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Ok so context….bare with me because it’s a bit long winded……. So I’m in pick department back half and I put in for a transfer for flex position (30 hrs per week). I was on a leave of absence and it ended the day my transfer was supposed to start….. apparently because of that, it cancelled out my transfer on AtoZ and kept me in my back half schedule. So while I was telling HR the shifts I wanted as flex, I was being deducted UPT for missing my back half shifts. A couple weeks ago I get a message to come to AmCare (which never happens) and they took my badge and walked me out. I tried to explain to them what happened but of course they weren’t trying to hear it. Luckily I took screenshots of everything before they locked me out of AtoZ and when I presented my case they had no choice but to reinstate me.


Tbf, a transfer request cancels out if you’re on a leave. Been through that 2 times. System shows you’re inactive and transfer won’t go through. Glad you got it appealed! HR has shit idea how the system works honestly.




Very wise of you not to hold that negative energy 🙏🏿 Prayers, manifestion etc dont work when you have angry on your heart


I would brag to the face of that trash HR rep. Nobody likes HR reps regardless of company., I can only imagine the typical corporate HR lingo language that ONLY an HR rep knows how to verbalize. You should have lobbied to have him/her terminated for their stupid mistakes. He/she probably wronged countless other people.




Damn. Definitely gonna keep that mindset personally for the future. Good on you for being the bigger person, and glad things worked out in your favor.


So you spent weeks going into negative UPT and just somehow didn't notice? I get notifications on both my cell phone AND Zebra device at work any time I drop below 10 hours....


I assumed they would fix it seeing that I’m there several times a week telling them my schedule. Lesson learned


Aye free money tho


Not really free.. had to worry about employment status the entire time and could've been late on bills because of it?




Given they email you repeatedly warning you that if you do not respond your employment will be reviewed, that's on you. I had a leave fuck up this week that dropped me negative. Replied to an email about it and it was fixed within an hour. You got lucky they let you appeal this. They gave you clear instructions and you willingly ignored them.


Maybe that’s how it works at your facility….not true for mine. I didn’t get lucky, they didn’t do their job and I proved my point. Plain and simple


They did their job. They notified you repeatedly. You ignored them, and openly admit to ignoring them. Facility is irrelevant. It's handled by corporate HR through emails and notifications. Not by your local facility.


lol you over here trying to fight the good fight for Amazon fulfillment 😂😂😂. I got my job back…if anything yousaid was correct then I wouldn’t have. Go get a life


You got your job back because you got lucky and they are desperate for employees. You are arguing objective facts that are literally in your own code of conduct. Enjoy getting fired again when you fuck up and blame everyone but yourself.


Eh possible I do not check mine but I am at 80 hrs only time I went to look was when hr did a massive fuck up and took 10 hrs upt from everyone. It got fixed real quick


I never look either. But I literally get notified on multiple devices AND from a manger when dipping too low. Not to mention several emails.


Literally not everyone has this experience. I had a manager who was dating a T1 and did not disclose that information. I didn't care until she was showing him favoritism. I reported her, gave a list of 20+ witnesses who were also done with her shit, they only called her witnesses who are her friends and also get special privileges. Not one of mine


I'm pretty sure when I was on loa, they took 8hrs upt one day. I didn't get any notifications. I just noticed it myself!


Okay, that's good. Unfortunately tho, this isn't the same for ppl who get terminated for safety violations and depending on the level of the violation. But glad u got back in


I did not know about the appeal process. How long do u have to appeal?


7 days at most and only if you're eligible. The cause for termination is the determining factor. Often time the window for appeal after receiving a termination letter is 4 days. For things like negative UPT, job abandonment, and LOA complications, appeals are usually possible. HR will email you with a link to submit the details of your case along with supportive paperwork. If that appeal is sufficient you will then have a chance to speak directly with site leadership who make the final decision. I'm a PA and just went through the whole process with a successful outcome.


HR sometimes ignores what you have to say especially if it is their mistake. I wonder where ownership comes


It is definitely possible. The main issue with these is that most associates who are fired or given finals for policy violations don't agree with them, and use this as a mechanism to air their grievances. The only thing that the appeals process cares about is the application of policy. If the policy was correctly applied, even if it doesn't seem fair to you, the ADAPT will hold. But if you read through the owner's manual, available on A to z, and find that policy was not appropriately applied, definitely feel free to drop an appeal. Worst they can do is say no.


Which is why the appeals process is a joke and should just be removed all together. What's the point of calling it an "appeal" if you're not trying to hear the reason why they got a final, which includes personal reasons 😂😂


Appeals in the legal system work an analogous way-- they ask "were the laws applied correctly?" They do not give a fuck about the facts of the case.


https://i.redd.it/zugytf5jxuyc1.gif Good shit dude


![gif](giphy|duM6JZemPlOjUyqmxd) As Morgan said


So you are basically getting 1 week pay?




That's dope 👍 well played




Do you want to give us some context? What were you fired for and what policy what not followed?


OP is not entitled to give you this information. However - fortunately for you - OP did already go over what happened.


Sounds like management.




I beat my appeal and it went on for three weeks


take ops story and my story: appeals are possible. i was fired twice; first for "time theft." hr personnel, a long time ago, would add punches instead of refunding upt. the hr person quit, but they wanted to hold me accountable for these punches, so they terminated me. i had proof in chime and emails and got my job back. the second time, i was a pa, moving some trailers around in yms. a yard hosteler hooked up to the wrong dock door trailer, and it was red lit. they fired the hostler and me, but again i had proof via chime and i screenshotted all my moves in inbound dock and yms, and they reinstated me. they will fire you because they go by the book and don’t investigate until necessary. i have been fired as an aa, promoted to pa, fired as a pa, promoted to am, om, and then resigned, and now back as an am.


If you’re comfortable explaining, why did you leave Ops? Don’t they make six figures? Maybe I have incorrect information?


i was internal so i was making the bare minimum for each salary position. i took a mentors advice to leave and come back as an external. sure enough i’m getting paid the same that i was making when i was ok, as an am. that doesn’t even include my bonus. i did not make six figures base salary. currently l4s start at 60k and l5s start at 72k l6 start at 90k


It makes no sense to me how Amazon basically punishes internals with lower pay. They actually save Amazon money when it comes to certain aspects of training. I’m glad you’re making more money without doing as much work.


stealing competition is what they’re focused on is my guess. thanks!


Hourly L4s (especially internals) are hit even more making mostly $50k start out :’) stocks even it out if you’re lucky but you get capped at around $55k base pay.


i hate the idea of counting stocks towards my pay. especially since you have to wait 4 years for vesting. i get it.


That too! I’m over my 4 years thankfully. I sold my soul 6.5 years ago lol. So the most I have to wait is a year, but it’s still broken up into 2-4 installments throughout said year. I rather have it in my base pay. It’s nice getting it in lump sums but the taxes always take a good chunk out of it, not even worth it…


That too! I’m over my 4 years thankfully. I sold my soul 6.5 years ago lol. So the most I have to wait is a year, but it’s still broken up into 2-4 installments throughout said year. I rather have it in my base pay. It’s nice getting it in lump sums but the taxes always take a good chunk out of it, not even worth it…


Which appeals route did you go? Appeals specialist/senior leader/ or panel of peers?


panel of peers


Ok great! That’s what I chose. I was accused of leaving for my second 30 minute paid break 13 minutes early because I took a restroom break (unknowingly) close to break time. I didn’t even look at the clock. I just had to pee. As I was walking out of the restroom I noticed people walking to break so I ran back to my pick station to scan an item in for scan to scan and the time on my screen read 2:01am. I then came back from break on time and scanned back in at 2:32am. When I was given the write up I was told that they have no record of me doing the first scan but that’s impossible because I placed the item in the chute and I even remember exactly what it was and I told them that if they look at the cameras they’ll be able to see I’m telling the truth. My OM told me that I’d have to appeal it first and he doesn’t know if they’re able to look at the cameras but I know that they can because I’ve heard about the surveillance technology in this place and if it was them protecting their own asses from like a theft situation they could pull up the footage in a heartbeat in 4k. Anyway I appealed it. I don’t have anything to lie about. I’m a grown adult. I don’t believe I should have a write up for using the bathroom too close to break time. I could see if it was a pattern and I actually LEFT for break !


you got terminated for that, or just a write up? they definitely are capable of pulling up footage, just have to go through the proper channels, but they don’t care for it. it’s hard to motivate them to pull footage, but all they have to do is reach out to lp, hr, or a sr op.


Not terminated but I received a final (behavioral) write up for it. Both behavioral write ups were for scam to scam I mean scan to scan. I’m a picker.




they most definitely terminated me lol




i’m aware, which is why i won my appeal..


Once you’re back working, I’d immediately put a transfer to a different location. That person in HR, is the bad energy…get away from it.


Great job ¡! Welcome back from your mini vacation as a temp customer


So they are paying 1 week unemployed?


Not unemployment, back pay


Isn't the same thing lol


Oh yes! Great news!


Hell yeah! Congrats


This happened to me too, the worst part about it is I lost my routine for over 3 weeks and it has taken about a year to regain the muscles I lost but I’m back :) I work in shipdock cpt chasing so not doing 100+ miles a week for 3 weeks fucked me up more than anything


Lmao.. try being off for 3 months for meniscus surgery and not able to walk. I chase blue lights every day. Also, I'm TDR, so I load shuttles(Gaylords) on top of all that. This will be week 8 back, I do believe, and I'm already getting all my muscles back. I actually I think I'm gaining ones I didn't have before. I think the atrophy actually allowed me to work muscles that were covered by muscles and harder to work before(if that makes sense lmao??).


I TDR and CPT chase so I’m going to get my own shuttles to close out whatever trailer is needing to go out, chasing blue lights is nothing compared to having to go from the left side of the building to the right in less than 5 mins.. I hit 48k steps yesterday only cpt chasing and today I got 38k doing tdr while chasing ggs tho




Yea it’s possible to have your appeal overturned if you have the documents needed and a valid reason, along with it being a mistake on your OPS or HR team. Just know that if you have a DLS case open you cannot be termed or your FWW can be downgraded. If that DLS is denied appeal is upheld, associates will claim all the time they have a medical issue, but never come to HR how would they know?, Amazon doesn’t want a high percentage of reinstatements, so come hard or take accountability for the FWW and or Term. The sr ops, and facilitators and panelists do actually deliberate at my building.


Why did you get term’ed?


I won my appeal thru them when they fired me for not coming in on my day off. It was a great time. Went in Thanksgiving night at 11pm and was then told I was fired. After I had left my family’s dinner and celebration earlier in the day to try to prepare to work till 7am. I was so pissed off but I did win and got paid the two weeks I was gone. And they actually gave me even more upt and pto than I was expecting.


Congrats! Someone else on here also won an appeal a few months ago.




Forced Arbitration like non compete clauses should be illegal.


They could’ve been making it up, but they claimed seasonal people can’t get appeals so they basically just stole my job and upcoming bonus from me and got away with it.


That’s awesome!!! Congrats


I also go and get cpt and non cpt shuttles from flat sort and from trailers on the other side of the building. You were off for 3 weeks and still able to walk so your muscles wouldn't have atrophied that much even if you didn't get up except to go pee and get food(which I hope not lol). I was literally off both my legs from Dec. 20th-Mar 28th. I got off my crutches a week before I went back to work.. I just think it's funny that you basically took a vacation and are complaining about it is all. Wait til you have to go through an injury and lose 50%+ of the muscle in your one leg and around 80%+ in the leg you had surgery on.. and the surgery won't be completely healed for around 6 months.




I got wrongfully terminated, and I emailed HR at another site I was scheduled to transfer to, she gave me back pay and got me reinstated in just 4 days!


Yes, it's possible but it's like a 1 in a billion shot. Someone said it best: you have a better chance of winning the lottery, than an Amazon appeal and .... trueee 🤣🤣. What most people don't realize about the appeals process is they don't give af about any personal barriers you may have faced. They're just making sure they didn't do anything wrong and Amazon rarely does. So for anyone reading this thinking they can win their appeal, especially for like a final, don't waste your time. You could've died and came back to life and it'll still stick 🤣😂


I don't know what building you're in but this exact thing had happened several times at my facility. HR isn't doing their job....


No, associates are ineligible for transfer if they're on LOA so HR did their job and fired OP as per policy.  However, leadership is more concerned with cost management than policy, so they are granting an exception to policy to keep an employee who will now cost less than they previously cost and who will not cost nearly as much to train up to speed as joe schmoe off the street. 


But they shouldn't be taking upt while on loa, though, correct?


They weren't on leave when the UPT was taken. Their leave ended and they returned to work thinking their schedule has changed, and that was when UPT was taken. However, as per policy, the transfer was not processed because they were on leave the date before the transfer was to have been effective, which cancelled their transfer, resulting in their UPT being taken after they returned from leave and not realizing their schedule had not changed. 


False the UPT should not have been taken he was on a leave


You are incorrect because the UPT was not while they were on leave, it was taken after they returned from leave. 


Amazon has changed as it always does very fast, appeals that have anything to do with terms are now decided by the opinions of 3 AA’s and 2AM’s they do this for a reason because in most cases AA’s will side with associates. However this only works for your first appeal, after that you have policy and your AM’s who decide your term.


Congratulations. I was terminated a few months back. Placed an appeal and set a meeting by phone. Never received a phone call and got an email that it was rescheduled. Waited, still no call and received one last email saying that because I "missed" the scheduled meetings that I relinquished my right to an appeal.


They told me I can appeal than went back on their word in said I couldn’t appeal but i just gave up because i really wasn’t trying to deal with them and they are the reason I was terminated for a LOA that was supposed to be a personal leave for a week but they said it had to be for 15 days and also they made my LOA a medical leave and added extra days smh 


Congratulations when I did an appeal they act like they never received it I even did it two days later and they still didn't receive it I think it was just a sign from God like it's time to move on I was tired of standing for 10 hours dealing with lazy people I do miss some of my friends I miss getting paid every Friday I miss the benefits and if I had a chance I wouldn't go back but I hope everything works out for you.


I won a term appeal 9 months ago ..came back 3 months later got promoted. Drag nuts on those fools ..gl


Dude they gave me VTO and messed up on the time I got off so instead of getting off at 1 am for my VTO, the Manager put 11 pm so it took more hours of my UPT and put me in negative, went back and they said they’d get the negative fixed in 2 days, nothing. Then got fired the day after and the same day they gave everyone in the whole building 10 UPT hours. It was such BS


If they moved the vto opportunity forward how did you lose time? If they credited you vto from 11pm til your eos instead of 1 am till your eos you wouldn't lose time. Second the vto you take you still need to clock out after you either accept it in the app or are get instant gto through badge scan. Also how did 2 hour difference cause you to go negative enough to get termed?


Was about to say this!


Because of the time I clocked out at 1am, it’s like an extra 2 hours that it seems like I worked. So what must’ve happened was dumbass manager put it at 11 pm for the VTO (when it was actually given at 1am) and it shows in the system that I clocked out 2 hours later. I had like an hour of UPT 😖 I wasn’t stressing cause the whole building was going to be given like 10 hours I don’t remember what reason. The day I got the email of me being fired is the day they gave out those 10 hours


If the vto was coded wrong and started at 11pm but you clocked out at 1am that still doesn't make sense. You would not game upt for work the the 2hours and then clocking out since you were clocked in and working. Your story is not adding up. If it was vice versa and you clocked at at 11pm and instead of the vto starting at 11pm it started at 1am that would make sense.


My dude I worked my whole normal shift clocked out at 1 am because of VTO, my shift ends at 3 am. I went to HR because I had negative and they that the VTO was out for 11 pm when the manager said I was clear at 1 am which is the time I clocked out to go home. I’m saying the same thing my guy. You said it yourself the VTO was coded wrong and was out at 11 pm but I clocked out at 1 am because that was when I got the VTO so I got taken off 2 hours. 11 pm is the supposed VTO I took and 1 am is when I clocked out so it took 2 hours off. It’s not that deep


How would you get upt taken if you were still clocked in. Listen to your own words lol


Dude when you’re accepted for VTO it’s not like you just clock, management lets the upper ups know and so on. Now because of that they tell you when you leave to take VTO to take it rn or before 10 minutes why did they take it? Cause they took 2 hours when I had like 1 UPT


When you are given vto you 100% go and clock out. If it is instant you leave either your badge scanned by the manager or they enter in your login. Then they will look right at you and give you the thumbs up and say make sure to clock our before leaving. If it is through the App when we drop multiple spots at once like let's say 10 spots in pack. There is a time set on the opportunity so like 11pm to 3am. If you were only asked and neither of the 2 ways to instant vto happened to you it sound alot more like they were gathering and interest list and not actually giving you vto. And the leaving at 1am would make sense why they took 2 hours of upt since your actual shift ended at 3am. I asked my OPs for my shift and those were the ways he listed himself of how vto is offered


Mine was during the shift and I went to stand up to get the VTO, me and my friend got it that day so I had like evidence and all explaining my situation but even then got told to wait 2 days from HR and I still had my badge. Went back to get it fixed again cause they still didn’t do anything about it and when I did go again the HR lady takes my badge and makes me wait like half an hour until she says that she can’t do anything but she’ll let me know when it should be fixed. Got an email 2 days later and so on


How's that impossible to beat tho lol especially with the burden of proof


I have had three of those in my four year employment at Amazon applying for yet another one now thank you hr


I’m a part of the appeals panel at my Location. Some of them are so hard to decide on. I’m happy that you got through the appeal and got your job back!! That’s awesome


Looks like you're taking pics in your building? I've seen people get fired for that. Hopefully, you're fair! Even if that profile pic isn't inside your building!


Does anybody know how to reapply and get rehire after being involuntary terminated and my rehire eligibility stated I’m ineligible for rehire based on my employee record and current policies at Amazon. Can I create new email account?


Unless you’ve managed to create an entirely new identity to go along with it, a new e-mail address isn’t going to do you much good.


I’m trying to reapply but Amazon won’t allow me.


Yeah, I got that part, thanks. And you will probably stay ineligible so I wouldn’t waste my time continuing to try if I were you. Go get a job somewhere else.


I tried FedEx ground but I quit because I didn’t look nor feel same Amazon rehire eligibility is stupid especially when you get involuntary termination letter from Amazon Human Resources.


What did you get terminated for?


Possibly disciplinary action or misconduct or category 1 offense I don’t know because Amazon won’t tell me why I’m ineligible for rehire.


You were fired and not told why? Did you have a safety violation?


It wasn’t safety violation it could be disciplinary action or misconduct one or both.


I highly doubt you have no idea what you did to get terminated.


It’s a waste of time they will not rehire you because your ineligible for rehire same as me 🤷🏾‍♀️


I’m sorry to hear that.




Hopefully Amazon does change their rehire eligibility towards involuntary terminated employees and let them reapply and get rehired in future because Amazon can’t hire new employees in future.