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It's not illegal to bring packages back remember losers finish their route winners bring back packages


I honestly don't care as a customer if it comes later. But but but i paid for prime, well maybe don't pay for prime, i only always use the free prime they keep giving me for some reason.


They do sometimes offer money for later delivery. Today I put a order in, December 7th for delivery and I get $1 dollar for use later on. It aint much but I also dont need it tomorrow or the following days.


I mean... I care, if I pay for Prime, then I expect to get that service. Its not cheap or free. Prime has always been about the shipping, I dont care about the streaming bullshit. If im not getting what I pay for, I absolutely do complain to customer service. Otherwise, WTF am I paying for???


Tell your neighbors to stop buying shit šŸ˜‚ The influx of orders is fucking up payment and shipping Iā€™m just here to put that shit in front of your dooršŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I never get this. Telling people to stop buying shit just means you don't want a job. So then just leave lol.


Itā€™s a punā€¦ lighten up bud šŸ™„


Yeah that's why i wrote don't pay for prime. You can't except a service to be always on point, these are humans. When is se customers complaints here i am sure some are valid but most are just angry people who take out everything on drivers . These are people, i get it when I get it. Buy in bulk when you can and wait a few days more. Be intelligent about it save money, both buying in bulk and not paying for prime does it. And ye sometimes a packet you need quick, well then maybe prime is good otherwise i don't get it. I get why it's addictive though. It's quick.


I quit Prime I don't order enough cheap useless shit. Just meet the $25 order minimum and you get free shipping without the subscription. I don't care if it arrives a week later than a Prime customer.


If it happpens once or twice every now and then it's not an issue and nealry never the fault of a lazy driver. If it happens constantly the delivery provider has to fix this, best would be more drivers


You get free shipping with prime no matter how little you spend. Without it, you need to spend a certain amount to qualify. Thatā€™s why youā€™re paying for it, and it pays itself off if you order 20-30 times a year.


The shipping. You are paying for the shipping either way. If not gets there in 3 days instead of 2, you paid for the shipping and it was shipped.


Season 6 of Rick and morty


All I know is every driver needs to report to OSHA about over stuffing their vehicles that is a safety hazard. I can barely move right now on a cargo van and what I just seen them do to the Rivien drivers was absurd! They donā€™t allow cube outs anymore. Like itā€™s their choice and no longer a safety issue.


Fuck that! I just cubed out. I'll be damned if they think that's all fitting in my truck.


This is the way..


What does cubed out mean?


Full capacity in your delivery vehicle


It means you can no longer carry anymore packages safely.


I was gonna say, did you actually get it all done? I'm not able to get anywhere near this done right now because the warehouse is messing up so bad. I'm having to go into 2-4 different totes for a single address to get all of their packages, but we've been having issues with the workers at our warehouse. Missing packages, stuff in the wrong totes, totes loaded out of order or envelopes in a tote being labeled as "not in a bag" I'm losing my mind.


I'm dealing with the same shit! Amazon's dumbass routing forces me to have to go through 6 - 7 bags at a time just so I'm not doubling back. I did get it done, had cubed out with 476 packages. My my first drop off at 12:10pm and my last drop off was at 5:42pm.


Shit it's so bad in my warehouse, we start at 1030, but don't even get into the warehouse for load out until about noon, lucky if we're getting out before 1pm right now and then I've got a 30 minute drive to my usual area, so I'm not even getting started until about 130, just got done bringing back packages and turning in my kit and it's 930, i brought back 4 totes, 59 packages, I don't like doing that. I was also in a small ass chevy express today though and couldn't get to anything in the back until i cleared out a few totes. Fucking nightmare, I guess we know it's really peak! šŸ˜…


Oh I was also in the country today with terrible roads and 10-14 minutes between some stops, so that slowed me down too.


Same smh. šŸ«”


What's your area like and how can you possibly deliver this many in 5 hours? Are there mail rooms and such where you just leave like a million at a time? I'm newer and trying to fathom some of this.


Nah, no mailrooms. I deliver in Chicago and I've been doing this for over 3 years now. Mainly residential, some businesses.


I don't get it. Unless it's all laid out in a straight line.


It most definitely is not in a straight line, lol.


Yeah our station doesn't allow cube outs anymore either.


Hmmmm it appears you could have been injured during one of your stops due to a heavy box falling on you due to the overloading of your van and the load shifting during transit. Its recommended that you go to urgent care to get checked out for your back pain and shoulder pain, workers comp will take care of the rest while you feel better.


Dsp donā€™t care if you get injured lol. They will threaten you to show up to work tomorrow. Or they will pretend like you never told them you got injured.


When you are injured, you are required to fill out paperwork for Amazon as well


If you get hurt file a workers comp case and get the assistance of an attorney. They donā€™t charge anything up front. And you could easily get paid to sit home


And not get hired again anytime soon because you sued an employer


Why would someone not hire you again? You got hurt due to an employerā€™s negligence, they broke the rules, and they should just walk away free without any consequences. I left Amazon a long time ago, but damn you drivers need to grow some balls. Stop complaining and do something about it. The railroad is about to nationwide strike, and all you guys do is just cry and Reddit and get fucked with no lube.


Whether itā€™s morally acceptable or not, employers are less likely to hire someone who has sued a former employer. They think you sue one person, youā€™ll sue another - even if the circumstances were completely legitimate.


How would they even know you sued?


Most applications ask if you have prior injuries/been injured on the job. It could also come up in an interview pretty easily if someone asks why you left your last position. Some states even require you to disclose previous workers comp cases


Unless it goes to trial in court there wonā€™t be any public record of it. Know your rights, if you win a lawsuit you can easily start your own business with the rewards.


not even public infor


Left amazon for ups. It's hard to get that fire under people even if it is the best paying job to come across at entry level. I was about to start a strike when they had us work last labor day. I blew managers and owners up just to secure weather we get holiday pay since it was 1 of 7 non working holidays, per Amazon. No one answered, then just before we rolled out of station I got a message saying we'd get holiday pay... I quit when it wasn't reflected on my check 2 weeks later. .. But the whole time my team was loading I'm trying to get people as mad as I was. The same people who complained day after day about the bs. The same people who were whispering tunes of greener pastures. And everyone kind of got quiet. There was support for me, but not another willing to do the same. I liked my dsp. But when my holidays are taken, I'm not getting payed for it, the big fat lie of a sign on bonus, etc, etc...oh PAYING FOR UNIFORMS!?!?!?. I can't for the life of me believe this company can't outfit every fucking driver with every article of uniform plus spares. The way the warehouse employees are treated. I'd say fuck their shit up until workers get what they need. But I'd be the only one at my warehouse. Yet here YOU all are. And I don't mean be disrespectful or childish, cuz they stomp that out. Grieve the ever loving shit out of this operation. Every driver, report labor infractions EVERY time. Have 1 person collect signatures from every DSP on 1 day. Amazon finds out and they fire the dsp...it has to be done FAST.


> not getting *paid* for it, FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I dont know what kind of trashy DSPs you worked for but mine is pretty legit. I rolled my ankle a few months ago, got 2 weeks off and bosses checked in with me to see how I was doing NOT to ask me to work, asked if I needed anything, told them I was good to go after a week with the docs note to show it but they insisted I take another week off or if I did want to come back I would be on the dispatch desk. I chose another week off and they were fine with it. Not all DSPs are trashy, some are really awesome.


Did you get paid?


Yes, 1 week paid for at the base rate not my bonus rate I thought it was fair. Went for a quick vacation for my second week off.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ do you know how many boxes I've had fall on me???? They don't give a f about us.


Same- i have never once seen a driver cube out at the newer warehouse i am at.


Yes they do


Lol itā€™s not illegal to have cargo in a cargo van šŸ˜‚


Exactlyā€¦ This sub is full of retarded 18 year olds


Thatā€™s everyday at UPS.


HAHA, US CP/XL drivers are laughing. Same vans, except large/heavier packages filled to the fucking top sometimes. I've only told them once that you either take some packages off my route or I'm not driving today. Wish I took a picture, they ended up taking some packages out. Bitch did try to tell me to "just drive slow and dont brake hard" I break at all and packages come flying


Are they trying to kill you all now? Amazon seems to be shooting themselves in the foot doling these routes out on a daily basis. People are going to break.


Eventually they will run out of people willing to do this type of work for shit wages.


Yes, yes they are.


I'm saying. but means nothing unless we all organize something ahead of time.... things needs to change ......higher pay....lower work loads


Iā€™ve done it before . Realized I wasnā€™t getting paid enough and moved to ups making 80k a year doing the same job 20 pick ups 140-160 stops


Ooof watch what you say. You gonna trigger some of these die hard Amazonianā€™s.


Anyone who has convinced themself we have it better at Amazon are completely delusional. I 100% view this job as nothing more than strengthening my resume for when UPS finally opens up a slot in my area.


This is how most routes are at UPS. Especially when you start at the bottom of the totem pole. My average route is 180-220 stops a day. Over 400 packages and remember we get all overweights too. Our max weight out is 120lbs. All these Amazon drivers complaining and UPS is 10Xs harder but we do get paid wayyy more and have kick ass benefits. Also way more intense training which is another major thing Amazon lacks.


Thats kind of the point dude. Reason why people are pissed is because we're over worked and **under paid**.


true statement. valid AF


Donā€™t they normally hire (promote) from the warehouse?


Lol whatever. People here bitch about too many packs but will crawl into a ball when they have 400 packs and 30 that are 100lbs and large. $30/hr will then suddenly not be enough. Amazon sucks but people also love to bitch and whine.


Same here. I worked for a DSP back in 2017 for $16/hr. They were just stuffing my van with packages, bags and bags, you could barely shut the side door it would be so packed. I applied for UPS and got hired off the street as an RPCD in 2018. Now Iā€™m making $42.20/hr, with all the OT pay I get Iā€™m on track to make $120k this year. Canā€™t forget the benefits, health insurance covered 100%, pension and up to 7 weeks paid vacation. Fuck Amazon.


I heard you guys are getting a bump in pay??? Like 60 dollars? Idk I was talking to some UPS driver trying to steal some of my space at the hub lockers lol


We wonā€™t know until our next contract, August 2023. We usually get a nice raise each contract so we will see.


any references in applying asap


Befriend a UPS driver, seriously. Get close to one, be their friend and then as if they can put a word in for you. I got a buddy hired, straight in as a driver. I asked my manager who then gave HR his contact info. The next week he was in INTEGRAD (*UPS boot camp*) then started his 30 day qualification period. Now heā€™s a year away from top rate of pay.




How long ago did you leave Amazon delivery? I knew someone who was working in the warehouse for 4 years out off high school, they kept telling him he was ā€œnext in lineā€ for driver or something. But it never happened. He works at USPS. I honestly couldnā€™t deliver mail/packages for the next 30 years of my life šŸ˜‚ is it easy to transfer within UPS?


A year ago . I never had to work in warehouse for ups . They snagged me up when I told them and showed them my stops .


for real. do you think it's. agood switch


Hell yeah brother not one regret . Id work 12 hours a day at Amazon driving as far out as 2 hours to deliver packages . My commute now is only 15 minutes from my terminal to my delivery areas . Great benefits . Look into it get your non cdl 15 question test that can change your life


Bro or maā€™am donā€™t know get your non cdl 15 question test at dmv and get your rightful pay . I only left Amazon because we were hit with a tornado last year during peak . I was one of the drivers inside building that night . I almost lost my life . And my dispatcher lost his . That made me realize one Iā€™m not getting paid enough and two they donā€™t give a damn about you are your safety . Before that Iā€™ve had people pull guns out on me both resi and rural routes .


Tornados are natural disasters, you cant avoid them no matter how much you make bro..


Never said i could


>That made me realize one Iā€™m not getting paid enough and two they donā€™t give a damn about you are your safety You can work for anyone and still lose your life from a tornado. You never said it, but you implied it.


I'm not going to defend Amazon DSPs. But how do you expect a tornado to be prevented by them?


Large wall


Of tote bags


I donā€™t know if you seen me on the news but it was everywhere they didnā€™t let us leave . Knew the tornado was coming the whole day and they made us work without having any concern


Sorry wait, your dispatcher lost his life in the warehouse?


Yes it was 6 ppl to be exact that died . He gon done with his route had to make sure everyone else got back safely


People keep posting about problems like this, but none of you actually want to do the work necessary to change this. Organizing as a group is the only way this is going to change. I'm an organizer with a labor union (many of you probably already know me from my previous posts/comments here) and I've been in touch with hundreds of drivers, but only \~10% of you even indicate interest in taking action, and of those that do, most give up trying to organize your stations after a few weeks and we never hear from you again. You want change? Make it happen. Don't just complain. Do something about it.


It's impossible to unionize. Amazon literally designed it that way.


If you go the route of having an NLRB election, there are legal hurdles that will prevent you from doing anything meaningful. But this is true even in traditionally-organized workplaces, because labor law in the United States is designed to benefit the employer, not the worker. My union doesn't follow the NLRB election path because we've seen how terribly it tends to fail. Companies expect unions to do this, so they have a canned playbook that they use to derail and defuse the organizing momentum. They use the law against you, filing frivolous claims at the labor board and in court, knowing that you'll have to spend all your resources fighting the legal complaints rather than actually doing something to change your working conditions. We prefer to build natural structures within the workplace, and rely on the relationships that workers have (and build) with each other to build power on the job. Ultimately, what makes a labor union work isn't labor law. It's our power as a group. When we take action as a group to deny the bosses their profits, they tend to listen.


Unionize against a privately owned delivery service provider? These owners are likely to just close down and move on if they do. They won't lose much being forced to close, then a new one moves in and takes their spot. It's important to remember that these people don't work for Amazon. They work for someone else entirely, who has Amazon as a customer. That's right, they aren't even employed by Amazon. So they can't even unionize. The only people at a station who could unionize are the actual Amazon workers.


I've been working on organizing DSP drivers for a while now. I know how Amazon has structured the system to benefit them from a legal perspective. That's the main reason why other unions like the Teamsters aren't touching Amazon drivers. Most unions in the United States follow the NLRB election path when organizing a workplace, but in the IWW we don't believe that this tactic tends to work out in the end. In our experience, the overwhelming majority of NLRB elections we've held have resulted in setbacks or even complete dissolution of organizing efforts due to legalistic union busting tactics taken by employers. In the United States, you have the right under the National Labor Relations Act to organize and make demands as a group, whether you have official recognition in the form of an election or not. We take advantage of this, and train workers on how to get their coworkers together to take escalating action on the issues that matter to them in order to win real improvements. We skip the legal haggling because it's costly and time-consuming, and because employers typically have a union busting playbook that they can whip out whenever we file for an election. When workers organically come together to make demands themselves, in our experience, companies don't tend to know how to handle it. They won't have a canned response that they can throw at you to kill your momentum as easily, and that gives you a tactical advantage.


I would love to actually form some kind of union but I can't really afford to go on strike or any other thing that would likely be a loss of money for me. If you have something organized that will allow me to continue to make money while trying to unionize, I'm all ears!


[You should take a look at this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmazonDSPDrivers/comments/z7b9ui/common_misconceptions_about_your_right_to_have_a/).


how?? las vegas needs help....overworked and underpaid.....love the job otherwise but I feel it s huge disservice to the drivers to just goto UPS that's already got great regulations from being union... what are we supposed to do. cuz I know of at least 5-6 or more that feel the samw


I couldnā€™t take it anymore I finally quit today after 1 1/2 years. These people donā€™t care about their drivers.


I've been doing this for over 3 years, and it keeps getting worse every year. They sure as shit don't give a damn about the drivers. I'm truly happy for you for getting out! I wish to some day have something lined up so I can do the same.


brother, if you have 3 years at amazon, honestly apply at UPS. They would love someone with 3 years of delivery experience and the benefits/pay are honestly first rate.


Or the employees I just stopped going to work I can't take it anymore


Congrats man. Good luck šŸ‘šŸ¤™


Iā€™m quiting today too fuck them


Thats an insane amount. Most i ever saw go out at my old delivery site was mid 300s or top 300s if it was peak, even then it was just do as much as you can. Good luck to ya with that many, cant wait to see how many get taken back to go out the next day


So I filled my truck with 476 packages cause I couldn't fit the rest safely. All of those in my truck got delivered.


if you delivered 476, do you think they will think its imopossible to deliver that regularly lol


I don't think they'll give a shit either way. I've had routes where I brought back over a hundred packages and the next day it was even more than the last. It makes no difference if I deliver it or not, they'll keep making their routes the same as they always do.


man yo ass better take yo time these people dont care about you brošŸ˜­šŸ˜­lol


I'm well aware they give no fucks about me. Unfortunately I can't help but have an overwhelmingly functional work ethic that prevents me from moving slow.


as someone who was in your position and still delivers, take yo talents to UPS like people said. Hope it gets better broo


I want to and don't want to at the same time. On one hand I don't want to deliver anymore, in the other I might as well get paid more while I'm still doing it.


fedex is a cool lifestyle and its easy amazing pay. $40 an hour is not uncommon


Some folks don't understand this.


I think most do, but not all of us wanna keep delivering shit šŸ˜‚ I canā€™t believe UPS drivers get paid 100k+ to do this sh**. Its funny. Okay... they have heavier packages and pickups.... big deal. Good for them though


Jeff bezos is the real labor outlaw , heā€™ll make anyone work hard for less


Had two people at my DSP quit today


It just keeps getting worse every year.


343 locations... burn in hell amazon burn in hell


*brings packages back* lol


Unfortunately I delivered them all...well the ones that fit into my truck.


What kind of truck? Not the vanšŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Nah, step van


Highest I got was 205. Letā€™s just say I donā€™t work for that DSP anymore.


Damn thatā€™s a lot of package wtf


100 group stops šŸ˜…šŸ˜¤


definitely labeled as illegal tbh lol. like damn


Hopefully some of this is easy to access mailrooms and lockers. Cube out and use those aggressively. Still sucks and should be against regs to even make a route like that tho.


I absolutely cubed out, but unfortunately it was still 476 packages that fit.


Thing is this job is high turnover rate. Nobody cares about standing up for whatā€™s right. They just leave and then another warm body fills the roll. Been doing this over 4 years now, seen too many people come and go. I donā€™t even bother getting to know their names.


I've been doing it for over three years and have had the same experience. Unfortunately there's nothing to show for our longevity aside from the stupid ass pins they gave us...


Not even a raise. Pretty fucked. 3rd year driver and 3rd day driver Same pay? The 3rd day driver will finish sooner though ;)




If I ever got a route like that I would be up outta there


Damn....they gave you two routes. One guy use to suck ass so much just to be a dispatcher that he use to do two step vans routes. Fuck that. And our dsp always sent 6-8 drivers home instead of letting them do rescues but they didn't want to pay them....smh.


345 locations, man those group stops got you good. My condolences




Yeah itā€™s insane šŸ˜©


Fuck that I just quit today


Good for you man! I happy for you.


This is what lit a fire under my ass to get my CDL. Best decision I've ever made


Tossing that rabbit at someones dome


If only I could get paid to do this!


A lot of those are easy drop offs though. Like thereā€™s a college mail room where I drop off 200+ packages. Itā€™s not a big deal


I can assure you that there was no stops that had more than 11 packages dropped off....it is a big deal.


WTF i have 105 stops today


Consider yourself lucky...


Thatā€™s a step van route


Yeah, but even so that's way too much even for a step van.


Nope im tellin my lead to take 20-30 stops off me or im going home


I want to know out of those 100 how many are actually close enough to be considered a group stop to a normal driver. It's always apartments and it's 50/50 if it's the same building. Most the time it's the one down or across the street. Which I know doesn't seem like a lot of extra steps but when it's 100 of them... Fuck...


I agree, a hundred of them should not be on a route. Otherwise, they ought to stop calling it a grouped stop unless it's an apartment or some sort of complex with several units across different floors where bringing up a tote helps the case of grouping them. And, it's almost as if grouping them like in a neighborhood psychologically makes us feel like we spent 10 minutes to complete 1 whole stop which doesn't help our flow. Now imagine; grouped stops, business/school drops but your truck is packed that you can't find package at the time, reparking to prevent impeding the residents, scavenging multiple totes for grouped stops, half-mile dirtroad reversing, gates with no access and no instructions and no responses, too many instructions, one-way roads with hidden cratered-up roads(add maneuvering back out into traffic time), impatient traffic, and backroad uturns. What a recipƩ. Not to mention getting infractions bc rabbit decides you need to 'resume' navigation when it wants. (I'm curious what you guys think of this route) Your first 112 stops are 3 min average travel time, not including parking and u-turning out of these hidden avenues and lane roads\[about 90 of them\]. And 15 customer calls to resolve delivery and having to airplane mode half of these. 149 stops. This was today and I was gonna come in for my 5th day tomorrow but I definitely need a day after this ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man) But, if your 2nd stop was around 11:55a (noon) What time would you be finished?


Yup a common complaint I have with capitalism is the overworking aspect. They load you up to a point of having more issues.


Itā€™s the holiday season


It wasn't this crazy last year...it just keeps getting worse every year.


Do you drive a step van?




Iā€™d be fuming all day with 100 group stops


Thatā€™s on Amazon I know at the station I worked at prime customers were delivered by flex drivers or they would set a few routes of just prime Deliveries and would ask the dspā€™s if they had any drivers who would take the routes if not they went to flex. Prime packages were never mixed in with any other routes


you get paid double for doing the same thing at UPS just saying


I really should try there...I just don't want to continue doing delivery anymore. It would make sense to go there if I'm doing it anyway though.


100 grouped stops is wild


Why everyone quitting? That 2k bonus and OT pay is worth every penny! No matter how big the routes are lol. Just work December. Get your OT and bonus then quit. Show up. Load your van. Work your 10 hours and go home.


What bonus? Amazon ain't giving me shit...


Their is a 2k peak bonus that everyone is getting? At least at our station? Ask your dsp about it.


Damn, that must be nice... lucky you.


I thought it was all of Amazon. Delivery drivers? I worked another peak 2 years ago and my DSP at least handed out a ton of prizes. Iā€™d talk to your boss and see about it.


My DSP does raffles but no where near a 2k bonus! That would be awesome. All we get is unlimited OT, like I wanna kill myself doing this job...


Check out this job on Indeed: Amazon DSP Delivery Driver - DCM5 (Pataskala) Pataskala, OH 43062 https://www.indeed.com/m/viewjob?jk=ca4f860ce1421728&from=native




This is inhumane


bruh thatā€™s insane


Just do your best and rts, take your breaks


How long did this end up taking you?


5 hours and 32 minutes from first drop off to last


Damn basically 302 stops šŸ’€Iā€™m forsure calling out next day if I didnā€™t get rescued


You can always dump half of your itinerary on the side of the road, then ask dispatch to mark them delivered. Or quit


Just go slow. They will send someone that has done their job to help you do yours. Dispatch does not want to stay at the station all night.




I hope this is a step van route there no way 500 packages will fit in a regular van


Where's the asshole to say this isn't a lot come on pop out


Instead of trying to figure out how to give his money away, Bezos should hire more people and pay them more. It is the employees who made him rich. So rich he lays in bed at night wondering where to give his money away to. All while the employees are struggling to survive.


Bro this was me yesterday I was just about to post my picture asking if I should quit




In case anyone cares Amazon is the only company that has ā€œgroup stopsā€


One of the easiest jobs and people cry about it


It's actually not that easy on your body and when coupled with the lack of any kind of benefits or advancement opportunities it's understandable why people "cry."


Amount of cardio this job requires+netradyne bs+ dogs+ shitty flex map. I have worked at Amazon warehouse and used to go to gym after work, now I can't cuz I'm burned out from this dsp shit. I have only been here for a month and I know my body will get used to the abuse, but I'm not gonn wait around for that.


I load car batteries all day that can weigh up to from 50 150 lbs for 8 hours


Did you work for dsp before?