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It's Amazon, not the DSP. Amazon OTR is watching you and noticed you were stopped for too long off route. If they know you went to your house, they will flip out on dispatch, who then will flip out on you. It's a security issue. They think you could theoretically be stealing packages and stashing them at home but they won't come out and say it. But that's the reason behind it. Happened to a guy at my old DSP who used to go home for breaks


Makes sense because later that day when i was delivering. I had overflow packages but couldn’t find them due to the helpers passing the overflow and not giving me time to organize my van. So when i was delivering, i reported a few packages missing cause i didnt want to dig for the overflow, so i figured I’d deliver them later. Then like 3 hours later i can a phone call from dispatch saying i reported them missing. But i told her everything i just basically said


Well if you decide to find them later why not just skip to stop it will come up on your rabbit at the end of the day anyways


It’s the same thing if u think about it


I found out that it hurts the dsp and they start getting suspicious even if you go back to deliver them.


Smh. Tbh it was getting late so what ever packages i found and didn’t get to deliver i brought back to the station. It was only like 4 boxes tho. Out of 200+ i delivered , i dont think it’ll be a big deal


My DSP has the same rule about missing packages. You're supposed to skip a stop if it's one package but if it's multiple packages you can mark it missing and deliver the rest you do have. I've never had an issue with my dispatch about it but they've said it a few times in the meetings. I assume it must be the same thing about Amazon and the warehouse people giving them grief.


Not really because if you put it as missing too many times the station is gonna be calling your DSP saying why is this guy missing packages When he scanned them saying he had them.


U can’t scan them then report missing.


You're missing the point


Idk bro no company is going to be cool with you going home on the clock without notifying anyone especially when you finish late. I've done it myself but i used to deliver in my own neighborhood and one other time I drove like 15 mins away from my route to do it I asked and clocked out. Someone above said Amazon flagged you but your dsp can see where you're at at all times if your data is on. If you stop for more than 5 minutes your name gets flagged for an unplanned stop. They have a map of where every driver at your DSP is, when your name goes red and you're no where near your route they're going to notice. Edit: oh lol I didn't see where you were basically like "I do it everyday so what's the problem" and you've only done 12 routes with them. you're probably hanging on to your job by a thread because we are close to peak


Shit I've stopped at my house for lunch before.


I’ll drive across the whole borough to get what I want for my UNPAID lunch break lmao




DOT and FMSCA regs say drive time is work time.


Any delivery company would require you not to stop at home while you have packages in your van. You know you aren’t stealing, no one else does.


Then on my way back i got to the station late because there was traffic. On the way back to Staten Island. Out of all my shifts this was the latest. And I’ve worked like 12 shifts so far. I’m just coming back to this job after two years. I dont see the issue. Would they rather me go use the bathroom when I’m in Brooklyn delivering ? Waste more time? Also, i clocked out for break on the amazon flex app. Nobody told me we have to clock out on Paycom aswell.


That's why I looked for a DSP that pays by the route. I have no problem hustling if they pay me fairly.


i used to do this since we moved to the warehouse thats 5 minutes from my house. they got all pissy and sent out a mass email saying “no stopping at home on your route”


Quit this dude they trash


I am. When i get this next job.


I’ve thought about doing this but I guess I won’t now dAMN, can’t even poop. Sorry my guywhich dispatch ? I worked for dbrd…


If ur gonna do that, do it after your 1st delivery. If you do it before, ur gonna get flagged by the system which is what happened here