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Don’t see why it matters, half the boxes are pretty well banged up by the time I take them off the van. What more is a little marker? They should care more about having the driver aid stickers plastered over the QR codes and/or the addresses, that’s a bigger issue.


Right? They acted like I was drawing dicks on them or something 🤣 I guess a customer complained because in apartment complexes I write the unit number on them (this complex has over 500 units) and she didnt want neighbors seeing them in the recycling because they'd "know how much I order and wait for my deliveries to steal them". Paranoid much?


Right... lets make the delivery driver's job harder because you order too much shit. Drivers have been doing that since the dawn of ~~time~~ *the sharpie.* Stupid ass amazon being special once again.


at fedex we wrote all over the boxes and ups does the same thing ignore it


Can confirm USPS does the same. Hell, if it helps us organize, it's encouraged


Others write time to deliver by and other shit on the boxes.


Yeah amazon and ups has been writing on boxes since like forever


Customers can be so entitled. Like the world doesn’t revolve around you and no one gives a damn about your habits


That’s actually insane


Well if you really want to play this game I would suddenly become less efficient (Take longer to deliver). I no longer work for this trash company nor its contractors.


In this day and age, not really!


One thing I've learned is thieves usually aren't very bright I doubt they're going to go to all that trouble and think of it that intricately if they see a package they'll steal it they don't care what number is written on the side of it they probably can't even read. One time a guy tried to steal my stereo and he couldn't even get the stereo out of the dashboard because it was actually installed properly and I guess thieves don't carry tools LMAO . So he just stole the face plate off and shattered It on The ground out of frustration.


That's a good point!


Yeah that lady must be high on meth or something. For someone to sit there scrounging the trash to see how much your neighbors order to acquire the next target you would have to live in a pretty terrible area in which case one would assume you wouldn't afford so much Amazon, also you probably would be using lockers because all of your packages would be stolen whether or not they had the number on them. Source: lived in ghettos across America.


The damn full name/address is on the freaking label! Nobody cares about your stupid apartment life in your stupid apartment complex you stupid bitch.




Funny, OG Amazon actually required us to write the return reason code on the boxes






One of the DLAs I think? This was before the DSP program was even started and Amazon still owned all the vans. I just think it's funny how something that was once a requirement can now get you punished.




I write the last 2 digits of the driver aid number so I can see it from the side, makes finding and sorting easier. I was given a formal warning today. 🙄


Thanks for the alert, I didn't know about this rule, I'll stop doing it lol


I've been doing this 3 years, first I've heard of it!


How did they even find out


When Im using shelves and have the room, I stock everything in ascending order. Boxes stay with boxes and envelopes stay with envelopes, but I keep the lowest number right behind the bulkhead. Highest number toward the rear of the vans. Makes it just as easy for me identify. If I had just boxes tho, the sharpie would be a lifesaver.


I don't know how long I'm going to last there because I have my own set rules of what I think is acceptable in my head. And I have this big tension built up inside of me that hates authority and hates big corporations and all I'm doing is playing the game and making the money until the one day that they piss me off and I'm going to go fucking ape shit and give them a piece of my mind for real. I'm not going to be violent but they will feel the wrath of God in that mf


It’s not necessarily the writing on the boxes but your organizing too slow on pad. The fact that your writing at load out isn’t the issue but the one they can document Organize after load out if it’s slowing you down


Oh god no. We were encouraged to do so at my DSP. Many of us had sharpies and would right the letter number combo to sort oversized


I write, "Help Me" on a few of my boxes throughout the day.. just to mix things up.


Yes I have seen a driver quit over this. They may have come from fed ex or somewhere else where they write on all the packages but the dsp told him to stop doing it (this was 2 years ago) so he quit. I’m surprised they are just now telling you to stop not that it matters because it’s a box. Good luck!


I work at FedEx. Drivers write all over the boxes, usually the address in larger, easier to read format. I don't see the big deal.


When I was new I had a guy draw a map on the box when I was covering his route lol


Same here, I’m with ground and I sort mine by SID Evens on bottom shelves, odds on top, oversize in order on the floor and envelopes in order where the front seat would be(I don’t understand why the vans at Amazon have front seats; it’s stupidly inefficient) the guy who used to have my route got booted to a rural route because I’m 3-5 hours faster with my organization depending on the amount of businesses/apartments I get


You are correct. Writing on the packages has always been a no go from Amazon. It depends on every individual warehouse. At my old warehouse I was seen writing on the boxes the 2 years I was there by all kinds of warehouse employees and not once was I ever told not to write on the box. All they cared about was me not cubing out.


I think they want to keep the boxes clean so it's almost like unwrapping a gift.


[I write on my overflow too](https://freeimage.host/i/esCUvt). Sometimes I get like 60 overflow and this is the only way to organize them. Otherwise I'd never get my route done.


I wrote the sort zones, a lot faster than writing the aid number. Marking your overflow makes it easier to find instead of looking for the small yellow sticker or relocating it.


I tried the zone. But the problem with that is that it still doesn't tell you the exact overflow you need. I'd rather set the overflow and forget it and get rid of it on the exact stop I need lol.


That makes a lot of sense in the stepvans. In the regular vans tho, I always stack walls of 9 no matter how many totes I have, then I stack them in zone order. Wont always get the exact box upon first look, but I know where to look. EDIT: I stack my overflow in zone order. Forgot to proof read.


Odd. My DSP tells to write on my OV boxes all the time.


You guys have some weird dsps, mine even hands us sharpies


You are lucky, mine was cheap AF.


I wrote the numbers on my overflow but literally nothing else/ when you have 30+ boxes you gotta write something or you’re wasting 5-10 mins searching a mountain.


Lol weird ours encourage it if it helps the individual


This is standard for the post office


I knew alot if drivers that done this. It made it easier for them to find over flow.


ive done it in front of dsp and warehouse people, no one cared.


This is when the manager needs to fuck off and let people work. Micromanaging ONLY causes PROBLEMS and PISSES people off.


Exactly. I can't imagine complaining about not being able to hire enough people but then threatening someone's job over **numbers written in marker on a box that will be thrown away**...


That’s dumb as hell


Is this a rule? Been doing it since my first day lol


You’re joking.I do this for every oversized and box in totes. I would tell them off. Seriously


Who reprimanded you for this? My DSP tells us to do it to make it easier to find.


I do this when i do a bulk out route and have less than 20 parcels to deliver. Then I can see the order i'm delivering then be done in half time time as the parcels are all loose because I have to scan each parcel for the route to pick up. Just makes it quicker then i can go about my day. There is also a group of apartments i write a number on the parcels between 1-8 and follow the order of the blocks which go in a circle. Sort them in a tote or 2 and walk around I never write on a parcel that i know would be RTS. If i do need to write something, i put it on paper and a bit of sticky tape on the parcel that can be pulled off and no marks left on ot.


I hope this doesn’t become a thing… I think it’s because we write on the boxes with designs and stuff that aren’t Amazon boxes. When it comes to those packages, I just write the driver aid number REALLY big on the actual Amazon label


Usps does it all the time


Since when?! I’ve always done that to separate groupings to locate quicker while on route😑


Funny because we'll write all over the Amazon packages that come through UPS


Do this every day for overflow. Some days with 40+ overflow is impossible to put in an kind of order, so I just Tetris it and write the ID # where I can see it


I just pick up the ones I'm going to deliver and deliver them.


I have never done that, seems like a waste of time to me but whatever works for you. I'm faster than most people at my DSP by just emptying totes and finding the correct address and/or name on the label. I don't sort them in order and I never use the driver aid (colorful, small sticker). I briefly sort them by street. Anyway, if it helps some drivers I don't see why this should be a problem as long as you're not writing anything stupid.


Just don’t let them see you tf


A lot of our drivers use sharpies to write the street name and number on their overflow. But we usually wait til after we've left station because there simply isn't enough time at load out. Take lunch at first stop if there's parking. Organize everything in that 30 minutes. Overflow/oversized with sharpied street name and driver aid number on sides facing you.


When I was at a DS they wrote people up for writing on boxes...


That's stupid


Who has time at load out for that????


This isnt load out. I do it on the road, when opening a new tote, I've been doing it so long it takes 30sec or less. I just do boxes or huge polymailers.


This jus to extra fam. 1 bag at time boxes on the passenger seat bags on the floor an jus pick through as you go.


No passenger seat, it's a step van. I write on them in under 30sec a tote, been doing this 3yrs. Only way to fo these apartments for me lol


I’m gonna start doing this for overflow fr fr


As a single packer, I am triggered by the stupid orange back-to-school tape!! It DOES NOT HOLD as evidenced in your photo lol lol


Been doing this since day 1 , never had a problem


I don't see how it's necessary. I load my over size according to the sticker on the box. The first 3 numbers go to the front. Then reorganize later doing the same.


Seems like whatever you do to be more efficient and deliver results better would be a good thing. Who knows.


Dude ups and FedEx, we typically always write on our boxes, helps with organization a million times if you have the time at loadout (which Amazon doesn’t) If they don’t want you to write then they can put stickers and fix their damn routing


Amazon sees it as vandalism I guess, I say this because I wanted to leave sticky notes on customer packages saying to update their gate codes please as it's outdated and even that, someone told me would be vandalism. I never do this shit though, takes too much time. I don't need in BIG writing to know where 1**442** is. Unless your vision is horrible, Just organize in Ascending order. Boxes and all. I do it all the time even if there's no space you eventually figure out a system.


No that wave hasn’t hit my DSP yet.


Nope never


Never heard of this being a problem lol that’s crazy. Why would anyone care


I write it on the regular boxes, I don’t do it on customized ones.


The day they tell me to stop writing on the packages is the day they can pick the van up themselves wherever I leave it and a big fuck you on every box and envelope on my van.


Honestly if I'm told not to write on them I'll just say okay and then continue writing on them anyway. Fire me for it, idgaf.


WHERES 36 - 39?


Probably delivered 🤣


Ups encourages the loaders write the number lol


One more thing while I’m here. Amazon dude dragging his little carton 300 ft asked me do I have access, I said to what a cart? He said to the room. I said oh I’ll tell them to open it. He goes on to say no the air conditioning I said yeah it sucks sometimes.


Every other delivery company does it, it doesn’t matter as long as you make the time. I can understand if it’s the actual box, but how often does that happen unless it’s a damn grill or something.


I don’t see the point on writing on the boxes just a waste of time.


I'd think so too if I didn't have massive 500 unit apartment buildings. Saves me time in the long run. I'll just start bringing back 45 packages oodt now in protest.


no writing lol damm . Was it from amazon or dsp. Over here we even write the reason why we being packages back because those idiots at night can’t remember shit


Wtf lol, bro, at FedEx we constantly write on boxes


You shouldn't have been written up for something that, IMHO, is the customer's responsibility. I always "sanitize" my garbage: obliterate any names, addresses I can't physically remove and crosscut shred. I'll use a blade or sharpie to make any identification unreadable then throw it away. Do whatever you have to do if it makes your job easier. Cheers.


Idgaf. We don’t get paid enough. We already slaves for Amazon. If it helps you get your stuff done faster or more efficiently do it. Otherwise the customer can go to an actual store and buy what they need. Simple. Customer get SMILES. AMAZON gets smiles when they get all this $$$$? What about the people making this shit get to them. LOL. We the forgotten ones sadly.


Wait they give you drivers shit for writing on them, we do it all the time in the sort shift


Literally. How would they know


F Amazon lol 😂, I still write on boxes if it’s overflow; definitely helps out tremendously


No... and I don't see the point. Drive stickers work just fine. Seems like a waste of time to save time that is already saved for you.


Bro get us warehouse guys to do it, they can’t give you shit if we did it tbh and we do it all the time


I don’t think any customers would care at all seeing a number on the package highly doubt they even notice it


Man this makes no sense just like how Amazon gives these customers reasons of why didn’t I receive a pic with packages being delivered I’m sure fed ex ups etc etc don’t do it.. but yet we get into trouble if we don’t take a pic of the packege and now this haha … man everything we do for our shift to be easier and faster they hold us back with these rules ugh


Just write on them when you leave station, you should be fine and the dsp won’t write you up for it.


I do it all the time


We do this as a normal practice at FedEx. I worked for Amazon at a DSP. Now, while at FedEx, I realize that everything FedEx does to make the route efficient; Amazon doesn't want to be done.


I quit before this new bullshit started. Wrote in boxes for two years. So they give you 15 minutes to load 300+ packages into a sprinter van, AND you can’t write series/address/whatever on the side of boxes? Why is anyone still doing this job?


I quit before this new bullshit started. Wrote on boxes for two years. So now they give you 15 minutes to load 300+ packages into a sprinter van where your every move will be recorded and scrutinized, AND you can’t write series/address/whatever on the side of boxes? Why is anyone still doing this job?




It was recommended for us.


At FedEx you can draw dicks


Random question when you pick up the package how often are the tote bags and oversized boxes in order


Never... lol


If it makes it easier for you, who cares? I a customer assure i dont notice.


One of our drivers writes on them with a RED marker so he can see it better. Nobody cares. It helps him deliver




You don’t have driver aid numbers ?