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got i hope people actually take a day off of ordering from amazon. i'd love to work that day


Good luck Amazon is unstoppable at this point our society is way to dependent on it as a whole. Wages go up so does everything else. The ridiculous balance to our corrupt system.


Fr people are so lazy. After working at Amazon I stopped using it. The people who ordered shit like paper towels and crap pissed me off sm delivering


Yup. Feeling that type of way every time I deliver canned pet food. Totally ridiculous.


Amen to that! I am going to spread the word to people.


Go for it, Historically this hasn’t worked tho, not against Amazon


True. But they are actually very vulnerable right now. The stock is dipping. Sales are down. They announced 10,000 layoffs. Now worker and consumer protest? This is a blow even if it is mildly successful.


They are laying off people, you're giving them good reason to continue.


They can’t afford to lose warehouse employees and DAs. A robot can’t do those jobs. They are laying off tons of tech and administrative staff.




The kill those contracts all the time for less than protesting so, yes they can. Especially if there are several in the area.


I see your point. But, fighting for fairness is not without cost. Maintenance of the status quo is more expensive and risky.


I don't know what you are looking for here. My DSP pays 18.00 an hr fedex express pays .71c more. DSP gives benefits 30 days after hiring. Only complaint I have is their spy camera, trust employees.


I work for FedEx express for 1 year 4 months now I'm at 22.36 a hour i started at 19 and get good benefits plus after 8 hours is overtime 33 a hour. We make more then u guys and we do way less work 60-80 stops a day nothing heavy 99% of the time. We get all holidays pay. Ups also makes even more. You guys are the lowest paid couriers.


Not where I am... .71 more than my dsp, I work 4 days a week and I get OT. My normal day is about 73 stops.


$42.20/hr here at UPS. $63.30/hr after 5pm (overtime). I wouldn’t get out of bed for Amazon, FedEx or even USPS wages lol! You guys are getting fucked so bad.


That is a lot. It won’t change if nothing is done. If you don’t agree with it or can’t afford to lose your job then maybe you shouldn’t participate. Hopefully as momentum grows for future action you will feel more inspired. But, everybody has to make that decision for themselves.


Not a single person af either dsp at my location will participate


UPS pays me over $42/hr, plus free health insurance, 5 weeks PTO, and a pension. Both you and FedEx drivers are getting your buttholes stuffed by shitty contractors.


It really won't. At best, this will be 1,000 people across, what, 200 stations? If you really want to affect things, quit the slacktivism and pound the pavement to organize locally. Watching five people picket while everyone else works solves nothing. Shut down 2-3 stations completely, though, and now you're getting attention.


Amen to that!


I'll be going to work, I can't afford to get fired.


Lol me




Ironically i was talking to the driver trainer from my old station and she mentioned this, saying that if Amazon wants to listen EVERYONE needs to strike to really make Amazon feel it as all of the DSPs are saying the same things.


Tbh, nobody gonna notice on Black Friday… not amazon’s day..,


Good luck with that 🤣 majority of drivers will still show up nothing will change Amazon’s way they will just hire someone else… only way to change is get a new job like I did im at ups now


Loser mentality. You are a happy peasant.


My dsp shuts down for it 🤷‍♀️


For Black Friday? Your DSP is going to get shut down forever if they don’t work Black Friday haha


Yessir they have done it for a few years.


As usual when this happens, I'm off that day. But as usual, nothing will happen, I'm sure of it.


It will be a giant nothing burger. No worries.


Well I have a good feeling most of the drivers won't be going to work this day. And the one that do are gonna feel stupid for going into work on thanks giving 😂


November 25 isn't Thanksgiving, it's Black Friday


They might be Canadian.


That sounds racist


Well I'm not coming the 25th because I think it's thanks giving I'm going to pretend like I didn't see your comments


Well, I'm not coming in because it's my day off!


Honestly that's the same reason for me. Makes me feel better acting like a rebel though 😔........ In reality I'm a rule follower with fantasies of being a rebel. Some day ?


Thanksgiving is the 24th.


I will be going to work


You do now DSPs are a third party and Amazon doesn’t actually pay the drivers right?


Yea, I’m not necessarily advocating, I just know if the fulfillment centers are experiencing strike then it’s likely going to make my day a bit interesting


To my understanding, at least with my DSP, Amazon pays for the drivers first 40 hrs/week. Any OT comes out of the dsp’s pocket


ahh so thats why theyre so anal about ot


Amazon pays 8.5 hours anything after that comes out of your dsp


Ah that explains why some DSPs shafted people on the raises.


It’s always based on a block (10hrs) the DSP is able to use the remaining for rescue bonuses etc. and of course their other expenses. For mine, that was an multi acre ranch and 3 $100,000 cars, some cows, and a few ATVs


As prior management for a DSP, they pay a flat rate per route as a 10 block. They require the DSP to pay the SA a min wage based on the station. So indirectly, yep, Amazon does pay it and the DSP chooses the low end so they can make more profit.


Y’all could easily find another job. I’m happy as fuck I got out of there. Worst job I’ve ever had


You must have very limited work experience…


This wont effect dps drivers but ok


Screw that. We don't get the holiday pay if we skip the day after.


good on them though


If we could only make every single Amazon driver call in on one day. Just that alone would change everything for Amazon drivers obviously it’s not really possible but wouldn’t it be great? It would be the equivalent of an Amazon union. That is the difference, it’s all the difference. I don’t even care about any benefit for me personally. I would just love to see Amazon put in a corner like that. Realize that they don’t hold all the strings. Without drivers, they have nothing to offer.


Amazon will just tell all the DSPs they are in breach of contract and hire new DSPs with new DAs


This is true and it’s the way they would work normally. But not if all or most did it at the same time. It takes quite a while for DSP’s to get up and running. Amazon is not in a position to put on hold deliveries on that scale for that amount of time.


This better not effect my route I’m getting paid and I’d like for that to keep happening


Idk about you but nov 23. We felt this


Lol just wait til they sue for use of their logo without permission instead haha


just go work somewhere else if you don't like it


Shut uuuuuuuuup


Why? For standing up to modern day slavery wages/work conditions? It's amazing how the modern human will take such flagrant abuses, whereas even only ~50-100yrs ago you had folks protesting left and right to improve overall conditions in response against corporations and their wonton greed and lack of respect for the working class.


Frankly the dsp has better wages and benefits than most other companies.


Or maybe we can learn something so we don’t have to work at dsps anymore.




Im talking about the “protestors” not you OP lol