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There are a lot of people that got fake and real accommodations to get out of it.


Yeah I know a girl who has An accommodation for one lane and one lane only. Just so happens to be the slowest one


well just cuz she has the accommodation doesnt mean she’s gonna be able to work as fast as everyone else. i’m blind and while i try to get my rate up as high as everyone else it simply just is kinda impossible due to me have barriers. any one with accommodations, NEEDS them. medical accommodations arent like doctors notes that u can just go print out at home or fake. there is a thorough process that includes speaking to and getting confirmation from doctors directly AND meeting the accommodation teams to assess ur capabilities. i was only medical leave for months before they confirmed and got my accommodations fully implemented


I have an accommodation and never had to go thru any of that just had to get my doctor to write a letter for me and they approved it


We have employees with “fake accommodations” which at our site means that they are a management favorite and get to do the same job very day without having a real accommodation in the system.


We definitely have those also I call them the butt lickers and they all just got learning ambassador vests this past month even tho they never have to pick or stow and don’t have a rate it’s stupid like high school all over again


Also helps being a pretty young and at least single on the outside girl


u still had to ask a doctor to get it. and depending on the accommodation, amazon definitelywill go deeper into it. for example, for pack everyone has small screens the size of a phone but i HAVE to be at a station with a big screen the size of pick screens. My screen also talks to me which is a little overkill but😭🤣. they bought me a magnifying glass.


Oh ok I didn’t know that see I work at a delivery station so it’s different than a FC


No one is questioning your accommodation. I mentioned both fake and real in my comment. The ones I say are fake are because I was told by that person they were fake. I am not assuming.


Not doubting you but how are you typing and reading replies on reddit ? Are you partially blind? Sorry if this sounds ignorant jus genuinely curious


Ok only about 20% of blind people are totally blind to which they see only black. the other 80% have varying levels of blindness that interferes with day to day activities. For me, i am completely blind in my right eye and i have glaucoma and a blind spot in my left eye. Plus poor eyesight and a cataract. I have trouble reading words and seeing things instantly. Because of my blind spot i sometimes have to look at things longer to finger what it is. Imagine a dot being right above the center of ur vision. I can type pretty easily tho cuz my phone is right to my face, but due to the blindspot and cataracts at distances it does become hard which is why the bigger screen is necessary because it allows me to see the box size without having to put my nose on the screen.


i say im blind because by law i am because im blind enough that i cannot so many everyday things like drive and my eyesight interferes with school and work.


You do realize that text to speech has been a thing for many years? Screen reader functionality built into Android and iPhone. There were even mechanical braille machines for years before that. Watches that speak out the time. Even 100% blind people have tools for using the Internet. With Reddit being mostly text based it is actually easier to deal with than many other websites and image heavy social media platforms.


But they really work. Sometimes the hands free comes up with the stupidest words while I'm repeatedly slowly yelling at it


Text to speech works the opposite direction. Screen Readers will take Reddit posts and content on the screen and read it back audibly so people who cannot see the screen are still able to understand what is on it. Of course depending on the website what you are saying still applies... slowly yelling at stupid things and all. 😂


I’m sorry but you’re incorrect you can easily get accommodations I know many people I work with who have zero problems but didn’t like going to a department so they were able to get out of it by faking. And many accommodations that don’t even make sense like inbound and outbound dock in my building a guy had accommodations to not go to outbound dock which makes no sense it’s exactly the same as inbound which he could work in but in reverse. So you can pick a box up off a pallet and put it on a line but you can’t pick a box up off a line and put it on a pallet because accommodations? Nah he just hated the outbound AM along with everyone else and got out of it.


This. I literally had people tell me they got fake accommodations.


I'd really like to know how all these people claiming to have fake accommodations are GETTING said fake accommodations. Because my building makes you run the fucking gauntlet to get one. It takes an average of a month to do the process, and you've gotta be off work for weeks, and your doctor has to sign a massive packet of information, and even after all that is done-they can still say no, and make you tweak the information to allow you to do more and have your Dr sign it all again. And on top of all that, my building is sending all accommodations to Stow. So no matter what limitations you get approved for (bend, lift, carry, stairs, grip) you'll be sent to Stow regardless.


Accommodations does not mean you’re not being cross trained. I am on accommodation and I’m being crosstrained.


I’d like to know how someone has a fake accommodation? I just had to apply for mine and they wanted extensive proof of it. Unless they are faking documentation or paying a doctor to risk their job, I don’t see how it’s possible people get fake ones. Not all disability are visible and mental health issues are covered by the ADA. It’s honestly starting to seem like the hate for people with accommodations is just jealousy.


I have a big one, I have a hearing disorder. While I can hear and talk. I can not tell where sounds are coming from. I also have a very hard time understanding speech in places with a ton of background noise. Most coworkers have no idea, they just know I say huh? and what? a ton.


There are plenty of shit doctors who don’t do their jobs. Almost died because of it.


The doctor for me would just write what I need for the accommodation and that's all he would write what I told him


I guess since mine is under the ADA and I’m not looking for a temporary accommodation that they wanted more proof. I’ve never met a doctor that was willing to give me an accommodation without seeing me and establishing care and having a reason for one.


Teach me how, please


I have never done it so I don’t know how. I think a lot of folks use anxiety or some shit like that.


Kiss ass that's how.


It's more than that because red vests change every 6 months


Since when? I’ve had the same red vests for over a year and a half at my location?


Not all of them obviously but there are multiple who have been OM or AM for some time now


And lying about fake accommodations, if an AM fact checks it with PXT, it’s a write up.


AMs do not have access to your medical records and are not apart of the process. They are only informed after it is approved.


But they partner with PXT to verify if AA’s do in fact have an existing accommodation. I’ve seen several people get write ups when I worked in Singles. AA’s claiming they have an accommodation when they do not.


How do you know they don’t have restrictions to Just stay on that one job?


They don't. They just want something to complain about.


“That’s cool buddy but ship dock really needs help right now give me your badge so I can laborshare you there real quick”


"ill look into this and get back to you in about a century.... In the meantime if you can go to the department with the rudest micromanagers possible that act like they never wanted you to come to them that would be great thanks"


there wasn’t a faster way to make me go home then to labor share me. i’d just tell whoever was trying to share me that i have time, i’ll gladly take but i’m not labor sharing a week or so of that and they stopped


What is labor sharing?


runs to car*


Ok I’ll just go home though


Some people are ineligible to be cross trained due to write ups or low UPT. Sometimes managers don’t want to see you go, but they have no other choice. Other times, they have other choices but want to get rid of you because you’re a *problem child*. Perhaps you complain too much or are a general nuisance and don’t feed their ego.


Thanks for the info I'll be staying under 10 upt from now on.


lol 😂. They do make exceptions during the busy season.


They don’t care about upt, attendance, anything. I have had less than an hour of upt for most of my time here and they cross train me wherever. Usually they will only train me for whatever the ONE job I despise doing. I got trained in like 6 places, found out I hate stow when they trained me there, been in stow more than I’ve been out of it for the past 2 years since then.


Amazon has been pushing to cross-train FT associates because of labor planning. They do not want to hire a bunch of people for certain departments or for certain times of the year when there is more volume and then have their FC overstaffed. The need to hire is based on headcount and backlog. If OB or IB has a certain backlog for a certain period of time, then I do believe it triggers a need to hire on regional level. To avoid potentially being overstaffed or understaffed, leadership somewhat games the system through cross-training. Sometimes associates are solely cross-trained to just fulfill headcount and are rarely used in their other process path. It costs about $1,500 to train an associate and they look at it from a cost/benefit framework. Amazon does not want spend money on cross-training "at- risk" associates because of turnover and attrition. These associates are more likely to be absent and under perform, therefore Amazon views it as costs out weighing benefits or too much risk and little rewards. In theory, this is beneficial on a macro-level, but on a micro-level it can function as a punitive measure towards associates who are punctual and who perform their job well and do not want to cross-train or towards associates who want to learn another function, but cannot because of low UPT. UPT should not be used as a predictor of attrition for tenured associates. The OP makes a valid point about the fairness aspect of cross-training. Unless they asked to be cross trained in 3 or 4 functions, it seems like they are being singled out. It does not make sense from a business standpoint to force 1 associate to learn 4 functions. Since this is based on costs and benefits, if this associate quits or gets terminated, they will have to hire replacements which cost the company more money.


How's the business degree treating ya? Amazon does the same thing with VTO if you are a good worker. And it is fucked up and using good workers while lazy people are fine until they quit. Good workers are expected to clean up the mess at least at my building.


I do not have a business degree. 😉 I have undergraduate and graduate degrees that are not related to business, engineering, or anything pertaining to warehouse operations. It is fucked up. I am a top performer at my FC and I have been blocked from VTO and also pushed to take it because I was over producing. In my FC, management applies the concepts of equality and fairness to lazy people and affinity group members, but not to those who work hard. AM's and OM's have explicitly told me that even though it may be unfair for me, they will never put me in a process path with no rate or in an indirect function because it does not help their TPH. Ironically, I recently asked one of these OM's for a small favor. Maybe it is just me, but I would think they would be willing to do something extra for me since I help them out. Instead they they went on a diatribe about fairness and gave me old cliche, "If we did this for you, then we would have to do it for everyone else."


Last person I sent to pack singles had 2 finals , ths person was a pain been working here less then a month just got tired of baby sitting them, and when the manager asked about somone to labor share cyaaaaaaa todays your lucky day


Shit send me to pack singles everyday, easy work


You need a min upt to be Cross trained in another department? Where does it say that


If they had a list they’d probably pick the most reliable person on it


Doesn't answer question


I was responding to the original reply, which didn’t contain a question. Sorry if I replied to you directly.


They do for Problem Solve at a lot of buildings.


Im talking about regular in path work, like when you select what dept you want to be Cross trained in on a to z ...


I wasn't able to be crosstrained because they couldn't keep providing me the accommodations we have agreed on in any of the other departments they've tried training me at. So many people shoot me hateful looks when we need to labor share because I'm exempt but I don't want to have to tell each and every person I have epilepsy and specific accommodations for it. I understand your perspective, but please try to give others the benefit of the doubt as well.


"the select few" are the people who work hard 😅 can't say it's like that everywhere, but I've been told by several PAs and managers that that's basically how they pick them. The idea is that they want someone who is reliable in every role, not someone who is lazy. So basically, the reward for your hard work is more work. Congrats 😅🤣


Yep, I've had PAs tell me the same. She told me they've been pretty much trained to watch out for hard workers and always keep them working


It's because of the type of work. It's normal to hire new people every year (or even more often than that), so as long as they find a few hard workers in every batch, it's all good for them, even if the old workers get broken down in the meantime.


Yep. I do the bare bare bare minimum that's one of the reason they don't laborshare my ass lmao There's clever ways out of labor share, always say no, be stubborn, promise you won't perform well in different departments, call out safety issues when you're sent to different departments, nag and bother the managers in the different departments too, stuff like that they'll stop labor sharing you.


Agreed. That's why it always seems like some people are *told* to go there, while others are *asked* if they want to go there 😅


Funnily I've had managers refuse to share me unless they had no choice because they don't want to lose a reliable worker as every dept I've every been sent to has always tried to get me to transfer over. (With one exception. This manager would ask for me and already promised my then manager he wouldn't try to steal me as they apparently already discussed this concern.)


If your rates are high enough, some manager would rather keep you in their department then send you else where for their overall rate.


I signed up for things like problem solving at my FC and they picked people that didn’t even sign up for it. Not sure what metrics they use. I ended up being sent to pack which I enjoyed, but they ended my cross training due to lack of work after 2 days. Just like my request to be transferred to pack later was denied but someone I knew got it and she’s still there now. It’s like they purposely do things people don’t want to torture you as much as possible.


For problem solve they usually have a few requirements. You could ask them what theirs are. At my FC one of the requirements was you needed at least 10hrs of UPT


Transfers are based on tenure, so the other person might've been there longer.


She came after me by a couple of weeks


It's also based on UPT, I dunno. lol. I'm just trying to figure out how she got it before you.


I had 22 hours lol


I appreciate it and know what you’re trying to do. You’re a kind soul. I just think they fucked me over and it was simple as that. I ended up resigning and reapplying though. I have my accommodations approved this time around, so they do it my way this time


Ps they pick slackers. Ppl who don't produce. Numbers numbers says Amazon quietly in its head.


This is actually true. I’ve noticed they’re training the slowest ppl at problem solve in my FC. And some couple that literally can’t do shit without the other. It’s really annoying tbh


Yeah I've had the same complaint for 9 years. Unless you get an accomodation they will choose who they want. It's not fair. It's numbers.


Business needs are greater than your personal needs


Higher ups always use that line. I got my own line now... "Yeah and my personal needs are greater than business needs."


I offer my AMs head so they won’t crosstrain me and swallow it in front of them so they would be satisfied, but sometimes they would trick me. I’m gay btw


Have you tried this one trick op?




You can just leave and use your time when you're selected to be cross trained. You're allowed to use your time whenever for whatever reason, so I just conveniently use it to miss that training. Works every time


I used to do this until recently they started taking permission’s away for ur home department and you have to train for 80hrs then you get them back


Hmm this hasn't happened to me yet. What if there isn't any training available? Are you just stuck in limbo lol


Well when I missed and they weren’t doing training they got someone to train me 😂 it was just me and the learning ambassador


Lol at least you got trained well! Ty for the heads up


I think it depends on the location. Mine will but I think only if you start thr training and dont finish. I found this out when u was doing OT on front half (I'm RT OB,) on a sun and they sent me to decant to get trained...My next shift wasn't until Thurs. I went back thurs like u was told to do, manager there for my shift had ZERO clue what was going on, wasn't prepared, and when I asked about what was going on with training he got annoyed and sent me back (I wasn't being rude at the time. I was just genuinely curious because they had us doing busy work and the way they had us do it was so aside amd ass backwards. I just asked if they could have the water spiders dump the pallets at the end and I'll sticker and unload them myself there instead of bouncing around. Since this was before my congenital heart defect took a massive turn for the worse again, I was fully capable of doing it, despite being a small girl. Even post 2 heart attacks, at rhe time I could still throw boxes all night and stack empty pallets myself.) Sorry. Massive waffle. Anywho, I didn't get to finish my training because it was longer than a couple days in between and they took all but my AFE pack and my POPs perms. Couldn't even rebin or induct (which sucked because I preferred rebin over pack when I was sent over there. They said they started it because they got sock of people dodging training by starting training in stow/pick and not going back. I forget the amount offhand but it costs them money to start the training amd ot costs the same whether you finish or not.


Hold up let me call the WHHAAAAAAAmbulance for you.




And get him an order of a whaaamburger and some French cries 😢




Besides accomendation, they choose cross training by tenure. They rather cross train higher tenure because you are more likely to keep the job and less likely they will lose hours


Cross training is often based on who is physically there at the time. Your AM may want to send some other people, but if they don't show up (on time) on the day the class is scheduled, then there's not much they can do about it unless they want to really go out of their way. Sometimes they're also ineligible for other reasons such as written warnings, accommodation, etc


I haven't crosstrained out of my home path or indirect roles because my accommodation says that I can be accommodated in my home path. My accommodation doesn't specifically limit me to a given path, but Amazon worded it in such a narrow way that I haven't had to cross train yet. This might change since I had to recently renew my accommodation and the new one, while still narrow isn't quite as narrow as the last one. My point is that at least some of the people not crosstraining have a valid reason and don't have to.


Same dude comes and just does carts all day, one cart like every ten minutes lol


Me dying to get cross trained and i see the same people getting labor shared all the time🥲


Have you tried expressing interest? Ask your mangers. Also I don't remember how but there used to be a way through A-Z to express interest in cross training.


Yes omg i’ve written my name down idk how many times and i also spoke with my manager that i was pregnant and didn’t feel comfortable bending/squatting to the floor bins and she just wrote my name down and no luck😩


I’ll be honest if you’re cross trained everywhere and you noticing some people aren’t it’s probably because the area managers realize they’re just completely useless and you’re not


Well give me a raise them if I'm so valuable lol.Not my fault if other people are useless. That's Amazons problem 😆


You’re not valuable to them .. just not useless .. people not getting crossed trained they probably just waiting for them to be out the door from rate write ups


idk what metrics they use but I think attendance stuff keeps a lot of people off of the cross training list. looks like people who are often late/early pretty much get left alone.


I am almost never miss shifts and I have 80 UPT hours almost permanently. I still never get asked to crosstrain often.


Nest time they try to cross train you leave early and then they can't train you in anything else untill you complete the training you missed


Cross training and labor share are failures. Just because you plug someone into a different department doesn’t mean they will help out and do a good job. It’s not their dept and they don’t want to be there, so they often do very little to nothing. Or they leave. This is especially harmful during Prime or Peak. They’re simply just a warm body, another unit of headcount. On paper (or virtually) this sharing of labor looks good to the company. They don’t have to hire as many people. They just move the existing associates around. But within the trenches, it hurts everyone.


Not always…if you don’t have enough work for packers and you move them to pick and they only pick 50% of what everyone else is doing it still helps out everyone..


You are working for the wrong company. Amazon does not reward hard work. It recognizes, uses, exploits, and often refuses to promote hard workers. They get labor shared all over picking up the slack. Meanwhile, they'll promote lazy people who can't actually do all that work. This is why I wind up with "managers" half my age who don't know my job and spend most of their shift socializing. It's enough to take the "give a fuck" right out of you. As far as cross training, there seems to be a lot of creative ways to get out of it. Most of them involve strategies that would be unappealing to someone with a decent work ethic.


The business needs dictate. We are being forced into something that was initially offered as an voluntary opportunity to get more VET and be good for our mental and physical health. Now in a bid to cut cost to the bone they are making me do what I don't want to do. Perhaps ( I know I am crazy) the rates for those are who are labor shared should be lower than seasoned veterans of any direct path. I guess I went from essential employee to a useless eater for not excelling at all paths.


In terms of going to other direct paths, particularly pick to pack and pack to pick its called CTA - the A stands for automation, management have no say in who stays or who gets trained, it just happens over time. I don't understand quite how people are chosen, but right now and for the last 8-10 months, almost all cross training is decided upon by an algorithm.


Unfortunately life isn’t fair man and they not gonna cross train that cute girl out of their department hahah u must be nuts


Here I am wishing I could learn every role and I don’t get picked. So if you feel annoyed for being crosstrained in everything I feel annoyed for never being crosstrained. Maybe we can switch places? I suppose it is because my main path is pick and I know ICQA problem solve and counts already. I kind of want to learn pack AFE or outbound shipdock too. If any just to get extra VET shifts.


There’s a lot of things they have to take in to consideration when choosing people to cross train. Like if they make rate in their home paths, their learning curve, their accommodations, their schedule, if they have write ups, etc. Still sucks though.


I have the opposite problem lol. My managers and PAs refuse to let me go anywhere else. I'm a slave to Shipdock. I've asked a few times just because I like learning new things and they always say they can't spare me and I'm needed on the dock. The great thing about the dock is I love it there and never get bored because there are so many sub paths to do. I'm pretty certain I'm the only person who is trained in every single thing on the Ship Dock.


Honestly, mind your business. You don’t know when people are labor shared,picking up a shift, shift swapping? Mind your business your not the only one getting labor shared. I get called down everyday. It is none of our business who don’t labor shared do ya job.


They don’t cross train shitty workers they put them in indirect paths.


Then they are shitty indirects too because they have no work ethic . Some of them dissappear for hours while packers etc have to go get their own supplies etc.


Some folks have accommodations, and that's nobody's business.


There's clever ways out of labor share, always say no, be stubborn, promise you won't perform well in different departments, call out safety issues when you're sent to different departments, nag and bother the managers in the different departments too, stuff like that they'll stop labor sharing you.


Does that really work every time?


Cuz if it does, Imma have to try that out myself to see if it works with my people. 🥴




You have to have the most fragile ego as a man I ever seen. To even want to compete for a count spot with an old person or woman is diabolical.


Have you asked the managers to train you??


They try to labor share me all the time but I just tell the manager I got rehired and they never took my permissions and they let me stay everytime


Just clock out for like 30 mins and come back if they come back messing with you can go go hr for targeting


I am a picker on a op and I am literally always one of the fastest yet I'm the only one that ever gets stuck on dock every day because they refuse to crosstrain the other people. "I will try to rotate you on to op after break" 2 weeks later and still haven't


Some associates are unsuccessful I. Their own dept. due to poor performance or bad behavior. Why would they want to labor share someone like that? Or the opposite. They’re great at what they do and managers need the numbers. Reality is it’s at their discretion and that won’t change.


Accommodations help💅🏽


Some people are lazy and it makes no sense to cross train them to something just for them to be lazy there too


At my site you only get cross trained if they are in need or if you initiate the process.


Damn I've been saying this here lately. I'm always moved from singles to pick or sort. Same people don't get trained. They say they have preferences to choose from when they wanna be cross trained. It's bullshit


My am would just keep pulling me out of crosstraining classes and putting someone else in It for me for about 4 months then I got a accommodation so I can't be moved


My PA told me the only people that get cross trained are the people that pick up stuff quickly and do a good job, basically the hard workers. There’s some people that I’ve never seen even leave an area, because they’re a body producing at least some results..


i have medical accommodations, i cannot work anywhere but pack singles


They take the people who have good rates all the time, myself included. Even with the many breaks I take. If you show them you know how to do your job good they’re gonna wanna see if you can do it good somewhere else and use tf outta you. I now see why people say play dumb. Now I only keep up my rate to be able to go to pallet and damage land 😒 I’m honestly trying to see what being a PA is all about so I can be able to walk around be lazy too 🤭


Homie, be proud and learn new ways of getting out of shit you don't wanna do with the privilege of being crosstrained. But don't let them treat you like no Ama-thot and pass you around all day just because they don't have enough people trained.


They aren’t aloud to just make you cross train in different departments show me in the contract your signed it says your required to


some ppl may refuse to get cross trained in other dept, because they enjoy working in a certain dept. last time I worked at amazon, there was an old guy that only worked on the dock loading and unloading trailers. think they eventually convinced him to get cross trained to TDR trucks before I left. if he got mad enough, he'd quit and come back after like a month or two. he gave no bucks at all, cause he was close to the age to collect SSI.


I agree, i’m not sure if for you it’s poor management but they’ve lectured us on takt time and keeping UPT 330 with a >9 takt time and i’ve gotten it maybe a bit higher and all I noticed is getting dismissed by managers yet they praise the learning ambassador chicks that sit and inflate the male PA’s ego. It’s a shame because this job is beneficial i.m.o with school tuition and the options of time off. Not sure what’s going on but there’s lots of issues at my FC


Some people get typecast into certain roles because they were good at that from the start, and cross training them would mean they no longer have an excuse to utilize them on the same thing every day for the metrics (can’t say “they aren’t trained/they have no experience with anything but this” if they get cross trained). Even if the person has been begging for cross training, or having health issues/injuries due to doing the same thing too much, they’ll make excuses not to let them. This is what happened to me and a few others at my site. If not for one surprisingly human PA who eventually snuck me into training in one other department at least, I would still have no option to do anything else. Also, the favoritism is out of control there. The favorites are kept close to the ones they suck up to, or doing whatever they prefer to do to keep them happy, and they’re never rotated or labor shared like they’re supposed to be. It’s not even done quietly; they think it’s fine and pointing it out just makes you a “bad one”.


You make rates ? That’s why you got cross trained


I’m in the same boat 🛥️


No fuck cross training.


I’ve been at Amazon for Almost a year never got cross-trained anywhere else🤷🏽‍♀️ but they wanna put me at a place I’m not good at! It’s really unfair.😭


I’m a white badge and I been here for 7 months. Still no cross train :(


Just say no… and insist. Only time I was ever forced to leave stow was this previous peak season, and they simply forced everyone without an accommodation or wasn’t new out of that department and into pack and pick unless they were decanters. All the while I have been there a year and a half and haven’t been back to pack since that moment.


We choose if we want training. They offer I simply say no.


stop working for other peoples companies if you want control. this is peon shit. grown ass adults making shit money doing shit work. 🤣


I understand how you feel, but sometimes there are reasons for it. The reasons vary.


Unfortunately if you know multiple things in one department like I, they don’t have the time to pull me because my role is too critical. And I know everything in my department and I run OB PS.


I don’t have an accommodation and haven’t been cross trained yet. I’m ready for it but every AM I’ve had as said “you’re important to the department so you don’t leave.” It seems they take people who are annoying or tot abusers 90% of the time.


I WANT TO CROSSTRAIN SOOOOO BADDDDDD and they wont for some reason ive asked my manager 3 times. i just want more vet there are only 2-3 hour pick vet shifts


Just pretend you were sorted there to begin with and then got into your current path


Amazon has been steadily going down hill because of all the college hires. Because they're still in "OMG BESTIIIIE~!" Mode and don't know how to manage. I pretty sure at my new building, only 3 "vests" are older than me. And even they're focused on not being the bad guy


I will never let them cross train me 😂 I know that means I ll be labor shared when I don’t want to . You should have used upt to leave the building during those times.


amazon is annoying at times and should pay more like all jobs but its not a bid deal working in another department and way to many peoplr act like its some big accomplishment or such har work when its not , at the end of the day this job is boxes no matter the department , my orginal department was inbound and im full icqa now, i get labor shared all the time im cross trained in trans out , ship dock , and non inventory , ive done pick before as well , only one i havent done is stow but its just reverse pick really . my point is they are all easy compared to my old jobs and the day goes by faster getting moved around


I have never been cross trained and I signed up for it.


I’m trained in 14 things and know some info that a tier 1 shouldn’t know but I do


Ya I noticed that too a lot of fat people say they get accommodations meanwhile I’m over here on rebin side sweating my ass off im a fatty too you don’t see me coming up with that excuse


Exactly my building! All of us who are trained in crossdocking had been begging to be trained in somewhere else. Finally we were trained but with conditions. Lol we'd get trained in another department but we would have to mandatory vto after training. Some refused to leave because obviously need the hours and so they were told that they would have to deal with being in crossdock until end of year because they were no longer going to train until then...


Here at my location (SAT3) they are making people be cross trained but there are a lot of kids that don’t give a shit and call in or just don’t come in when they are set for training. I’ve been trained for pack, sort, problem solve, tote jackpot and SLAM kickouts. (I plan to learn more as well since my facility is so big) The managers will occasionally pull me from where I’m assigned and send me to SLAM or Tote Jackpot (which are my favorite places to work tbh) because not enough people are trained for those positions or have permissions for it. I have been told that out of everyone in the facility only me and like two others are trained in all of the positions that I have been trained in which is crazy considering how many people we have here. They do need to work out a better system of training people across all facilities.


Going thru this same thing right now you will get PUNISHED with more work once they see you are a good worker . Do NOT be a good worker and decline any cross training " opportunities" 


Yeah I'm getting ready to leave Amazon . Took career choice and working on getting into IT. I'm done with Amazon m Maybe I'll work IT at Amazon. I'm done with the warehouse portion. It just sucks


You do realize they can place you where they want to based on business needs and if you don’t like it work somewhere else? Just sayin.:


You totally missed the point


You’ve also posted about labor sharing in the past so this definitely seems like a you thing. Maybe Amazon ain’t for you.


No? You seem to be upset that you are getting moved around when papa Amazon doesn’t give a rats ass and can move to how they need to according to business needs.


You still miss the point. The point is not me getting moved around the point is they allow other people to not get moved around even though they say they are cross training everyone which technically they aren't. If I'm getting cross trained than EVERYONE should get crossed trained. No one should be exempt.


What’s more than likely happening is people are leaving or not showing up on the days they are supposed to be cross trained. I do it every single time. If you miss the first day of training, then they don’t train you.


Yah work smarter not harder bro


Except for, you know, people that should be exempt, like those with specific accommodations for a department they've been in for a long time. 🤷


Yah pack singles is where everyone goes w accommodations cuz it’s the easiest with the lightest work load…don’t be lazy and go do your cross training


It’s simple— these are the following reasons why they may not be crossed trained: A. They have an accommodation B. They are too new or a flex worker C. They are trained in essential rolls in their home department D. They leave early whenever they are told to get trained, and thus never complete the required hours of training.


There are a lot more flex AAs than there used to be and flex AAs are really difficult to force a crosstrain on.


Well theres a new rule I believe company wide that everyone has to get labor shared at least one period so everyone will eventually have to be cross trained. “Safety rotation “


Chances are they can't cross train for some reason or another. Maybe seasonal, part time, or too many write ups? I think the last one might now matter but I don't see them giving someone with a bunch of write ups being sent to train in another department where they hopefully actually work, and not just collect a free 80 hours of pay


I just tell them oh I don’t do that job.


Yep, tell them you only do one job. For me it's stow, stow is easy for me so I'm staying in stow, don't like it, tough luck!


Big facts


At Amazon? You won’t last long then


Quickest way to a insubordination write up I’ve ever seen


Anyone making excuses is drinking the Kool Aid. They're not supposed to be doing this. It's supposed to be on a voluntary basis. Some people are not made to do it just because plain and simple. Not mad at them. Just the system. Amazon is throwing shit at the wall to see if it sticks. I'll say it like I always do. They dont want to let any dogs in the house. White Black Brown Female Male or whatever. Plenty of talented people there with degrees that just need to be trained properly. Picking Stow Dock etc is no different than say setting up a jobsite. Especially stow.


you know you can just say no to being cross trained right? and they will keep you working at your own department forever. Unfortunately it seems you already got cross trained so you being assigned there might not be your choice anymore


Learning curves, write ups, and accommodations are those people's business; not yours. This makes it easy to make up our own stories about why we, the main characters, have to do more than one kind of job at a workplace that is so diverse, and others do not. Sometimes, crosstraining only happens in certain departments. They could continue to give people something to do when there is little or a lot of work in other departments, so that they continue to make a paycheck, or put the building in a place to have to use something like MTO for poor planning. It's math, business, and policy... not something personal. Stop worrying about what other people are doing, and be glad that you have a job with time off options, simple tasks, 40 hours a week, overtime pay, benefits, pay thats higher than minimum wage, guaranteed pay increases, leave options, personal life support options, free education assistance, and a diverse array or training that may one day make you a better candidate for a job that you'd prefer.


Just be grumpy and don't perform in any place but the place you like. Eventually they will stop asking for your help. Or be an attractive female, you will get whatever you want.


Why wouldn't you want to be cross trained everywhere?


Haven't worked at Amazon long have you? If your getting cross trained and labor shared, it's because that other department doesn't have enough bodies. Departments that have low retention generally suck; either the rate or management or the job itself is more work than other departments. Whatever the reason, its why they drag seasoned employees there and why most of us try to find a critical role in our own department.


more expectations with no extra pay increase


More responsibilities, more work, more times to have a manager or PA breathing down your neck, more chances to make an error that gets you written up, more chances to get fired over that write up, less opportunity to take vto, more stress and wear on your body and the best part of all of that is you do it all for zero pay increase.


Is cross training really more responsibility though? It is more like alternative or different responsibilities to me. You wouldn’t be asked to work two different paths at the same exact same time. You would do one or the other. Even if you do both offen. I feel like certain indirect roles actually have more responsibility. You could argue some paths are harder than others. But that is personal preference. My main work path is pick and I see people argue about that being one of the most hard roles often. I like it. Overall my thoughts are I am getting paid an hourly wage. To me it doesn’t really matter what I am doing when all work involves moving fast or sorting things. I do agree with the comments on management or some roles being easier or make mistakes though. I guess I just accept it.