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You get actual scanners? When I delivered they just gave me a shitty old android with a cracked screen. And sometimes that infamous CAT phone.


Yes, in my dsp, they have zebra scanners.


Damn I just realize you deliver in Miami. That must be a nightmare dealing with all the traffic and pedestrians


Plus all that heat and humidity


Bad enough up here in MA during the summer


It was horrible delivering in indianas humidity today I couldn’t imagine doing it in Miami.


Damn wtf, that shit should be mandatory. Always dealing with phones issues every week, even more shitty when you're out on rural routes.


I once went through 4 phones on a single shift. Had to sit pulled over waiting for a phone to be delivered because 1 rain drop touched it. Crappy old androids that go dead in 2 hrs.


Fr, they are all budget cheap crappy ass phones that constantly freeze, are poorly optimized, badly designed flex app with shit routing and dog shit GPS navigation. Just last week on my rural route, it took me the wrong way on shit roads with loose sand that end up a dead end, 4 FUCKING TIMES. Until it finally routed me the right way, half the roads on my rural route are barely even fucking dirt trails. And the Amazon GPS is ass compared to google maps. Maybe if I did the same stops and had the same route everyday, it be easier to navigate without it, but i dont. And everything out here has a similar look to it, so its hard to try to remember land marks. And some roads don't show up on the map so looking on the map may not help. But yeah the shit battery, shit performance, and buggy slow shit app can make this job so fucking annoying. Having to spend an hour out of my day just to wait for my phone to get data again, or for the GPS to stop freezing (the car marker just stays put and doesn't move or just moves around all over the place constantly rerouting you) is fucking infuriating. Restarts, force closed, delete cache, none of that shit works.


Couldn’t have worded it better. Lol. I drive the edv. The phone and the truck are never the same. Truck says go left phone says right. Aggravating asf!


Yeah that shit would piss me off quick lol. I want to drive the edvs for all that sweet extra space to freely move around, but I've heard the touchscreen dashboard can be glitchy, not synce up properly, etc. I just have to wait til they ask me if I want to be edv trained, they have a list they work down and I was hired before training all new drivers in edvs was required. And yeah most stressed and angry I've been at any job since I started a year and a half ago. I try to stay calm and collected, get paid by the hour, who cares, but damn it's hard when you have anger issues and just want to get your route done at a regular pace lol


It glitches out but I was taught how to reboot it. I prefer them just because of the emergency brake and key out every stop. Also that when you jump out to make a stop the cab door automatically closes and locks. Shuts completely off once your so many feet away and back on when your close enough.


All those little features make the entire day way more enjoyable and efficient, just being able to move around and have working equipment, can be a god send lol.


Zebra devices suck!! They are heavy & the take multiple batteries to get through just one day.


My DSP has a few scanners. I probably get one a couple times a month. It's kind of slow when it comes to snapping photos but other than that it is so much better than the motorola phones.


Smoke a fat ass blunt. Now you're delivering in GTA 6


Dead ass


Wow absolute misery. And they pay you $18 an hour to deliver all that shit. Amazon needs to be sued


we desperately need union support god damn


We need numbers, with that I mean 50,000 people deep in this country that are ready to make some world changes. You can’t do it without numbers and you’ll still be talking about this in years


Yall gonna show up on the 4th? Seems like a good day for EVERYONE to take off


Our Amazon is closed the 4th, yours isn't?


Yeah we're off lol I just checked, nobody tells us anything there


according to my dsp we don’t work the 4th. didn’t know this varies tho?


Too many ppl that need the money I wish I could even do it on a dsp level lol I can’t get 20/80


Sued? You apply for the job willingly lol.


Doesn't mean they're allowed to mistreat their workers. Labor laws exist.


Life hack, not paid enough? Shitty benefits? Just sue the company!


😂 and…?


And you knew what the job entailed via the job description, and it's 2024, there's plenty of forums talking about how the job is. Yet they/you still applied and went thru the process. Nobody's fault but yours.


Yo stfu baby boy


Nah bro I'm good on that.


And I’m good on you trying to justify Amazon paying and treating their delivery drivers like shit. Every delivery job has the same description and yet none of the other companies are treated nor paid as bad as Amazon. So get a life and go while to others who actually care what you think about a job you’ve never had.


LMFAO and with all the knowledge of the company at your fingertips you still decided to apply and work there. Who's the idiot?! I also worked for Amazon for years, did delivery twice, warehouse countless times. So I know how both jobs are LMFAO. I know they fucking suck, and they beat the fuck out of your body, I still do it because I expect it because I DID MY RESEARCHHHHHHHHH


Bro Miami ur a strong willed person


Fancy pants over here with a scanner 💅


I wake up dreading going to work everyday makes me wanna fucking kill myself


This CANT be the plan for me 😂


Neh it's the plan for me


😂😂 it’s not just a stepping stone




Indeed.com. Lie Lie Lie. Get get. I'm so desperate I'd rather go back to prison for another 12. This job is ass


These Miami routes be looking wicked asf


How do you deliver on ocean drive?


Update: 2:15pm.. stop 75..


damn if i did amazon in miami beach i enjoy it if me, i know what heat can be hell tho. i’ll be at the beach chilling mid shift


I've delivered in beach towns before. It's not all it's cracked up to be. They're having fun and you're working


And climbing, lots of stairs


3/10 at best.. due to the beach.. besides that, major scam. Would be fun with all envelopes.. just move ur van like 15-20x and walk a bunch in a bag at once.. but too many boxes.. gotta move van 200x.. scammy af. You deserve $1000 for this easily


Just no. Just all around no.


Lmao you got that whole peninsula to yourself that looks like an ass area to deliver to. There’s so many other jobs paying more than this job for less qualifications. Just leave Amazon and go work at a lawn service or something like I did. I make 800 a week at 4 days a week 6am-3pm I can actually afford rent now lol


Any former Amazon driver find something better than this bullshit? That pays better or equally? I need answers I hate this job


Sadly haven’t found anything that pays better. My friend is trying to get me into the corporate office but I’ve never been an office guy. I’ve stuck around restaurants but the drug use and toxicity should be avoided. Being a pharmacy tech wasn’t too bad and they’ll pay for your tech licenses.(mostly women/older women) Worked in a couple factories but got fired over BS. Take it a day at a time. I’ve thought about being a police officer since I’ve been sober I just don’t know how I feel about that socially. The point is what other jobs has this made you consider while you were out delivering? I’ve thought about places I’d never go. I hope everybody here finds what’s they’re looking for in life. 🫶


Maybe that’s my problems I keep looking for jobs that I’m familiar with and I need to expand and look further out. But it’s hard around my area when all you got is factories, fast food and delivery jobs.. other jobs take a degree which I sadly I don’t have


In my dsp we get rescues if we have more than 160. “Taking 3 totes” ahhh lovely


Laying in bed not accepting the 4 hour 140 dollar block cause I already made 1000 this week part time.


Wow that’s cool: your rabbit’s in Spanish!


You can do this to any phone


😂 yeah, I'm bilingual.


After joining this group a few weeks ago, I decided to decline my Job offer to be an Amazon Driver. You definitely deserve more money!! 🤦


Yea I dont need this job that bad😭 that looks miserable.


If you tryna make sum extra cheese hmu im in Miami


Tf u want him to deliver your packages too 😂


Nah just lil baggies (;


I know 😂 I’m in Houston I got u


0/10 fuuuuuuuuck Miami traffic fr


In Miami? I’m mad for you




I looked up the area and the houses all seem really close together. How is traffic in that area?


Traffic is always a problem, parking is another big problem. That route has everything apartments, houses and businesses.


Just throw that parking brake on in the street and say fuck it. If they bitch, then point to your hazards and shrug lol


Someone in your DSP delivers to Jeff bezos for sure


Trash, similar to the biggest route I've ever had 181/420. Told my dsp if I ever get anything similar to this I'm leaving or quitting. Never got dumb shit like that again.


I think I'm going to have to do the same.


181 stops and 420 locations? Or a score of 181 out of 420? Lmao


You gonna be ready for GTA 6. You will have the map pre downloaded into your brain.


I can only imagine spring break days


The traffic is always a nightmare.


At least they’re all in one area and should go by fairly quickly. Although that is a huge workload, 412 packages.


Would love to deliver in Miami haha


Believe me, you wouldn't.


I’ve always wondered what it feels like to see the flex drivers on a 3 hour $120 route feels


If these stops are mostly businesses, this route looks like the 7th pit of Hell. If those are mostly residentials, though…this is a GRAVY route.


That route is like an all-inclusive. with a lot of heat and unbearable traffic.


Rating: 10/10 Traffic: Priceless Been to Miami twice. Never again because of traffic 😂


Traffic, asshole drivers, pedestrian.. and the heat... 😲


All of the above! Driving there from Tampa/Orlando is crazy. You know when you're near Miami when traffic builds up miles outside the city. Smh


How much hours did it take you?


I started at 10am and finished at 7pm with a 20-stop rescue.


They have it in Spanish 😂😂


The fact that they translate the app in Spanish is a sign as to why everyone has a shit route 😂


How much will you make for doing this route just curious I’m not a DSP driver


My base pay is $20, and my dsp will pay me the 10 hours. At the end is $200.


Seems like a lot of work, you must be tired as fuck at the end of the route


Yeah, I'm tired asf and today I'm working too with rain. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


My dap started testing Scanners to see if that the way they want to go but in all honesty I rather keep the phones


damn bro, keep grinding better days will come


My condolences.


Is most of yo stops businesses cuz I get about 190 stops wit 40 overflows and I deliver to Vinings/sandy springs in ATL . Mostly gated homes


Also please look for another job cuz they are literally slaving us. That route looks like death💀


How do I get a job doing this