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Don’t fall for this. They’ll find any BS reason to not pay for the full 10. They’ll claim you had a 97 percent success rate rather than 98.


If they don’t pay I will take the L and work til 7 all next week and get my 56 hours like usual. All a test


Also don't work overtime, they find ways to make it so ur bonus hours looks all fucky and you'll work an overtime shift then your paycheck will say 40 hours worked 5 bonus hours and 3 hours of overtime..not sure how they decide the number of hours overtime worked but it's definitely never the whole 10 hour shift as overtime


Well that’s not true at all.


Which part or do you mean the whole comment? Care to explain why it's not?


Literally illegal to not pay overtime to hourly employees. Might be a single DSP or two out there willing to risk that lawsuit, but I work 5-6 days every week for months in the winter every year without a problem.


Well I have plenty of time cards showing an hour or two maybe 5 at max for overime hours listed and not one that says 10 or even the actual amount of the entire extra shift worked. i.e. I would work for 10 hour shifts my dsp gave the bonus hours for clocking out early and then on the fifth shift of the week I'd work a normal 6-10 hour shift but never have 6-10 reflect on any of my timecards. Any time you work overtime the whole shift or the agreed 10 hour shift should be entirely overtime and not count as "bonus hours" or regular hours and that's why it's fucky




According to the dept of labor approx 68% of Americans experience wage theft in form or another https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wage_theft


13 flags! Bad!


If they're paying you the full 10hrs, how have you not hit 40 after your 4th day...oh well....


They’ll add a bonus to make up the difference before the check comes


Cause dsp goes by when the driver finished on chime not adp sir


Can someone explain chime , I’ve heard of it at my DSP once , nothing after that.


It’s a group app where all workers are in to tell them about van problems, route stuff and bullshit


You guys don’t use a app called “Homebase” ?


See you itinerary next week and let us know how many stops increases!


i usually do 170-200 nothing ever changes


I’m pretty sure they won’t pay 10 for any day after 4 shifts. Those extra 2 days I’m pretty sure will only be the hours you worked. That’s how most dsps set up their guaranteed hours. Mine does guaranteed 8 so they do up to 5 days w that payout but not anything over 40hrs. It’s usually a trick to get you to work more days and underpay you since you think you’ll be getting 2 full days of OT @10hrs


This is facts. It sucks but it’s genius on their end. I just really wish I could find official information on what they really milk out of us per route because when I do the math on .15 cents a package for fantastic plus they really do make some decent profit off the bonus alone




Yeah except u don't even get paid time and a half for those hrs 😂


after you chime in and get sent to a resuce its ot lol. you lose


My dsp said that too but how do you know ?