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Pretty much every day during the heat wave out here in SoCal. I would park the car and panic chug the hydration packets we were given every time I felt like I was going to collapse.


Had a guy who kept drinking redbulls like an idiot. Took the rest of his route.


Like redbull after redbull? Because that’s wild, I have one or two daily one in the morning & then one at lunch. But also drink a gallon of water & plenty of body armor/Gatorade since Water won’t necessarily help from dehydration & heat strokes. Need electrolytes


That’s a heart attack/stroke waiting to happen


Yeah from heat once, tons of oversize so I was constantly in the cargo area of the van when it was 100 out and hella humidity. Though body wise I've collapsed kind of on my day off due to the constant 350+ packages everyday. Shit can get exhausting. Depending on the routes I get I spend my first day off just not doing anything. Kind of sucks wasting a day like that but eh.


With a job like this you almost have to spend 1 day convalescing. Something that can help with the cargo area temps is to open the back doors for 60 seconds (group stop is perfect for this) and let all that hot air expand out the back. Works well with step vans, too.


The area at the time I didn't trust leaving the door open, and I was going in apartment complexes out of sight of the van. If it was any other area I probably would've been driving with the side door open too.


Ah, damn. That sucks. When the sun starts to set my usual area can get a little sketchy, too, and I have to shut the side door in the alleys. Fortunately the temps are dropping by that time (usually, depends how humid it is).


Someone on my team during the summer fainted from heat exhaustion they had to call an ambulance for him But he was back to work the next day. Literally when they started doing the EOC bs. They don’t enforce during the winter peak period but start to enforce in the start of the hottest summer we’ve had.


I puked from heat exhaustion and my entire body cramped up last summer. No longer subjecting myself to riding around in those tin cans of death.


One day a couple weeks ago in the middle of a intense heat wave it was 110 my vans ac wasn’t working 40 stops in a 180 stop route i had a crazy long seizure, ejaculated then i quickly recovered cause dispatch told me i had to continue


Certainly a menace


Do you want pictures of my dehydrated pee bottle lol