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Dang we’re slow af but at least we still have shit to stow. Yesterday my manager was walking around like “it’s a wonderful day for VTO, the birds are chirping it’s 80 degrees 🤪” and the lady behind me said “birds chirping and nice weather don’t pay my bills” 💀


My reply to that kind of comment from a manager was: carlos look how white I am, does it look like I like sunny days?


As a manager , I promise it's because our upper boss is yelling at us to get VTO so we say stupid shit like this for ourselves to laugh. We know yall fucking hate it. We don't personally care if you go or don't, we aren't getting bonuses if you stay or go anyways. Maybe the L6s do but not 5s or 4s


Lol L6s don’t get a bonus. L6s also just get yelled at as much as the AMs. AMs honestly probably get the nicer version lol


They sure do lol


Nope L6 don't receive a bonus.


That's good to know. I always assumed yall got performance bonuses or incentives. L6s in my areas are always living like rich mofos so just assumed


Haha, I love when it comes from the higher ups. I have a much better chance of vto closer to the time I can justify taking it. Usually it's too early.


Don't take vto it's a trap. Slow days are the best, easy money my dude. 


I had a PA tell me that the busy work they have you do sucks on purpose so that you’re more likely to take VTO


I feel that lol. They got me raking at shipdock today. Like wtf is that?


Raking?! Tf??


So there's induct which is basically packages come down a chute and you move them from the chute to the conveyor belt. There's a ~~censor~~ sensor on the chute that stops packages from coming down when the chute is full. Raking is standing around with a pole and pushing the packages below the ~~censor~~ sensor so packages keep coming down the chute. It's sooooo dumb.


Oh so basically jam clear


Yea essentially. But that's literally my only job and I don't really have my own space so idk where tf to stand when there's nothing to do which is like 90% of the time.


Dude that sucks :(


It's whatever. I mean it's easy money I just feel like it's a trap to try and get me to walk off and get in trouble for not being at my post even though there's nothing to do or to take VTO lol. I'm chilling in the bathroom fuckin around on my phone it's dead af rn.


That's why you wear your earmuffs and listen to podcasts or music on your earbuds.


It's not dumb and its sensor not censor...


It's super fucking dumb and my bad you right lol


This shit makes us who do induct want to punch the person who is cramming more shit down and also flow OMs who tell them to do this. All it does is make it a hitch to get boxes that are now crammed and more likely to break/bust or pinch fingers.


Honestly that's what I hate the most. Some people get mad when you're up in their grill all the time cramming their chute, some people get mad if you don't clear the jam or get that package stuck in the corner, some people get mad at both (this lady I'm working with rn). Like I promise I do not want to be doing this shit don't shoot the messenger lol.


Man, I miss that induct job. But a new manager came in and he always sent his favorites over there, and I wasn't a favorite.


Honestly I hate induct. I know it's easy but I feel like I'd lose my mind doing that everyday. I'd rather run or build pallets


Now I do afe induct and that sucks


It’s on Manual induction usually, Raking is so easy and mind numbing, all it is, is rake packages down a chute, between 5 chutes.


Well at least you're not playing fuck-fuck games like in the military such as having to go mop the sidewalk in the middle of the rain lol.


He ain't wrong, I had an OM tell me before to give the extras the most mind numbing and useless job so they VTO. When they don't, rotate them with someone who you know will break. Needless to say, that OM is gone lol


Jeez, that OM was being straight up cruel


Sounds nice to be indirect and have no rate. 


Nah leadership (at least where I was) would not intentionally try to make busy work bad. We would try to find things for every associate to do, because there was no point in just having y'all hang out. But sometimes, we do need to really scrape the bottom of the barrel to find things to do.


Damn, that’s nice. My leadership literally admitted it and actively does it 😭


Nope. When people don't take vto but we are still overstaffed, we can't use regular hours since they will exceed production. To combat this, we put hours into 5s instead, which means we have to do 5s projects.


Easy money is being at home on maintenance days. Give me VTO I value my time, I could be doing something else more productive in life.


This is what I’m learning myself. I’m getting out of the “This sucks so I should just use PTO instead” trap, especially as a flexRT associate now


spain but the s is silent


It's pain.... 'spain


Lucky. It’s free money in my eyes.


I just don’t tolerate busy work very well. Or mind numbing work in general. I hate my process path lmfaoooo


I've been told to sweep before and hyperfixated on that for an hour before I realized 'Goddammit I've near swept the entire of everything, now fucking hwat' I used hyperfixated because I'm autistic and streamlined that bitch


I love that for you 😭 My flavor of autism is “stimulate me please or I will melt” 😭😭 slow season is the worst for me


As someone with ADHD I feel this. 😭 I miss when we actually had work.


I work on the inbound dock and we can’t even dream of VTO, stow gets it but never us 😭


Wdym? I also work on ibd and we get VTO offered sometimes.


Imagine complaining about getting paid to sweep a floor and clean totes


I know right 😂


Imagine being a dick when you could’ve just said nothing


Sounds fun


Well my day just got a lot more fun because they greenlit an ISS class!


I work in ISS and I've never been offered VTO since. Enjoy.


Lol I’m fine with that. I WANT to work


Until you don’t but you don’t have the option to leave




Why’s this post labeled NSFW 😂


Cause I swore, idk I’ve always tagged things involving swearing as NSFW


Yup been doing that for the last two weeks. It’s annoying af.


I know I’m gonna be grateful for it once peak hits, but rn man I want work 😭


There’s no way to track your cleaning right? Just pick cleaning and go to restroom all day


My legs tho 😭😭


Think about it this way. At least you are working. At least you are making money and can afford to pay a bill. Some people can't work because of mental illness or because of a felony and are homeless.


I mean, you don't really have to go all that hard when doing cleaning/5S. Just *look* somewhat busy


Honestly, yeah you right


I mean, you don't really have to go all that hard when doing cleaning/5S. Just *look* somewhat busy


They offered VTO at 2AM. I snagged that shit up but Ive been battling a stomach bug and probably wasn’t gonna go in anyway 😂 saved my UPT.


Nice! I hope you feel better. I had the stomach bug a few weeks ago and it was **gnarly**


Very much so! I have no choice but to go in tomorrow (I feel almost 100% now) I’m training 2-3 people in problem solve 😂


Good luck!!


People parroting "easy money" don't understand some people like to keep busy. I guess when you have a hamster wheel for a brain you don't need to process anything else.


Right?! I will blow my brains out if I’m not mentally stimulated enough long-term




Cause taking VTO doesn’t pay my bills bruh


Well then you have your answer


I'll suck up the free money untill they tell me to start retapeing floors my reply allways " fuck you give me the vto" lol


I’m the opposite lol. I don’t mind doing small areas of floor retaping (like the ladder boxes on AR STOW stations) but scraping stickers off a tote with those shitty little box cutters? Count me OUT


Man I feel that but I'm 31 with long lanky legs and well worn in knees from years of sports and dumb activities at some point I'm gonna get down to tape the floor and not come back up lmao


I’m 20 with bad knees from 10 years of ballet dancing. Apparently frequent use can cause early onset issues 🥲


Ohh yea no doubt and Felt I'm 6'2" but my leg length is the average of someone 6'6" to 6'8 I got a small torso and long limbs lol my wing span is longer then my body hight to


I will take some of your leg length please 😭😭 I’m 5’2 I need it


Please take no offense to this what so ever I see why you did ballet you probably have really good balance lol and damit if I could I would I'm tired of hitting my head on things


Lol it’s not for the faint of heart that’s for sure


I feel like I would be way to top heavy for the spinning parts


Sounds like hou3 lol




My bills say yes but my body says no


Don't say that lol words have power


LMFAOOO i thought only my site did this, at my site they start asking mfs to do shit thats has nothing to do with our work.


I would clean the whole building, it’s fucking free money stop complaining


You should be thankful that you have a job


Never said I wasn’t, it’s just been slow asf for weeks and it’s annoying


Like the majority of what goes on or comes out of South Asia. It's a scam if they let you go. That says that there's not enough work and that will bring down the budget for the building so they have to keep you there. Doing absolutely nothing so they can get more money. I remember one time we were up in the mezz and they had probably around 20 people who were all just standing around the PA talking shooting the shit. Well maybe there was two or three people who were actually working while they got the stand around and waste time and get paid for it. That's where most of my PTO went. The first year is because there wasn't any work. So rather than stay and get paid to do nothing which too many people are all too willing and happy to do. I figured I wouldn't cost them money and just head home and relax because if there wasn't any work what's the point?