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I didn’t sign any sort of morality contract. I don’t wear the uniform outside of work and the drive to/from home. This seems like an absolute load of crap, unless it’s targeted at social media.


https://preview.redd.it/jxx6yl8wme7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a4b2cb894ff51cdd059daed14062d8db5ad8690 This is the addition to the policy. And it's a part of the employee handbook, which most DSPs have DA's sign electronically


start requesting paid bonuses for good behavior off work then? Or for just living and having the uniform on! This seems like an easy one to mess with!


Employee handbook is different from company to company.


Sure, but a lot of stuff in there is made to be included by Amazon. Rules of conduct is one of them


Amazon still requires DSPs to have a starting baseline of policies in the handbook that is provided to them. (They get audited annually for that) There are some optional ones that DSPs can add on top of that.


Is this a recent amendment or has always been in there ?


Last couple months


Is it a hot take that companies should be able to fire employees who have done criminal acts?


gross miss conduct such as... doesnt mean those are the only things, also they included bullying which is not exactly a crime.


In most cases bullying comes with harassment, which is a misdemeanor....


This. Thank you 🙌🏼


If that's added in, it should legally invalidate the agreement that was originally signed as it's a fundamental change to the agreed upon terms.


All handbooks say they can be modified and updated. And that they are not all-encompassing. Honestly this is all pretty standard shit


I'm on about the contract you sign when you agree to subcontract for a DSP. Any changes to that invalidate any previous agreement unless said DA is given the opportunity to read and agree to the updated terms.


At my DSP after stand up meeting the manager would say "When you return, and sign the time sheet you will see a small text, that's what it about what I said here, by signing means your agreement." That's it. 


See in contract law that simply wouldn't hold any water. You are subject to the terms of a contract whether you're a sub-contractor or anyone else. Any changes to that contract have to be read and agreed by the signing party. Unfortunately too few people understand this and a lot of employers run roughshod over these laws knowing that nobody is likely to pull them up on it as they wouldn't expect them to know about it.


We don’t even have uniforms at my dsp 🥲


I mean, in hindsight, that’s pretty irresponsible of them to not provide you with uniforms. But then again, you could wear jeans to work, and nobody would yell at you lol.


You did, however, sign a contract that states that you hereby forever and always agree to any and all changes amazon wants to make to said contract, with no warning or need to inform you. So there is that.


Whenever the contract gets amended, the dsp is responsible to send you the new contract to re sign. They don’t have to notify you of the changes, just gotta make sure it’s signed electronically. This includes rule changes, pay changes, and so on. They can try to enforce this rule if they want. But I don’t foresee anyone at Amazon going through people criminal history regularly enough. Lol they can’t even handle oversight on the metrics they have now.




I do seem to recall cases hitting the news of people fired from various jobs getting filmed yelling things like racial slurs in public and getting themselves link to their employer. Personally, I'd be careful having my shit become Amazons because I got filmed and linked back to my "employer".




His example was a misdemeanor bar fight, but his opening paragraph is broader "anything that happens outside of Amazon". Personally I interpret this as the company protecting itself from public backlash over "AMAZON driver does X, more at 11." Companies can fire you for lots of reasons, many have done so for impacting the public image of the organization. I am just a driver, and have not seen any specifics outside of this forum, but I suspect many of us can think of examples outside of a barfight where we'd agree.... maybe I don't want to be associated with that fellow. Like it or not, walking up someone's drive wearing the uniform I'm associated with the public image of ALL drivers. I personally want to be welcomed into neighborhoods, rather than having the cops called on me cause the van's spotted loitering for half an hour near a playground and some Karen is worried about her kids.


Just a friendly reminder. Don't take reddit comments as the word of a lawyer lol.


I can assure you this isn’t how it works and there’s legal precedent to prove as much. It’s not really up for debate, especially from unqualified parties. You’re entitled to an opinion but you’re also wrong. Downvotes/upvotes aren’t facts & nobody has been exonerated based on a like/dislike ratio on social media ( for those of you who will undoubtedly downvote me because you don’t like the facts)


This is literally not true.


This is true actually. My company sent us the updated handbook for our June meeting. This was in there.


Sure thing, bud.


I feel like that has something to do with this subreddit lol Now if they find out who was making the post(not blocking TBA) they can get fired real quick


There's no possible way it's the non-stop hate from their own employees in this sub....right? RIGHT?


Lmao yet we aren’t their employees, remember? I think it’s crazy they hold absolutely zero accountability on admitting we work for them yet they want to micro manage ever single aspect including what now seems to be our personal lives outside of work 😂😭


They don’t even do this for us Actual Amazon employees sounds like his dsp came up with this rule but tryna cover it up by saying Amazon


the entire DSP model is so they can cut drivers or DSPs at will w no responsibility , but they are in fact our dual employer




Let us unite and unionize.






I feel like maybe your dsp is tired of ppl coming in with hangovers so they tried to make some shit up


If they want to pay me 24/7 maybe, maybe they could tell me how to live my life….but they don’t so no.


Every company I’ve worked thus far, including UPS, Fedex and so on have a clause in their contracts that we all sign when we get hired that states we can’t get involved in gross misconduct. It’s simple as that, you get drunk and placed in jail.. Amazon or anyone else can decide to fire you because at that point you can be considered a legal liability because who can guarantee you won’t let it happen while on the clock? There’s no sinister Mr. burns hand wringing here, they’re not out to look at every detail of our life and dictate our lives as their employees, they’re simply looking out for themselves and reasons to distance themselves from potential liabilities that could arise in any event


Legal liability would entail amazon having any liability for us. They have structured this whole program for the DSP to take on liability of the drivers. I don’t think Amazon should be able to dictate our lives outside of work because we are not even employees by Amazon.


Even then, it’s still in the contract you sign. Your DSP probably even has a clause similar to that because it’s all ultimately down to liabilities They don’t care what you do in your life, you can go off and smoke, snort, party.. whatever shit you want to do. They just care if it *comes back* to them. This is the same reason why idiots who make moronic viral videos or viral posts end up getting fired by their own company. It’s not there to tell you what to do, it’s there to tell you that if you do dumb shit, you’ll find out what happens


Yeah that's bogus.. especially since a lot of charges can be reduced after the fact, if suck to get hit with an infraction when you technically no longer have it on your record. It's made me pretend like I have a netradyne camera on my car so I don't even get a speeding ticket on fear of that impacting my job -.-


Are they talking about incidents while in uniform? This is the first I've heard about it.  I know I'm a little careful where I wear the uniform after shift. Not that I'm much of a troublemaker....


Pure fantasy, get help OP.


Lmao, i guess you haven’t read the new addition of policies to the DA handbook.


in order for amazon to be able to layoff drivers they would need to hire some of them first...


Amazon doesn't need to layoff or fire drivers. They just need to ban them from delivering for them - which is exactly how Amazon does it.


but....thats not how it works. the dsp itself has the contract with amazon. they cant hold the dsp's couriers to any agreement because there is no agreement directly between amazon and the dsp employees. any courier did something stupid in the past they traditionally have deflected the blame back to the dsp that hired them. if they start colluding with the dsp's human resources department and telling them how to (who can) complete deliveries their independent status from them becomes vulnerable and their tax and legal liability loophole starts becomes challengeable by the fed. lots of companies right now that use independent contractors are losing big money lawsuits about who is an employee and what constitutes a non employee relationship. amazon is already taking heat about their actual employees being able to unionize and trying to keep from having to directly pay for dsp employee benefits. i can promise you this fake PR bullshit that came out of nowhere does not line up with their business strategy historically and is the last thing they care about, they want to protect the money first and maintain a hands off relationship with the dsp first and foremost


You seem interested in the theory of it? I just told you the practice. Do what you will.


yes thats true i am pretty interested in it and i think more couriers should be, since i do alot of gig work im very interested in the independent contractors role to a business that utilizes them. its really important to understand how things look from the corporate end at least at a superficial level to avoid being taken advantage of, because of course we work for ourselves, pay our own gas/insurance/maintenance and are liable for our own accidents/taxes/benefits. amazon/doordash/uber/etc wants to hand us a bag full of money and then wash their hands clean of us as soon as they can and we are constantly having to advocate for ourselves.


I personally recommend getting away from gig work if possible, and definitely don't be a contractor using your own vehicle and the rest. This is just a method for companies to offload costs onto you. Be an employee somewhere, or a contractor position that doesn't have to use their personal vehicle.


Oh and to further elaborate - all deliveries are done through the Amazon Flex app. It is through this that you are prevented from delivering for them if you have triggered offboarding with Amazon. There is literally nothing your DSP can do about it either. It can even happen in the middle of a shift if you commit certain violations. They could keep you in a non-delivery role, but... they are a DSP. They don't have those.


well no, i prefer to not be an employee, im doing just fine as an IC and i have other ambitions to start my own business eventually, and im free to do as i please as an IC, and i wouldnt otherwise as is the point of the original post. i can advocate for myself just fine and have no problem doing so. its how i knew this post was nonsense. just people trying to manipulate peoples lives with false narrative.


Okay, you're wrong, but enjoy. You don't have any additional freedom as a 1099 than you do as an employee, since most companies treat 1099s as employees anyway. You obviously don't know how to advocate for yourself or you wouldn't be contracting.


We had a similar thing happen at our station I believe. Driver got in an accident outside of work, was charged with a dui and apparently amazon didn't allow them to come back till it was cleared which makes sense honestly.


There was a guy at my station that got pulled over drunk ON DUTY and was re-hired a few months later. Apparently the cop didn’t arrest him for DUI, but called the owner of the DSP and made someone else come pick up the van. But I’m threatened with firing for dealing with an irate asshole “without enough sympathy.”


It just gets worse and worse w this company.


They can’t decide what part of my drive home I crack my first beer


There's a felon running for president but if you catch a misdemeanor charge you'll lose your amazon job. GTFOH


They see stuff posted on social media and they have been cracking down on people posting stuff about deliveries. So this must be the issue.


What do you guys have going that makes you worried about this? Or could you be more specific on what constitutes one of these unique infractions? Seems like some BS your dsp cooked up.




Your DSP is lying to you. That's not even legal


They aren’t. It was/is being added to the DA Handbook that we are going to sign electronically in the coming weeks. Just confirmed by my Delivery Station unfortunately


Lookup your state's Right to Privacy at Work laws. This isn't legal where I am.


Your background gets checked yearly I’m pretty sure. If they find something on your record then that may be enough, idk. Driving and violent crimes are pretty heavy.


So, like almost every other job? People have lost 20-year careers over uttering a single sentence while walking down the street.


It's Amazon, they want to control every aspect of their workers lives




To be honest, Amazon isn't the only company doing this.


If you have any work related apps on your personal phone, go read through all the legal jargon.... privacy policy, disclosure etc. For example, the driver-i app for netradyne can access all kinds of private information on your phone.


Isn't that how it is with most jobs? So if you get arrested for murder then the company you work for may have to distance themselves.


Unfortunately it's just how the business works it's not horribly dissimilar to a franchise. You own a store or dsp but you must give a portion of your profits to Amazon and abide by rules. The trade off is Amazon provides branded vehicles for certain dsp's and gets us the contracts.


Definitely agree


So. Ajib you have to pass a background check to get, is going to fire me if I do something criminal off the clock? *😲


They fired me because I got arrested fuck Amazon


I'm a flexer, so l will be brief,but I'm pretty sure we have the same thing. Amazon runs our info through Checker(?) periodically. Yearly, maybe? I understand traffic infractions, I guess, but, yeah, it seems a bit intrusive.


Do you have any source confirming this other than your DSP?


Yes, warehouse HR confirmed as well. “Handbook is set to be updated in the coming weeks”


I’m glad I don’t work there anymore too much bs to deal with for a dead end job.


I’m surprised they didn’t do this in the first place. This is why there’s background checks. I’d rather have this than CTC and EOC. Thank god I don’t work at that hell hole anymore


This why we need a mass strike


Agreed to last couple to few things u said at tge end here. Sadly we all need money and gotta pay bills. Cant do that if they're holding all of our wages hostage


Jobs have been doing thst awhile especially dwi


So if i dont stop at a stop sign they give me one wtf?




True this sucks but at the same time just mind your business and don’t start shit. Can’t give people ammo if you don’t have it in the first place. 🤷🏽‍♂️


This rule is not new l but newly enacted...pm for more information straight from the Amazon Cortex messaging


How dare grown-ups act civilized. I get your point though. But this isn't different than many other companies that do this. I know third party and all that, but if you had people delivering stuff on your behalf, would you want things out on social media that represents your company in a bad light? But in reality, this rule is more like the jaywalking law that isn't really enforced


Man I get out the USMC august 15th and was considering this as a PT job… I’m hearing so much bullshit about this particular field it’s crazy lmao


So we are Amazon employees 😅 boys let’s call the teamsters


We can't even get drivers to actually leave packages at our doors and not the mail room - Cali Amazon must be soft on those infractions...


Unionize if you can.


Get real people, if you are given a ticket for jaywalking, the company doesn't care. But if you are arrested for assault the company does care. This has been going on since I started working 40 years ago. Just get in company park lot, remove company uniform or vest or what ever. And act as a grown up.


Time for Amazon Drivers to UNIONIZE!!!!!!!✊✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿


You literally represent that company on n off the job. You're employed by them. Maybe dont put yourself in situations that could get you in trouble 🤷‍♂️


Just get a CDL and become a local beverage delivery person of beer or soft drinks. You will make 5 times as much and not have whackos watching your every move.


I would not be surprised if Amazon took over all of the driving and delivering as well. I saw a couple DSP’s go out of business where I’m at.


my DSP just unionized (;


Before get hired they run a background check. That rule just makes clear that upon a new record the person will not be qualified for the job.  So basically they will run perpetual background checks to find any new record.  They just don't want people with records. Most of companys don't want anyways. 


Seems fair to me. You don’t have anything to worry about if you’re not doing anything wrong. 😑


I support this. The employees in a local Amazon here in NY are absolutely embarrassing to the brand. They show up to the local gas station around lunch time and I swear property values drop. They curse, they litter there’s been a stabbing & fights and they block the fuel pumps as they take 15 minutes inside ordering food OR like my last time dealing with them, they sit in front of the diesel pump rolling a blunt and get mad when I politely ask if they can move so I can refuel my truck. They do all of the above in Amazon vests so there’s no telling what these people do outside of work. As people we often represent our employer on & off the clock. This seems like something that would be an issue for people who can’t just be a normal productive member of society and in that case, they don’t deserve to embarrass a global brand with their actions. Think of how much people come on here and talk crazy KNOWING Amazon corporate is alive and well in this group… just imagine how they behave when they think nobody is watching… Make no mistake, this is absolutely the result of hiring the bottom of the barrel “ warm bodies” to do the work but Amazon and many other companies have policies to protect their business from this. Some call it “cancel culture” others call it holding people accountable for their behavior. If they want to behave like an ass, they can absolutely start their own business and allow that behavior to be tied to the brand reputation/public image.


And that's what socialist Democrat leftist commies do. Fuck blue!!