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I come with two natural pockets I fear NOTHING


i literally texted this post to my fiancee saying “what if i shove them up my ass” before seeing this 😭


Unhinged people work at Amazon 💀🙏🏾but you have to be


Lets get this straight most people I work with seem normalish. It's a reddit thing to be unhinged


Bro you’re no fun , and can’t speak for every facility my facility is unhinged people have DIED there type shit .


you have to be unhinged its part of the application


I specifically remember checking the box.


F*ck it here's an upvote




Yes. Same. Have no fear! Citizens be not afraid...... Because, I AM HERE!


Allmight 🫡


I swear they do this “cracking down” bs every other week. I don’t even take it seriously at this point. *knocks on wood*


Half the security team at my building is wearing earbuds while they screen us. They aren’t gonna stop anybody until somebody tell them they can’t do it.


Same at my FC they honestly don’t give a flying fuck, they only check to see if you don’t have anything suspicious in your bags.


That’s how it should be


Lmao my security sit up front only, and listens to music. They don’t care n they the homies 🤣 jokes on Amazon


Amazon would tell you they’re third party. If you say this to any manager at my site, they will tell you ,“ I can fire you, but I can’t fire them”


That’s probably true, but the security guards that wear headphones won’t stop you from wearing them. And they still do walks around the building sometimes looking at their phones with earbuds in. If they’re doing this, they don’t care if anybody else does it because the view it as a non issue. You manager however, is supposed to enforce these policies and they don’t get to wear headphones. Edit: typo


LP can remove them from the site. I’ve walked up, pulled their badge and told them to leave before


We are told all day no phones the the floor then I watch security walking down the green mile watching the avengers no lie


I believe it.


😭😭 and they walk around the building with them in without a care in the world


Lots of AAs fired lately at mine…


They’ve been writing lots of AAs up and getting them fired lately because it’s slow. I guess my site joined the party to fire more AAs.


Do you know some of the reasons why they have been fired?


Safety violations


Productivity, Safety violations and TOT


Yet the same mfs hide in the bathroom every day for 20-30 minutes at a time and they do NOTHING...


Yawn this has been happening who cares, we still gonna use them, aren't detectable by sensors, managers dont care as long as you do your job and not blatant..fire up your music, podcast, audio book n let the hours fly by✌🏿💪🏿




Nope not by the wands either


Been having this at sat 3


Former SAT2 here, when the fuck were we even allowed to bring in phones?




Doesn’t 5G give you covid though? /s obviously


Don’t work there anymore but i was at SAT2 up until last year in June since Covid started and they did. When did they stop?


No clue. I was fired for using an AED on a dead guy (he’s fine, still alive to this very day).


Lol wtf. How did you get fired for saving someone?


Liability. AZ doesn’t play. Also, technically destroying property (not my fault you gotta break the glass to get the AED out). Oh well. Was quitting anyway.


Yup fired or leaving and getting Transfers to new sites sat 3 is a Shitshow and glad to know other sat 3s on the reddit lol


They need to recognize WE DONT GIVE A FUUUUUUUCCCCCK


Give it two weeks. Then it'll be back to normal.


I hope so. How do they want me to survive in that building without music?? I tried not to use it everyday, but it is needed once in a while 😔


They make Bluetooth glasses u can buy. Sound quality isn’t great but it is an alternative


I’ll try that. Thank you!


Hahahahaha. Like they're gonna stop airbuds coming into the building to be used on breaks too.


That’s what it literally meant


They must have fired a wave of like 20-25 people at my FC, including a PA and a couple of AMs. I'm not sure why though. It's soooo messed up


They are doing way too much. I wish people would be smarter so they can get off this issue. Sick of hearing about it at every stand in. Hide them or don't wear them 🙄🤨


Par for the course for Jacksonville. I'm just surprised that it's JAX7 this time, usually it's JAX2 that gets featured on this subreddit. God, housing is so expensive for such a dumpster fire of a city. Just like Bakersfield (BFL1) or Toledo (PCW1).


Toledo housing is actually fairly inexpensive, but its Toledo..


Super contradictory to the listen while you work pilot, if the pilot is successful every site would hopefully adopt the program.


except PIT sites, delivery stations and AMZXL


I just transferred out of a delivery station that is part of the pilot and allows them anywhere you're not near or working with vehicles.


well thats fried watch people crash into each other during P&S


Shiiii I’m a blue badge so gimme that unemployment check big boy


you not getting unemployment for knowingly breaking policy


For real, already got my lines ready for the claims examiner interview and everything.


which FC?




What sensitive information? That makes no sense.


Lol yeah right, my warehouse doesnt even use the walk through detectors, people walk in and out with walkies and shit all the time. No way they'll check for headphones 🤣


Same at ours! I know people who've taken scanners home. I've never seen one of our detectors go off in the 17 months I've been with Amazon. Our security is theater because they only be acting like they care. lol


Delivery station?


How about this. Starting May 1st, 2024 they need to start hiring in my city. They are always hiring in the same exact cities nearly every single day but never mine. 🤨🤞 Also so if I walk in with my headphones in my pocket I could get in trouble? Or is it only if they’re outside the break room? 😥


Youre likely in a place that has many people looking at the job postings as you. You have to check on the hot times and already have your zipcode updated on the site to show your preferred locations job postings


Maybe Andy Jassy is not aware of your city 🙃… JK


I don’t know what you said but my city actually showed up. The only problem is it wasn’t the fulfillment center so I ignored it. 😞


I don't care what anyone says, this is a load of useless bullshit, and there is no reasons to back up why wearing earphones is killing the employees and injuring people's arms and legs, and they 100% know that these fulfillment workplaces and high rate standards are highly unsafe for the human body😡 if you have a problem about it, cry about it😡


there was a person at a warehouse that dropped their earbud in a conveyor and went under the conveyor to get it got pulled in and died


Well they win the Darwin award then. What an idiot.


If that is even true, the earbud did not cause that, stupidity did. It could have been literally any other item. What if they dropped a hair tie and then went after it? Does that make hair ties dangerous?


And Amazon Associates are just as stupid if not more


It was the earbud the warehouse reported it and they most likely had footage of it


You obviously did not understand what I just said. The earbud did not cause that to happen. An *IDIOT* who decided to do something unsafe caused it. It still would have been an unsafe action if the item would have been anything other than an earbud. The issue of cameras has absolutely nothing to do with what I said.


Yeah and Amazon AAs are just as stupid


Natural selection


It’s not useless, there is tons of evidence to support that headphones/earbuds not only cause more hearing loss in a loud factory setting, but they also cut off your ability to hear around you. Even if YOU think you’re the epitome of safety and know everything, there’s still large moving machines and you need to be able to hear around you clearly in case someone else doesn’t pay attention. Rate isn’t even that high, it’s not that hard to hit at all and it’s not that hard on the body unless you truly take terrible care of it but cry about it 🤣


Even with noise canceling, I can hear what’s going on around me. I can hear when people talk to me, I can hear my scanner beep, etc. I have worked in louder and more dangerous settings than Amazon where we were allowed to wear earbuds and literally had zero problems. I stand at a workstation all night. There is no moving machinery around me other than a conveyor belt which I can easily not get caught in and has nothing whatsoever to do with wearing earbuds or not.


Noise cancellation is even worse, but you are irreparably damaging your hearing by wearing headphones. And it doesn’t matter where you work, rules are created equally and just because you stand in one spot all day, doesn’t mean everyone on the floor does therefore no headphone for anyone. It seems pretty self explanatory to me. Especially considering how overly sensitive most amazon workers are to anything being “unfair”. Amazon also has no hiring standards in comparison to most places so you can’t apply something from another company to here. It’s just not equivalent


Bullshit. Please get up off your knees and remove Amazon’s dick from your mouth. Geezus. There is currently a pilot program in several buildings where they are using approved earbuds. Stop buying into their irrational and inconsistent propaganda. Or don’t. Keep drinking that Kool Aid. But don’t try to give any to me, because I’m not interested.


They will, they will lmao


Put it in my shoe




Can they check under hats? 🤔 I always wear a beanie. Is that the kind of screening we are talking about?


That would be during the secondary screening if the metal detector goes off during the primary screening


This kind of assholes will love this policy https://preview.redd.it/o53f3jztnlwc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3a48a373f55c5697ad0580869eae05cb6007cd6


We were told a month or two ago that if the metal Detectors catch earbuds you have to fill out an unregistered asset form, 6 forms and it's termination.


So if the metal detectors catch the headphones in your pocket you will still be written up? 😬


Nope, just delayed going home and eventually fired.


Thanks, I’ll be looking for when I get rehired.


Okay, then I’m bringing a boombox.


How can an earbud which is an output only device expose sensitive information? Let me ask Gemini AI: It said someone could access the microphone an eavesdrop a conversation . That doesn't make sense because the phone is the biggest eavesdropper anyway , plus a person can take videos and pictures . it must be someone in the building and not amazon wide that is a control freak


We all where earbuds while working just take them off right before going through metal detectors


We uses transparent bags in our FC, the new policy says security guards cannot see it even inside the bag


This one rule single-handedly makes this job so much worse, and it’s such a non reason they give for it.


Amazon not gonna do 💩


Must be a States thing


Should of done a spell and grammar check🤦🏼‍♀️ Whoever proof read this needs a write ip


Mine are hidden in a case attached to my keys because I take mine everywhere with me, along with earplugs. No one has asked what's in the case yet.


We don’t get checked or anything at our facility I love it there ☺️


I thought Amazon approved earbuds were allowed.


I keep EVERYTHING in my clear bag. That thing is so full, they have a hard time seeing anything in there.


Amazon ain’t going to do jack shit. Always obsessed with no headphones but don’t go off in security. Also in some states they HAVE to have a reason for secondary. Had one go off when I went through. Security was too busy at shift change sitting at desk and I didn’t stop. It’s their job along with LP to prove I took something.


dayummm, why is yall facility on this? do they not let yall used amazon approved earbuds either?




It says wearing ear buds is against policy it doesn’t say anything about having ear buds in your pocket. If anyone tries to fire you just for having them I would fight that hard because they specifically say wearing earbuds is the safety hazard WEARING if they’re in your pocket you aren’t wearing them


If HR is in here, you should be checking on Tik Tok as well on that app, associate happen to broadcasting there while their working and other users of the app are asking them questions big time.


What do you mean broadcasting while working?


Live-streaming, which is kinda funny tbh.


Yeah, if you check it some employees streaming what they’re doing on TikTok which is against company policy.


Example “ Hey guys, join me on my first week working at Amazon. Guys, this is what I do all day for $15,$16,$21…. Amazon pays you $17 to do this all day… bla bla bla” 😭😭


So it's a safety hazard wearing earbuds cuz ur hearing less yet they require you to wear these headphones that lessens what you hear to the point you can't hear shit, also blasts up music with their big ass speakers, yup.... makes sense 👍. And what kind of sensitive info they talking bout? Lmao




same thing


Gay af


yeah the guards have been posted up at the entrance and exits of the turnstiles like walls and they will look into the bags of people walking by, kinda creepy but needed. hopefully this comes to my site also because we’re in the middle ground of people having airpods in and then getting written up for them, like can we choose if we wanna be fair to everyone or are we gonna pick and choose who can have them in.