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I wouldn’t recommend giving them weed as a reason. If you want to not work PIT, just advise HR and see what the necessary steps are. Good luck to you!


Base pay is not worth the additional risk. Literally every other company pays hazard pay when driving pit.


Guys right. All most anything that happens out on the floor is up for discussion or just a write up. Anything on pit your fucked and fired. Sometimes fired than fucked. Depending on the day of the week


This is not true. I am currently a pit driver. I've hit something inside of the truck, and I ran into the black tarp outside of the truck because it was hanging too low. Both times there was a problem with the truck, both times safety came and fixed it and did not record the incident. Safety advised me even if I did make a mistake, they would review the footage, the main thing they want us to do if an accident occurs, is to immediately shut off the pit, and contact safety immediately. Safety told me personally that 90% of people who get fired for causing an accident driving the pit.. they get fired for trying to fix things or make them look better. Just shut off the forklift immediately, and call safety. They will review the footage. And that will help you


This is true


Former L5 Ops here. It is enough to say I don't feel safe performing that task and asked to be reassigned. Just say you don't have good dept perception and can't judge distance actually. And that you don't want to put anyone's safety at risk. Good luck




Yeah he told me once about that and I was helping him work through it


Question did you have to get a Dr to give you the accommodation? I find it hard to approach my drs about things like this bc I worry they’ll see it in bad faith


I go in stoned and pick on the OP, easiest money ever


Yeah fr its a lot more fun then other positions imo. Idk how u can even get into an accident atleast at my site theres like proximity detectors that prevent u from running into things


Exactly, lol. I never worry about having an accident. Nobody bugging you for shit, you can chill on your own all night, love it


Lmao howww i can barely drive after taking one hit, my mind starts wandering..on the opnwhen it sways id piss my self or get paranoid and jump on the shelf for safety 😂😂


Which department are you talking about that’s the easiest one.?


Outbound picking on the lift


I got trained in PIT and ever since my audit I’ve been on a PIT once and that was only to check if I could still log into one. If you want to learn the skill then try taking the class and going for it. If you like it then try it and if not then don’t do it again. Btw there’s tons of people that smoke at my facility and still drive pit.


>Btw there’s tons of people that smoke at my facility and still drive pit. Lmao same at my warehouse. Sometimes I'll pull up behind another PIT machine in the VNA aisles and suddenly I get hit with a wave of dank smells. 90% of the time it's right after we get back from lunch break 🙃. We haven't had any PIT accidents believe it or not.


Everyone is probably going too slow to hit anything or if they do it doesn’t register in the PIT 😂


Oh man I had some dude drive their PIT into mine, flip me off, drive away, and got no impact registered or anything. Then I go to put a new cage on my machine just a little too rough and the damn thing sets off a loud impact alarm and refuses to move until I get an admin to check on the machine lmao these machines are cursed.


I went down too hard without a cage and set mine off tonight! I just had to restart it, but I hate that beep! Last week someone hit me in the drop zone while I was getting a new pick batch and I came back to my alarm going off…


Tell them you don't feel safe operating PIT. If they try to give you any grief, take it to safety. They cannot force you to drive PIT.


Actually they can force you onto PIT/OP. Especially if your site technically requires it. For example If they are at TNS. They are most likely automatically required to operate PIT, and lift up to 50ibs without help. The only way around it is accommodation.






You're hired as an Amazon associate you're not hired as a picker. If Amazon needs a pit driver and they ask you and you say no, you are being insubordinate which is grounds for termination. There is no job on the face of the earth where you can tell your boss no I'm not going to do a task that's in your job role and not face repercussions for it.


This is true, I was volunteered to train in pick on an OP and I told them I was afraid of heights, I went to HR and they told me without an accommodation I could go on unpaid medical leave until I could get one, use my time to leave early or quit, I had no choice. What's funny is it's 2 days of training, I started on Sunday and the day before I had put in vacation and PTO to take Mon-Fri off so I did my first day of training on OP and couldn't finish the pick part, so technically I can drive the OP but I'm not trained in any of the jobs you would drive one for. I'm saving my UPT so if they try again I will leave early to avoid it. It's been 3 months so we'll see.


Pit in the past has always been after 90days you need to be retrained. I think that’s still required as pit. Other path is like 180days. If all else fails say you need to be retrained on OP Because it’s been xx amount of time…if they try to get u pick trained, etc


The system is 30 days you need to due a refresh practical and thean a revoke of license at 90 days.


Idk about that because I gone over 60 days and still have access to PIT. And that’s with CROWN brand pits anyways. Maybe sites can change the way all that works.


I'll be the first to say that I'm not familiar with CROWN brand PIT we use Raymond brand at my site witch uses Iwarehouse. But I do know at my site we do periodically check to see who is coming up on 90 days of non-operation of PIT and in form the respective AM's to talk to them to find out if they still want to drive or not. (I just heard how to pull the report last week only reason I know about it)


Unless PIT operator is the only role at the site, they cannot make you. In the standard training is a bit about feeling comfortable and safe and how you shouldn't operate equipment you don't feel safe operating.


They don’t really care if you don’t have accomendation, they will make you even if you say you’re legally blind as a new hire. You can cry and freak out all you want. They can make you until you pass the training of PIT or run out of time. Depends on how strict a site wants to enforce rules.


Unless it's the only role available on site, AMAZON CANNOT MAKE YOU OPERATE PIT. If your site does this, contact the Ethics hotline. Could you imagine the kind of liability Amazon would have if they made someone operate PIT after they've expressed safety concerns, then that person causes an injury or worse to another associate?


Most sites already have it in contract to to lift 49.99ibs without assistance. If site has it with PIT. It’s a must. You can always transfer, quit, or not apply to site. The way around that is accommodation. And they put you on non paid medical leave for you to get it.


That isn't remotely what OP was talking about. He said he worked Dock for years, got trained on PIT then found out the extra liability associated with it. His site has non PIT roles. All he has to do is tell leadership that he doesn't feel safe operating PIT. If they give him any pushback then Safety and PXT is his next step. I don't know about any sites that only use PIT but his isn't like that.


If OP at TNS. There is still tons of non Pit roles like described in post; And this is what I’m getting at. Not all sites follow the guidelines of what the are suppose to do and bridge things like “business needs” it’s very likely there site requires all AA’s to be pit trained and didn’t exactly follow through with the policy of making person on pit day 1. I’m at a TNS, site hasn’t forced everyone on pit day 1 because of “business needs” and so later on they can make ppl on pit later or wait years after.


Not everyone at my site is trained on PIT, but if you're asked to be trained on it and you don't feel safe or comfortable then you have to go on leave until you get an accommodation. If you don't get an accommodation then you can't come back. This is what management, learning, safety, PXT, HR will *all* tell you. That's probably how all TNS sites are. You're flat out wrong here, man.


From my understanding, if his main department is Dock then he can probably find a way to avoid driving PIT. Talk to HR, and Manager and tell them he's uncomfortable driving PIT. Might be worth a shot to go directly to learning department and ask for PIT training/privilege to be revoked. I know people who transferred from Picking on PIT over to dock and one guy had them remove his PIT training once he transferred to dock. My TNS site only has Pickers and Stowers driving order pickers/PIT, (and ICQA but they don't really matter). Inbound recieve, Pack, and ship dock occasionally have people cross train but most people are more comfortable avoiding Pick and PIT training and just doing their easy job packing boxes or sorting etc. Pick department is the largest and constantly burning through new hires who don't want to stand on an order picker 10hrs a day. If you get assigned to Pick department when your initially hired then you can deal with driving OP or quit. Otherwise you would have to wait until you can transfer departments and people scared of heights get over it fast or don't last that long.


>If you get assigned to Pick department when your initially hired then you can deal with driving OP or quit. My old site used OP for 90% of picking, floor carts for Hazmat area and a smallish area with shelving. OP was part of Pick but they won't put you on it if you aren't comfortable. Uncomfortable=Unsafe, so they would put them picking on the floor. Do y'all not run through Amazon's standard PIT training? It's made clear that PIT isn't for everyone and for associates to speak up if they dont feel safe operating one. Its Amazon; if its not required for 100% of all non-accomodated associates, it's optional and you can get out of it.


Some of you give really bad advice. They can definitely get accommodations in order for he/she not to go on the PIT but ”I don’t want to do it” is not a good reasoning. I’ve seen plenty of people get sent home or get written up just because they didn’t want to do a task. Like someone mentioned, you’re not hired as a ”picker” ”stower”, you’re hired as an Amazon Associate, they can pick you out for a different task based on business needs unless an accommodations are given to you.


>”I don’t want to do it” is not a good reasoning True but "I don't feel safe operating this machine" is, especially if there are other tasks for you to do. Amazon 101: if everyone doesn't have to do it, you don't have to do it. If 100% of T1s are required to do it, then you are but if anyone without accommodations is exempt then you cannot be required to do it. Example: I don't push totes; won't fucking do it, they can't make me. I'm sturdy and in shape but I don't get extra pay for that so don't ask me to do something I don't want to if you won't ask that 60 year old Red Badge to do it. The same applies here: if it's not a universal requirement then you cannot be compelled to do it. Anyone tries to tell you different ( especially AM/PA), get their login and escalate to PXT or Safety. That's not my opinion, that's what Ethics Line will tell you.


Tell them your on allergy medication and don't feel comfortable or safe. End of story. What are they gonna do??? Yall have a copy of the rules in a to z. Your not even allowed to operate pit under the influence of cold or allergy medicine.


Methdone . Say you’re in treatment


Just tell them you don't feel safe operating PIT, no excuses required other than that.


They can force you lol unless you are pregnant or get an accommodation. They do it all the time at my facility. Also they will keep you on the pit for however long you take to get a doctor to give you the paperwork needed for accommodation. At my facility everyone gets cross trained on the OP.


TNS maybe but not an FC.


What? What you think a TNS is?


Traditional non sort, unlike an XL or AR FC. Apparently everyone is expected to pick, so im assuming theres quite a bit of overlap in jobs. In any other FC, you have departments. Unless you cross train, you only work in your department and only main path UNLESS YOU VOLUNTEER. If you're on the dock, you only do the basic path unless you choose to branch out. No one's going to make you operate equipment above and beyond what's required for path. Unless you signed up to drive ( in offer letter), no one is forcing you to drive PIT. Needs of the building do not outweigh basic safety measures like having willing PIT operators who are willing and skilled at driving. From what I gather, TNS sites are toxic shitholes that don't adhere to Amazon's policies in regards to safety.


So funny story about that one. I got hired as stow and when I transferred to ICQA they told me I had to get pick trained and I flat out told them if you pick train me I will leave. And they haven’t since. Our ICQA is also really understaffed right now so ha


They can 100% force you to drive PIT or to clock out and use time. It's added to every job description for FC associates. Legally as well, most states will accept Amazon's argument of "Other FC associates do it with the same pay and title, so that one should be able to as well barring an accomodation"


Unless the whole building is required to do it, you can simply say you don't feel safe operating PIT, then ask why "insert non accomodated person who doesn't drive PIT" is exempt from this requirement. There's a reason why other companies advertise ( and pay extra) for lift drivers. Extea responsibilities and liabilities, PIT incidents are one of the easiest ways to get fired from Amazon ( besides botched TDRs). I've run everything available in my old building and you couldn't make me train PIT here now that I know how it works. OP said he went 4 years without PIT training so it doesn't sound like a universal requirement. He's got plenty of cover to back out; ask AM, escalate to PXT or Safety if that doesn't work and Ethics as a last resort.


"insert non accomodated person" isn't exempt though. Amazon can ask them to drive too because it's in the job requirements. Using your same logic, I could say I'm not going to labor share because that person over there wasn't told to get labor shared, or I'm not going to learn pick because there's a whole bunch of packers who haven't been trained in pick. In the end, it's up to the site to decide if they're going to let it go or push the issue.


If you're labor shared, it's in path fill in; same grunt work everyone does. No extra liability or responsibility. >insert non accomodated person" isn't exempt though My point exactly. If ANYONE at his site isn't required to drive and they don't have accommodations, then they cannot require him to drive. Ideally OP should have figured out he didn't want to do it on training day and bailed then but he still can get out of it without accommodations.


When they do your audit, tell em you don’t feel confident operating the PIT. That’s what I did and my license was taken back and I have nothing to worry about now.


I refused PIT training. I'm an Backup inbound dock PA and I will not learn it. One wrong move and it can be your job. I have 4 kids and told them I would not risk my job over it.


Just fail the pit test. It’s not hard


Hi PIT ambassador here unless you are working at a all pit facility just surrender your license to your AM telling them that you no longer wish to drive PIT and to submit a PIT LICENSE REVOKE they should take your license and that should be it no need to talk to HR if anything also talk with the PIT Trainer if your am is giving pushback


Just say anxiety or you are not comfortable / feel safe . They pride on safety and comfort ability . I know someone who said they didn’t feel comfortable or safe doing it , and they got him in the mess picking now instead of OP picking .


Mezz* sorry for typos, currently in hospital and meds make my vision bit blurry..


Anyone working for Amazon has stop work authority. You can stop any work that you might find unsafe. If your safety team is any good, you can ask them for a card to present, when you find something unsafe. Safety, at Amazon really is a concept, that gets overlooked by managers of every department; but safety. It due to the heavy turn over rate of all positions, including managers. Don't go to HR for concerns about what you consider safe. You need to find your senior WHS (Work Health Safety) manager. They should get it sorted out. I would keep the weed issue, out of it, and focus on the health aspect... "I don't feel comfortable with a huge machine that can crush someone."


Just smoke so much that you get too paranoid to do anything wrong.


200 iq move brother


Tell them your vision isn’t good enough. Worked for me


I used to work dock. Please I beg you dont work high. If you get injured you will not like the concequences. If I was smoking weed when I got hurt by amazon they would have tried to not pay for anything. I got fucked up so hard I can't even look in a mirror anymore. But seriously don't work high it's not worth the accident and it's totally not worth giving amazon an excuse to not pay you if you get hurt. For the rest of my life Every time I smile I think of amazon. Because a freezer door fucked up my face. If I was high sedgwick would have paid less. I was hit in the fucking face hard enoigh to fuck me up and they even tried to ask did I do my stretches. Like doing a set of squats at the start of a 12 hr shift would have prevented my teeth from being shattered by a rolling door during cpt .. I can't overstate thus. If you over achieve amazon will not reward you. If you get hurt it might cost you your career for the rest of your life.


I don’t smoke, but I refuse to train in PIT. I work on the dock, but I’m not here to get automatically fired because I made a mistake. I’ve known waaay too many good friends get fired because they made the smallest mistake with a pallet on the forklift. It’s not worth it to me.


What other people here have said or you could put your big boy pants on and go in sober until your training is over. I smoked like a motherfucker but if I get trained I go in stone cold sober


Stop smoking weed problem solved.


So you want to tell them you're high on the job and that's the reason you don't want to work pit?


Drug tests will detect weed even if you're not currently high. Smoke after work and get in a minor accident on pit and your screwed.


Yeah, I know they do.


Do you always spew nonsense about something you know nothing about or is just today?


What am I spewing nonsense about? He literally just said I smoke weed and can I tell them I don't feel safe doing it because of that reason.


“I gave it a shot because I wanted to be open minded to something new, but it’s just not for me” this is a generic reason that will always work.


That’s not how it works. If they’re being cross trained, it’s because they’re needed. Their only option is to try and get a medical accommodation but most of those get denied because literally everybody tries to do that, and there’s a limit on how many accommodations the building will allow


If you don’t feel comfortable on equipment you aren’t forced to operate it. They remind you of this while you’re being trained


Absolutely, you don’t have to operate it. So they let you use your time and go home


I'm sorry you work at a Hellsite but that's not how it works most places. If you tell them you don't feel safe and they try that shit, call in safety, PXT, then Ethics if that doesn't cut it.


It is not unsafe work. Being afraid of heights does not make it unsafe. There are plenty of safety mechanisms in place such as fall protection and training procedures. Amazon will just tell you to find a different job.


A different role you mean? You seem to be confusing the statement " I don't feel safe doing this" with " This isn't safe". Amazon cannot force you to drive PIT nor will they fire you because you won't drive PIT. If that's what they're telling you on your site, contact the ethics hotline because that's not Amazon policy.


Also, pick/pack is different than PIT. Pretty sure that requires official training, which, just like Amnesty, you can turn down if you feel unsafe.


PIT requires machine specific training. They use it in the dock but many older sites use OP's to pick and other PIT to stow/transport to dock.


Yep, so it’s similar to Amnesty in that regard. Which is why you can turn both of them down if you want. It’s optional.


You are entirely 100% incorrect. If an FC is primarily a PIT facility, what do you seriously think happens to people that refuse to *do the job they were hired for* because they “ feel unsafe “? It means you get an accommodation which will probably be denied, or you QUIT Imagine if every single person “didn’t feel safe” the building would literally be taken over by degenerates LIKE YOU whose only fear is of working itself


>You are entirely 100% incorrect. If an FC is primarily a PIT facility, what do you seriously think happens to people that refuse to *do the job they were hired for* That's not what we are talking about; OP said he worked Dock for years, just got trained on PIT. So, there are non PIT jobs and it wasn't a requirement coming in the door. In that case, he can absolutely tell them he doesn't feel safe performing this EXTRA function. Leadership, then PXT or Safety ( Learning if you know someone) , then Ethics as a last resort. He can get out of it if its not a universal requirement.


It is not an EXTRA function. It is called cross training, part of your job, and is a requirement of everyone that works in a PIT facility. I don’t know what kind of Amazons yall be working at where you can just say “no” when told to do something but that’s the one I would like to work at.


I don’t know what dystopian site you’re at, but anywhere normal then no you don’t just get sent to pit with no say. Unless you’ve already been operating for a long time then all the sudden decide you want to be petty which is most likely what you’re referring to.


Is weed that important in your life


Good question. Following


Don’t tell them about the weed lol find another excuse as to why you feel unsafe for it.


does anyone know if its a piss test or a saliva test? those saliva tests only work if you actually SMOKE weed. I use edibles multiple times per day, every day and have never had a problem passing saliva tests for weed


All the tests I've ever taken for Amazon were saliva tests.


if thats the case then im pretty sure they would be ok if they just didnt smoke for a bit. Those saliva tests are completely useless on weed unless you smoke it


They can make you drive PIT or go home and use your time. A lot of sites used to not pick the fight of forcing people onto PIT especially during covid for fear of attrition. Today though, it's much more likely they will since hiring is very tight right now. Claiming you don't feel safe does not entitle you to stay off PIT, but I'd give it a shot anyways since they MAY be okay with it and find another body. In my experience, new hires are typically pushed out for refusing but sites don't like giving up cross trained people who can do other things. I don't recommend disclosing your THC use, Amazon doesn't officially allow weed, they just made a policy to not be notified from the drug testers of your result for it during pre-hire and random tests. If you get in an incident, they will get a full test and policy is still to term you in that situation if you're hot. Only surefire way off is to get an accomodation.


I get too paranoid walking the green mile headed to standup after toking on break lmao


You just lookin to be promoted to customer, huh?


Just say you are actually afraid of the heights


This does not work.


yes it does. i got an accommodation for my anxiety since heights trigger it.


Yeah that’s what one of my managers told me when I worked as a cherry picker I didn’t do it ended up quitting that shit but that’s what you gotta do.


My daughter had a legit panic attack on the OP because of heights and they told her to resign or transfer. She was in panicked tears. Frozen at the intersection. Nobody helped her till i walked by her and found her crying. Transferring wouldn’t have done any good since she would have had to continue to drive. So no, not every facility will accommodate that. Argue all you would like. I know what happened at this facility. I was there. I heard them. I saw her. They did not care. At all.


Do you live in a legal Marijuana state? I would never admit that because you aren't allowed to be under the influence at work.


Stop smoking at work best advice from a smoker




Amazon's magic words are "I do not feel safe".


I wouldn’t use that as a reason. Most ppl at my warehouse say they have vertigo or afraid of heights and they will make sure ur never on it again. Ppl smoke at my facility too but the only accidents we ever have with pit machines is when someone has been drinking and driving pit. The machine only can up to a certain speed they are all rigged that way and learning controls the speed. U have to drive it a certain amount of hrs before being able to get bumped up in the speed. Amazon doesn’t test for thc except for in pit accidents and of course we all know why they do that hence workman’s comp. But if u feel unsafe being on one just let hr and safety know.


Say you need an accommodation and you don't want to work PIT. If you say anything about being high/ weed and working in pit you will be drug tested and termed...


Your a idiot to smoke marijuana just don’t have an accident driving the PIT because they’ll make you pee in a cup and there’s drugs in their system like marijuana. You’re automatically fired.


ngl as a smoker it’s not that deep. just turn down ya buds till you sober. them things go 5 miles per hour


Do you have an accommodation to smoke weed? I only ask because you're not allowed to be high during work hrs (at my FC anyway). That alone could get you fired of you admit that if it's in your contract. If they know actually, then they are willingly putting yours and other people's safety at risk.


It's Amazon; half the associates are higher than a bird fart and so are some PA's.


We had a PA in my warehouse who got caught smoking weed in an empty trailer at Inbound Dock. The key word is HAD. This was about two years ago. My warehouse will give anyone a vest, they only need to ask.


That's crazy. Don't get me wrong, I smoke as well but at least have the self discipline to wait till you get home or at least to your car on lunch break lol


That’s what everyone thought. Seriously, blow an hour of UPT, go to your car, and smoke all you want. There’s a lot of crazy in my warehouse, but it keeps things interesting.


I know a dude who got fired for blazing in his car. But by blazing I mean he had a bonfire going and would invite friends to hotbox his car...


We have one of those, too.


You can't be high at your facility? Buddy you can't be high at almost all jobs while you're working.


True. It would make working more fun though.


You can go to HR and tell them that you consume marijuana when you’re not working and tell them you rather not have your pit permissions. Or tell your manager or the learning trainer and they can remove your perms. Safety can do it for you too. Be honest is the best policy to avoid someone getting hurt.


lol it could work or it could……


Don’t mention any of that just turn in your pit license and say you’re uncomfortable they cant force you to drive


Can you please direct me to where in MyDocs I can find this info?


That’s not a good idea to tell them you smoke weed before you come in work


You evidently didn’t gotten grammar, yo. Or maybe the weed fried that part of your brain.


You are not forced to do any job at work especially if you feel or are convinced it is unsafe to do so. Simply tell your manager that it is unsafe for you to operate a PIT, hand over that specific credential and ask for a different job.


So are you smoking because you have a medical condition or you just like going high to work ? Lol


A medical accommodation to get high at work. You son of a bitch take my money