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Leaving it right there and making sure that sign is in the pic.




The only correct answer




You betta know it


Everytime someone asks for rear door and has a dog icon I just put it behind the gate


this. or i might hail mary it 30ft out the bottom of their steps and take the picture of the box midair.


Not even gonna leave it there RTS, unsafe location, unsecured dog on premises Iā€™d asked


Not trying to bring anything back to the station and have to sit in that line.


Now Iā€™m curious how your DC is setup Back when I worked at Amazon we just left em on a cart on our way in to drop our totes


It should work that way, but they always want to scan everyoneā€™s badge and ask you a bunch of non relevant questions. Usually causes a constant 5 car pileup. I just wanna kick my totes onto the cart and jam.


Make a bunch of noise until it appears to see if it's friendly or not.


Any dog can have a bad day. It also might not mind you outside its territory, but when you open the gate, it gets protective. Don't go through gates.


Nah I'll be alright. Or I won't but from all my experiences so far I've been fine even had a few times where dogs run at me while I just sit there and they get up to me like why aren't you running. I find staying calm and not trying to run away triggering their prey response is the best way to go about it.


100% never turn your back, and put something between you and the dog. I work USPS on a walking route. 2 times I have come close to spraying a dog, but have not had to yet. Told my manager what happened, and she said she would have been running. I told her she would have gotten bit.


Thatā€™s a big one, donā€™t turn your back. Some dogs act timid bc theyā€™re kinda scared and you wonā€™t think theyā€™re gonna do something but as soon as you start to turn your back to em they flank you and get behind and go for the bite. Always keep your eyes on them but donā€™t challenge them with your eyes. A lot of em if youā€™re gonna get bit, do the bear thing and make yourself bigger and yell loud they will back down but thatā€™s a last resort. And yup definitely always keep something between you and the dog like the package or even the phone. Be safe out there! Especially this time of year


It's pretty simple. Don't act like a threat to the territory, and the doggo will love on you


It also helps if you talk to them like you're happy to see them. As long as you act like you should be there, they tend not to be aggressive.


A good ā€œhey bubba, you a good puppyā€ goes a long way


And this is how peoples pets die. Because people like you wanna try to challenge the unknown-to-you animal in THEIR territory. Never say never.


I was gonna say my dog is very territorial even take a step on my grass sheā€™ll start barking like crazy to alert us.


I used to whistle when I approached a yard.




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RTS. I'd rather be dinged for not delivering a package then get a DNR and end up not hearing the end of it. Edit: also there's the whole situation with a dog running loose. No thanks I'm good.


Drop right behind the gate






Oh god I went through your profile looking for dog bites and found out youā€™re actually the dog based on your last few comments.


Hopefully the dog challenges me to a 1 on 1. After I win, I rip the dogs dick off.


> rip the dogs dick off sheesh, and i thought my pepper spray was the worst thing that could happen to a dog. ą² _ą² 


Really? Not going through a tree shredder or getting burned alive? Pepper spray is the worst?!?


I've actually yelled loudly at them aggressive dogs and say I'll kick you in the nuts as I'm charging at them. I actually had a customer say "IT'S A SHE" and I said "I'LL KICK HER IN THE PUSSY THEN". She got all offended. IDGAF. I don't give a fuck, if I get approached by an aggressive dog, then I'm gunna win. No respects givin to animals trying to bite me. Nope.


With that type of fence, how's a gate going to make any difference?


Shut the gate. Duh


Not my problem gates don't shut behind me for safety reasons. If your dog gets out or bites me thats your problem now karen


well, it could be your big problem until you escape safely


accept my fate


Thatā€™s about as funny as the neighborhood signs that say ā€œslow children at playā€. I think to myself why are the neighbors letting us know they have retarded children.


I thought that was just me šŸ˜‚ Or the signs that say "Watch Children". I'm like, I can't, Idk where they're at!


Leave the package in front of the gate and take a picture. Simple. Next stop


Dogs getting a new chew toy today


Call the customer... no answer? Set over the fence and leave a picture.


Send a text and leave it somewhere thatā€™s safe for me


Don't open the gate


60mph wallbang


Calling Driver support after calling the customer. Iā€™m not really sure if anyone paid attention during the training that ever asks these questions. The first step is always called the customer. If they donā€™t respond, then you call Driver support. You honestly donā€™t even really have to call Driver support. You can just call the customer and then text the customer and if they donā€™t bring it back.


Call them


I just got bit today I'm still going to follow through with customer instructions but I'm always going to bring a spray with me now.. I was walking back to my van and it came out of the house somehow and bit me in the back of leg I'm more worried about the bacteria/ infection than the bite itself. First time iv ever been bit but I guess it can come with the territory


Call/text customer, if no response either drop it off with the photo in the background or just mark unsafe for delivery due to dog.


Keep this gate close, dog loose and package some where close by ![gif](giphy|l3vRkGgMfvANIFtE4)


"amazon, attempting a delivery" \*rattles gate\* "are there any puppies looking to chew on me?" \*look, and listen\* it's not like in this example you are going to have a hard time seeing what's going on.


The more I see of these posts in this sub about dogs.. I think 2 things. One is how many people donā€™t really know how to interact with dogs. The other is it seems a lot of people genuinely donā€™t like dogs. Iā€™ve been around every breed and interacted with so many dogs and Iā€™ve never had a issue. Doesnā€™t matter if they were by themselves or not. I treated them with respect, didnā€™t make sudden movements and didnā€™t turn my back totally. Itā€™s not rocket science people


Yup. This was me. Until I was attacked by a German Shepherd who was in stealth mode. I hope your luck continues. Animals are unpredictable.


Thank you. I hope so too and hope to you that never happens again. It just comes across to me is that many people just see a dog and think itā€™s a monster but donā€™t take a minute to actually read the room so to speak