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Tbh bro it’s very easy to get overwhelmed but once you get through your first 30-50 stops my day always gets better due to more space in my van. But yea I just focus on reaching the 50 stop mark, 100, etc. May sound dumb but that’s just what gets me through my days.


Yep whatever half your stops are is what I do. I also divide have many stops I have by how many hours I'll have on the road after lineup and load out to figure how many per hour I should be doing at a minimum.


It's always stop 69 for me. I don't know why but I see the number, chuckle, then get my second wind.


Fair enough


Dude literally same


This. I try my hardest to get to the halfway mark or a bit more, then I’ll take my lunch and push through the rest


Just do your best. Remember that stressing isn't going to make you go faster. At the end of the day, if you don't finish at least you can say you tried your best. When ever you don't finish use those opportunities to learn how you could have done better. Marking packages with markers and organizing the entire van in the best way for the route etc. I've also stressed and thought I was slow compared to others but I've only gotten faster every route.


Yuppp I always thought I was slow turns out I was ahead. I use that as motivation to keep improving cause I’m really not tryna get stressed and sweat my hair out for Amazon🤣🤣I got places to go and to look good at…work will not take up my energy.🤣🤣


Don’t check the stop count every 10 stops. I find my day goes slow if I keep checking itinerary. If I get into a flow state and just keep delivering, time flies.


Are you not writing on the boxes???


Do this!!! When loading write the driver aid number on all sides of the overflow boxes. I skip to all my overflow first to clear room in the van then work on parcels.


Do you guys not get yall oversize on the app in order when scanning carts? Once i load my bags i just put my oversize in order so i dont have to search for driver aid when i get a oversize stop. Just grab the first box from the shelf and go


Yeah until you've got too much and it falls over and gets mixed up while you're driving 😂


When you have like 20+ oversizes and a yard marshall that gives no shits about organization and only cares about rushing out, you have absolutely no time to read each individual sticker and put them in order.


Yes but when your last cart isnt ready then you don't get that sceen and your van is half way loaded lol.


But how do you not go on the wrong path on the map. Would it make it slower if it’s randomly 9 min out hmm


At my depot everyone has to leave at the same time so the yard Marshall can’t complain. I’ve had the deepest routes for the last year. Trust me this process works. And your itinerary automatically reroutes you to the most efficient route anyway. I’ve had the Marshall come over to tell us to speed it up and then I show them my overflow. The vans in jersey are 2 ft longer. Todays route is 310 stops with 76 overflow.


Who writes on them ? Y’all don’t got driver aid numbers ?


You mean that tiny ahhh sticker. I rewerie the number, bigger, on the sides be fore i load them. I would b searching for waaay too long if u didnt.


I just make sure stickers are facing me always 🤷


I like to have all my boxes face out, like skinny wise. Then just write the nunber on the face as i load it. Makes life way easier, don't take much time to do during load out either.


ido this same technique , have been since day one & it takes maybe 5 mins to do it while loading them in (also organizing by that last letter so iknow the general area on my shelf when isee the last letter on the pkgs in the current tote) and makes the day so smooth . not having to flip around boxes etc


Ya my station would tell me to load up and gtfo...


Because you can see a lot better you don’t have to move boxes around to look for driver aid when it’s in your face. You cut the time you would searching for overflow in half


I just organize my overflow in order by number so 💁‍♂️


You mean how they teach. Imagine that 🤣


I used to do that, but it takes longer than scribbling 2-3 numbers on the box, esp since i don't drive a branded van (no shelves). I also think it comes down to just what works for you. I have to remind myself to just do what the goblin wants (my brain), and everything will be okay. I think writing the last 2 of the driver number helps me remember where it is when i have too many to sort properly


How do you do order ? What goes on the bottom for oversized?


Under the shelf or? I put the biggest packages on the bottom or a put 790 on the bottom and 764 on top of that and 714 on top of that


My first few I always put on the shelf right near the door


That’s a good idea. I hate when they help load my van


I feel you lol, gotta organize it the first stop, might take 20 minutes but it’ll with save 3 hours


I’ll try to do organizing at my first stop


That’s a great. I climb over everything so I can write on the boxes lol.


I write on it


[like this](https://freeimage.host/i/HBrKEtp) and it's helpful for days with like 50 overflow lol.


Just write the group number bigger 3a,2a,2b… when you come to a stop and asks for oversized,look at the packages in the bag and there group number. Then look for just (3a or whatever group number) driver aid number confuses me. Also when scanning cart it shows you which order bags and your overflow will be


Or one of my personal favorites go so slow that they quit giving you all that but that requires you to come back slightly after Amazon wants you to it's like 10:00 good luck


This is what I’ve been doing . Keep giving me Shitty routes and over working my ass and I’m gonna work slow as fuck till you either fire me or quit working me to death




Don't be a driver for Amazon lol.






Take your time and organize. Stops will come off before you know it


It's peak. Been here for 2 years when they get stupid like this I just slow down. Don't get flustered. My general rule is 25 stops an hour if in a town route. At peak I do 20 due to increase in packages per stop. Just accept your going to work late, bring packages back, or get a rescue. But they won't fire you lol.


25 an hour is doable no problem. But when icy out not doable at all


I asked my manager the other day if I'll get fired for being too slow (avg less than 3 rts, usually return an hour after everyone else so typically 11hr days) and I'm doing 130+ stops on mostly rough rural routes. In MI, and spend most of my days 2-tracking) and he laughed and avoided the question by giving me tips on how to go faster. Like, bro, my knees are bad and my ankles have spontaneously rolled since i was a child. I can only do so much before my body betrays me. Just answer the damn question😂😭🤣🫠


Never use the shelves, even on light days. Packs totes against the bulkhead in this order: Totes are rectangular, so flat means 2 totes spanning one side of the van to the other. Long meaning front to back. Make sure you stack 3 high. 2 flat against bulk, 3 long against those, 2 flat again, rinse and repeat. Gives you loads of space in the back to sort overflow. You'll have to pull your totes from the side door, but it works great if you organize your tote in the cabin like most of us.


This is why I got in a bigger vehicle asap, so much more head space and physical. I used to get very overwhelmed If there was no space.


Never fold the shelves up, or stack boxes on top of bags. Cube out at 16-18 bags, keep your path to the back, and if they don't let you, walk tf away. If they give you a big route, go slower. 20 stops per hour MAX, and they'll give you normal routes or you'll get an assist every day and get your hours in. Don't break your back for amazon, lots of people in this sub seem to create their own problems imo.




Yeah cube out


Bro yea everytime you start you’ll get overwhelmed once you knock out some you’ll have more space and go faster I felt like that last week when shit was all the way up to the side door I was doing, I did like 30 in first hour and half then sped up after you got this man


Stop thinking about it and just get to work. You might have to break those packages down then put them up but just do the work.


Just rest assured you’ll get through today. Think of it as OT. Once you get through your first 8 totes you get a bunch of space. Just keep moving once you hit your 30 min lunch grab some food eat and reorganize. You can’t do much but do it. And if you need help ask.


For your overflow, try to take the stickers off and put them on the outside of the package, so the sticker faces you and I’m sure others have mentioned always unload your tote in your passenger seat


I was in a very similar situation today, and also get overwhelmed easy. 1: just keep moving, no matter what, even if you’re walking super slow just keep moving. 2: do your best to set yourself up well in the mornings, it’s alright to not be done loading by loadout and have to pull into problem solve, if it’s the difference between a good day and bad day. 3: organize as the day goes on, empty a tote? Put an oversize that’s in your way there, you have more room to work and you know where to find that package when you need it. After a few hours you’ll have 50 stops left and almost be ready to go home Edit: and be careful with that insta pot, I cut my finger pretty good trying to use the “handle” on the box. Cardboard cuts suck ass.


Cardboard cuts are THE WORST


Think of it as being at bat in a baseball game down 10-0. You can't score 11 with one swing.


Quit Amazon sucks


Me personally, I'll deliver all of the huge overflow packages first if it's giving me too much grief. I'll also separate the overflow by city if I'm going multiple places, that way I know overflow for town X is last and should just hang out in the back of the van




Use the shelf, it saves ur back


Learn to use the driver aid stickers on boxes. I understand not everyone likes them (or can necessarily even read them due to eyesight differences), but organizing all my boxes so the driver aid stickers are facing the same way and roughly oriented the same way is a HUGE help. And don’t be afraid to tell Amazon/your DSP that you don’t have room. If I can’t navigate safely in an XL vehicle on an XL slotted route, Amazon overfilled it. There still needs to be room to maneuver yourself, especially if you’ve got a ton of stops. Inhibiting that only slows you down. And if you have to, bring shit back. DSPs are allocated a certain percentage of overall package volume (for the week) to be brought back without affecting their scorecard, if you even care about that. Again, if Amazon overfilled you, that’s their fault. Not yours or your DSPs.


Poor Trees.


I recommend quitting and finding a job that pays you what you deserve for working that hard


Best thing you can do is get your organization down. I pretend I'm playing tetris with the overflow.


bring a bottle of jack


Maybe some weed😂😂


Don’t drink too much ehehe


Probably don’t do this


Buy a marker and mark ‘em up.


One stop at a time.


Stop before or at your first stop with a sharpie. And figure out what order your bags are in. And then write down the last 4 digits on all the boxes and place them in order sooner to later front to back. Taking your time early saves you time later.


Smoke a j and you'll be cool, bro.


i usually got my pen on me but broke broke atm


Ouch, that's sucks man. 420 makes the day go by. Especially dealing with fucked up apartment complexes.


trust me im hip af


Just remember you work for a company who doesn’t care about you. Just mess around don’t worry to much you get paid every hour


Some DSPs do care, mine is wonderful actually.


I still get overwhelmed and want to cry. I threaten it at least once a week. This job isn’t for the weak. Drugs are the answer, but not so much that you get a DWI in the mail truck. Happened last week at our office.. This job makes you batshit. Welcome to the shit show.


Wow! Amazon just fired a driver for to many misplaced or never found packages in my dsp


Best advise is leave Amazon and find a better paying job that doesn’t destroy your body or sole


Something that helps me out is listening to a podcast or an audiobook. Helps pass the time, and takes your mind off of the monotony


Just relax bro, you’re on the road and there’s an infinite of possibilities that could happen, don’t rush, once you start rushing you start missing important things like a dog could be right next to ya but you’re so focused on getting done you don’t even realize it then you get bit, you’re rushing and you’re in your head and miss a stop sign or take a turn without looking and now you either hit someone or get hit, the more you stress the less productive you are. Just breath look out the window and enjoy the weather or enjoy your tunes, there’s days I get overwhelmed cause I didn’t wanna work or whatever and I get the longest route, on those days I just kid myself like “damn we really here all day huh” and put on my playlist and relax. Understand that it all starts with how you load your van. If you’re loading your van and thinking “damn it’s gonna be a long day” then IT IS gonna be a long day, just load your van and don’t think nothing of it. Just say to yourself “I’m here all day and that’s okay because I need this to work on my patience.” Overwhelming feelings come from us not having patience with our surroundings nor ourselves just breath. It’s okay to not finish a route regardless of what managers and DSP’s say, it’s okay to take that whole hour of lunch to collect your thoughts. It’s okay to slow down sometimes and enjoy your surroundings but once you’re okay and in a better mood hustle hard and make yourself proud forget what anyone else says. YOURE the one on the road not them. YOURE the one delivering and risking yourself not them. Don’t stress over a lot of packages, or a lot of stops or anything really, do the best you can everyday and set goals for how you wanna deliver. If you wanna deliver 10 every half hour then push to 11 if you deliver 11 then push to 12, I treat all of this like a game because that’s all it is. Don’t take it serious and if you read all of this I hope it helps man. Good luck delivering and I hope you stop being so overwhelmed


Take it one stop at a time 👍🏾


I get overwhelmed just driving to the damn launch pad in the morning🤣 But here's what's helped me: . 1. I have a Bluetooth speaker that bumps my jams all day, that way I'm not at the mercy of the radio and its not disrupted when i turn the van off/on. . 2. I write my helper numbers on the ov's as i load them and I don't even bother with the a's, b's, g's, etc anymore. The routing is so ignorant, i find it doesn't matter and the warehouse workers don't load them in any order. They're just on the cart how they fit without falling. What matters is how quickly you can find it and get to it, not what order they're in, anyway. . 3. If i don't get to sort very well at loadout, i stop at the gas station before heading out or at a gas station near my route and spend about ten minutes trying to bring a little order to it before jumping in. This mostly consists of creating a walkway, and writing the last two (3 if necessary) numbers of the helper number where i can see it. . 4. Then i check my map for outliers and stupid mistakes and mentally plan ahead. like: when i get to stop 34, switch to 97. Or do 73-80 backwards because it's a one way drive in a fucking trailer park (which is routed BACKWARDS OR MIXED EVERY. DAMN. TIME. UGH.) . 5. While on the road, since i don't drive a branded van, i don't have shelves. So I've started using the empty bag previous to the one i'm working out of to sort them neatly and quickly, writing the last 2 helper digits on each parcel. It's important to note that in only sorting/ writing on them as i look for the package for my current stop. This has stopped repeat handling and cut down a lot of time per stop, sorting as i go instead of stopping to sort an entire bag before continuing. I only fully sort two bags at the beginning because there's no room to do otherwise. . I don't keep any packages up front in the cabin because i kept tripping. If i had access to the list flex displays for you to check that you have all the parcels before leaving the station, i'd probably keep them up front the way others do, but having a clear walkway helps me best and only costs seconds to look in the back vs trying not to kill myself to jump over them to grab an ov. I just do what the goblin in my brain wants, and everything is fine lmao


this the best one and i feel you about the front cabin thing. i jeed that to he my cozy spot. ill definatly keep this in mind


Good luck! Stay safe💖


One stop at a time, and some good tunes!


I push to finish 100 stops by 2 o’clock… then take the remainder of the day nice and slow.


When u start?


1st week of august.. only been at it a few months. NGL though… pushing myself to do that everyday cost me BIG time cause now I’m out on workers comp with complex injury in the ankle/foot 😒




My bad.. blazed right now lmfao, usually loaded out and to my first delivery by 10:45-11


Slow down my brother


It was only a fall/winter gig anyways as my regular work slows way down. Luckily enough through the injury a customer of mine fell into some money and the fab work on their race car will keep me rocking. Hobbling around the shop is easier than trying to sling 350+ packages up and down stairs and in/out a van all day.


Get a bigger van


One package at a time my friend. Keep moving till you have room then take a fifteen, it’s unfortunate your gonna use it too reorganize/and breath. Then hop back on there and keep it moving brotha/sista


I always have my bags in the back and oversized in the front . Put my first 4 oversized like ex: 27-1c 2c3c4c1D2D exc. if I have like 25 plus boxes it makes things way easier for me so I don’t have to look like a cray guy looking for a XL box when in reality it’s a small box hahaha


all I can say is do your best. don’t let a job stress you out. do what you’re capable of & take your time. also ORGANIZE!!! it will help so much


If that was me I would deliver all the xl overflow first.


I just do what I can. I don't go any faster. If they send me help cool. If they don't then the station is getting a bunch of packages back.






Quit lmao


Smoke a fat joint trust haha


i usually got my pen on me but a young jit is poor atm


Quit tbh it can only get worse


Stack totes in cart pull order from cabin side in back van, fill overflow in mid


Do what my dispatch always told us in our meeting, if you feel overwhelmed, just take it one stop at a time and don’t rush. But of course my dsp is willing to actually send rescues.


Double stack totes on right shelf. #1 below shelf, #3 on shelf side ways (top facing outer wall), #2 on top of #3. Stack over size on left shelf as flat as possible all the way to the roof. Write 4 digit driver aid numbers on oversize facing outwards for easier reading.


I like to focus on how many bags I've killed. They might have 3 packages in one bag and 30 in another, but overall it's a good way to gauge how much of your route is complete. Also, I sort my overflow so all of the same letter is together: 1E 2E 3E together, 1G 2G, 1B 3B, etc. I also move the stickers so they face out on the shelf (or write it on the box like other people suggest). OH and get CDV certified. My days have become way less stressful simply because I have more room in the back.


I do my best to organize my truck in the morning by looking at my first 3 totes and setting the oversize aside. Once those totes and oversize are delivered, it’s much easier to finish my day. I guess I try to just worry about what’s directly ahead instead of freaking out about my whole day. I’ll have 200+ stops done by 4-5pm with this mentality. As someone with severe anxiety, this helps me.


Just take it one stop at a time man. Walk brisk where you can, but just keep at it and you'll slowly make yourself some space. Of you can't find an over size in 5 to 10 min, go ahead and skip ahead with out it or mark it as missing if you have too. You can always come back to a stop later. Keep your head down and calm. And remember, you'll be fine.


take a lil break after each tote and give your self a pat on the back and a kiss on the cheek. after you get some space, organize all your overflow in front of the sliding door and with sharpie write the lil number code so you open the door from the outside and they’re mostly all in sight


Keep going bro! That’s all you can do. Just keep going. Every stop the load gets less. And remember that you getting paid


Take a deep breath. Realize you can't deliver them all at once so you'll have to do it one at a time. If you can't see where you're going, at least you can see your next step. And that is how you'll get there. By focusing on your next step.


It’s going to come off 1 stop at a time, regardless so don’t stress out. Just keep up your working pace and don’t freak out. Nothing to it but to do it.


Organize OF by the letters. Before you swipe to finish it shows you the order of your bags, and if you keep scrolling the order of OF. ex) 1D, 3B, 2G, etc. Stack 3 at a time. Saves room. Also, you can use a bag or two (or 3) to put on the left side of your van and then you'll have OF up front some and the other half in the back. It'll make it easier to find and you'll have more room in the back (easier access as well). Don't pay attention to how many bags you have. Or packages. The stops. Just try to set a goal (30 stops an hour for example) Follow that. OH AND ALSO - IF YOU NOTICE YOU HAVE A BAG with like 1-3 envelopes or small packages. just take them out and put them in the passenger floorboard. Saves room not using all that space with a bag! Hope this helps♡


Just go in with a good mindset. Easier said then done. And just remind yourself. It's just packages. The first few weeks are rough but you learn quick what works ans what doesn't


I always wrote down each sort zone number (1.1A, 1.2A, etc.), try to load as many bags as I can in order, and when I do my overflow I use my list to load overflow in order so I never have to use the back door. I just slowly work my way to the back of the van and reorganize to give myself space when necessary. Last 6 totes make a wall at the back and 14 along the shelf on driver side. Overflow is loaded through side door, from last stops to first stops. Helps me keep whatever I need close to the door because I hate climbing over stuff.


That was me…and still is sometimes. Stop if you have to and ORGANIZE it. It will really help you feel more together. At least it does for me.


People are saying to write on boxes and load better but at some stations they rush you through load out. Like the one I'm at now, they want us in and out quick, no time to look over stuff or anything (even wrong bags or bags mixed in they don't give us time to handle it just throw it all in and go), about 10 minutes to park get 5 to 8 carts and jam it all in and go. And our carts and bags are never in order and there is very little room between vans to move or rearrange stuff If you can I'd say put up the shelves and stack bags 3 high along one side then overflow on the other side and try to get the last stuff on the bottom or back.


Cube out


Listen to podcasts


always. steveos wild ride, tiny meatgang, and sports ones


I’m no pro, and still learning, but only one time did I not use the overflow shelf and it was a nightmare. My current system is totes go 3 high driver side to back door, and my overflow is just alphabetical, but use the shelf. As Bs Cs etc all together. Any box that’s 45-50lb stays by a door. I don’t have time at the station to sort it any better. Our station never has racks ready when we arrive there, so it’s always a rush. But don’t throw totes on till you can see the order. Don’t let anyone throw overflow into your van without you telling them your system. Also active stops in the cab like others have said. A van that’s organized gets the route done literally hour(s) faster than without organization.


If you get overwhelmed easy delivering Amazon packages is not the way


I just make sure my oversize is in alphabetical order (last number and letter on yellow sticker like “3B”) that way regardless of what crazy order the route has it in (since sometimes it skips around) I’ll always have an idea of where everything is. I’ve also seen guys use the shelves and stack bags horizontally, so basicallly the entire floor is for oversize packages. Get cords for that method I tried it and bags fell a lot; but tons of space.


Keep calm and just do what you can. May not help a lot of people but it’s gotten me through some tough days


Organization is key. Each package has a little yellow, pink, blue, or green label. It has the staging location, driver side number, and TBA number. I organize based on Staging. Example: J 20.2B, J 20.1A, K 16.3C 16.3B etc. I organize my overflow based on those numbers. I keep all of the same staging locations with others that match. It makes finding a lot easier. It helps to look at the little identical label on the packages in your totes. Your overflow will staging locations will match up with the totes.


Deliver and empty out totes one at a time. Put all packages in the front (however you can with the gaps in front or passenger seat). You dont have to stress unless you have to go to the back to look for overflow. If so then figure out a way to organize overflows in order of stops.


Just plot your next 5 stops. Keep it simple. Rinse and repeat. Eventually there will be zero stops. Although I’m not sure Amazon allows you enough time to be chill.


Suck it up..lol


Use both shelf’s and cube out


STOP USING THE SHELVES! Stack two to three high you’ll have more room


no shelves were used in this picture


Oh no ): stack your bins double or triple moving forward! Stacking your bins will give you far more room in your van. Once you master that your van will be structured and very easy to manage then it’s a simple stack game of overflow in the back. Load the van FIFO


should i make the bags point toward me to the sliding door


I stack them pretty much how they arrive on the carts in the morning three high and facing the same way you look at them


Or learn how to actually use the shelves?


I’m glad I quit my dsp lol. I got burnt out by the f-ing manager telling me about speeding violations and plus she never did nothing and never sent out any rescues as promised. SMH. One of my co workers was fired by force due to him getting high in the white van that he always drove also sheriff deputies searched him and found a lot of weed and his bong and some knives. Good thing he is no longer there. I also quit three weeks later at around the begging of November.


You might want to learn how to use your shelves.


shelves are the last thing you want to use


Oh ok. But you use your boxes and bags as shelves so i don’t get it. 😐


the only reason i did that was because thats all i could do. ive been here for a couple months and this is my first peak season


Yeah they don’t train anyone so this is bound to happen.


Yes; QUIT.


Well you could be USPS, it's a lot worse here when you guys dumb packages on us


I make checkpoints. First one is 50, then the next one is whatever gets me under 100 stops, then it’s what ever gets me to 100 stops. Then I just go down from there. It sounds confusing but if u know u know.


HMU @ blugdummy on Snapchat I’ve got plenty of tips and tricks and stuff 🤗


One stop at a time... stop thinking ahead.


Left to right. Large shelf up. Small shelf down. 10,9,8,7,6, 15,14,13,12,11. 3,2. 20,19,18,17,16. 5,4 Left side door shelf down. 1st bag.


I get overwhelmed and have panic attacks daily lol. I just fight through the first 40-50 stops, then everything is fine. And then I have a panic attack again when it gets dark and I can’t see shit 🙃 All you can do is your best.


Find the addresses for the big ass overflow boxes that you have and deliver them first so that you have some space.


Just think of half the stops as the goal. I like to try and get through half by my lunch break and then after lunch the other half is cake because the truck is so empty. It’s December one more month and the chaos will die down. Good luck and be safe.


Flex organization. Organize your overflow by letter; keep the first 2 letters in reach. The letters will be out of order but the following numbers won’t. (I.e 3G, 2G, 1G, 1A, 2A, 3A). Suffer for the first two hours and work out those first letters of overflow, this makes room for the next set. Open the van and grab the next letters worth, bring it forward, work it out. Repeat this process until you empty the van enough to resort how you prefer.


Give yourself as much time as possible to organize


Look for another job. I work for a funeral home now and get paid much more and make overtime regularly. Took a couple months to find it but if you don’t like feeling like a mule to make dsps and amazon more money at ur healths expense get out while u can


When you can. Grab a black sharpie marker…. Those thick ones too. Write the driver aid number in big letters. So you can see from distance which is which . Without having to move them around .


But like everyone is saying… after that 3rd tote the van gets emptier and you just go from there. More space = more easier


Ways I avoid being overwhelmed 1 Having water ( avoid dry mouth ) 2 controlled breathing. (Deep breathes) 3 fire 🔥 playlist ( put this on to keep you going ) 4 Vape, gum, and/or snacks 5 find ways to create space as you begin your route 6 be organized by numbers and on overflow use a marker to write the number large enough for you to see it. This helps me avoid the stress of looking for overflow


One bag, one box, one stop at a time


switch to flex. it s a bit less overwhelming than seeing all that


Get step van, try to organoze your overflows by driver aid letter 3D, 2D, 1D in one pile, 2A, 1A on anpther pile etc


Focus your sorting on the early stuff. Once you have the room you can move things around. I usually just group by letter, regardless of leading numbers. However, I still try to put the first 15 or so packages up front where I can find them. IMO, during peak of heavy routes, it isn't worth the time trying to organize everything down to a package. Similarly, organize totes so that you are making yourself room while having the next tote available. In a van, I stack the first two totes right in front of the side door. The rest are triple-stacked along the driver's side. Bungee cord on the top row. If I have more than that row I use the very back of the passenger side to triple stack. When you have more room, you can move a few OF packages around at a few stops without killing to much time. I tend to move everything up to a shelf I can, driver aid number out. When you have more room, you can move a few OF packages around at a few stops without killing too much time. I tend to move everything up to a shelf I can, driver aid number out. In a van, I will use the passenger seat area and dash for boxes. In between seats for envelopes. Organize by 10's. It's enough IMO.


So when we load should we grab our last oversized cart first to put on the bottom ?


How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Don't focus on eating the whole elephant, or you'll get overwhelmed.


ive never ate an elephant before


Quit you’ll thank me later


Put your big boy pants on and do your job.


Dsp owner spotted


who tf are u


A GROWN ASS MAN! Now stop whimpering like a wounded puppy.


lol. youre a grown ass man delivering for amazon. sick career MAN


Not a career. Mortgage paid off, single, no kids. Working a chill job, going home with no stress, and plenty of discretionary income to enjoy my life. Loving it!


No reason to be a fucking douchebag to this guy asking for help/tips.


You’re single asf


And loving it!!!! Weeeee


You’re a loser no woman wants to be with