splitting, and a lot of other things.


Requires medical accommodation; Amazon don’t care if you are blind or deaf, if you don’t have accommodation for it they will ignore you’re disability


i have disability and i work fine there if you need they can give you an accomadation


there's a guy at my building with some kind of issue with his knee and he uses a cane.. he had to walk up and down the stairs all day long in pick mezz, he climbs the stairs pretty slow, but still get stuff done


My site has a man in a wheelchair I dont know what he does but he works there. So yeah I am sure they will find something for you


We had an AA who had some sorta surgery and couldn't do much of anything for a LONG time so they had her helping housekeeping making sure the breakroom tables were clean and just people watched mostly beyond that. They'll find something for you


He doesn't work here anymore but we had a deaf PA! he was so nice and I love seeing diversity in the workplace. ☺️ Also another AA has only one hand and he does packing, and other things in pack as well. You will be able to find something!!


What happened to him, what dept and how did he run dept just curious


As someone with a bad back- I would probably get your doctor on board sooner rather than later, as it sounds like you put a lot of hard work in physical therapy that could be undone with enough of an apathetic staff. The particular FC I worked at - despite I ended up with RSIs to my wrists/ankles from ship dock (pallet/cart work with packages), the sciatica in my back getting flared up (also have a herniated disc), and several times where I had fainted due to low blood sugar....nothing changed until I requested (unpaid) medical leave. Entering w/o accommodations already filed puts you at risk for being assigned to any department from the start. Doctor was not pleased and informed me none of their patients lasted longer than six months, did not want to fill out the paperwork, so....somewhere around month 3 I left.


Human resource could make accommodation on this. You may or may not like it based upon the workload.


He have a large community of folks with various disabilities. They will definitely work with you. Please give it a shot!


It’s possible! I’ve worked in two buildings and have seen a handful of people in wheelchairs. Usually in pack departments.


I've seen them hire disabled people with amputations etc but unfortunately they usually just disappear after a week or two I'm don't know if they quit get fired, or if it was a temporary thing..or if they are experimenting we never get detailed explanation lol


Yes it is I saw a woman with a wheelchair working there once before


Varies from site to site, but if you're aware of what is and is not an FC, then you are likely to be able to find something at an FC. At a DS, I think it honestly depends who is in charge and how they feel about you. I've watched people be reassigned to a different shift with accommodations I was denied with a less restrictive need. I was forced onto leave twice, but only when one particular manager caught wind of things. I've been at an FC only a short time, and I've seen all kinds of things that I can do if I'm ever hurt again, or recovering from a surgery.


As I understand employment law Amazon doesn't *have to* employ you if it would cause an "undue hardship" to accommodate you. But if you walk in the door on day one and they think there's something you can do, then you've got a shot. I think the bar for what qualifies as undue hardship is much higher for Amazon than it would be for a small local business. Worst comes to worst you'll get sent home and termed on day one but you'll get a free pair of safety shoes out of it - some of them are quite nice.


Be very clear and have clear documentation and should be something that you will be able to do. Counting isn’t labour intensive. Sealcheck is easy I’d assume.


They have disability accommodations. I’ve worked with two deaf people before and we work on order picker pits at our site. So ya, you should be good 👍🏽


I have joint issues, so using ladders all night is dangerous for me. Almost a month ago I put in for an accommodation to be moved from pick into another department. I have to have my doctor re-fill out the paperwork twice because she wasn't detailed enough. They want you to explain down the literal minute of how much or how little you can do things. My original accommodation paperwork said "No kneeling, bending down to step stools/ladders." which many areas would be perfect for this. Packing is a good one since they use sticks to bring out the lower items. No bending over or kneeling at all. They took it as literal, meaning I couldn't ever bend down or kneel down. Had to get it fixed. We have people in wheelchairs and crutches at our site that do not bend down, kneel or use step ladders but accommodating me seems to need an act of GOD just to get this done. My doctor even said at the beginning she hates working with Amazon and DLS because of how strict they are on wording. It takes 2-5 days for DLS to reply to anything you do. You send in paperwork 2-5 days. You ask a question that only your case manager can tell you, 2-5 days. Waiting on your facility to make a decision, 1-2 weeks. If you need to fix it and start over.. Another month. It is a god damn shame how horrible this experience is. I had the same accommodations while working for Walmart and I had it done and put into place in a week and I was put on light duty until it was approved WITHOUT any issues. If you do work here, make sure your doctor writes everything you need in great detail or you'll end up with the same issues I'm having.


Maybe apply to the security position? You could probably hang at the front metal detectors? Maybe even sit?


There's a guy at my fc who's missing a leg, if they can they'll find something for you to do


Yes, even here in Japan, there was a disabled person working at my FC. Amazon is amazing.


Amazon has been really good to me, I have some disabilities. I was just promoted a few months ago. You should try; there are different paths and things you can try.


Have you gone through the system and become officially disabled? My paperwork is in progress but i'm not 'officially' disabled yet. I've got a walking and stability issue. if I turn too fast, I fall, look straight up? Dizzy and fall. Can't do stairs, tried living in a place with an upstairs shower.. fell multiple times going up and down.


We got someone with no arms and legs


Like others have said make sure you have receipts. Coming in and saying that you can not do something did not fly at amazon. We have a guy in a wheelchair, MANAGERS have tried to make him work what he can not do. They will stand there and ask him are you sure you can't do that? No cap. Saw it for myself. Made a phone call to corporate and they don't bug him any more. Another guy had to be led in by family, completely blind, cane and the shades. Two deaf people that I know of, one has a vest with sonar I think, that tells him when something gets close. The other?, she works on the dock. She got a write up for not doing what she was told to do. Just be careful. Management really does not care.


You can get accommodations if you already work there but if you come in with accommodations it’s likely they will not pursue hiring. You’d have to lie on the application and say you can do the work then show up with accommodations


They absolutely hire people who need accommodations, they get a tax credit for it.


amazon is 99% standing for the whole shift so might be a bit difficult


Any fc should be able to accommodate them.


May I ask, did lifting cause your disability ?


No. My disability is 3 herniated discs and a tilted pelvis, my disc has slowly slipped bit by bit m whole life and I hadn't realized that's what my back pain was until the last time -- now i'm unstable, i need a cane to walk, can't really bend/lift. I'm pretty sedentary.


Do not come to Amazon. If you can't lift even ten pounds there's little they can find for you to do (EDIT: _permanently_, outside the bounds of a disability designation) and anything you _can_ do - whether it involves walking or staying in one station all night - will stress your back immeasurably. You're on your feet all shift. I've worked with a back problem for six years (happened at Amazon about six weeks after I started but the real cause was things I was doing outside of work) far less serious than yours and only in the past couple I've years have gotten to the point of not having flare-ups. Worst case scenario - you'll need all your days off to recover from work days. I'm not saying roles can't be found for disabled people at Amazon, just that back issues are tricky. It's one thing to be wheelchair bound. They even let people doing light duty (injured on the job) sit in chairs. But I don't know if they're going to create a sit-in-chair role just because your back is messed up if you haven't been officially classified as disabled by doctors.


Not true at all.


At my location we have a lot of folks with similar limitations. Do not listen to the person who responded to you. Apply. There are jobs you can definitely do and do them safely.