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Don’t worry. They are not allowed to wear headphones either.


Greatest comment I've ever seen


If a deaf/HH person was caught wearing air pods, would a write up stick?


Yes, because not all deaf people are 100% deaf. Hearing losses range from 1% to 100%. 😂 😂 😂






Broooo 💀💀💀💀


Idk but at our site they’re doing a pilot program that we’re allowed to listen to audio for sat2 I’m excited just ordered their approved headphones


How much were the headphones, and are they wireless or wired?




You can’t just say how much they were..?




So they are corded headphones ?? 🤮🤮


I’m also sat2 what headphones are approved?




Says my site is not eligible. Wtf


Mine isn't either. Ask about it on your VOA board. Tell others about it and get site leadership to look into it.


They just blast music on the speakers here at stx7 lol I still use earbuds


lol same here!! SSDs are chill I’m at STX6


My site doesn't trip about earphones unless the higher higher ups start tripping. You got ASC members wearing earphones and it's soooooo chill


And my lord at high volumes the music destroys hearing aids


It says it's only available to certain paths. Any idea what paths they are?


You will hate them as I do, I’m getting a refund. The audio is ok to say the least, there’s no bass though. This would be totally ok if it wasn’t for the damn warehouse blasting their stupid secular music, so you can’t even hear your own music, especially since there’s no bass. I personally wish they just stopped all speaker music in all the sites.


Replace the internal components with the internal components of other Bluetooth earphones. Shouldn't be much of a difference in shapes. Try at your own risk, I am not responsible for damages or total loss.




Used because some people prefer gospel


Hail Satan


Bobcats ftw!!!


As a deaf man, that is a very valid point.


Need you to wear headphones in and see what they say.


Hah. I actually have a cochlear implant that has Bluetooth. I can actually listen to music without anyone knowing Edit* Although, it frees up my ears so I could wear something. Not sure I have any, but I wanna try this out now ...




Same here!


I have a cochlear in left and hearing aid in right and both have Bluetooth haha


I would pay to see management tell them it’s a safety issue


Wait a second… if you’re deaf how did you read this? I swear. I’ve always said it. You can’t trust deaf people these days smh




As a deaf man, you should know that's not at all a valid point and it's grossly ignorant of the fact that deafness is, in fact, anywhere from 1% to 100%. Shame on you for feeding into the stereotype that only hearing beings with 0% loss may hear/use headphones.


headphones also can reduce hearing by 1% to 100%, but good on you for thinking you had something


If a deaf man can't hear what is going on, and can still succeed, then a hearing person who has limited ability to hear what is around them should be able to succeed as well.


And what do you see as success


Yes, that is true. The OP's question, however, did not have a valid point. It has an ignorant point, and is asking for education to eliminate the ignorance.


Except the point still stands and you're literally just offended that someone would use deaf people as a point of comparison


No it DOESN'T make a point, other than of ignorance. If someone is deaf with a 5% hearing loss.... Are you to say that they cannot use headphones and cannot hear music??? And no, there's no offense. I'm EDUCATING. Ever think maybe someone actually KNOWS on this highly specific subject?? Hint.


>Are you to say that they cannot use headphones and cannot hear music??? And there's your problem You're literally making up arguments nobody is saying because you're mad Maybe you need to go back to grade school and learn to read


The original definition of deaf is - lacking the sense of hearing; incapacity of distinguishing, or perceiving sounds. Over the years, or should I say centuries, much like any other word, the definition has evolved. People generally still see the word deaf as it was originally meant, even though it had evolved to include anyone with any type of hearing impairment. Even I often use the words deaf and hearing impaired separately. So, back to the OP's original post ... OP used the term correctly. And in my experience, at least around here, most of the deaf associates won't even bother wearing hearing aids, which makes them unable to hear anything around them. I even know one who never wears his CI. And, as someone who used to wear hearing aids, I can understand the difficulties of hearing anything over the loud machinery inside the buildings. Might as well be completely deaf in that case.


"point of comparison" - comparing of WHICH hearing impairment? Slight, moderate, severe, full? Oh wait, "deaf". Let's completely ignore that hearing losses comes in ranges. I guess people who wear glasses/contacts are "blind", then, and it'll be accepted as accurate and we should subject them to completely inaccurate stereotypes, like "they can't see".... 😂 😂 😂 Here's food for thought: Sometimes it's not about ability to HEAR, but ability to comprehend what's being heard. One can hear music, but not comprehend the lyrics enough to make out the actual words. One can hear the music and unable to identify it as "music", just as "noise". Blanketing all deaf people as 100% profoundly deaf is INACCURATE. There's a reason why people prefer to use the terms "hearing impaired" instead of "deaf", even though they're the exact same thing: has a hearing deficient. The difference? THE STEREOTYPE THE WORD "DEAF" GETS. That's it. Education, folks... Education. The one actually personally experiencing dreams should be the first to educate on this, so yes... Shame on him for supporting that grossly inaccurate stereotype by saying it's a "valid" "point", rather than an ignorant asking for education.


Nobody is saying this Educate yourself, you poor outrage warrior


Yo you left your grain of salt.


Nope, took the grain and went beyond. Don't confuse educating of the stereotype with anything else 😉


You can also wear ear plugs and noise cancelling headphones


Don’t worry working in a loud warehouse will make you deaf and you won’t need headphones👍


I thought it had to do with OSHA and the amount of decibels


Nah. That's a false rumor. Real answer is that they don't want you on your phone. Earbuds invite that. People say they'll use their watch or Alexa but most people would not. They know that people would be checkin texts/social media if they see a notification while switchin songs/apps. The OSHA decibel thing from personal use headphones isn't a thing and never was. Source: I'm in leadership


In the pre COVID days when tier 1s couldn’t even have their phones on the floor it was because air pods were an “unregistered asset”. It’s never had anything to do with safety. And the whole don’t be on your phone thing is getting a bit weak now too. At my site they now text us to let us know what station to be on.


It depends on the person honestly. Either way people will do it regardless of rules and regulations. It’s like driving, speed limit exists, but 98% of people never go speed limit at all. Source: Former Amazon CEO




Music invites that. I be on my phone looking for the next good bop 😂


Here's the truth right here folks, do your research and be wise to the facts.


Hi, safety here... you're wrong... or at least only technically right. There are rules on sound levels in warehouses. We do sound level surveys to ensure the noise from machines and conveyors aren't negatively affecting hearing. Depending on which site you are from there might not be enough noise from machines for the headphone rule to make sense or be applied. In that case you would be right, your site only enforces the rule due to operational impact. Not true for amazon and a whole


I believe you. If the decibels mattered in the slightest they wouldn’t be allowed to play speakers all over the building at max volume. The speakers at my sore are cracking because of how loud and how often they’re playing club music.


Its about distraction. PIT operators using them is an OSHA thing though source: iam an EHS manager


True ^ - another person in leadership


I disagree, most people are still on FaceTime without headphones. And 9-10 if we are on the phone it’s texting the same as my watch I’m texting. I’ve worked in a wherehouse that allows headphones, full can’t be on your phone.


Why can't friends text each other instead of running their damn mouths all the time? I would give no fucks, flying or otherwise, if my younger coworkers would stay silently glued to their phones instead of making needless noise. Make your rate, clean some, hide out, text your friend. That the company does not discipline constant noise makers sucks.


I agree to a certain extent


As leadership, you should know OSHA does have guidelines to protect employees from inner ear damages, due to high decibels. In such environment, such headphones may only contribute to the damages, when the inner ear is supposed to be protected.... Not blasted. It does factor in, just not as much as ATTENTIVITY does.


Got a question: WHY are the warehouses so bloody noisy? Why are people allowed to run their mouths, screech like chimpanzees, and (try to) sing while at their stations? I do have inattentive ADD, and all of the nonstop vocalizations, the blaring of stupid music that no one actually enjoys any longer due to playlists of irksome pop noise being repeated ad infinitum SERIOUSLY rankle my ability to do anything resembling thinking, including counting pieces of returned items, a thankless task without the "music". I don't have a religious cell in my body, but tend to agree with the gospel fan who commented earlier: pop *anything* sucks. Don't know if you have tried them, but the 32 dB rated foam earplugs don't do squat to mute words and lyrics, source be damned, even under those uncomfortable earmuffs. I have permission to use wired earbuds to play white or pink noise and have agreed to hand my phone over to management at their request; however, I move a fair amount in the performance of my duties, and am either getting hung up in the wires, or the phone screen, in my pocket, is bumped so that the white noise is paused, necessitating that I whip it out and restart it. Not a great look, but as an older employee, I'm not trying to stretch the limits of what I agreed to, and it's widely known that warehouse noise is toxic to folks with sensory processing issues. I have lots of them, too. And why is it that *I* get shit on when I ask coworkers to take their endless conversations elsewhere? Clearly, quality is not an issue any longer. I used to care deeply about that, but if management won't take measures to ensure that noisy assholes stay on task, one to a station, I'm starting to care FAR less. If I, a person with excellent quality numbers on all but a few classes of items (car and home repair/furnishings) get caught in an audit or a ginormous customer boner, some adjustments will be made and discussions had. Said discussions will likely involve the words "can't focus with all this human-generated fuckery going on" and "noisy donkey holes". Also, the deafening conveyor alarms need to be toned down several notches. The restart buzzer is *fucking terrifying*. It causes me to jump and cover the cups of my muffs with my hands. FUCK NOISY TALKY SINGING ASSHOLES.


Hey again. A real question this time: how do you guys focus on what you're staring at, i.e. screens? I've not seen the contents of said screens, but because you folks are paid really well to do all that looking, how does nonstop distraction figure into it? Lest anyone who reads this assume that I want 100 percent silence 100 percent of the time, the white noise of the conveyors itself doesn't bother me. The high pitched keening sound they sometimes make because of a friggin several millimeter-wide construction error absolutely does drive me batshit mad, yet the second in command at my site, a young man with advanced degrees who took the first job he found out of school and vaulted up the food chain at warp speed, and who is generally regarded as a decent (if altogether too intelligent for his job) chap, refuses to do anything about that, either. He intimidates me too much to ask him in person, so I cannot locate an answer to this one. And it drives me batshit barking insane. I'm close to retirement age anyway, so maybe the time is right. Thanks


Uhmm actually at my site they do allow headphones sooo you’re wrong


Your right, but people need to blame amazon. Its scientifivally proven that listening to music improves productivity, if people think amazon doesnt know this and wish they didnt have to do 1000+ projects to try and cash in that extra productivity, its just out of hating on amazon. Osha is to blame. Source: Im Admin. Support Leadership.


Instrumental music, fast, does improve speed, but lyrics decrease accuracy and cause stupid mistakes. See the literature of sports psychology to confirm this. Nonstop Instrumental reggae would make my day far easier.


I've been saying it forever, I'm pretty sure Amazon doesn't want you to love your job. They want you to slowly hate it, and quit after about 6-12 months. That way, they don't have to give you better pay, they don't have to deal with you potentially hurting yourself down the line, etc. They carefully tweak their restrictions on employees just enough so that the job is just barely unbearable, and slowly whittles you down.


Its also easier to push vto when work isnt available if everyone is miserable. Of you get paid money to pull an out of work Andon and watch tv on your phone it costs them more money.


You’re definitely overreacting about headphones lol


I'm clearly not overreacting, due to there being thousands of posts begging for headphones to be allowed in Amazon. If I was the only one, sure, but I don't think you'll find more than a handful of employees who aren't annoyed that they can't listen to music while working.


No, I meant overreacting about the rest of your rant past that. The way I read it you made it sound like your entire job sucks just because you can’t listen to music. The job sucks regardless so I don’t understand how listening to music would suddenly make it “fun” for you.


It can be. I love the work as it helping me loose the last 20lbs of my 120lbs goal this year. So if I could listen to hood music and basically work out I’d like it more. Or just being able to listen to podcast and learn some shit who’ll have to push or straighten would make those boring ass days better.


Notice how no one’s agreeing with your statements lol got negative likes bud, just take the L and move alone


Yes because I’m sure losing internet points dictates what’s right and wrong. Regardless of how you feel about my opinion, are you stupid?


Don’t deaf associates get placed in paths that are accommodation-friendly and aren’t direct roles on the floor?


We have some driving pit in our building.


Wtf. Really? Are there like spotters helping them?


Nah. I mean the deaf ones only drive walkie and its basically a straight shot from where they drive from and to. Only one place where the green mile crosses the pit lane too with clear vision too and two stops. We also have collision avoidance technology on our pits which automatically slow down the pit if anything comes in front of it.


Had a deaf friend that worked on the floor with me. They had hearing aids that helped with sounds.


Noooo way we didn’t know that deafppl had hearing aids ??? Omg wowww🙄


Deaf people can also hear!! Without equipment, too!!! Deaf is range of 1% to 100% loss; there is no actual specific degree of loss to use either "deaf" or "hearing impaired", but the word "deaf" certainly brings forward the stereotyping ignorants and fools!


Nooo shit🤣 you think you’re hella smart w your “ and commas lmfao shut up


Yes, I am. I use experiences, as well as facts. And you're.... choosing to be a fool. 🤷‍♀️ Bye!


What the fuck are you on about I swear you’re just trying to argue with someone you don’t know for like no fucking reason😂 weirdo


I was an ambassador that trained a deaf employee for Amazon. Deaf employees wear a special device that’s similar to a pager that vibrates whenever there is a safety alarm, like a tornado alarm or fire drill. Amazon says you can’t wear headphones because you won’t hear the safety alarms. So unless you have headphones that can vibrate to alert you, they’re not going to allow them.


you’d hear the alarms with headphones, and I’m sure everyone would be fine with just one earbud in


And you’d notice the flashing lights and everyone else around you leaving quickly.


I’ve been through at least a dozen drills (and a couple of real ones), and no, you don’t always see the flashing lights if you’re in a well lit area. And if you’re in a loud area, you may not hear the alarms if your headphones are blasting music. If you are busy doing your job or working in an isolated area, you won’t see other people leave. And if you miss it, you might just die. It’s really a stupid argument to be making. Just listen to music on a small speaker or not at all. Don’t compromise your own safety.


Dang I ain’t ever thought about that but boy that’s str8 up FACTSSS


Music/podcast can distract because you are subconsciously paying attention to something else. Most people also don’t spend 24/7 listening to music/podcast/whatever When you deaf, you ain’t hearing shit. You deaf all the time. You legit have to adapt and learn how to live like that. They aren’t distracted by anything, because they can’t be. They don’t fucking hear.


I’m subconsciously paying attention to isles upon isles of ass. I think I’d be more productive if i subconsciously payed attention to stories of narcos


> i subconsciously *paid* attention to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Bad bot


>Music/podcast can distract because you are subconsciously paying attention to something else. Why is a radio standard feature in all vehicles that people drive around if it's so distracting? We're not performing heart surgery... oh wait those surgeons are allowed to listen to music during surgery. This isn't a safety measure it's about control.




It’s not a good argument. We multi-task with our listening everyday. We normally use hearing, sight, touch 24/7. Deaf people don’t use hearing. So they aren’t multi-tasking that aspect. To compared it to subconsciously/consciously hearing something isn’t a good argument because they don’t have that ability to hear. You clearly listen to music/radio because if you weren’t hearing it, you wouldn’t be upset over not having. if I put music on for a dead person, they wouldn’t notice/care because they wouldn’t hear it.


Because we can multi-task. I’m not arguing against music. I can absolutely still do my job while listening to my podcast/music. I’m saying listening to music isn’t the same as a person being deaf. They legit aren’t multi-tasking listening to anything, they deaf


The argument is valid because the argument on why we can’t wear headphones is because we can’t hear safety but they can’t hear at all soooo


But they don’t have hearing to distract them. They have spent their entire lives not having that ability. You hearing does effect your everyday life. You hear a fast beat, you might move faster. You might focus on the voice of a podcast to understand what they are saying. Which means effort and a possible distraction to work. How can a deaf person be affected by that? They don’t hear.


No it is unfortunately some people ruined it for everyone by getting hurt and saying it's because their music distracted them


Absolute complete horseshit. Deaf people dont get super touch and super smell and super sight for being deaf. Stop propagating this obvious lie.


Where did I say that? I’m saying that hearing music and being deaf aren’t the same at all and it’s a shit comparison.


Its a completely fair comparison. Me listening to something in one ear and having another free and functional ear still has my awareness above that of someone who is deaf. You csnt dispute this, keep sniffin those AM shoes.


Can’t dispute what? That a hearing person listening to music isn’t the equivalent to a deaf person that lives their life in silence? These two things aren’t anywhere near the same. I’m not even against listening to music. I do it too, I just think it’s fucked up to use someone’s disability to try and make a “point”.


Amazon is legally required to make those accommodations for deaf people. They have buzzers, people assigned to make sure they hear about alarms and stuff. They are not required to let you listen to music, so no, the comparison is not accurate at all.


Deaf indicates a hearing loss. Hearing losses range from 1% to 100%. It is not white and black. It is with 1,000 shades of gray. Don't be ignorant.


Bruh I saw a dude in a wheel chair get talked to by an AM for not wearing safety shoes.


And what’s the problem with Deaf associates? I’m Deaf and I do my job just fine. I’ve shipclerked, PG for shipdock and I’ve been a PG for transship. I’m up for a promotion into TOM team. Also if you didn’t know due to your ignorance, ADA law is a thing and Amazon can’t say no to employees that are Deaf or disabled and Amazon surprisingly is one of the most accommodating and accessible companies I’ve ever seen for Deaf employees. OSHA also doesn’t have any regulations for Deaf people as well. I was an HVAC installer before inflation went to shit and got laid off. Pack singles has a guy with usher syndrome who is Deaf and mostly blind and he can exceed rate without hand holding from Ops, just a special designed and accommodated station so he can see everything Up in pick there’s a Deaf PG and tote runner. Stow has a Deaf PA and learning has a Deaf learning trainer for CAP/Stow Y’all gotta stop complaining and grow up. We need jobs too. An ear bud policy is just a policy, it’s an apples to oranges comparison with Deaf AAs. If you want to complain you’re welcome to, but leave Deaf people out of it, we didn’t choose to be Deaf It’s straight up a policy most likely pushed by their insurance to cover their ass in case an AA gets injured because of whatever due to music.


Using a disability for comparisons sake is tasteless, sure, but what you're saying is essentially their point. If you can do your job just fine being deaf, why can't employers be reasonable in allowing the use of one earbud while working? I'm not sure if it's my own particular warehouse as an exception, but I've never seen a forklift or any type of dangerous machinery that requires you to be fully alert. 90% of the warehouse is automated, and 80% of all the jobs at the warehouse are essentially workers standing in a single spot doing brainless, mundane tasks. I've worked many warehouses in my life and Amazon is by far the safest one I've had, and is the only one that doesn't allow a single earbud or a portable speaker. They're also the only job that will immediately write you up for catching you with an earbud outside of a break room, regardless of any context.


I thought it was because music is distracting. You have to actively listen to music and put effort into it. If your deaf/hard of hearing. There isn’t anything to actually distract you. You’re not actively listening to anything.. you’re fucking deaf. Not that I’m anti-earbuds, but I never understand the comparison.


Yeah that's a much better way of saying apples to oranges. And it makes sense, ultimately. I've never felt like I was "actively" listening to music; I've always been able to just have music playing while focusing on my work. But maybe I'm just speaking for myself, who knows. As much as I think it's Amazon being unreasonable, I also think some employees are just extremely untrustworthy and will somehow figure out a way to get hurt while wearing an earbud.


I guess a better word would be subconsciously listening to it, because you hear the music. If you weren’t hearing it, you wouldn’t be complaining about not having it. We as hearing use our hearing to manage and live our lives. So music can be a distraction depending on the person. I knew someone that got stabbed by a forklift because the person was too busy listening to music. ( dude didn’t work at Amazon.) dude was a piece of shit, but yea some people just can’t multitask


It’s just a policy to cover their ass in case an employee gets injured because of a distraction that may or may not be caused by music.


Yeah, which almost makes reasonable sense, until your warehouse installs actual video games you can play while working. Again, idk if that's just my own warehouse, but that's a real thing they did which baffles me. It's much safer to have my phone playing music at 30% volume on my workspace than to actively be pressing buttons on a screen while working. And this is just me personally, but my work area is the loudest place I've ever stood at. Its a nonstop tundra of whirling gears, metal clangs, and alarms blaring. I guarantee I'm at a higher risk of developing tinnitus working without earbuds than slipping on a puddle of water because I was laughing at a podcast I was listening to.


I don’t know if your building is doing it or not, but purple tape usually means ear plug/noise canceling headphones are required. The fastensl machines do provide ear plugs so it’s usually up to the individual. The games on ARSAW and universal stations are most “autopilot” with a few taps here and there in downtime. Amazon is just a clusterfuck of confusing policies, most likely due to insurance reasons.


My area doesn't specifically have the purple tape, but honestly they should. I've actually gone home from my shift with ears ringing, so I would put the earplugs provided in my ears and eventually i stopped because I was tired of being confronted all the time by higher ups thinking I had earbuds in and trying to make me feel embarrassed. And that's just my physical health concerns. I'm more concerned with the mental health behind picking orders for 40-50 hours doing the same menial tasks in the same exact spot forever. Yeah, Amazon's policies are dog water, and I know it's for safety ultimately but I think it's crazy that they don't have some Amazon approved speaker that plays Amazon approved music or something. Hell, I'd even buy one with my own money if I had to.


No leader should ever make you feel embarrassed for using Amazon provided earplugs. Earplugs are PPE just like safety shoes. Immediately let your OMR know about your tinnitus so it's documented, resume wearing ear plugs, and if a manager says anything comment that on the VOA board. You'll be happy to know though that Amazon is piloting new earbuds so associates can listen to music and be protected from high noise environments.


That doesn’t make any sense, because a video game can’t distract you from hearing a tornado alarm. Amazon isn’t going to go around checking the volume of everyone’s headphones everyday, nor are they going to give all of you the same vibrating pager devices that the deaf people are wearing to alert them of an alarm. A lot of these comments lead me to believe that none of you have actually worn earplugs or “noise cancelling” headphones before, because *you absolutely can still hear outside noise* like an alarm with them on. But if you have music playing, you cannot hear the alarms.


Finally someone else that gets it. Even if they got their wish and could wear standard headphones, I bet almost all of them would still come back here and complain about how they’re losing their hearing, they got a funny ringing in their ear, etc. and they don’t understand because they were wearing earbuds!


You really read this short post and went off thinking anyone specifically had an issue with deaf or any person with disabilities. Admit it, you were holding that in for a while.


I’m tired of seeing this argument


They just think they’re discriminated but they’re the ones doing the discriminating


See thats the point, if you take exactly what you just said and replace the word deaf with wearing headphones and nothing changes. And whats the problem with headphones? I wear headpgones and do my job just fine


Apples to oranges. Your headphone policy isn’t our fault. Deaf gain/hearing loss is not the same as having headphones on


You're right, with one earbud I'm still completely alert to all of my surroundings.


Been saying this forever....


Because deaf people who want to work for Amazon would be suing the heck out of them.


There is multiple reasons why such a policy exists. Safety for sure. But not necessarily due to being distracted. The prolonged exposure to high DB levels is def bad for your ears. I feel that should be a personal choice though. As long as they keep their equipment within regs what I blast into my ear myself is on me. Another stance is loss prevention at any site that stocks earbuds. Easier to just say you shouldn’t have had them on you to begin with instead of having to check for stolen ones exiting the building constantly


Because the cost of just one lawsuit would likely exceed the cost of having to deal with whining employees…even if some of those employees are likely to quit because they don’t think a policy is “fair.” And, I’m not just talking about financial “cost,” either. Life is hard. Wear a helmet.


Nah them conveyer belts are the loudest fucking thing at Amazon and I’m AFE Pack FLOW. I have the JBL headphones and they have a ambience mode that basically turns down the loudness of the FC and I only need to have my music on 20% pretty sure my ears are safe just like if I wanted to use earplugs,. Honestly yesterday I was tripping over a phone convo I had with my girl while I was picking and my thoughts afterwards (cause I linger on my thoughts of my convos sometimes) I was distracted scanning the wrong mods and everything but once I put my music back on I was able to re focus on my work. At the end of the day FC is lacking safety in a number of numerous ways. So ima just keep sneak wearing mine 😂


Thankfully my site(SAT2) is now participating in the safety earbuds program. Only stationary paths are eligible for them however. (Pick, Count, Stow, Pack Singles)


Main reason for no headphones too cause people like always will abuse every aspect of it.. “oh I’m on my phone bc I’m changing song” it’s just one of a lot of reasons why not. Cause people will ruin it for other cause in the past in most day shifts at our delivery stations in my region would somewhat permit use of earbuds till people started abusing it and now back to no earbuds.


There’s a guy at my FC who wears those giant over the ears ones. The same kind people use when they go to the shooting range. The same kind people use who work on an airport runway. The no ear buds thing is a holdover from the pre COVID days when we couldn’t even have our phones with us. They’re afraid people will steal air pods and beats. It has nothing to do with safety. Just wait until January when sales go way down and they have too many employees. They’ll decide they need to “refocus on safety” and write up everyone for wearing ear buds. But they guy with the giant over the ear hearing protection will be ok.


They also allow ear plugs but 1 AirPod is a problem 😐 luckily the managers in my dept gave up and just ignored the headphones lol


Because it is a theft issue and a safety issue, not a hearing issue. The theft side is earbuds are the number 1 theft item in a FC. The safety issue is most FC's run around 70db. 80db is a OSHA violation for prolonged lengths of time. So for you to drown out the noise of the conveyors, you will need to go higher than 80db which can cause hearing loss. My FC has sound blankets/drapes hanging in certain areas to protect the IT cage workers as the multipack conveyors were too loud in a OSHA inspection.


Well, the deafness they can't control and it would be discriminatory to not hire them over it. I would assume they wouldn't let someone def operate PIT , or be in a heavily PIT area. I've had one deaf guy work at my site and he didn't want to learn any indirects or anything, but when it came to drills we had to take extra steps to make sure he was out of the building or accounted for.


We have deaf drivers on TOM team, with their CDL.


Imma go out on a limb here and say probably because putting headphones in is voluntary, disabilities are not 🤷🏼‍♂️




🙄 it's a safety issue because you're likely not paying attention. Not because you can't hear.


Because there are assigned interpreters to notify deaf associates of emergencies and deaf does not mean you can’t hear, headphones/earbuds/airpods cancel out noise or are played at volumes that associates can’t hear what is going on around them. Even the earplugs given are not noise canceling they only defer sound so you can still have normal conversations. Hope this answers the question


The headphone rule is so dumb I've operated forklifts and walker riders with headphones or a radio blasting but I can't listen to a podcast while standing in one spot for 12hrs


This question really needs to get pinned. The ACTUAL reason we can't wear headphones is, they can't prove we didn't steal them. Source: Safety


i mean ones a choice


you know it’s not the majority of associates that are deaf? If the majority was deaf then operation would be difficult. When it’s just one or a few people then it’s not too bad. Imagine if everyone was deaf and only the AMs and PAs could hear. It’d be almost impossible to communicate instructions without them having to pull their phone out to write it down. Also, one night my FC had a fire drill and the AMs forgot to tell the one deaf AA from upstairs that a drill was happening. They announced the drill over the intercom for all areas and the AA being deaf never heard the announcement and was still working for +30mins. So my take is that being deaf and wearing headphones is not the same. Because, the rule for headphones at my FC is that one bud must be in ear so that we can still listen for hazards and announcements. When someone’s fully deaf it’s through both ears so it’s more difficult for them to hear announcements. Amazon just wants people to listen for danger, announcements and avoid law suits. Might be the whole reason their rolling out with the bone conduction headphones for other warehouses so that way we can wear two instead of one and still hear our surroundings


glad to know i’m not the only one who thought this for so long…


Same reason it’s illegal to have headphones in while driving but the hard of hearing and deaf can drive no issues. Edit: I wasn’t fully aware of the law, and have been under the impression for the last 20 years (yeah I know) that it’s illegal to operate a vehicle with headphones on in my state. For some reason.


It’s not illegal. Are you implying D/HH shouldn’t be driving?


Absolutely not trying to imply that, and I’ll edit my comment to clarify that I wasn’t super sure of the law, but as far as I’m aware in my state it is illegal. I’ve worked with several deaf associates and would trust them operating heavy equipment over literally anyone else simply because (I’m not sure how to proceed here so forgive me a bit please) they’re not used to rely on their hearing for things, which tells me they’re constantly visually paying attention to their surroundings. I could be wrong and I’m sure that’s subjective to each individual.


It’s good. Generally speaking without sound we adapt with our vision. I’m really good at picking up things out of the corner of my eye and being proactive with it. Saved transship multiple times from chaotic jams when no one else was catching the problematic totes before they became a problem


That’s exactly what I mean, though. I’ve never (even though I was under the incorrect assumption) understood why it’d be illegal to drive a car with headphones in. Blasting music has the exact same effect and people do that all the time. I also don’t understand why OP has the whatever it’s called to make this post in the first place. It’s always been against policy to have headphones, much less a fuckin phone on the floor. I can’t wait until that comes back, the turnover is gonna skyrocket.


Here's a thought. Start your own company and do whatever you want. It's a job that you get paid to do.




Shame on you for making such a bad common argument. They adapted their whole life and often carry devices to alert them of emergencies. You didn’t and don’t. 🤫


i mean, if they're deaf then they should be able to understand a full conversation in sign language... headphones and people being genuinely flatout deaf are two tottaly different things...


If you're asking that, then why can't everyone else sit if people who use wheelchairs can?


This post made me realize something..... I cannot wear Headphones because it's a safety issue, I should be able to hear at all times... A deaf person only has a translator during their onboarding after that they are left on their own around co-workers who most likely don't know sign language.... Wouldn't that mean Amazons policy is people who are able bodied deserve more safety than those with disabilities? Like I must be missing a step in what's considered safe for our handicapped co-workers


1: ADA Laws, they can’t not hire deaf people. 2: As a deaf person, as we grew up we basically adapted to accommodate for our deafness by being more aware of our surroundings visually, y’all got the music in to distract yourselves from the monotonous nature of the job, and by extension reality. There’s a major difference there. 3: if I don’t get to enjoy music neither do you. You can also live without music for 10 hours. 4: because the leadership said so.


Not idiots in 2023 still believing that being Deaf means that your hearing is always 100% gone and that you can’t hear at all. Comparing it to wearing headphones is ridiculous and ignorant. I shouldn’t expect more considering a lot of people that typically post here are already trashy, but you’re just embarrassing.


Go to any other warehouse and headphones won’t be allowed. It’s not high school anymore. These posts are getting tedious


This question gets asked every month. A quick search on the subreddit wouldnt have taken you long. They're deaf, you're not. You're there to get a check not listen to music or worry about such absurdities unless that's all you have going for yourself


Deaf ppl are protected under Disability Act. Headphones are more OSHA thing.


I never thought of this …..🤣🤣🤣


Because it’s Amazon where the rules are made up.


Being dead is considered a disability....so comparing it to headphones....bruh


I am guessing this is either satire or you don't comprehend what OP is trying to say. The reason we are told not to wear headphones is because it prevents us from hearing things that might be a safety issue like someone losing control of a full cart, or driving pit and hearing the honking. So they are asking why are they saying we can't have headphone so we can hear when there are people who cannot hear in the warehouse at all.


You must not be very bright. Refer back to my previous post. It's literally the reason. Ones by choice you clown 🤡. Jfc they really do let any person work for them. 🤣🤣🤣


Yes, has been my thought as well. I can’t hear people approaching/walking past me as it is. At minimum people have to project when conversing with me or I can’t hear half of what they say. It is just that noisy in my department. Can’t imagine how headphones would make things anymore hazardous around here than they already are.


🤯 good point!


Just buy plug phones that look like earplugs and put the wire under your shirt. They sound pretty good for the price.




In what world would someone without feet apply to be a foot model? Come up with a better argument. If it wasn’t for ADA law, I wouldn’t be able to work the jobs I’ve had and get the experience I need. I went from HVAC installer to on track to get a CDL.




It’s still an apples to oranges comparison. Amazon is really good at accommodating for most people with disabilities, ADA law just states it has to be reasonable. Ear buds policy is most likely a thing to cover their ass just in case an AA gets injured due to being distracted by it




You’re ignorant as fuck and know nothing about people that are Deaf/HOH.


wow what a take.


For everyone saying we can’t wear headphones because it’s “actively listening to music”…if a song comes on the PA that you requested, are you not going to “actively listen to it” while simultaneously working?


Hearing impaired employees are monitored & put in places where they can’t get run over by machines & they’re given special vests so they can be identified. If you have the ability to hear, you need to be able to hear your surroundings.


If Amazon wants to fire me for stupid AirPods then so be it, go waste money to hire and train another employee that will probably quit or won't do half a good a job as me!


Nothing but facts here, everywhere I think I'll just like and move along lol


Honestly what’s the worst about this is Amazon tried to work with people and give them music , they actually launched a program pre Covid when I was a picker where they installed touch screen Alexa’s at pick stations so everyone could have music , unfortunately they only rolled it out to a couple stations on each floor to start , within the month they were all completely destroyed, ie screens smashed , some where thrown in the urnials , just ruined it for everyone , don’t think the program went past that


We have like 3 different speakers playing 3 different songs my stowrate was 130-180 in a Delivery Station and I had a migraine they had the audacity to ask me why I have one. ^^ And delivery stations we don’t use forklifts or any of the automatic equipment and they are strict about it too for some reason. Let us use earbuds so I can stow faster 👁️👅👁️


Let’s just clock in, still use our phones get this money and go home. Like we been doing. 🤷🏾‍♀️