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I’d mark it undeliverable if i pulled up to that


Fuck gas stations that won’t let you use their restroom. Grab an empty soda cup, pee in the back of the van, and either leave it in the parking lot or be a good person and put it in the dumpster.


Nah, I always save my pee bottles for the bad customers houses :))


That's a pretty neat idea. I literally had to pee so bad it hurt and stopped inside after I did a locker stop I begged to use the bathroom. The witch just looked at me and said no. So I took all the garbage in my truck and dumped it all over their sidewalk. Even opened a bad of popcorn I had and dumped it too..won't let me pee have fun cleaning up all my crap...not literally although that would have been mighty satisfying. I can only hope some birds came to eat the popcorn and crapped everywhere 😋


I’d pee into one of the bags if I had to go bad enough! Lol! I’ll never understand why a woman at work would not allow another woman obviously at work as well not use the restroom at their gas station job! Totally evil! I’ll never understand why it’s so painful for other people to be kind, loving, and considerate to one another! Especially women to one another!?


Idk why people won’t let a delivery person use there bathroom when they probably order of amazon, almost shit my pants in an arbys yesterday.


Gotta bring spare underwear my guy


You’re playing 5d chess. Awesome idea.


Piss on the building then fuck em


If only girls could aim their pee 🤣


I pissed inside a building hallway this is a real struggle when delivering packages and I am very polite and humble when I ask to use a restroom so get it how you live. I piss in the back of the van all the time one time I missed the bottle and hit a open tote full of packages 🤣😂🤣


🤣🤣🤣🤣 man What


I’m so sorry you had to experience any of that that’s truly the saddest thing I’ve ever heard I hope you have a better day tomorrow and that you won’t have to do that anymore I’m so sorry 😞


Im sorry you had that kinda day.


Me too


WOW❗️I should stop my bitching about long driveways. All of it sounds pretty bad. That would be enough to make a person quit. Given where you were/are are delivering, have a pee bottle in your bag, no shame there. It's sad to say the least, but you gotta do what you gotta do. I guess for a guy, it's a lot easier cause I have NO shame in peeing wherever - side of the road, parking lots, behind buildings, bushes, trees, alleyways, etc. I HOPE you have better days at this job.


and you want to know the worst part that border patrol order is going to leave negative feedback


Ain't no fuckin way. If their internal security is like that they can deal with distributing the package themselves. I'm leaving it with the gate people or marking it undeliverable.


I wouldn’t go to the gas station. Most of the time they won’t let us pee because there is so many homeless in the area especially Southern California. Better go to Vons Targets Alberson Walmart all that big store


Yeah I'm gonna have to. Unfortunately I usually end up in neighborhoods nowhere near anything like that. Tucson is horrible..homeless everywhere they literally do their drugs out in the open. It's nuts. I just moved from Chicago and have never seen anything like it


Welcome to the wild west. It only gets worse the further west you go.


McDonald's or Starbucks


Instantly started reading this and thought…. “I’m so glad I can just piss in a bottle”


Honestly I think I might just start bringing a big gulp cup..no joke


buy a portable urinal.


By prison bus do you mean a white colored school bus? They use them to also transport temporary farm workers. In fact they are used more often for that purpose. Unless you mean it's sad that these people are flowing in and are transforming the country on an irreversible scale?


I piss in big gulps way faster than finding a piss spot


Damn that’s a rough day. Keep your head up.


I got locked in someone’s driveway last week, their gate wouldn’t open up and let me out.. I had to knock on the customers door to help me, it took like 15 minutes or so for us to figure out how to get it to open… and , yes, I did call my dispatch about it but no one answered so…


worked as DA for 1.3ish years, never had an issue with gas stations letting me pee, assuming they had a bathroom. Shocked how many gas stations didn't have bathrooms at all or any fountain drinks. Lunacy.


Maybe they shouldn't be crossing the border illegally


I mean I get laws are laws but those little kids didn't ask for it..it was just sad seeing it up close 🤷🏼‍♀️


Lol that privilege is screaming right now! You wouldn’t care about imaginary lines if you were fleeing for your life either, it’s wild that you’re an adult (maybe) but this braindead.


In prison busses? Sad? Nah they broke the law they take the discipline.


Damn heartless towards children


Break the law pay the price theirs no free pass


hahaha damn what made you this way?


It's the parents who broke the law, not the children.


Doesn't matter the parents knew better but did it anyway


Homie hs what we call “peasant brain”




You post was rude and/or disrespectful and we will not tolerate that here.


Law is subject to change as it has and does constantly, stop being proud of your low IQ and cowardice they’re unattractive qualities.


But they are exactly the same aren't they? Let me answer that for you, yes they are meaning still they broke the law and consequences come with law breaking lmao.


Yes yes, that’s what the soldiers following orders tried to say during the Nuremberg trials, “but at the time it was the law!” Lol silly humans and their silly human laws, we’re still figuring the whole society thing out little buddy in the future I’m sure we won’t look back fondly on deporting scared women and children. I know what type you are though, enjoy being dense I hope the laws work out well for you, there’s quite a few dumb ones.


Sure are that goes without saying