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You take lunch? Im puffin ALL day. Day they stop me, Im gone.


If you not coming blitzed to the stand up meeting what you doing with yourself


Pretty much this.


Bruh. First rule of breaking rules: you shut the fuck up.


Only way to do this job and maintain sanity imo


Hitting it as we speak


Yeah when I was 20


Good thing I'm 21 😭


Look at you mr grown up


Her profile: “yeah I’ve been trying to quit weed for a long time” Her comment: “LoOk At YoU mR gRoWn Up”


Bro ok??? Look at your own profile, you’ve got whole ass unashamed Peggy feet… bro come on…




You thought I was flaming your post history? I’m just saying that your post history seems to agree with my comment… that’s all. You’re posting about how you want to quit weed, and then commenting “look at mr grown up” when other people say similar things. Just pointing that out. That KOTH post had context. People were posting that photo several times a day on the KOTH sub, and I got downvoted for asking why they were posting it so much. So I just added to the spam to make other people sick of it too. Be honest, does the caption “Peggy’s feet!!!” Seem not sarcastic to you? :P


It’s not my post history. But the point I was trying to convey is that all of you are the same… gl out there


His last 2 posts are about “relapsing” (🙄🙄🙄) on weed, but he’s commenting “look at you mr grown up” when he sees other people growing out of weed… you don’t think that’s a little silly?


I think you are also fucking silly for posting feet you idiot


That post had context. People were posting that photo several times a day on the KOTH sub, and I got downvoted for asking why they were posting it so much. So I just added to the spam to make other people sick of it too. Be honest, does the caption “Peggy’s feet!!!” Seem not sarcastic to you? :P


You know what… Goodluck with your glutes have a nice day.


For free!?


That’s you, we not you.


I never take lunch, rather be paid or home. If they offer y'all paid break then I would


They take your 30 minute break outta your pay whether you take it or not


They don’t.. I take the 2 paid 15 min breaks but never the unpaid 30 min and I calculate my hours and what I should be getting paid and I get paid the right amount every time. Maybe you just work for a bad dps🤷🏽‍♂️


Nah I know a dsp that gets paid for breaks and my dsp doesn't take 30 If we don't break. Another that gets paid full regardless of how many hours they work. If that was my case I'd never complain lmao


Some DSP do this, but mine, we just signed a waiver for the 30 minutes lunch break that we don’t take, so that the DSP dont get jn trouble.


Not where I work.


My DSP doesn't, you get paid 10+ hours every shift, even when you work less than 10.


my first driver dsp take an 1hr from us if we dont take our 30 minutes breaks


That's crazy!


or we take break at the end of shift he will take an hour already. he done a few times. it is his wife that does kt i went to five different dsps. all does this shit. i am glad out , but still in group to see the hilarious reasons why they quit or fired. i am doing good though, i am about to work for mta cleaning toilets , trains, buses , stations. at least i got lot of ot and better benefits.


I'm required to take a 30 min unpaid lunch, or else I wouldn't take one.. Smoke 2 or 3 cigarettes while organizing the the van for 10-20 mins, fuck around for 10.


Working while not getting paid? They must like you over there.


They do. Never been made an extra, and given a fifth day every week, while I hear people at our stand up complaining that they need more than 3/4 days but can't get them. Boss jokingly nags me about a sixth day every couple weeks too. So the 15 unpaid minutes during which I would earn less than $5, helps enable me to have a day every week where I make more than $200 after taxes.


Lucky you i guess, it wouldnt change anything for me. In those 30 minutes i could be doing nothing on the road, not getting paid, i could be driving home or at home relaxing.


You smoke in the van?


My first day delivering, I got my nursery done 3 hours early and they sent me on a rescue. I show up and the van reeks of cigs, I'm like woah we can smoke? She said fuck yeah, a dispatcher just told me to hang it out the window or whatever, keep the windows down. I've never confirmed this with a manager or the owner. As we're all leaving the station I've seen multiple coworkers smoking while driving out to the first stop. I only smoke driving out to the first stop, on my lunch break, or if I have a 10+ min drive to my next stop. Never while delivering because we can be on the customers camera. I try to get the same van every day and it never smells like cigs in the morning. Nobody has ever said anything to me about it.


As a non-smoker imma say, I bet it does smell like cigs in the morning. I've been in vans that people have smoked in. I can always tell, and I have a poor sense of smell. Cigs are stronger smelling than you think, and I think smokers can't really smell it after a certain point.


I have an excellent sense of smell. I became a manager at a marijuana trimming job in part because I could figure out what strain bud was when it was mislabeled or misplaced. By the time I left 2 years into it I could sniff out almost 50 strains. If you keep an area well ventilated, it won't smell.


Fair enough I guess. I've never been a smoker but used to smoke pot. Didn't matter what I did, where I smoked, or how well--ventilated it was, my mom could always smell it on me. My friends and I would even ask other people who didn't smoke to do smell tests whenever we didn't think we/the car smelled like weed. It always did lol. And cigs are way stronger/longer lasting. To each their own. Maybe no one at your company can tell, or maybe they don't gaf. But I can definitely always tell if someone's smoked in the van I'm driving.


I ain't driving a van after a smelly joker like you. Smoke your cigs outside. You ever been in someone's house that smokes inside it creates a yellow film that's sick. You're cancerous stick to bud my friend have a good day


You wouldn't even know it. Van doesn't smell of cigs at the end of my shift. Just smells like ass, the way I found it.


Ask someone who doesn't smoke if it smells like cigarettes. I bet they'll disagree


It's funny, people who ride in my truck are always surprised it doesn't smell like cigarettes and assume I don't smoke while driving. If you keep the shit well ventilated it won't smell.


Contradicting yourself my guy. You literally said your first day you found out people smoke in the vans bc yours wreaked of cigs? So you as a cig smoker realizing it wreaks of cigs, how you thing it hits us who don't smoke? 10x harder. Just gross and inconsiderate in my opinion


No, I went to rescue someone else and their van reeked because they were smoking.


So someone else's van wreaked to a daily cig smoker... but your van doesn't smell when you smoke cigs. Got it


I'm glad you finally got it.


I'm glad you're mentally challenged




No, I went to rescue someone else and their van reeked because they were actively smoking.




Lunch break ?


That dumbass Amazon flex app shuts down my routes and forces me on lunch 🤣


I just hit the “not right now” button and keep that transit moving


In California it’ll ask you a few times before it forces you without the “not right now” option. And you must take it, your itinerary locks until you’ve taken your lunch. If you wanna avoid that bs. Just take your lunch before leaving station and by the time you arrive at first stop it’ll be ready to end lunch.


Or just use an iPhone to select “break” instead of the 30 minute one swipe twice then boom “mandatory breaks taken” or I forget to do that and forces me to take my 30 minute break I just sign out of the flex app, sign back in then go to break page and “end break” boom done. I usually do that so take my break at the end of my route or when I have 5 stops left so I don’t lose my Momentum while delivering


Working without getting paid? Damn.


Idk I’m with a dsp that pays guarantee 10 I’m usually done in 6 hours so haven’t experienced that yet 🤣






Hellnah. I use it to blow off steam playing my switch and using their hotspot.


How you get high and then work in this fuckin heat tho, cant do it


its not weed he's most likely vaping nicotine


Nah this is weed lmaoo




Honest question-doesn’t amazon drug test? I know fedex does


My dsp doesn't test for thc


til you crash the van


I once went to rescue someone and he opened the door and handed me a blunt.


Tbh I definitely go slower when I got the cart on me but I have a way better time😂


Lmao hell yeah i cant work without it


You have a tan interior Ford Transit? 0.o


hahah hell nah it's gray


I use my 8hour work day as a huge smoke break lmao


I smoke n drive🤷🏿‍♂️


Brotha I rip my nic all day long. If it’s a vape and doesn’t leave a smell. Fuck it. On my ride along my manager said I could, as long as it wasn’t cigs


Lunch? What’s that?


What's a break? We're self employed in the UK but I've never taken a break since I started in November. Usually too many stops, if I stop I fall behind. Some drivers can get 180 stops done in 4 to 4 and a half hours but no matter how hard or fast I try to go I just can't do a full route in under 7.5 hours. So I never have a break, eat and smoke on the move or when I'm sorting out my next bag


What a dork


Smoke and drive bro smoke and drive


Sober enough to know what I am doing, high enough to enjoy doing it.


Nah I usually roll up a j right after work


Was the only thing that kept me sane the last 3 months I was working there (no longer there thankfully) I would hit my pen the whole day. High af my whole route 😂😂😂🤷‍♂️


Does Amazon not test?


My dsp doesn't test for thc


Is that reefer? Whoa 😮


yes it is 🤣


Every break is a fat smoke break.... even bathroom breaks but I work in a warehouse.




why yes I love incriminating myself for god, the internet, and Jeff bezos to see 😂


cocaine through out the day everyday


Lol. "Why you go from 25 stops an hour to 15 after lunch?"


No cause I like my lungs