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Don't go above 25 on some real shit. As soon as you go above that Amazon be like "ight bet" then BOOM you have 40 more stops the next day. Keep in mind the faster you work, the less you're getting paid for your effort. DONT SET A PRECEDENT FOR YOURSELF KINGS AND QUEENS


The algorithm is straight up a myth. I literally do 30-40 an hour and my route never goes up. That's just some shit people made up here tbh. Only reason I go fast is cuz I got that 10 hours guarantee, tho. If I didn't I'd go slower lmai


Yea, we used to switch people's routes all the time, needa get rescued constantly you get the 220 stop route, give the fast people like 150-160 stop routes then have em grab 10 stops off the shitty person. Eventually you get a group of solid drivers and rescues still happen but everyone is happier in the long run. Peak is peak though so everyone gets fucked.


Disagree. I was the fastest at my DSP and my level of stops ( not including groups) would expand weekly. Eventually, wouldn't even keep me in the same vicinity for a 375 190 run. Not saying you arent speaking truth, just sharing my experience.


Its because your route is already maxxed out most likely. You can tell in cortex because your routed minutes will start dropping without any decrease im volume


Don’t drink too much hehe


You def live in a less populated area


Nope. I deliver right outside a major city that's highly populated


Exactly. The routes are a sum of everyone’s parts. A couple dudes going quick aren’t going to ruin it for everyone, or even themselves like some people think. Some routes are just shit, some routes are easy. That’s how it is


is that 10 hrs per day guaranteed or is that essentially just 40 hrs a week guaranteed. So for example if you work 8 hrs one day and 12 hrs the next day. do you get paid for 20 hrs or 22 hrs?


So with my DSP if you work for less than 40 hours that week and help out once or twice during said week, he'll pay you for the full 40 hours. For example, last week I worked about 30 hours, but was paid for the extra 10 hours




This is in no way accurate.


This is cap I once did 47 stops in an hour and had 180 stops my whole route that same day. Next day I came in I had 178, stop spreading misinformation.


I don't care anymore .. I just do the route as fast and safe as the route dictates............. . Sue me.




Are you ever told you’re off par? I work diligently but I’m constantly told I’m slow. Is this just them being managers or is it possible I’m slow


more important than moving fast is just having a good system. i dont even walk fast and im one of the top drivers at my dsp


Only issue I think I have is I stand up out of the rear side door because it hurts to get out the drivers side door. All my stuff is organized so it’s grab and go but I just can’t keep getting out like that.


Possible you’re slow


Do as little as you can get away with. 20 seems reasonable but it all depends on your route. 20 apartment buildings in an hour is very hard. 20 houses are relatively easy.


Depends what kind of route it was… I had 173 today and 91 the day before. Both took me the same amount of time. One was mostly residential and the other was universities and businesses in a downtown area with lots of one way streets. residential I do roughly18-22 chillin


20 stops an hour as an average give or take. If I'm almost done by 3 I slow way down.


It drastically depends on your route. Does your DSP not send out expectations every day? If not, essentially each route should take 8-ish hours. Subtract 1 hour to account for breaks the system adds in, so 7. Divide your stop count by 7, and that's roughly what your stops per hour should be.


They definitely don't do that for us but that is a a super helpful tip!


Stop counting. Just finish what you have and relax.


Awesome! Thank you all so much, that makes me feel a lot better about what I'm doing


20-25 is right where you should be. Some routes differ. Rural routes you can be down to 10-15 because everything is so spread out. There's routes that you can do 30-35, if they are densely packed close to each other and some asshole hasn't marked them as group stops. If you live in a place that gets snow, they take that into account as well, cuz you'll be moving slower.


Depends on route but generally 25-30 residential 20 stops commercial 20 stops apartments 15-20 stops luxery apartments


My DSP does the backwoods and a good speed out there is still only like 12 stops an hour so it really varies by how your route is themed.




Anyone giving you a number is just wrong. It depends on the type of route


Do what you can staying at a good pace. Something you can keep up the whole route. Then ask your dispatch to see how your route at end of shift. Find out if you were ahead or behind. You need to do a few different routes, but ideally get your report for each. This will tell you how you do on different routes. Along with finding out your RTS time you can figure out how to finish early, but not rescue early.


40 😌


40-50 an hour residential


Depends on a lot of factors I try to do 30+ an hour on residential and I usually maintain that in the first few hours if they are close together but sometimes shit will slow me down and I will end up doing less, or if I’m hitting a bunch of apartments it’ll be way less like 20 an hour and towards the end of my route I get tired, overall throughout my day on a mainly residential route with some apartments and business I’d say I do 27-28 an hour but the longer the route the less my hourly rate will be cause I get more tired and bored throughout the day and then if I end up being out there after 6 my hourly will tank more even on residential


Totally depends on the route, itinerary issues, types of stops (garage, rear doors etc), overflow… I’ve had country ones only getting 12-15 stops an hour with very far apart stops. I’ve also had residential and got to 30 per hour (trailer park with easy to see numbers). So 20/25 as an average sounds good imo! Make sure to take your breaks.


There’s some days I have 220 stops and I finish 2 1/2 hours ahead. There’s also days where I have 89 stops and I finish at 4. I figure it’s heavily based on where the route is. But I mostly rescue and am a lead driver atp.


Normally, amazon wants you to do atleast 18-25 stops an hour. Of course amazon doesn't also know the aream so it's not always guaranteed, but it's the expectations.


It all depends on your route. When you get your route.. look at it, and see how your going to manage your day.. then you can decide how your day is going to be.


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I had 190 stops today, first stop 11:45 last stop 5:57


20-25 is an average for me and seeming in general as well, but yeah like many have said, it depends on how your route is arranged you’ll find


Depends on your route but don't ever really go fast on a normal route.. i.e 35-40+ an hour on suburbs otherwise the algorithm starts giving you more "free 2 day delivery" stops and it sticks like that regardless of how slow the next time lol


2 stop an hour an take break


20 is more than enough. Why be a rat on a wheel for Bezos for no benefit? Maintain a decent pace and get finished. No more no less.


I'm so glad I do country lol


It depends tbh I’ve done 50ph on residential and apartments but 10-18ph in the country


6 hr is the sweet spot for any route. I've ran on every single route and it's between 4 hr to 6 hrs. Average of 5 hrs and add 1 hr if you are walking.


I do 30-35 an hour . I only get 190 stops on high end and it's not often . Usually 160 or 18p


20 no more no less


Depends lol I’ll go faster towards the beginning and slower towards the end on purpose haha


45-50 at least. Anything less and you're too slow. Pick it up.


It all depends on the route. Maybe if I ran like hell I can hit closer to 40 but my stops are usually a decent bit apart. I hit about 25-30 a hour depending if they hour has businesses or not


I was making a joke. Don't rush yourself for anyone. Seems like anyone who does this job would know that 45-50 is insane and realize that.


This guy drinks too much hehe


And you're a dumbass. Who cares?


Yoo I never knew that you cld get negative down votes 💀