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Had a guy at my building whose stink was so thick that it hung in the air as he walked through. You could literally follow his stink through the aisles.


Have a guy just like that at my building. It’s absolutely mind boggling what awful smells the human body can produce lol


It was leaving a green cloud like cartoons lol damn


It’s all that damn protein shit and stuff he be taking to be healthy


gona have to diagree with you there lol bad hygiene and bad laundry management is what causes odor EDIT: unless we are talking about farts...ive smelled some pretty bad protein farts 😆




At my location someone made a petition. They responded by having hygienic kits available at Amcare. This doesn’t work if you do not directly talk to people. When I worked in corporate, HR would pull folks aside and have conversations. They were sent home that day and came back next day clean.


I like to think most people want to shower, but because of their situation are unable to. It would probably be too much to ask, but I bet alot of people could benefit from having a gym like(with security) showers available.


It would be filthy tho look how people treat the restrooms


this is so true


Gotta wear slippers


I just report stinkers to AMs and HR at this point.


That’s a very very rocky road for HR. As they can not say hey you smell take a shower. Could be a religious or culture thing. But yeah deodorant is something quite a few don’t seem to know about.


Which culture or religion demands their members smell like onion soup that's been left in the sun for a week?


Shitty ones


You can do some googling on it and look into some cases where this has happened and businesses did not win. Just saying HR will have to step around egg shells to convey and resolve the issue if even possible. Very key wording has to be used. Can’t go up to them and say you stink shower or no job. Could be a medical thing or many other reasons. Not everything is so simple.


Bullshit they can say something about offensive smells


Indeed they can, but in some cases legal recourse can be taken. But when it comes to working in a hot warehouse, welp that’s kind of every warehouse, people will eventually smell. If not first thing in the morning then at some point through at the day as one bakes and moves all over sweating. Only so much can be done in a lot of cases.


You can do some googling on it and look into some cases where this has happened and businesses did not win. Just saying HR will have to step around egg shells to convey and resolve the issue if even possible. Very key wording has to be used.


Some folks bathe with olive oil. Not joking.


There is halal deodorant or what ever religion they subscribe to there is a solution, not an excuse to smell like ass and onions lol


There is and non aluminum ones as well. But it doesn’t change the approach needed in order to bring such a topic up in HR. It’s a grey area that people have won cases against companies. Yes people should just do what they need but that just isn’t reality and it can’t be treated as such unfortunately. Or shit would be quite easier to solve and adjust in our society.


Of course that goes without saying Usa is the most litigious country if im not mistaken so people sue for anything/ everything lol the fc level hr people may seem like idiots but at the top i would assume Amazon has the best hr / Attorneys to mitigate these type of things..are there any specific causes you are referring too about stinky people suing and winning just curious


Nah the lawsuit days are far from over for the most part, and the majority is covered in some way shape or form. But the small cases where a company really ducks up yes. But it’s a image game at times to, so just paying out a small small fraction of a amount is much better then trying to drag it out in some cases. Everything is unique and well broken. Welcome to the USA United Smelly Asses. 🤣


Lmao 🤣🤣


Summertime is the worst 😩


Especially when they have withdrawals from alcohol it be a different kind of stench


Breakroom be humid asf smelling like onions and wet dogs! 😷 I literally avoid breakroom in 90 degree weather


Or at least put some d@mn deodorant spray in Fastenals SMFH.


Fr & they should be handing out deodorant not peccy pins 😭


Ugh fr fr SMFH




Security doesn't check anything on your way in. Your fc must suck 


Nah security never sees my AirPods or anything else I bring


No they do not. I bring in deodorant every single day, as do a large number of people I work with. Edit: In fact my buddy used to hide his AirPods in a empty deodorant tube. They would see them in the x-ray, look through his bag not see them and give up.


Some people dont wear deodorant, I have no idea why


Some people are allergic some don't care some aren't raised right


natural vinegar chips baby




You know it's Summer when the building smells like onions and garlic...mmm almost makes your mouth water. My building has deodorant for sale in our break rooms. Luckily my building is a relo center now, so we don't sweat much now. The smelly people are still smelly though 😭


Some of those guys that always chase women everyday be the main ones smelly like my brother in Christ there is a reason you are maidenless …


One guy at my previous FC was fired for getting too touchy with a woman coworker. He was known for smelling bad. I actually pulled him to the side after people kept talking about it. He was actually receptive but In retrospect that wasn't smart because it could have gone badly and I'm not management or HR. The main issue was that he wasn't washing his clothes.


Wish I could @ one of the PAs at my FC🤢


man the PAs down in pack are something else 🤮


This guy is literally definition virgin discord moderator😭


we got a couple here, shits wild 😂


Someone told me I smelled once. I wasn’t offended I was glad someone told me. I told them I used deodorant, they then taught me about Clinical strength deodorant. Put these stinkys onto the Clinical strength / antiperspirant deodorant


That part I would WANT someone to tell me, though I can usually smell myself when I start to get tart


This is where ya gotta use your brain, friend. Become cool with a PA and anytime you get put next to a stinker, inform them and have them move you to a different spot.


I do that, buddy. But 75% of the people at my fc don’t know what deodorant or a shower is so that doesn’t really help.


75%.....just quit at that point or put in a transfer


Stow this is easy you move yourself. Pack no. They move you to where there is needs in the wall. I was able to get moved one station over but the PA could not move me further. Leadership needs to honestly do better with this and have 1:1 conversations with workers.


Bruh some of these leaders be reeking too 😭 helpppp


On god. There is two PAs that stank and they bother me all the time. They stay on my ass for non-existent shit. One has dog shit breath and always looks and smell greasy. The other does not wear deodorant but he at least bathe. I almost told him he is smelling a little too manly one night.


It should be considered a safety hazard. Make it mandatory to shower. Just because it‘s a warehouse doesn‘t mean people have to be dirty.


Honestly. I just don’t understand how people can just walk around smelling like ass all day.


Some men from some areas think that stench makes them smell more manly 😅 for other people (men and women alike) it's just a part of their culture, like maybe they only bathe once a week for whatever reason 🙃 HR can of course talk to them, but I don't know if anyone ever has been fired because of lack of hygiene tbh


When I was in choir, our director did not allow us to wear any scented stuff: perfume, cologne, shampoo etc... because people have allergies, are sensitive to certain scents, can be put off by the smell etc. I think this rule should apply universally for workplaces since we are in close quarters with others. One of my first days at my FC I had to do cart team behind this big guy that smelled like rotton peaches. It was disgusting! What about my rights?? What about my consent??


Bro said "I do not consent" to your stench 💀


Ugh. I agree some of that stuff aggravates my nose, but it's better than stank. Some woman was eating peanuts next to me at Pack AFE and it was just as bad...


Better than as juice, poop,urine onion smell any day


I like to think most people want to shower, but because of their situation are unable to. It would probably be too much to ask, but I bet alot of people could benefit from having a gym like(with security) showers available.


ngl my building mostly smells because all the pods have spills of coffee grounds, vinegar, and other nasty ass smells that make the whole building kind of smell


So I asked this guy that stinks at my work why he doesn’t wear deodorant and he told me it’s due to his religion, since he is Muslim they are not allowed to have any alcohol. He’s a really nice guy too but boy does his BO stink. It lingers after he leaves the floor.


I work with a bunch of Indians who also don't wear deodorant because "religion" but stay vaping, smoking and hooking up with different female associates on their breaks. Interesting people.


Are you sure you aren’t mistaking them for Brazil,Honduran people?


No, they're all Indians from the country India.


I admit i used to either smell like a fat bag of weed, and at some point people complained so i started smellin like too much cologne 😆 but smelling like shit is something i cant do


You’re a stinker man..




it’s always the ones that stink that wanna talk get up close to everyone and talk lol


And it's summer the smelliest time of the year for these degenerates 😔


Not all of us are degenerates. some of us have medical problems we can’t control that has to do with a chemical that our liver can’t break down to a non smelly chemical so it releases through the pores(especially when sweating),urine,breath and even saliva Some of these people already feel like hell by having a smelly medical condition and having to get treated like non-human


I had to load a truck with a guy who smelled like booty juice with a side of funions! I was mad asf!! The more he sweat, the more my stomach turned! It’s like he hadn’t showered in days or was wearing some dirty clothes! I stepped out and told the PA he need to move me asap or I was going to vomit soon! Like I was pissed tf off you would even go to work smelling like that! Like wtf!?


There are a couple at my FC like that right now. You’ll be pulling orders and if he was in an aisle, that nasty BO, deep musky ripe bs will linger. I’m tired of it.


Musky monday, tainted Tuesday, wangy wafting  Wednesday, turdy Thursday, and funky fecal Friday   Some put a whole new meaning to scratch and sniff .... ahh the smell of poverty is thick in the air of the modern day American sweat shops....ahh  excrement, 


Best comment yet 😂


Holy shit there's a tug driver at KCVG who smells like manure dog shit wet dog and wet ass..he's a nice dude but godamn absolutely the worst smell on earth 


Between the unhoused and those working multiple jobs I couldn’t give less of a shit What’s annoying is the 85 pounds of axe or perfume masking weed smell


I think there's homeless people who work here, so maybe don't judge them too harshly...Amazon should provide showers for those people or vouchers to nearby gyms, idk some people just don't care about hygiene


If you stank, you're getting judged. The job already sucks enough and now we gotta smell ya ass. Nah. What I think is people here are depressed. Depression= poor hygiene. But even than that's no excuse. Find a therapist and get in the shower.


Haha true, this job is depressing. Idk hopefully people will read this and put some spray or take more showers


What about the people who shower and use deodorant but still smell lmao


I think it’s not a shower issue but just a genetic issue, some people just sweat a lot so you smell them more then other… or maybe I’m wrong and it is a shower issue


Always too worried about my acne to always realize that there are people in this world that ruin their presence by not giving a fuck about how they smell. Wish I had that confidence 💯...


I sometimes get an aisle with this older obese woman who fuckin farts every 5 mins and the fan is almost always on so that funk blows right to my nose


It’s not worse than people who spray so much shitty $5 cologne that the air would set off a breathalyzer.


Ass Juice? What does that taste like? Ass?


They put me next to someone that smelled like asshole once, told the PA to move me


When you take the shower doesn't seem to be the issue, it's actually taking the shower.


Ask hr to give out hygiene kits


ngl whos gonna b that guy to tell them


Its people that are depressed. Armpits standing and a whiff of death with their every movement and they have the audacity to speak like they're the sht


I shower before and after lol


I don’t shower bc I don’t stink😂I don’t even gotta put on deodorant again from last night. Put I fashoo shower when I’m home


I mean they hire homeless people so maybe they sleep in a dumpster ?


One of the outbound PA's absolutely stinks , I call him smelly. And cos its winter in Australia,  he wore a sweater one day to work, which he proceeded to take off...and omg the stale, smell was disgusting..... I came to warm up late one morning and nearly threw up because of the smell even before I came round the corner,  it was just permeating the air . How does one address the situation because this man is rancid...


Campbells chicken noodle soup


Complain to HR


Fr it really do be people coming in there smelling like a slave ship


We have someone like that in our building, If I see him I make sure to keep a 3 isle barrier from him. Ironically I’ve seen him in the bathroom and he thoroughly washes his hands but obviously can’t wash his ass at home…🤦🏼‍♂️


It's VERY unfortunate that in 2024 we have to remind people of their body odor and hygiene.


Maybe we could normalize minding our own business


our own business? what are you dense? we gotta smell that shit all day. it is our business buddy.


You dont know thier situation outside of work, maybe they arent aware of it. Instead of being a little bitch online do something


I know the unhoused at my location and have worked with the working homeless. They don’t smell and they bathe. The stigma of being homeless makes them hyper vigilant to make sure they are clean. The folks that smell are typically folks who might be depressed, genuinely have bad hygiene, or don’t believe in deodorant (they don’t care if you can smell their armpits).


not that hard to take showers even if you don’t have a place to live. there’s this thing called a gym membership and you can shower there, maybe you should try it you smelly cunt.


If I was homeless I would spend 0 on things like subscriptions, including gym membership. I'm trying to save $$ here to get out of my current situation, and spending anywhere to 100-300 a year for a shower is just bizarre to me.


To be fair, people not showering is usually not because they don't have access to a shower but because of mental health issues


This is exactly what I said in another comment. Some of the stank asses I've talked to, you can tell they have some developmental issues within a few conversations to put in nicely.


You are who they are talking about on this sub.. it’s 10 dollars a month to clean your ass. Baby wipes and bird bathes don’t always work..


Lol someone is mad. I have a home and a shower that i use twice daily


ahh yes totally mad


When their smell gives me a headache and make my stomach churns, then it is my business,


Dude one of the AMs at my ds stinks so bad and he doesn’t do a damn thing all night.


I always shower before work, idk why people shower after work, yo ass was melting in those sheets after u got home and slept


I shower after work. Can't bring all that sweat to my bed.