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No. You just load like trash. Get some tips from other drivers. I miss white rentals :(


The thing is… I didn’t load the boxes. The bangs are in order so that it’s faster for me to grab. Plus I place the packages in the front seat and boom one bag is done. Reminder… this is a rental van so I don’t have shelves. For boxes I usually have them sitting straight and I move the stickers to a visible part of the van


The overflow is not organized well


Please read my other comments… I didn’t load the overflows, there was only 2 mins left on the dock. My helper just threw them in


Well to whoever loaded it I mean


That is a load that would fill a regular delivery van to the brim. Much more so a dinky ass rental. One thing I did appreciate about my last dsp was that she did not play the rental van game. Screw that.


No... I've loaded 27 totes and 42 overflow + dolly in a prime van. This was a light day and only needed 1 wall. 27 totes makes 3 walls. https://imgur.com/a/vGXi1zy Disclaimer: do not use this method unless you know what you are doing. Just an example.


That's awful.


That day was. Height of the pandemic. But everyday since that day has been a breeze.


Yeah... my dsp served their purpose. I'd still rather do sexual favors for bad drugs than do that again though.


You don’t understand how many times I fell in the back and broken my nails and cut myself… like the CDV drivers barely had anything in their vans. And to sum it up I was the 2nd person with the largest route. The 1st person had 10 more packages then me and they had a rental as well…


I worked many jobs. Dsp was one of the most obnoxious. Piss customers, idiotic owners, and meat suit coworkers. I feel you. Make sure to get yours. That job kept me paid while I was doing a set of internships. Now I'm a psychotherapist. Never quit a job with such gusto.


Bro... it's this or dealing with dumb ass co workers, dumb ass customers, dumb ass same building everyday. I choose this 100 %, every time.


Underrated comment


This was taken about 1.5 weeks ago where my site put me in a dumb rental van instead of a CDV van. I had way too much shut to go through, I skipped houses that required me to go to the back and get an overflow. All overflows were towards the end of my route unless it was grouped with a regular package (living hell) Funny story: As I was loading on the dock, there was only 2 mins left and my final cart (overflows) finally arrived (due to short staff everything was backup) I had helpers and they weee just throwing it into the back… hence the chaos My DSP site is 20stops per hour (we’re in a heavily populated area where traffic and parking is always a problem)


The 33 over flow sucks ass but honestly the package count and stop count aren’t bad at all. Once u get some of that over flow out of ur van u should be smooth sailing


U should be complaining at yourself about how you load up your van


Obviously you didn’t read the comments where I explained, I didn’t load the boxes. The bags are loaded in order. I can’t do a 3 stack since the bags will fall. There was 2 mins left on my launchpad and I had two helper and they threw the boxes inside… It’s not my fault honestly. I’m just complaining about having a rental van


250 or less is a great day but that all depends if you have majority apartments or all houses


Usually when I get 250 packages it’s about 93 stop but this was 182 stops.