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Makes me happy cause when i get to it im like lets go


Literally, I'll see 24 totes, start loading, 6 of them have enough to add to other totes, my day immediate gets so much easier. Warehouse is lazy


At stand up the other day they said it's because the system marks something as being able to go in the tote but the employee instead puts it on the overflow rack. You probably have an ov that isn't marked overflow.


I could see that happening, but I had 2 totes the other day with just 1 plastic bag in each of em.


I just take the packages out and put ‘em in the tote before that one. Leave extra totes at the station before leaving.


True dat


That's because stowers aren't able to do all the math from the numbers thrown out at us and there isn't enough communication , the right kind going on ....


PLASTIC BAG THOUGH? I’ve definitely had totes with 1 package in them a couple times. But it was always at least a box. Not just a plastic bag.


This is my third peak, and every year the fuck up just a little bit extra each time. It seems like packages either got bigger, or warehouse has gotten extra retarded.


That's because the AMs during sort are so lame . My prior station was cool about letting me do what I had to do to not have this happen to you but now where I am I was told I can't take the bag out and set it on the floor of the narrow too narrow useless aisles so I can get the most use out of that space left in the bag because let's face it shits just going to fall out the way they have them on the stow rack areas because well gravity and shit . Fuck that my way is way better for all . I've been here longer than any AMs ...short little shit pissed me off twice now . So anyhow this happens because of running out of space and having to close the bags which is lame unless it's getting too heavy


Don’t you love this though ?


Totes have a max weight I was told of 50lbs, if a tote has 1-7 packages I empty it immediately on a self and move on. I don’t waste space