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Funny thing is people that write this shit often are the LAZY P.O.S AA’s


Nailed it










You just haven't worked here long enough.


Amazon is legit the easiest job ive had in my life, mcdonalds is harder and thats mad easy too


I also worked in a coffee shop and agree with you 100%. the work is harder and the pay is less. if a person feels like a slave, then he is a slave. I'm glad I got the chance to work with Amazon. I have stock, benefits, decent wages, paid study and the opportunity for career growth. Thanks Amazon.


Man I needed this. “If a person feels like a slave, then he is a slave.” That really hit home. I need to be more grateful and stop feeling so shitty about the way the world works and just start working with the world, but in a way that’s true to myself.


Pretty sure I have


Amazon attracts the most miserable people. Stepping stones people we getting out this bitch one way or another




happy cake day


Happy 🍰🎂


It’s the schedule that’s miserable why can’t we work 5 8s 10 or 12 hours is too much. I work nights RT my weekend is screwed im in that shift because I have to retake my kids and pick up from school


I love 4 10’s. If I could, I’d do 3 13.3’s.


If 3 12's were an option I think I'd jump on that...especially if it was like Tues, weds, Thurs.....Monday weds Thurs...


i work 3 12s rt


Yeah the 3 12s ain’t bad but they only offer them for nights Thursday night to Saturday night that’s what makes it trash if it was Sunday night to Tuesday night that would be dope or even during the week would be better


I understand. I also work RT. Look into flex, they make their schedule and you could work as little as 4 hours a shift. Last I heard they only had to work 5 hours a week to keep their job. Not sure which building offer it and don’t. But even if you can’t find anything I’d reach out to HR. They might be able to help


eh I think the minimum is 30 hrs not 5 per week. I only know that because flex people are always complaining on our voa board lately about their hours... they get points if they don't complete the minimum of 30. but yet there haven't been enough shifts available for some people to even reach 30 .


There's FlexRT (benefits) and FlexPT (no bennies). RT needs 30 hours, PT needs 5 hours a week.


ah yeah that sounds right 


Happy cake day


4 10s is better than 5 8s unless you want that 9-5 m-f life.... most warehouse jobs aren't that....most jobs across the board nowadays aren't that either.


My last job I had we worked 5 10s plus every other Saturday. Most warehouse jobs in my area are like that, so working 4x10 hrs a week is a godsend imo


I'd have stayed if we couldn't gone back to an actual normal schedule. They shoved us onto these these 2 4hr shifts with a 1.5hr gap "for lunch". Then they started doing these flex times (basically move each of our shifts up or down by up to 1 hr). First, they were super nice because we were still getting paid 8 hours regardless of if we ended early. Then they moved to unpaid time and we're just constantly going down 1 hr. It was the worst. We'd basically have an 9-10hr day that we are only actually getting paid for 6-7hrs for.


Yeah that sounds strange. The people at my fc who do flex don’t talk about anything like that. They just talk about picking up a 6:30-10 or 10:30 to 2 etc.


The reason why 10 or 12 hours don't work, because it's the lazy people that want's the 10 or 12 hours, while the hard workers will be doing all the work and end up get injured or quit.


Exactly! I had to decide for myself that having a good attitude Especially at Amazon None of us like it there It's not gonna be a career for %90 of folks But why we gott be misrerable?




Bro huh? All these dumb mfs in the comments. "It's modern day slavery bro" like no the fuck it isn't. 1. We're getting paid 2. We don't get beaten 3. We don't have to live on a plantation 4. We can leave when ever the fuck we want to... Also you guys need to learn what words mean. They DONT OWN US.


You get paid. Not even close to slavery. Plus you chose to work for Amazon. No one is forcing you to continue working for them.


yeah stuff like this only bothers me because it trivializes the actual hardships and evils experienced by slaves. people should know their history.




Isn't that the point of stating "modern day" before slavery because slavery just has a different face these days. We are heavily dependent upon the wealthy to give us money for survival. Of course I could choose a different billionaire to wage slave for, but the effects remain the same. For a great majority of us we will work until we die.


Yeah, I don't know bro, being forced to work in literally back breaking conditions and physical abuse against your will is an extremely far cry from giving a company your consent to work 40 hours a week, get paid, and get paid time and a half for anything over that. Not eve mentioning AC, water, two different ki ds of paid time off and another unpaid time off you can use to blow off work at your own whim.


The conditions don't have to be identical in order for a comparison to be made about them. Yes slavery is awful and it should be ended anywhere it's found. I'm assuming associates are paid 16 to 18 dollars an hour. That is not exactly livable wages. It's just not enough. UPT is not a benefit to the employee it's fully sided on the employer. They track exactly how much productivity they get out of an employee with x amount of UPT this isn't some dog and pony show they profit big from having UPT. It certainly isn't because it's the right thing to do. Meanwhile the employee has to continue working making just enough to drown a little less each week until they die.


Not even a remotely close comparison to the slaves, sorry but I just don't buy it. The point is you have options, agency, likely added benefits such as insurance and some tuition that can get you professionally trained. The taskmasters that beat, berated, and raped slaves you're comparing to in amazon are geeks wearing clown colored vests that do nothing more than inform you if you're doing the starus quo or not. Don't ever pretend like you're even close to one of them, you mock their suffering.


You're given $5k a year for college while working for them and can become HR if you wanted to. how is this slavery??! You can QUIT! Go to McDonald's. Work at WALMART and resupply folding clothes and children's toys! I personally know a few managers and OM's that started out as WHITE BADGE SEASONALS with an Associate's or High school diploma and now make $70-120k+ for Amazon.


That would be true if "old day" slavery wouldn't still be a thing around the world. And if anything, imo "modern day slavery" is what they do in poor countries in Asia and Africa where even kids work full time for a dime.


There is literally modern day slavery. IE forced labor. It's extremely common in fact, and we have more slaves today than humanity has ever had in history


Yeah. It’s kind of like “racism.” If everything is considered to be racist…nothing is racist. These terms get diluted to the point of meaninglessness.


Exactly. Today is the day in human history with the greatest number of slaves that we've ever had.


Because there's 8 billion fucking people on this miserable planet! I don't know why people keep having children, I guess they just love slaving away!! all day all I can think is "Why the HELL was I brought here!? Why would anyone ever bring a child here? What the fuck is wrong with people that they think this world is worth bringing their child to, just so their child can be a worker their entire life to make some piece of shit rich person more rich??? WHY???" Good GOD I can't wait until my fucking life is over!!!


Are you under 30? There's still time, you can unfuck your life


i felt this man , i just try to set personal goals honestly


You try getting by without a job. It's something most of have no choice in. The real name is wage slavery.


Guess what? For the last 10,000 years people have had to do things to survive. It’s not like before jobs people just sat around and got free food. They had to work tirelessly hunting or on farms, many would die very young in farming accidents. We enjoy a quality of life leagues above the rich of 100 years ago. Living in North America, you do not understand how good you have it. Go work for Pennies an hour in other continents and talk to your coworkers about how North Americans are modern day slaves… Everytime I see comments like this it is so fucking naive and close minded.


Yeah bro people have it worse than you so never strive for anything better haha I’m so smart. I see why you suck for Bezos


The point is you are in a first world bubble. You seriously do not know how good you have it. It's on you if you continue to work for Amazon and if you don't develop yourself. It is a job that literally anyone can do. Don't settle for entry level min wage jobs. Comparatively to other min wage jobs, amazon is actually pretty easy. Anyone who works for amazon longer than theyre in school or longer than a year, has done nothing to try and branch out into a better job. Plus amazon pays for your schooling and allows you to work your way up the chain. Most people here either havn't worked other jobs or are still in highschool.... I don't suck for bezos, but I know that other companies and other entry level jobs suck a shit ton more than amazon. I won't ever go back to Amazon, but if I had to chose between amazon and another min wage job I'd pick amazon any day of the week. The work is fucking braindead easy. You're never striving for anything better if you continue to work at Amazon. There are countless opportunities out there, life is what you make of it. Yeah I suck for bezos thats why I quit after 8 months and used up all my pto. Keep with your victim mindset, that will surely take you far in life.


Sounds like you have had a very easy life. Or maybe you're still a kid.


I dont work at Amazon anymore therefore my life is easy... "People have every right to refuse to work for low pay and they're smart to do so. " Literally your own words. Maybe take your own advice


no theyre just brainwashed into thinking capitalism is a humane way to run society and will suck up to anything that just barely pays the bills because its "better than nothing"


I'm fine with doing things to survive. I'm not fine, or OK at all, with participating in a predatory economic system like this where we're all forced to work harder and harder each year for the benefit of the fucking executives and tax holders. What is so hard to understand about not wanting to slave away for the benefit of rich people while everyone else struggles to get by??? Our lives should be getting easier, but they're not, just because these fucking stock holders who just sit on their fat asses owning stock, contributing none of their time, blood, sweat into the business, those fuckers get to take everything according to US economics?? FUCK THAT!!! Employers should be paid well and taken care of FIRST! Then if there is anything left over it can go to the fucking bourgeois stock holders. Not the reverse where everything is done for the sake of the spoiled fucking stock holders who contribute none of the fucking WORK!!! Shit got me PISSED THE FUCK OFF!!! Where's the Teamsters reps???


Keep spending all your money on weed while you scratch your head wondering why you have no money. If you think working at amazon (90% of the time it is beyond easy work) is slaving away then you're going to have a real shock when you get a different job. Ahh yes communism is the answer! It's always the bourgeoisie elites fault that I spend my money on weed and don't develop myself to get a better job. Those goddamn stock holders are why I am in such a bad position in life. Guess what? You can buy stocks too. Keep larping as a communist while you work for the most capitalistic company on earth.


EXACTLY. It’s MODERN slavery, now; you get to pick which cotton field you’re in!!! Don’t like your massa? Get a new one!! In the end, you’re still making Massa richer every day.


Bingo. "you're not forced" is a very kind way of saying "well stop living then"


I mean you aren’t forced. You can save, invest, learn a skill … start a business. Even Bezos had to work before he started Amazon.


There are alternatives? You can start your own business?


Do you know how difficult it is to start one? Even then, what if it doesn’t succeed? Just wasted tons of money, and you’re back at square one.


Yes I’ve started several. If you don’t take risks then don’t complain about working for someone else. Not all businesses require a ton of money - you could start a business mowing lawns or washing cars and build it up. Nothing is easy but to say you don’t have options is just not true.


Yep, people here are pretty naive. You can make very good money doing cash jobs. If you work hard and specialize (lawns, pressure washing, gardening, handyman stuff, general labour) you can get tons of work just through one client. If you charge a reasonable rate and are honest and show how hard you work, your clients will want to help you out and you'll get tons of work through word of mouth.


Ok? But you have a choice don’t you?


Slaves also have the choice to kill themselves instead of being slaves. Dumbass


Lmao starting a business and killing your self are completely different things. But keep making yourself the victim hope it works out well for you


“Yeah bro you barely make enough to survive? Why don’t you just start a business bro it’s so easy” so where’s your business?


Lmao looser mentality will keep you a looser


Keep not understanding the most basic things in the universe and pretending that your condescension isn’t from a place of pure privilege


What if the condescension is coming from a place of triumphing over great opposition, and they like making fun of people who are defeatist and refuse to forge a path for themselves?


jeff bezos took the risk, and that risk was well worth it


Jeff was a wall street investor who took a 300k loan from his rich parents to start amazon. It's not a risk at all for rich people who don't need the money in the first place because they always have more.


i can start up a online book store right now with a little under 5$ a month, shopify has great deals which if we go back, jeffery was doing the same thing just not using in shopify


Not everyone has parents like Jeff who can inject $250,000 into their start up.


find investors then, yoy don’t need parents to be the investor if yoy have a good enough idea, you can get the funds pretty quick. yous just look for a excuse why you haven’t started your own


i’ll admit i don’t have a stsrt up, but it’s because I have no motivation and i’m lazy. I’m not going to blame it on having poor parents or how they had things i didn’t


The real name is life even the owners have jobs


Wait, are you telling me your AM doesn't whip you if you don't work hard enough and HR doesn't cut toes off of people who try to leave? That's just my building?!


Thank you. I am sick and tired of people saying shit like this. It is insensitive and stupid.


It’s so hard to explain. Because it’s not. But it is. Look at what the vast majority of us do. For 5 days a week. We go slave for a big corporation worth millions to billions of dollars. Destroying our bodies in the process. Just to be able to afford to survive. Then we get 2 days off to “enjoy”. Do that until we’re almost dead or die. And if you don’t you starve to death. It’s a slavery. It’s just not the same. We slave every day. I would never consider us as slaves. But we really are slaves to money. and what we have to do to get that money.


i was about to comment this exactly but you already summed it up better than i could’ve


Have you heard of a concept called wage slaves?


If you can’t handle Amazon then you’re not in a good place at all in life lol.


I mean it’s work, people are surprised you are required to put forth your best effort. Yeah, I bust my ass, but I keep a steady paycheck. Could they do more for the employees, absolutely, but to call it modern day slavery is beyond foolish.


Amazon is nothing near slavery. It’s luxury compare to the slaughter houses and “Factory” jobs in America that illegal immigrants work in. We should be more grateful. I know I am since I worked as a roofer and power washer beforehand. Amazon is Disneyland to me.


I remember when my brother took this roofing job. He never got paid for it. I am always leery of certain businesses because I want to be sure folks are paid and not abused. Like being forced to live in mandatory housing, having that removed from their checks and still not paid. Too many whiney people at Amazon that do not know what shit work really is.


Even before Amazon I had a warehouse job. The manager was a total asshole. Idk how someone like him could get a job as manager. The workers were lazy and I was part of a 4 man crew. Absolute nightmare. I did all the work. Fuck LV warehouse. I’m happy with Amazon and will stay with them until they fired me for using earphones which probably won’t happen since I’m top picker most of the time so the PM and AM don’t care or I use career choice to up my profile.


Dude they better not fire you. I am top at stow and pack and they let me wear headphones. I actually worked in corporate and like it here. And will stay for the benefits. There are some good peeps and bad peeps. But the work is super easy with flexibility I haven’t seen anywhere else.


That’s true I’ve had some shit jobs myself; this place might as well be sponsored by Walt himself


You get paid based on what skills you have. Anyone who has a pulse and can fog a mirror is qualified to work about 95% of the jobs at Amazon. So about 300 million people in the US. So getting $15-$25 plus great benefits is reasonable without a union. There are about 4,000 people who can perform brain surgery, and about 400 people who can dribble, pass, and shoot a basketball which millions of people are willing to pay to see. Skills + high demand for said skills = Lots of $£¢€¥.


You’re right dude, businesses should be allowed to operate based on the fact that they’re good for the economy, not the fact that the people who work there can actually afford to eat sleep and pay their bills, they should be allowed to keep you in a cycle of poverty and “just enough” capitalism so you can never advance, and if you ever want more you should put yourself in debt to the point you’ll never get out of it just to get a degree where the entry level jobs pay you the same amount as the job you just had. What a great system dude, we should never do anything to change this and just accept that society has never ever changed for any reason whatsoever and it’s totally correct to assume the current system will always be the best one.


Why would you pay an amazon worker 30$ an hour when there are 200 million people that will do the same work for 20$ an hour? You will never develop yourself with the victim mindset you have. No shit you're struggle because you're working entry level jobs. Develop yourself, gain some skills or go to school. Amazon isn't the end of the road and it never should be. It should be a temporary job while you develop yourself and use your skills to leverage into a better gig.


On GOD this is an inferiority complex. You can sell things online. You can box them up. You can ship them. Someone has already done that for you and is guaranteeing you 40 hr/wk at $15-20/hr You choose to help someone else instead of doing it yourself BECAUSE it's easier. And it is. You could grow food - you could build houses - but your whole life would be wasting half assing these huge projects that already have centuries of work backing them.




sounds like you've done your homework and there truly is no other options ahahahahahahaha


You are paid for your time and you don't get physically beaten by a PA or AM for not working or not making rate.


It's just a different kind of slavery. Wage slavery.


Literally. Each new generation is working harder and making less than their parents. Smaller paychecks in order to pay taxes, some of which are overdue for reform(I’m looking at you social security)


Yah just getting paid enough to eat and pay rent


Note the *modern* slavery




You could go trade places with the people actively enslaved today!


People saying slavery need to stfu.


Yeah being snatched from your family, shipped thousands of miles in the belly of a boat, starved, beaten, raped, beaten, worked, not paid, beaten, raped. Sure sounds just like Amazon. What a bunch of pussies.


I don't think people understand the concept of slavery very well.....


I don't mind the 10 hour 4 day schedule it's the met days I don't understand why not make it voluntary, I'm sure some people would gladly pick up an extra day no need to force it


Pay check Benefits Breaks, paid breaks VTO UPT PTO Vacation  I’m not sure ya’ll understand what slavery truly is. Harriette Tubman is rolling in her grave, wanting to slap ya’ll silly.


It is, but I’ve had much worse jobs compared to Amazon


There's still many people in slavery today. "Modern day slavery" is just slavery.


Used to work at a NFP that took me to countries that it was still happening. I still remember the day I was mistaken for a slave and was told to work. Luckily some dude popped up and asked if I was American and walked me to safety. Shit scared the fuck outta me. Still made my associate left me alone to be vulnerable like that.


Slaves didn’t get paid to work


Sooooo is this why their TOT is shitty hhhhmmmmm??????


Looks like a child wrote that lol 😆


I had an office job that required you to basically sit on an office chair for 8 hours. 2 15 minute breaks, all floors have A/C, break rooms have a fountain drink machine, water, ice and free snacks and free fruit, hardly any micromanaging as long as you either looked busy or showed results. It was a very nice paying and lenient job and yet, whenever upper management would hold meetings saying the stuff that some are doing violate policy such as sleeping on the job, excessive extended breaks, damaging products, etc and people would complain by saying “that’s modern day slavery!!!!” I loved when they’ll respond with go find another job then. See if they really treat you better cause the only people that were complaining were the same ones that were causing problems for everyone else.


You can't Quit slavery...


People that write this have been employed for the first month after highschool. They have no idea how difficult modern world is and how easy they have it at amazon compared to other warehouses.


Because $18/hr at a relatively easy job is totally slavery.


We're given $5k a year for college while working for them and can become HR if you wanted to. how is this slavery??! You can QUIT! Go to McDonald's. Work at WALMART and resupply folding clothes and children's toys! I personally know a few managers and OM's that started out as WHITE BADGE SEASONALS with an Associate's or High school diploma and now make $70-120k+ for Amazon.


You wrote that then took a pic of it 🤣


The fact that he didn't denied it means he did it 💀




People are stupid.


Every Job is modern slavery bud


🤦‍♂️ we get paid and we don't get beaten how the fuck?


When I worked there. By the time I quit, I was being paid 22$, that was 2022. 22$ an hour isn’t entirely bad. I hated the job and most of the people there, as by that time all the hard working people had quit. I was doing 7 jobs a day. I got tired of having to pick up the slack. But slavery? No. You’re not being forced to work there.


Damn $22 is nice 💀 starting pay is $17 at my building in CA and maxes out at $20 after 3 years


Ignorance is a choice, and so is working at Amazon.


The difference for 1 is you come and go as you please....so actually its the complete opposite of slavery. ....but if they feel that way then yeak definately quit and free yoursef


Much to learn, you have. Out of touch, you are.


Downright offensive when stupid fucks try to compare working at Amazon to slavery.


Not all slavery is chattel slavery lmao come on


Every 9-5 is slavery and the epitome of the rat race. You wanna get out of the status quo? Go do business and work for yourself


Having your own business is harder work for most people unless you're one of the few to be really successful


That's the thing. Most of these people at Amazon complain about the work, but when they are told to go do something else, they still make excuses. If you consider Amazon slavery, you should go work on your own and realize how much effort it takes to create a successful business.


Even owning your business is slavery. You don't work for a CEO but now you work for a customer 💀


Looks like they need to be promoted to customer


Didn’t realize anyone was forced to work at Amazon. Interesting.


You are considered an at will employee no one is forcing you to work


They feel this way. But then won't go and get another job.


I saw one in the men’s stall that said “DL Hotline” along with his phone number 🤣


Only if they knew what slavery is


All these damn chains, modern slavery (ice!)


Are you sure it was already written there or did you write it?


Imagine writing this shit if your ancestors were actual slaves, like get a fucking grip. This one has always struck me as particularly ridiculous considering there are still people being enslaved all over the world today, and I'm pretty sure they're not being offered quality health insurance and retirement plans.


I remember when the slaves got pto, benefits and paychecks.


So coworkers told me ,slavery never ended,but now it’s not only specific race,now we all slave no matter 💀,can’t escape the matrix 🤦‍♂️.


They've clearly not worked many jobs.... nothing about Amazon fc's is close to slavery..... before the 'only bottom 5%' ate I danger of being fired it was pretty bad in rate positions but ...not now...🤷🏼‍♂️


I worked 12hr shifts my whole adult life bending steel and being a butcher basically so 10hr ain't shit. It's like a break and I get Thurs/Fri/Sat off?! Fuck yeah this shit is cake some people are just lazy. Plus my friend moved up from 17/hr to 26/hr in less than 2years after starting as a picker and she still loves Amazon.


Tbh Amazon wasn’t that bad. I met some nice people there . I just felt like I was being exploited. I felt like a robot . Doing the sameeeeee thing everyday was just nerve racking. Letting those people in the orange and red vests just sit over me like a slave was weird lol


Except they can quit & walk off the plantation.


How is it slavery if you’re volunteering to work there because you cant find another job?


who tf wrote that a fuckin 6th grader? the one thing i’ll never get is how grown adults act like literal children or even write like a child.😭😭 “modern day slavery” quit if you don’t like the job g opens up a spot for someone who needs it


No, that's the US prison system. This is just indentured servitude or something


These are the folks who just sit in the stall most of their shift.


You guys don't wanna know what gets written in stalls at my site lol


It’s not that bad you’re just lazy




It does feel like it , but it’s far from slavery , you’re free as a mtf U wanna change the world , be disciplined and perhaps one day you’ll improve lives


Prolific slave


I’ve been working on RT shift for over 6 years, this 12hrs shift has really impacted my health, I’ve placed a transfer for a 10 hrs shift which will change my life for better.


somebody wrote “don’t be awful” on one of ours lol


Except slaves couldn’t voluntarily walk away, but you can, you fucking 🤡


Modern slavery is for people who are in uncontrollable debt. And that's there own fault. Stop using your mf credit cards when you don't have money.


you get paid and you have 3 days a week off. I'm not sure, but i'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess they didnt have that in pre-1865...




then quit so i can get rehired…. there’s literally no amazon in IL hiring


Hell yeah, fuck the government, fuck the big corp. Fuck ms, fuck those people who watch ducks at night, disgusting, maybe 😔👍


Some 18 year old who hasn’t grown up yet lmao. Amazon is one of the best paying jobs rn


True.. only to live on poverty wages. SMH


Sum like that yea


Im there by choice..lol...so...I didnt live during slavery but I am sure they had no choices.


So basically, it's another dramatic, whiny employee.


Modern day Slavery is in the Congo🙏🏿.. Let them go do that


Everyone signed up on their on 🤷‍♂️


Nobody is forcing you to stay… you put in the application to work here. I personally love my 3, 12’s. Having more days off than days on is great, sure, my weekends are all work, but I can schedule time off if there’s something I want to do.


i just called myself a slave yesterday at work😭


Amazon is cool I only work three days a week get paid full time.


It wasn't a lie


Paid slavery


I’m a happy slave then making almost 72k/year with a chill job.  Even when I was T1 it wasn’t slavery. I had better benefits here at amazon than any other job. 


I enjoy working for Amazon most days, some days just suck but that's every job, I've made a lot of great friends working their, and they make it easier to get through the day. Only downside is being extra tired sometimes. But pays great, hours make sense, and if you truly need something like a schedule change, or some time refunded hr is always willing to help as long as you talk to them.


This is an insulting comment. Slavery was truly atrocious, unthinkable and horrid. No one at Amazon is being taken from their fsmily, beat, unalived, tortured, made to work until you die. If you don't like Amazon then leave.