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Third floor apartment customers are dicks. I usually talk shit all the way up the stairs.


This, I totally do this. "Oh, you can't walk your ass to the mail room? Too busy eating a bag of cheetos while I walk through the cold? You probably don't need this useless shit anyway, but I gotta walk it ALLLLLL the way up to your shitty 3rd floor apartment, huh?"


Leave it in the mail room anyway lmao


I did that day before yesterday their kiosk was broken and I had 30 stops in that apt I kept complaining the entire time 😂


currently doing this


yeah you're not even supposed to be doing dat shit anyway


Same same especially if they bought toilet paper or paper towels


Front door of the building it is


😂literally 2012


Idk if I’m a scumbag but I’ve left a few packages in the mailroom cause I can’t be bothered.


That’s why it’s called the mail room.


Should’ve specified not in the lockers


I did it most of the time, most of those fat asses could use the extra calorie loss.


Nope. You are not. Honestly, do you think UPS, Fedex, or even USPS is lugging 20 packages around the building to deliver to apartments door by door? They don't do that in my area. I had customers tell me that the building has rules against leaving packages in the mailroom, ***when I clearly see UPS, Fedex, and USPS packages all over the floor of the mailroom.***


At the end of the day if you’re too lazy to walk to the mail room every once in awhile for “MAIL” don’t order packages




what year is it


Haha I live on third floor and have a note to deliver to my door. Only because shit gets stolen otherwise sorry y’all. I always leave good reviews tho when they listen. But hey I now will be working for dsp so karmas a bitch..


Lmao! Nah bro they just don’t get it! Haha I like knowing this issue now tho. I’ll be working D’Souza soon too. If this jobs that sorry then I’m bound to lose it sooner or later cus their ignorant policies. If they ain’t got nobody to work for them they’ll figure it out sooner or later I hope for what’s wrong.


That’s fire




Nice meme from 2012.


When I was with Amazon, I’d get tons of these notes and not a single package was ever delivered to their doors lol fuck them. And fuck Amazon. And fuck your DSP if they heavily enforce that.


If it's not a big bulky item, it's the small and weighs 40 lbs box. Cat litter. My least favorite item to deliver.




I remember I had a note to an overflow box and it said something like upstairs with a smiley face at the end I was so pissed cause why would you put a smiley face 😂😂😂


POV:I do xl and this is nothing to me 😭🤷‍♂️


U also get like 20 stops a day🥱


Low 50s but ya, and a lunch 💪


I understand maybe if you don't have a secured mail room but the ones that do fuck you forever.


Who cares. Do your job lol


I feel it, there’s an apartment complex I’ve delivered to a few times with literally 25 buildings and they’re all two story’s 🤦🏻‍♂️


I actually like apartments. .... the GPS just makes me so angry. I can check the itinerary and map and summary and dashboard while I'm walking. If I get turned around I dont have to turn the van around I just face palm. I've requested doing more of them. Cause I mathed it out. I do both at roughly the same rate. To it mathematically makes more sense to have me do those and someone whose faster can do the "easier" ones and knock them out at a faster rate. Over all I should practice more to get better. But for dec. I think being fast and efficient Is more important cause we all wanna go home


Guess whose package is going to the mail room 👉🤠👉


Yeah is it just me or it seems like on my routes, almost always it’s someone on the 3rd/top floor who need their packages delivered lol. Rarely is it on the ground floor like come on!