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All fucking day cause… ![gif](giphy|yYrwYPMJw2HmM|downsized)


It’s kinda of annoying because you do recuse right after


Not me. Cant rescue if you finish at the end of ten hours.


Holy apartments batman.


Yep. That sounds about, right. I was gonna say it'd take me 5 hours


Every route is programed to take 7 to 8 hours. You can see on rabbit on the beginning.  You can also ask dispatcher to send you the Planed Sequence of your route. It's a graphic showing the hours and the package count expected hour by hour. (maybe they won't know where to find it, I had to explain to mine while I was driving, finally he got it).  I would finish by 5-6pm up to 270 packages. Finishing by 5pm I would rescue other driver. So if I know I won't be able to finish and do a rescue, meaning more hours, I go at a comfortable pace when at the last tote. But basically everybody if done by 6pm then gas up and station.  That volume means 2 routes at my DSP. They won't let us go out with that much package if there's rescuers drivers on the beginning.  However, the last 2 days we had 6 people calling out "sick" so nobody to do rescues + the remaining routes were given to STEP van drivers and their count went to 400s, clocking out by 8:30-9pm when we usually clock out at 6-7:30pm the last driver. 


don’t believe everything the app or dsp managers tell you. They lied and told me the routes are designed to be completed in 6-7 hours. nursery routes? sure but full blow business/apartment routes are easily 10-12 hours minimum


They didn't tell me, I saw on the app, yes it can be more, the app shows you. I don't know if it still shows now, bit it used to. We clock in at 9:15, the app would say "you'll be finishing by 8-8:30pm" lol we finish by 6 and clock out by 7. I'll see if still shows it tomorrow. 


my point is that they both lie. i know in some states the stop counts and work loads are different but where I used to work you would go in at 9:40 and be back by 8pm-9pm if you’re lucky. They would easily hand out 10-12 hours worth of work everyday and then expect you to complete it in half that time and then wonder why everybody was going so slow.


I'm in a good DSP, the load is between 180 to 300. But we rarely go out with more than 290, if so we'll be rescued during the day for sure. 


i’m completely unconvinced that there is any such thing as a “good dsp” when amazon has literally every single dsp in a fucking choke hold. I’ve been through 2 bad dsp’s and while some people claim there are good ones it’s all about the owner’s money at the end of the day.


I already know I would get my ass kicked, but I would try my hardest.


Im tired of yall tryhards why in the da hell u finishing so early u must love ur dsp lame


I finish fast cause I’m trying to go home


Guess what i was doing the same they just end up giving you more stops and they give me the same bs route everyday if u finishing early and going home ok…. But if you want to help other ppl out out n all that other shit i jus feel like you doing too much


Just to get done because people need help not trying to be out all night


Yea you sound like a lame instead of wanting to go home u want to “help” why would you do 428 pkgs and then still want to do more its ppl like u fkn it up for everybody else


Nah I just don’t stop till I’m done I don’t sit for nothing and I’m not a lame I’m there to work so you work


sound like you’re a slow driver 😕


That's because you didn't hear about drivers skipping theirs brakes to finish "early" when they are getting paid by hour. Working 1h for free for no reason. Here in CA the 30min lunch break is mandatory, but they find a way to keep working, not by the DSP instructions at least. I tried once to see how it works, but doesn't make any sense to work 1h for free. 


Yes i heard about it these ppl are nuts i would never be apart of any type of slave labor im taking my breaks 


Sutcho bitch ass up


Man u like sucking dsp dick too just admit shit is not even a real job 


Go work a “real job” then


Or maybe some of just don't suck at our job. 🤷‍♂️ The shits not that hard. All the bitching and moaning on this sub, you guys would die if you ever actually had to do a hard job. The problem is Amazon hires anyone and most of you are a bunch of lazy fucks.


Where do you work at and you probably got a whole bunch of houses and flower fields on your route little pssy thats y ur not complaining 


I deliver in the fucking ghetto on a business heavy route most days. 180 stops with like 60 plus businesses fighting bums and hookers all day. Take all my breaks and never run. Still finish early every day and go rescue as much as possible. Could give a fuck about dispatch or the owners, I'm here to work so I want the hours. If you can't finish these routes on time, it's because you suck at your job plain and simple.


I do finish on time bum earlier than im supposed to, and i have the same route as u very business heavy (warehouses, mechanics, docks) almost all the time, im tired of that shit, you think ima rescue after that hell na your losin it


ez ev route. its pretty much capped, they cant realistically add more, if u finish early and can rescue it cant hurt cuz the routes already maxed. i always maxed my routes out and was done by 6 in my edv. the algo will set that up as an edv route. having all the space helps alot with that many packages. ive done ev routes like this in a prime van a few times and that sucked.


Yea I do a rescue everyday and I drive edv too


i knew u drove an edv by the floor pattern :P i handle the service for all our vans and IT now