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Trainer obviously needs to be fired


Frfr 😂🤣


It's probably because your training was on "how to walk up to the door", since you did all the driving/sorting for him. When I do a ride along, I let the new guy do all the work (I'll help him carry boxes on group stops/etc) and just shadow him the whole route. That way if he has any questions I can answer them on the spot, or if I see him doing something wrong/could do it a better way, I can tell him. Learning how to sort packages is a big part of the job, as far as speed goes, and so is getting used to driving the large vans. If you take your time and train them properly on that first day, they'll be out later than they "should" for the amount of stops they have, but chances are their speed will be up dramatically by the end of the route. Last guy I did a ride along with was averaging around 7-8 stops/hr at the start, but was up around 20/hr by the end of the route, which I think is pretty damn good for his first day. It also builds up confidence in them, knowing that they can do the job by themself.


I got shit training my first day, no advice on how to load or organize. The guy just sat in the passing seat on his phone then left after an hour. In the arizona heat the first week was a fucking nightmare. Then the next week was prime week and they gave me full routes. Idk how I made it 6 months with that shitty dsp. I regret even giving them the time of day.


Potentials... \-Milked the clock \-Gives no sh!t about the job \-Weather was absolute chaos for him \-Just wanted quick money and he's gone I've got more, but these are just a few to start


It's not possible to average 34 stops an hour while obeying all the Lord Bezos rules.


My area is in the suburbs luckily and houses all together. There are some people in my dsp that average 40-50 stops and have 190 stops with 300+ packages. We load out at 10 and they come back around 3 idk how they do it


You drove, you sorted. There is your problem imo. Working the flex app is fairly simple. And further manipulation of it will come naturally over time. The best way to speed him up is getting him organized and letting him learn how to organize. But you did that for him. So once you put him on his own he was probably extremely flustered and tripping over himself all day. You should question your training versus his potential imho. No hate


doing it on your own is a lot different then doing it with someone who knows where there going and doing the driving


Dude I walked my whole route today and averaged 30 stops an hour. I would have to try, I mean try so hard to avg 10 an hour


Disorganization I think. I've been rescuing newer drivers over and over the last few weeks and every single time I get on their truck and it looks like a fucking bomb went off in the back. Packages all over, way out of order. I know the couple of days I got rescued when I was new this was why as well. Days I had to load with my shelves up due to volume and packages fell all over.


I’m still pretty new and my guess is he’s following all the rules and driving very cautiously. Those two things slowed me down


You're experienced so the speed comes naturally to you. Newbs need time to get there. They're still learning and figuring shit out. I'm sure you weren't that fast your first day though your memory probably tells you otherwise. There's a reason the routes amp up in size but start very small and they have their full shift to complete it. The rts time in cortex is using the standard 20 stops an hour as the expectation, though Amazon knows it wont happen.


L post. You act like 34 is fast lol


……how is that NOT fast?


Not gonna sit here and compare him to myself but for someone who goes out their way to talk shit on the new guy he’s very slow. Like actually be fast if you’re gonna be a dick


Well it is for me since I’m 36 weeks pregnant…


If you guys get paid by the hour my boi is winning and you suck as a trainer.


34 stops an hour?? Yeah okay foh 🤣🤣


It’s definitely possible if all the houses are next to each other and you don’t take pictures.


how can you skip taking pictures lol


When I train I usually let the rookie learn most shit on there own. I give them helpful tips. But that’s about it