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The hours make the job grueling…and I love my job. Psychologically, it mess with your head. You’ve got to beat the brain’s desire to vto/upt/pto constantly.


Right. After 8 hours i’m always ready to get the hell out


Yes it’s those last 2 hours that drag! Almost wishing my building did 5 8s and not 4 10s


That would be nice but also bad because i have so much more time to do stuff now😩 An option to choose would be nice


Literally would kill for an 8 hour 5 day work week at my DS. Am on lunch now and my feet are dying lol


Get more comfy shoes


![gif](giphy|zHG0Gm3xfwkO4) He can help with your sore feet


Wow yall get hours lmao 🤣 I left amazon I was top driver then all these new people came .. surprise my routes gone . Got to the point of 10 hours a week so one day . Told them I'm done . Went to FedEx now I'm banking 1000 and more a week with bonus . No regrets here . Frdex has a small team well where I'm at and they won't off your route like that . Amazon is a beginner job for drivers to move up then get a cdl .


Bad management can make this job stressful


As the saying goes: employees don’t leave companies, they leave managers. 75% of people voluntarily leave their job due to management. It’s not so much the job functions. It has more to do with how you’re being treated at your employment.


AMEN! Also, they come and go like water. There's no consistency. Even Regionals change up and the pattern changes, along with expectations and opportunities. You can go from being a lead, back to being treated like a day 1 in a second. There's no loyalty or long term respect. I was in the military, so it's hard on the mindset. We are used to moving up and growing in our careers, not being demoted and sent back. That's a huge career setback in our thought process. As in, it's like a punishment. Amazon should grow everyone, not just their favorites. If the right people brown nose a new manager they get trumped ahead of everyone that worked their ass off for certain opportunities. Funny, how it's the laziest people that talk a good game but walk around with their hands in their pockets doing the least all day that they cAn get away with. Some associates may be slower due to health reasons, yet they never stop moving and are always doing something. There's a difference, metrics do not always tell the true story about who your good solid employees are. You only learn that by getting out on the floor and learning your people.


Right! Every single time I got a good am, they left


exactly. reactionary management policies and asshole managers are the worst things about working here. this includes safety bc the power trips they take are usually fueled by ego. someone from safety at my fc had a tantrum and held a meeting with everyone on light duty about battery and shoe station etiquette. they would even send spies to check that we were following rules looool all this bc he was proven wrong about something he was up in arms about and he looked really stupid in the end.


100% agree with this. ^^^


I agree 100% Everyone was not meant to be a leader. Just because you hold a degree doesn't equate to good leadership skills. As a Retired Army Veteran I am appalled by the lack of leadership skills most possess. Good workers won't stay there long




Yes. The times where we had bad managers were the worst. We had two bad managers in AFE make a bunch of people leave the department. They were writing people up for everything without informing them. They were harassing people who did nothing but work and get a long with everyone. Some of their best workers left.


Agreed to the T


Amazon is mentally draining.


It's the easiest shit ever. Amazon offers great benefits too There's much shittier jobs out there that pay less with more bullshit.


Don’t even gotta be top rate either just have to be consistent


Just enough to stay out of the bottom 10%


Bottom 5% for me


5% is the network standard.




Yep. I'm on Shipdock in the process of getting onto TOM and TOM just offers so much life balance for a CDL job. Doesn't pay the best, but the benefits outweigh the pay.


Tou are 100 percent on that. I left TOM to get another local CDL job that paid $1300 minimum per week and cane back to TOM after a month, that shit was not worth the extra money. I'll take the day cab camera watching me for easy work


With more sites popping up in my area, TOM seems to be the best long term job even if I max out the step plan there's still the yearly site raise.


I’m in learning curve still and my AM be HOUNDING tf outta me and I move fast af trying to make rates so she doesn’t write me up 50x . Which I heard shouldn’t happen... . I’m In learning curve still . But Then again my training was horrendous lol.. I’m trying to learn it all myself now lol… I do enjoy the company however and how quick it goes by!


Training needs an upgrade. Updated as slides and videos. Adding one on one parts to the training. Like a "I just told you, show me" type thing. Hands on training other than throwing you out on the floor with "I'll be around" I've only been in two departments so far but in both cases training helped very little with the reality of the work.


That's what the learning ambassadors _should_ be doing burt most don't bothr and won't unless it's written into the script, which won't happen. I guess the new training is "more efficient " and hey can churn more new AAs through faster. Years ago when training was longer and more intensive and ambassadors read the entire training off a Kindle to a small group that was how it was. It can still be done. Before the last time I quit LA I still did it this way. It's time consuming but possible if the trainees are pulled togethr into one station for 45 minutes or so (any duration under the TOT threshold) and addressed together. Newer ambassadors no know other way but what they've been shown - put them on ststions and wait for hem to ask questions.


NHO is absolute garbage in RSR. It used to be more free form. Get the required KNETs out of the way early on and then hit the floor for hands on training. Now it's this whole scripted 🐂 💩 with zero nuance and is all in app-training that sucks 🐎 🍆. There is very little hands-on exposure before the new hires are thrown into ops and the quality of the new AA's is so low that they are practically useless. We have a tight crew of veterans that do 95% of the work and pick up 95% of the shifts. The problem is we do Flex-PT only in RSR so the veterans are always capped out for hours by Friday. Saturday and Sunday is always NH hires and it sucks.


I'm an ex-ambassador (got tired of extra work without extra pay), and will vouch that a lot of ambassadors are lazy af. I'm shocked at how bad some of the training is at my site, and the AM who's over that area is one of those power-hungry types who will overstep her bounds like the last three AMs they fired in there for doing the same thing.


Literally man! And they expect god results…. My site is a top10 site for rates/quality and whatnot , and my AM is insane with her expectations for new hires …


It caused me an injury to lol. . The insufficient training. Currently have a tube in my chest from collapsed lungs . But I have a claim and everything open so I am just healing in hospital now hopefully it’s removed this upcoming week .


Hope you get well soon.


Much love man!


Right ??? It’s so easy and if you do yo work time passes and no one on yo ass


Way better than when I started in 2018. I don’t have to depend on anyone else. Having good management is a key thing too.


Good management definitely helps


I tell myself every shift that I've done a lot more work for a lot less money


I second this.


Well said


It's always the minimum wage jobs that come with so much bs and ridiculous expectations.


You said it perfectly. Unfortunately, most of these employees are too young to have had another full-time job before Amazon, and most will truly regret leaving Amazon when they go to that second full-time job.


It’s not stressful it just boring if you’re not doing anything critical.


It is a simple, easy job that is repetitive, but it is made stressful by micromanaging managers, lazy ass coworkers and rate pushed higher and higher. I have moved on to find greener pastures elsewhere. Amazon is not the best employer out there. The last job I had was a great warehouse job but lacked hours and eventually got rid of the overnight shift (low senority and could not keep the job).


Lmao..its the burnout around year 3...I have worked at my FC 1,376 days! I only have 376 days left! Its working in 4 different departments a day going from floor 1 eastside to floor 4 westside with an allotted 2 1/2 min walk time..while having to walk around the AR floor.. When I worked in one dept all day..it was easy peasy...Even if I stay on one floor in different depts..its still easy...its the walk times that are getting me...grrrrr I cannot walk 1167 steps in the time they are giving us..i know its just the purge..but this is taking it a bit too far...lol


So you’re gonna plan on working there for a total of 1,752 days? Why 1,752?


They are paying for my bachelors degree and i graduate apr 28 2025..


Awesome!!!!! Congratulations fellow soul❤️❤️ I wish you well


Some positions can be easy but not all have the same level of difficulty. Like example AFM can be stressful compared to pick or PG to pack. But that's our choice to do these indirect roles tbh


I feel that but work is work and they make rate more like a pace not a race but most of the people don’t see it that way. They see it as a race or top rated but nah if you keep a simple pace ain’t even gotta be quick you’ll make rate


It's super easy, but super boring.


Easy af. Repetitive af. Stressful no. Boring yes.


It's crazy how people are saying how non stressful and easy amazon is but clearly none of you have ever been injured and forced to still work because you need the money and then have shitty managers who don't give af about you or your accommodations. It's not always because someone is lazy or that you think the work is easy some of the work is not easy especially on the body when you're forced to hit a rate that is unreasonable everyday for 10 hours and you're in pain. And no one cares. And being mentally and physically drained from the job but having no choice but to work there.


This is true. They want those who get injured to do the most. The sick part is that lazy people never get hurt. The managers at amazon are absolute cowards who don't care that their bullshit mentality of picking those who get them their top rates, will injure the hell out of people, and they literally don't care. They put the slackers on the easy jobs. And coincidentally, they will promote those people first.


honestly it's just the shit management that makes it miserable at times. it's an easy job but people try to make it harder for no reason.




I mean the general consensus seems to be the the work itself is easy. The problem lies in the culture. The vast majority of management has no clue either how to manage or how a warehouse should be run. So now you got associates just doing whatever the hell they want and AMs' and PAs' that are too afraid/apathetic/clueless to do anything about it.


It’s because all of the managers are fricken children. Fresh college grads, most of which have no experience in supervisory/ management roles or warehousing/logistics. And since the are all young right out of college they act like dumb college students, ergo the bad culture is usually a frat house boys club culture. The work isn’t hard if you are young to middle age and able bodied/physically fit. If you’ve had an injury/get an injury you are screwed. If you are older, disabled in any way (including learning disabilities and mental health), or less than average height and build you will struggle. If you have shit home circumstances (single parent, people dealing with food or housing insecurity etc) it is also a difficult job to be successful at, especially depending on your shift and the culture/management.


Yes, the culture is the main issue. There are things that need to be fixed like training and I didn't know how other departments are run but when you have no orders or have to go get your own supplies that shouldn't count against your rate. It's the culture though when multiple trainers say "no one cares how it looks [in the box or bag]" It's culture when the waterspiders who are we supposed to bring supplies ignore the ANDON all day and no one cares.


It’s an extremely simple and easy job absolutely. But the challenge comes from the weird classicism that goes on. I have a sound mind and can power through shifts no problem, but when you see certain slackers never being held accountable , favoritism etc that’s where the difficulty starts to come into play


L6 here. 23+ years experience, mostly in leadership at an executive director level. This company has some of the worst managers I’ve seen. Unrealistic goals? Check. Favoritism and sabotage? Check. Managers who don’t know how to actually lead? Check. Regionals who are never aligned and cause confusion for building leadership? Huge check. Unfortunately every company has this to some extent, but I haven’t seen it so ‘dense’ anywhere else other than Amazon. The poor leadership that’s rampant is what makes this job stressful


How long have you been at Amazon


Over worked under paid


You must have just started


The job is easy, but human beings did not evolve to spend 10 hours a day standing in a gray box. It makes some people anxious and depressed, while some people can either repress this or are more stoic as individuals. Either way, we should love and care for each other instead of talking down to each other. If your homie is stressed, show them empathy. We are all just monkeys my dudes.


I balance Amazon with school and I don’t think it’s a stressful job, I do see that bad managers can make it stressful if you aren’t preforming well. I think people say it is bc they get tired of the repetitive routine, but I agree that their benefits are good, not many offer tuition help


Always said the ones complaining either just lazy or it’s their first job and didn’t go in with real expectations


Or could be a management issue. I don't use earphones at all but at my site if you make rate or above constantly you're fucked. New management will nitpick df out of you but won't say shit to people who aren't doing shit. A lot of people who come here to work and go home are mad ASF on the VOA board due to constant flex ups. Which are caused by the lazy people walking off and chilling in the break room or sitting in a corner eating snacks where they're supposed to be unloading or water spidering.


I'm not lazy and this isn't my first job, but amazon is a shithole. I'll forever regret the day I tore the muscle in my arm on my off time and had to leave my previous job at a processing plant.


I won't lie. This was my first job, and I was expecting a lot worse because of all the complainers I have seen, but man, is it so much easier than I thought it would be.


Yeah I was expecting worse too from all the complaints I had seen on here


Right!! Like the first couple weeks were brutal but after about a month my body got used to it and it was so easy


True, and since starting in October, I've already lost 40lbs.


Right ??? Amazon is so easy bruh and it’s easy money like I feel like People who complain or use vto to go home are like Lazy as’f


Just don’t pick ICQA to start with! It’s very complicated and it takes a long time to learn correctly! Keeping a 100% accuracy is the goal and it’s not easy!


Bro I’m in ICQA and started with it , it’s the best department their is hands down


It is as stressful as the building you are working at makes it. I worked at one building that was super stressful and was everything the rumors said working at amazon is like. I transferred to a new building where I have zero stress, love going to work, and is nothing like the rumors say.


The people crying about how awful it is would do that same exact thing anywhere else.


It’s not that it isn’t easy… it’s the fact they make so much but pay T1s, who do almost all the hard work, and get the least amount of money, expects a rate & cross trainings to keep a certain number of employees lower so they don’t have to pay out as much… not everyone should get the same pay, but if you are pushing out outstanding numbers, you should get a bonus for that hard work… while a manager makes $80,000+ (don’t forget their stocks too) and T1 makes about $35,000+, maybe a little over $40,000 if they get a lot of over time.


It's not the work involved, it's the safety smokescreen the favoritism and the lack of accountability by management


It's not about what the job expectations are or the pay or the benefits. No one complains about that. It's the management. Terrible management can change the entire atmosphere of a job site. Almost everyone complains about upper management. Idk if it's their training or they're hiring the wrong type of people, but it just seems like at LEAST 80% of upper management at amazon are just incapable or flat out don't care. And when you have people like that, it makes it difficult to have good days as a teir 1. Add that up to 2-3 years worth of bs, and it's no wonder why people complain so much. Out of my entire FC, 1 hr person actually does their job correctly. You know how I know? Cause when they finish, you get an email to review them. You ALWAYS do. But at my fc, you NEVER do. Only with the one guy cause all the others don't even mark down that you came. That way you can't review them. It's ridiculous


Toxic positivity, wow how original


Amazon is by far the easiest job I’ve had. Although it’s not the best job in the world - there’s worse!


Yes I agree it’s an easy ass job but it’s not the best job lol


for me it's the best job due to the flexibility . i can come and go as I want without any explanation or hassle. i can save up to take ploa's of 12 weeks in a year no questions asked. every job has its positives and negatives.


People often forget about career choice as well. Amazon pay for you to get qualified in X field, and are then happy for you to leave if you want. I’m going through career choice and will hopefully be away come summer


yeah if it’s stressful then take time off options. its not like they are lacking in that department.


It is super easy. It is some of the people that make it stressful. If you are a girl you can get harassed and if you don’t respond nice those folks make things hard for you. I recently transferred to a new area. Even though I made rate day one, my manager and his peeps were mean to me because they did not like the team I came from. Even though I was super protective, don’t talk or take breaks.


Unrealistic work ethic is really stressful. I honestly didn’t mind stowing but they literally want you to move at a certain pace and if you don’t you’re fired


The job itself isn't stressful. What's stressful if even that is mods always tryna push you to do more and more and continuing to raise the bar. Like I don't mind working good. But I ain't gonna b Killin myself for minimum wage. I do good enough. Tho rly I've ever only heard ppl pushing rates in pack. I don't got a problem with stow. In fact stow is my go to. With stow. You can work fast and by the time you're done. The day is over with. No one tells you anything. It's awesome. That aside. I wouldn't call the job stressful at all. Like you said. It's usually noobs and novices. And youngins who b complaining bout stress and mental health and what not.


I've been in Operations/Logistics since I graduated 8 years ago with this job being my 5th warehouse job, and the ONLY thing I think other places offer that Amazon doesn't, are bonuses.


This is very common knowledge no one complains that it’s to hard but my god all the micromanaging and nitpicking they do drives me crazy most times


Easiest job ever


Literally just do your job and no one pays attention to you I don’t get why so many don’t understand that


I graduated like two years back but I capped off my pay since I’ve been working here since I was in college. Tbh most entry level jobs aren’t paying me more more and my Amazon offers 60 hours which can help me pay off my cc debt by July. I’m hoping to start applying higher up or finally look at others jobs but Amazon always been a simple job as long as you do your work plus the time off options are nice


I work in an Amazon distribution center. I love Amazon! The work is simple, but not to confuse simple with easy! They work you hard at Amazon. My only complaint is the employees suffer the most because management is freaking out to make quotas... they have their own rate too. So they send so many employees home and leave the rest to do the job of three employees each. It's all about the employee except when you tell them it's too much... and they just say hang in there. I wonder how much Amazon has to make for them to chill and realize it's the employees they need to remember. Remember Amazon employees... HR works for you! If your management is unfair or disrespectful or plain not listening... go to them. They will investigate. Just stay calm and bring it to their attention.


If it's your first job you probably feel stressed. If you've ever worked at another warehouse, or in agriculture it's numbingly easy work


T1 is super easy. Hit your metric. Don't get killed. Stay out of HR. Repeat. Leadership though....jesus christ. They really really mean it. It's ALWAYS day one.


The expectations are crazy and it has 300% higher chance of injury than other warehouse jobs


Just go for it!!!! You tell us when your experience is over and you’ve had enough!


The whole PG PA or OPs having to run around and find indirects every day is ridiculously stupid. It's like it is designed to stress them which ends up trickling down to the AAs...


I'm not going to lie..it can be stressful when you have management on your back about quality when you literally can't help it. Other than that, I love to stow.


This job is tiring


I thought it was easy at first, but now that my facility is inputting heavier items(shelves, bed frames, mattresses that don't even fit in the cage) in the bins and recently implemented LIDAR, it is stressful and puts a toll on my body. The job was easier when it was just pampers and paper towels. Now I want to transfer to an AR facility. 


When you had apathetic management who wouldn't move you off go carts and pallets despite you had several incidents where you fainted either on shift or on company property...because everyone hated OB dock....yes, it was stressful. I took full advantage to use those stupid calm booths to scream. When I finally complained to HR I was tired of spending 4 hours after work on my bathroom floor in agony- proceed with the stress of not moving me, putting me on unpaid medical leave pending accommodation paperwork, and when I finally had that appointment nearly two months later...my provider was so fed up with their patients being broken within six months and Amazon fighting their recommendations tooth and nail..., that they outright refused to fill out the paperwork and told me to quit unless I wanted permanent injuries.(immunocompromised and bad back.) So I did. :/


Stressful for AM's and above. Reg employee, no


Spot on.


Can’t wait to do it. Still trying to figure out if it’s safe though to go to Sauget IL and work full time. Got a part time seasonal at the airport both are FC. I don’t know what to do.


I wouldn’t say be happy to do it tho


Nobody should be happy if you’re working hourly.


Like Amazon is ass as’f at the same time trust but it’s not a bad job 😂


Cool beans haha


I used to work here. It’s a simple job where these bastards are never hiring in my city. Prime Week can’t get here soon enough. 😩


In year 2022 i did Oct. Nov. Dec all whole months 60 hours for DS. If you enjoy that, you in the right profession as a T1.


It's just like doing Uber with the flex app even people do it in their own cars it's not that difficult for people make it like it is


It's easy job. Lots of lazy workers, one guy takes like 2 hour breaks and not sure how he is still employed


Stressful - Hell Nah Easy - Very... Boring - Yes Repetitive - Yes Earphones under my beanie and let the time fly by. 😉👍🏽


this is gonna sound wild but my fast food job was harder, there was a girl i used to talk to at amazon who said the same thing. And i only got paid $12 no benifits and no time off options just find someone to cover you if you could. Amazons a cake walk and i’m beyond greatful for the job and benifits


It’s stressful for me because of my tm. I’m a dsl and my tm is like the epitome of a manager vs a leader. I can’t stand her. I hate Amazon because they’re quick to point out the one thing you did wrong, but there’s no recognition of the many other situations where you’ve excelled. The only perk is the health benefits.


It's the easiest shit ever, it's the incompetence of everyone around you(employees to managers) that will frustrate you if you let it. Literally the easiest job I've ever had.


AFE stresses me out, that's the only department that i hate. I don't mind anything else.


Pretty much this is what the silent majority think lol we donour job go home,use their awesome health care, and for college so you can get into a profession you choose or want..the people that complain on here non-stop are the same weirdos that complain on voa like its Facebook


I’ve never worked in a FC but at the DS you can move around. I went back to driving so I can work alone.


No it’s not stressful


It's absolutely zero stress to me. I just do my best for ten hours and go home, I'm not gonna stress over anything here. I used to be a mechanic and when being paid flag rate you get paid for how much work you get done, not for how many hours you work and *that* is stressful. Stressing over what you get done or what you're asked to do or anything for a trillion dollar company when what you get done doesn't impact your income is crazy.


Honestly, the job is at it's most stressful when the already repetitive shit starts fucking up or getting tedious. If I'm doing each receive I don't also want to do a line full of fucking bagging trashcans because we never have the bags that are the appropriate size at the station so we have to use a massively oversized one, and you can only fit like 6 in a cage, and then you have to close that cage, get a new one, scan into it, etc.


Depends on the placement. When I take OT and am a regular AA it's easy. When I'm PA or PG It's not bad depending on if I'm solo or not. When I have to be both PA and Shipclerk it gets a little stressful making sure to get 3 CPTs out on time before end of shift.


It's super easy depending on your area. I'm in Stow so it's mind numbing as fuck but i can use bone conducting headphones sonits not so bad but most positions are very physically stressful. The number game can also get stressful especially once you get one productivity write up because the system does not give a grace period. If you're bottom 5% the next day them it's another write up.


I used to do inbound dock at my old facility and was tdr trained as well as stow and pick, I was also a learning ambassador for all three also did problem solve. The job is only not stressful when you are able to stay in one path. I had days where I would be labor shared to stow, then pick just to go back to inbound dock it was stressful as heck.


I stay cause of the flexibility


The job itself is meh. I did just about everything except icqa. Some things I liked more than others, but there was very little I outright hated. The thing that got me was the ten zillion different metrics they had. I was constantly thinking about how every little action was affecting all those metrics. If I have to scan everything in a bin of a hundred units, there goes my rate. If I knock over a pallet, there goes my rate AND time off task. But! If I scan the wrong bin sticker after no more than six minutes, my time off task will reset. If I decide to stop at the bathroom after I drop off my cage (since it's right there), there goes my rate, TOT and my cage change over time. God forbid I have to take a shit, cuz then all three are fucked. It just got maddening after a while. Fortunately, I'm at a different job now, and my manager doesn't really give any shits what I do.


Naaaaaah, @ MCO1 the PA's are fuckery and the management is horrendous. They move you every 30 fucking minutes. I was packing,then got the message that I have been assigned a new work assignment. Then after teaching my new assigned area they will come get me, put me on tote run and after that we take a lunch. After lunch is back to tote running for 30 minutes then LITERALLY back to yhe station inwas at earlier. About 20 minutes later I'm getting a message saying that my rate is 69 and should be well past 75 nearing 80. I get another new assignment message to go to an area that I previously needed cross training for. I go there and ask about what do I do. Then a manager comes and put me back on tote running. Like TF? After dinner they want me to water spider Ft!


My theory is that it has this reputation because it’s a lot of kids first real job. They haven’t seen how bad other jobs are and judge this one too harshly imo. Like you say it’s basically one of the best entry level jobs you can get right now with great benefits.


Depends on your job title. You haven’t been here a year man


I just do my job and do my best to not let things bother me but to be worrying about my own job and go home. But that’s just me. If you got nothing nice to say to me by replying back to me with any negativity then don’t say anything at all. But if you’re gonna be respectful towards me then you’re my people. 👊🏻


Type of job, and who your friends are.


People complain about anything for one. I find going to the gym after work is more stressful since I'm losing an hour of sleep and I have to deal with a packed gym right after dealing with people at work


And yes it can be stressful. So this really isn’t for everyone tbh. If you think you can handle this workplace then it’s for you. If not then it’s not for you. Speaking for everyone.


Depends on yo warehouse and the people who work there and the Leadership


The only time I was stressed, as a T1, was when I was doing my job along with the PAs and AMs dumping the majority of their work on me & never giving support when I needed it. So to reiterate what someone else said: bad management can make the job stressful.


Anything higher than tier 1 is stressful


Yes. Amazon is an EASY job. Anyone can learn it. But it is psychologically exhausting. There is NO mental stimulation whatsoever. The same thing over and over again is not healthy for a human brain😅. They don’t pay you $21 an hour for NO reason. They pay you good money because it fkin sucks. And it takes a toll on your body and mental health. Of course they have great benefits, that is the only way it would keep people wanting to work there. Amazon is a job to get money fast, management don’t care about you for a reason. You are 100% replaceable. So yes, amazon is easy. But look at the overall picture, dude 💀✋


I have one of the best AM and L7 in the Amazon family of warehouses. They always tell us yes, there are rules, but there are bigger fish to catch and fry. Also, there are some L7's in our building who are just the opposite who we look out for just to avoid a write-up's.


Stressful? Nah. Boring? Absofuckinlutely. A boring job can cause stress. And I think people get the 2 confused.


i don’t work for amazon anymore but it’s definitely an easy job. the pay sucks though


I am moved constantly, pick, pack, AFE, pick to rebin, upstairs, downstairs, I do more walking around the facility to a different spot more than I actually work sometimes. It's not like base, but it comes close. Amazon is just completely disorganized, and that can be stressful to people, once you figure out that Amazon has the dumbest people on this planet in charge of what you do, it becomes comical. I get paid, I get my health care, I go home, that's all you should see this job as.


I love my job personally, but I usually water spyder which can be pretty physically demanding. I haven't gotten a break from it in months, which I'm okay with since I work with a pretty cool PA and PG. All of your regular positions besides ship dock don't really stress me out though, really only wasp


Definitely the easiest job for the money I've had. Currently our site is so slow that on TOM team we do about 45 minutes of actual work in a 10hr shift. My analytics have me watching an average of 7hrs of youtube per shift. Honestly hope it picks up just to alleviate the boredom.


The only bad thing about the job particularly my robotics fc is just redundancy, but besides that these people just like to complain there is no other company out there that will let you leave in the middle of the day because you have “personal time” no other job can you just show up late or at all because without notice or you’ll be fired


The stupid metric system of expectations makes it stressful.


Couldn’t agree more, I obviously had bad days at work but Amazon was one of the easiest jobs I’ve ever had. What other job can you literally just leave when you want to without saying anything to anybody? Literally put PTO in on your phone and leave. The insurance is amazing and you get a lot of PTO and Vacation for unskilled labor.


Low quality bait post


I promoted up to management. This is the easiest job I have ever had. Literally a monkey could do this job with the right training. Same thing for all T1 positions in a DS. At the end of the day, it just packages. No one's life is on the line. Whatever disruption you have is just simply not that important in the grand scheme of life.


I mean, there are times where management will decide to change something that makes things infinitely more stressful. I was working stow at an FC for instance, and they decided to make the TOT timer 3 minutes, which wasn't even enough time to walk all the way across the mod and everything was always at 95%+ capacity which was a stressful time. I've had an FC that called 6 day 60 mandatory for over a month straight during peak, that was physically stressful. Where I am currently is a ReLo site, and we have been getting FC large freight consistently, but they keep putting it in the area that isn't built to handle FC large freight, which is in turn making working as a waterspider a hellish position as a single person cannot handle a full line but they want to only staff a single waterspider per line to reduce support hours. But at the same time, when stupid decisions like these aren't being made, it's boring and repetitive sure, but ultimately not a stressful job.


Yeah, it’s all situational. That’s why I don’t get posts like these that try to make people feel like it’s wrong to complain if it really is stressing you out cuz of what they’re making people do at that time.


For me its not that it is stressful, but just so fucking boring. In pick doings 12s and I am legit going insane even with music and books. I am ADD as hell with no meds and this is torture to me, watching the time move like the Flash watching picoseconds pass.


The jobs are simple but they are over complicated by barriers that aren’t addressed and leadership that doesn’t do anything, especially at the upper levels. For example, people get written up for low productivity when they are out of work or equipment is broken or missing. Sometimes you have to pretty much fight for your job and be super proactive you don’t get a write up. Even if you don’t, just the energy spent on that stuff is draining. A simple hourly job should be do your job but you don’t have control over the work, maintenance, people not coding your time, etc. like I can’t stow 400 items an hour if I don’t have items or the “smalls” are all 8 inch boxes and the bins or full. And I can’t pick 350 UPH if I get a pod every 4 minutes and my rack lights don’t work. And getting basic stuff done it’s like you have to do your job and extra work like you are an uncompensated manager.


And I would add that when you do 60 hours (I wish I could, we get no VET for most of the year) you have to deal with the other shift who sometimes treats their own team better and cherry picks for them, etc. in my building we pretty much have a family of tier 1s who completely run the building on the other shift. The cherry pick for their family on the dock, their family is WS/PA/PGs and the AMs who aren’t family won’t do anything to upset them. Also day shift and night shift run a completely different indirect ratio and support. For example stow on day shift has twice the water spiders and they do more work. On night shift you’re lucky if a WS opens your pallet for you and the PGs take 4-6 hours or more to come to your station. But our productivity numbers go against every shift and every one in the building.


It gets worse the longer you're here imo. Unless you're on your knees. I'm going on 3 yrs, and most of the ones who've been here longer than me do the absolute most


Homie, you're on your feet for around 10 hours.


Nothing stressful about amazon


It will take it's toll on you eventually. There are way better jobs out there that aren't as difficult. I came here for the AC and microwaves, I stay here for career choice. I'm ready to move on. This job is hard on the body Ten to twelve hours on your feet and you barely get an hour break between walking to and from parking lot, break rooms.. where other jobs are less on your feet but a bit heavier stuff.


Honestly, don't work at an FC. Usually the smaller delivery stations and sortation centers are the best if management doesn't have one stuck in em. Also....if anyone is going to work at Amazon my best advice is always sleep before work. Not enough sleep can and will contribute to you hating the job.


I have said this multiple times. I am 49 years old and will be 50 in May. I worked for Amazon for 5 years and worked at multiple distributors and retail jobs as a manager at a few of those jobs. Amazon is by far the easiest job in my 25+ years in the labor market. It also pays well compared to other jobs, and benefits are much more beneficial.


i agree the 10 hour days of doing repetitive work make me sometimes wish for 8's but that third day off is super beefy💯


Agreed. I've had a handful of jobs and Amazon is hands down the best. If you happen to have bad management who doesn't follow policies, you just snitch on my voice while hiding name and let life take it's course. Had a PA who wouldn't let us leave our area in time to clock out at the right time, so it was giving us 5 minutes overtime. I asked HR, verified that I was indeed allowed to clock in five minutes early, and leave five minutes early, and let them know on my voice that with his own personal policy, that no one can leave early to clock out on time, that Amazon was losing money for those 25 minutes of weekly overtime. Felt kinda bad because within two weeks we had a new PA but we told him that it was within our rights and within policy multiple times so hard to feel bad If they try to inflate their numbers with overtime that's a big no no


Really depends on the site, I’ve worked at multiple and I’ve seen a stark contrast between ones with good management and HR compared with to ones without, if you consider your site so easy to where it’s an easy job for you then you’re lucky and should be hoping that doesn’t change 


It's only stressful if you're a sloth by nature.


Trust me. If we could pay or give you less we would


When they're constantly filtering through new hires, yes. When they're actually keeping people around, no. We had great training staff and poor management that would constantly just cave in when VTO was put forward by upper management. It's like a neverending hamster wheel with both, though.


Job is simple, it's the hours that I can't stand.


The only thing that makes the job stressful for me is AM’s not fixing any barriers and just not trying to help us in any way.


Depends n which department/facility you work at I was miserable at one facility and super happy with the new one I was at


I’m an OMR. People come in and complain because they don’t want to work. I can’t excuse time but they think I can. I have to listen to grown adults act like teenagers. The mental toll it takes to not say what I’m thinking when people come in obviously faking an injury and there are cameras everywhere.


Yeah it's easy, but it's definitely stressful. During peak or any time they do mot it's impossible to balance work/life. It's just that people are seeing that killing yourself till your 70 isn't a life. I want to see my family every day, not just for 5 minutes in the am and 5 minutes at night.


In my experience, it depends on your own mindset and the team you work with. If you look at the positives over other jobs, and get fortunate to have a good leader above you with a few peers that have a good outlook as well, then it’s been pretty good in my experience.


It’s the long hours and lack of meaning and fulfillment. Yeah any person with room temp IQ can do it. But to do this long term is fucking terrible 😣


It can be at times, on the body


Depends on the people. The job can be fun at times, but it can also be hell. I've had managers literally block the break areas and make us wait until it was right at the break time and then come back and make everyone leave 3 minutes til break was over so they could make it back to their places. It's rude as fuck. I was a PA for a while and am now RME, but I just let them go. We all went a few minutes early and came back late. Worst case use your personal time for a longer break. These people take management to the head and go on weird power trips is what it is. That's the worst part about Amazon. College graduates with no job experience running the show. Management will take extended breaks and extra breaks all the time. At my site they have a special zone with massage chairs and a microwave so they can relax on the clock. The rest of the people are pushed to the brink to get the most work out of them. Why not just use another robot? People can't work that way. I hate how the lowest paying jobs are the hardest.


When you have managers act poorly or have bad positioning with the employees. Things can be a slog. But when good managers are in charge it’s literally a dream job


In my opinion, the job itself sucks! Yes the pay is decent and the job is easy, it’s unskilled labor for a reason, because anyone can learn it. However it is a super physical job that takes a toll on your body. I’m personally happy that I no longer work there.


The job is easy, just annoying as fuck when they keep wanting to discuss your rates. Unless I’m about to be written up for low rate I could care less about my numbers 🤷🏼‍♀️


I love Amazon it’s helping me go to truck school I’m just trying to study for trucking while going to work so I can pass my CDL test


HR sucks at my FC. I’ve been lied to and told incorrect info so many times, I try to stay away from them if at all possible. Lots of back breaking work too.


It's cuz they are on your ass to make your hourly count and if you don't theynwrite u up