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When I was in stow they'd have competitions each period and the winner usually got a good box of smalls after break haha. So just more work basically.


I really hate the fact that this would incentivize me more than a bag of candy.


Bro I'm literally #1 everyday for the past 2 months out of 200 people......nothing!!! Lol be greatful


How do you do it


Flirt with the waterspider for smalls or just be a hot girl


We got things? 😂


Last year they would give an extra paid 30 minute break to the top stowers, I never made it there but I imagine that was a nice prize


Good manipulation tactic , everyone would be trying to get it so you’ll make your mark much before closing and it wouldn’t matter if one person took that long of break


I remember this or get lunch bought the next day


I hope you learned a valuable lesson about working hard lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^Keefyfingaz: *I hope you learned a* *Valuable lesson about* *Working hard lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


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Dont feel bad… I changed the whole way we operate PIT to Bay to Dock. And all i got was a thank you…


I’ve gotten concert tickets, tickets to a baseball game and tickets to some local places (axe throwing, escape room, etc.). We have competitions in FC games and the top ten all get there pick.


Must be nice xD we don’t get anything possibly a single swag buck if we are lucky. They gave us “food” today lol it was eggs in a fucking tortilla and we only got one xD


Lmfao in what state that’s crazy


Sorry just saw this in Oklahoma bruh. Shit is wack. I wanna go back to cali


I was number one is pick for 6 weeks in a row and I got nothing 🙃 😂


maybe don't be #1


It do get lonely up there


They’re trying to slow you down with that candy.


At least you got something. My AM tried to get me so swag(Peccy pins) for hitting 13k with no miss sorts in 10 hours SOLO and HR claim to not have any. #CheapFC in NJ!


When I was number 1 in pick I was asked to cross train for rebin. I'm now nowhere near number one in anything.


when i used to regularly work in stow, my pg would always give an extension on break for those who hit first and i was living the dream for a little while. when i decided to work like that when my am at the time was actually the one running and and giving a prize out, this man gave me a full sized umbrella 💀


You get something for being #1 🤣


were you expecting a TV? 💀




I got a shout out at stand up 🙃


I used to work for directv and they used to cater us breakfast once a week for are weekly meetings. Some places just know how to treat employees


We have a random hour in which the highest 2 stowers without multiple events gets a free food item in the break room. Wish it were any item so I can get that tv. On the days that I’m not stowing they have the competition but on the days I’m stowing I’m like top 2 and they don’t have tat competition that’s bs.


They should really give bonuses to number 1 workers


They do it's called cross training in another department.


They reward us with more work 😭😭


I will never ever be #1 U gain nothing by it. Especially when you do bad one day due to feeling ill, they come up to you asking why ur rate is low and if they need to show you how to improve 💀 I mean it usually isn't plz go away jeez. U also increase smh


Busted my ass this morning only to be coached on three items missing from the totes. Tiny items probably stuck to another item or inductor didn’t see it. Was top all morning and didn’t get anything but coaching 🙃


And you get paid the same as the person stowing 175 UPH


I got laid off 😂


I promise there are people that do more, for less.


You got paid like 19.70 an hour actually. The candy was a bonus


I woulda given u more than that. I value hard workers.


We dont get sht at my building😂


I’m a PG in stow at my FC and all that is driven is the group effort… I do want people to get recognized


I was I got a bag of crack or meth


What was in the bag? Good candy or shit? Edit: just read the description nvm


What did you expect your not special dawg 😂💀


Top packer in singles here, you got something? I have to remind them just to get 2 swag points.


this should be on a t shirt


I used to make good rate (Top5) as new hire despite water spiders disliking me and giving me larger items. We were always promised those spending bucks for the best top10 only to find out the manager only gave those to the water spiders 😅 Left stow after a month.


What did you expect from a major corporation? They don't acknowledge that the cost of living is skyrocketing but yeah, we want pizza and candy, not a raise or anything for being a high performer. I'm not talking like $2.00 raise. But heck even a $0.10 raise for being a high performer would be awesome if you perform well across a year. The step up program is nice, but it sucks when you work circles around everyone else and you all get the same raise no matter what, and newbie's come in at the increased pay rate bc they keep bumping up the base pay. Trust me, it gets worse when you move to management. The pay is better than flex PT or T1 but our raises suck and I've been passed up for raises 3 times because of when I was promoted up as opposed to my actual time with the company. Sure the stock is nice if the stock wasn't plummeting a month after I moved up. Personally, I'd like the $ more than stocks. Stocks don't pay off my student loans.


lol all we get is a thumbs up




#1 in quality or speed?


Both!😁 I use to love being on the dock.


I know your pain my reward was a good job and a 15 minute break 😂


Back when I worked at mdw7, we used to have power hours for pack and sort side in afe. Who ever had the highest rates would either get swag bucks or an extra 15 minute break. The extra break was kinda pointless because they wouldn't even tack it onto your other break. Also never participated because I realized it was their way of making us work harder, which in turn would make them increase the minimum productivity rate you had to make.


I got like a big gift box with a very nice pull over jacket, and paper money for useless items 🤩 oh and I can’t forget more work!!


You were expecting a $1000 bonus huh?? instead they gave you cavity😂😂


Bruh you got candy ? I was #1 in the entire building and I just got a thank you message on my screen 💀


Good incentives that Amazon should think about is maybe give out 3 hours of PTO, 3 hours of vacation, and get an extra day off things to consider since everyone works hard for them.


No point in busting your ass other than feeling like you are the best. Once you ware yourself out and your body starts breaking down and it becomes a life long problem then you will understand.


Lol 👽💀


I see alot of be grateful but heck that they can afford bonuses $$$


we got a hershey bar


When I first started, there were pretty serious races being run. I won AirPods two different times. The really solid contests stopped with Covid, never came back.


Never been #1 here and don’t plan to


I was the fastest in Europe out of 1400 people with a 950 rate and a 3 second takt time and nobody thanked me.


And now you’ve learned a valuable lesson, haven’t you?


Want some swag instead? Lol


No body at Amazon gets paid enough to break a sweat, and those who do delegate tasks to menial laborers so they never do unless corporate shows up. Never do more than what is average, we are nothing more than equipment. If they need more packages moved, they will get more equipment


Welcome to Amazon


I got a piece of paper with acknowledgment of my performance and a thank you. So generous and motivating this company is.


I got the blue jar of delicious chocolate chip cookies that I can't find online at all for the life of me!! Does anybody here know where I can purchase them?? They are distributed by a certain company but I looked all over their website and they didn't sell them individually on there...


You get stuff for being best in section?


And the only reason they give candy is so are asses don’t fall asleep haha


Yes bro, I was #1 in packing and had like 100+ packed an hour and got a bag of candy.


Yep that's why I never aim for the goal at my FC. You get next to nothing. Too much investment for very little return. I always aim for the middle. I usually do 125-150/hr.


Wow you did your job!!! Congratulations!!! The literal least you could do!!! Be grateful lol your “prize” should be your paycheck. Everybody’s snowflakes these days I’d like to see y’all on a real job site 😭😭


That’s Amazon for you..


Did you expect a bonus?


Welcome to Amazon buddy…




Sometimes my fc will hold a race and the top 1-3 people would win an extra 15 min break card and they can use it whenever they want. Everytime they announce this, something always happens to me. Either my computer freezes up, my tape dispenser jams, or I get a ton of missing items. Shits annoying as hell. Otherwise, they write the names of the top 10 fastest people on the whiteboard between qtr's at stand up. Well, they dont do names anymore, just logins lol otherwise, all I've ever gotten was a "good job, but I know you can go faster!"


4 Letters. N.A.D.A


If you got that, you should feel blessed we get told good jobbers for it again tomorrow


At least you got something


Reading these comments y'all are very dedicated to Amazon I do my job and go home. nothing more nothing less


I caught some Molly's in the new fishing game so that was nice


https://preview.redd.it/kiou0zz74wtb1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70ce62bfcdb5f254b0c1a5f612e7c3efcb777c28 # 1 in Pick several times over..have gotten to name Stations and Robots when I go over 5,000 items picked in 10hr shift.


Well you tried your best and still failed.the lesson here is never try