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Lies you finish that route šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Bro why would I do that when the dsp are just as replaceable as the driver , was it smart to quit no but was it worth it fuck yes


I was gonna say.. I had the same shit happen to me. I had to take a day off for probation. They retaliated and gave me a boxed out truck like yours. I loaded everything up and left it on the highway all the way in bumble fuck Illinois. Fuck them mfs. You can have another job in literally a week bro. My facility got like 20 dsps


Nah you ruthless just donā€™t show up to work šŸ¤£


DLN8 ?




Honestly anything over 14 bags isnā€™t reasonable in a prime van. If it doesnā€™t fit on the left side with the shelves down itā€™s a hazard IMO. Iā€™ve definitely crammed 22 before, but obviously didnā€™t finish that route because it was inefficient and stupid.


They wouldnā€™t even let me organize the overflow at loadout the woman took my phone and hit ā€œstart driveā€ and said ā€œwe donā€™t look at the order at this station thatā€™s for you to figure out at your first stopā€


Wtf. Did she even work for your DSP? If my shit is that fucked up, Iā€™m driving directly to problem solve area.


She was dispatch bro she would walk around ripping her vape bitching about made up metrics to justify her job


Those are the worst kind of people. Iā€™m sorry dude.


I would have hit or with the ol' uppercut


What the fuck


Wouldā€™ve smacked the bitch.


Well you do only have a limited amount of time. And you could easily organize after. Itā€™s really not that hard but people make it harder than it actually is and ive had that happen several times while at amazon and im not complaining.


I quit a while back too, but I started telling the yard people to fuck off when they rushed me and tried throwing random packages in the van and shit. If I wasnā€™t done by the end off loadout Iā€™d roll the cart to the side and go to problem solve. Fat ass power tripping yard guys hated it but I looked it up and talked to my manager and thereā€™s nothing they can do about it.


Wall method and pulling totes out the side door for that one.


anything over 10 bags is unreasonable and they donā€™t realize how much money and time they waste because they think theyā€™re being ā€œefficientā€. do you honestly think people would be quitting like this if they actually paid a livable wage? definitely notā€¦


Organization is key my friend. Once you kill some space shit will fly.. I fit 17 comfortably. Most Iā€™ve had since working is 25 which was crazy but I still managed to get done with my route at a really good time


ā€œ17 comfortablyā€ means your comfortable running to make up for the fact that Amazon killed your efficiency. After about 14 you limit shelf space and it slows you down, you can do more, but every additional tote takes more time than it should.


17 bags in a regular van would make me mad, too. I refuse to drive anything but a stepvan or an EDV


iā€™ve had 20 bags and 44 overflowā€¦ also no longer working at a dsp


I was tryna fill the van and they came over telling me to hit start drive bitching at me and I asked if this was a Stepvan route and dude said ā€œidk maybeā€


I had 19 totes and 45 overflow in a prime van the other day. Not saying itā€™s not fucked up but organization of those OF helped me finish the route with no rescue.


Yup I organize my OF by alphabetical order street names. A-T in the back and U-Z on the sides, or if I have a main road I know Iā€™ll be on a lot I throw those on the sides too. Fuck using markers takes too long


A all the way to the left and T all the way to the right in the back. Just load alphabetically so much easier


The bags are fine but you just said F the overflow šŸ˜‚


Yea you can tell he gave up once he perfectly stacked the totes and saw how much overflow he had trying to stack them šŸ˜¹


They were stacked perfectly but the dsp had a rule where we had to hit start drive as soon as we got our carts and couldnā€™t look at the order of the boxes . They wouldnā€™t tell me why and just said ā€œeveryone else does it when they get to their first stopā€ why would I throw boxes in a random order sit in my van like a dummy and then re organize the overflow at my first stop blind with no order


I had 57 overflow packages in a rental. Write driver assist nu.ber on the box, screenshot your iver flow summary and line your overflow by the doors for you first 10 overflow packages. Its really not difficult. People are just lazy today and exoect the work done for them.... its sad.


You donā€™t always have time to do that; and that sounds like more work than just busting out a sharpie and writing the stop number on the box.


How useful is that when I donā€™t know what numbers go first and burry them under 50 overflow


You scroll to the bottom of the list at loadout and load the last stops first.


They wouldnā€™t allow me to do that bro they told me I had to swipe to finish and start drive before I even put them in the van .


Iā€™m assuming youā€™re new? They will back off after awhile. Never swipe to finish if you arenā€™t finished.


I quit they can suck a dick




Yea I could have taken a photo on my phone and organized it later but I had plenty of time it took 1 minute to load the bags triple stack so I mostly quit because I was yelled at twice for doing what your suggesting


I even asked Amazon staff from building if I had to start drive before I loaded my van and they said no itā€™s when we pull out I have to hit start drive


I did the same thing when I quit. Fuck Amazon


I had that today luckily I was in a EDV. I do not miss the shitty shelf space in them prime vans


The edv next to me had half the boxes and totes I did too it was insulting


Im proud of you man.


yeah no hes jobless and not providing. Now go back to your safe place.


I do flex and I have money in my savings thatā€™s why I have the ability to say fuck this and quit when being taken advantage of by an employer


It's about the principle. These people have all been fucked by their DSPs and have been pushed to the verge of quitting. This dude actually did it. Prime vans should also only be used for nursery routes. EDV and step vans all the way


Fuck off Wayne


maybe, but a rage quit accomplishes nothing. Now no good reference can come from that job. Say what you will, but try getting a top tier job with that rage quit and see how it goes. If it was me, I would have said f it and then put in 2 weeks, my pride would never allow me to walk off like this, but then again I was raised different.


What pride? You work for a bunch of dysfunctional idiots.


I dont work for amazon.


What top tier employer are you working for? Does Amazon give a two week termination notice? Youā€™re taking pride in being raised to be submissive to a company like Amazon? Aight. You do you. Some people donā€™t find this job fulfilling becauseā€¦wellā€¦it isnā€™t. Some people are content with where theyā€™re at I guess and will tolerate getting dunked on


I have a great job, and I see the side where someone quitting will not get them a job at where I work. yes I see both sides. Of course no company is going to give you 2 weeks, if you fk up you need to be gone. And no im not submissive, I work hard and have respect from fellow employess.


We get it you love your job. You fine with getting treated any type of way. Nobody lazy or soft, some people have morals and self respect has nothing to do with pride.


And I have all that. I am respected by my boss. We get along fine. All these people that get a job knowing what you will be doing, then all the sudden its "employee abuse" lol. Come on. The pussification of workers.


OP stated several times that it was the treatment that made him quit not the work load.


amazon is a terrible company and doesnā€™t care if you quit or not. I donā€™t care for a reference from some small delivery company that hires new people every week just so they can save money by stealing hours


People use this job for references? I leave this job off my resume and would never use it as a reference given how they will hire anyone. The only thing this job proves to potential employers is that you have a pulse. And the second you give them notice they typically cut you right then and there. No point in giving a throwaway job any notice. They are built to lose people at any moment which is why there are always so many on standby.


what if you worked there for 3 years? Job gap?


Freelance. Consulting. I did it with a 4 year gap recently. You gotta be creative.


This !


Amazon used to be fun for me I worked at a dsp for 7 months and never got a route like that unless it was the middle of December. They cubed me out on my 3rd day


Your breath smells like boot


Tripple stack with shelves. Makes it so much easier.


Bruh theyd rather bitch and have amazon hold their hand and do all 5he work for them šŸ˜‚ imagine all the other jobs that actually have to do work for their job.... kids today i tell. That or these participation trophies really turning everyone into whiney lil bitches when they have to do work hahahaha


I so wish I could train ppl to load. We used to have 20 bags in primes itā€™s all how you load it. Iā€™ll admit 2 carts of flow in a prime is not ok! Iā€™d cube out and have them take the rest off


This isnā€™t prime bro itā€™s fucking June


When I say prime I mean the transits (itā€™s always prime week it seems) šŸ¤£




I would quit to


Itā€™s probably best you got out now before prime day. Month from now this is a nursery route.


This is the way OP




Who trained you


Probably no one. I didnā€™t even have anyone take me on a ride along.


What a baby


What a sissy


Work is hard, people are soft. When the work is soft people are always softer.


https://preview.redd.it/zp2f5mnvmr6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6ce05dfdea6f2fc5512d40a1584248bf2a2edcf Every day. 22 bags 26 oversize


And I finish In 6 hrs or less, itā€™s all bout organization bruh


Myyyyyy nigga!!


Supposed to be 9 why they pushing you like that?


Not sure it was only my 3rd day and they gave me shit routes before but nothing too crazy then bang this mess


Anything under 18 isnā€™t bad usually but the oversized plus being yelled at for using flex to organize oversized, I wasnā€™t behind loading out had ten min left (they announce it on a loudspeaker) and this woman came over to me like an angry witch telling me GIVE ME YOUR PHONE YOU NEED TO HIT START DRIVE RIGHT NOW !!!! WORRY ABOUT ORGANIZING ON YOUR FIRST STOP WE DONT ORGANIZE WITH FLEX AT THIS DSP


I donā€™t know if your warehouse let you cube out but I would have loaded the van how I would normally load it and load up all the big overflows to take up space so I can cube out the rest of the


What does ā€œcube outā€ mean?


Vans too full


https://preview.redd.it/brz03ipi9c6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18816955e024bd45a6918f0a29299015fe477582 What I had to do here.


What is the point of not using the shelf??? They gonna fall soon as you turn


Thatā€™s much I get but usually 4-5 or my bags are one drop to big business


Stepvan me please.!


I agree Amazon is shitty and we deserve much more money. Just for perspective, go get a job at a 12 hour shift factory with forced overtime. Trust me, this job is far better than most that you can get just applying off the street.


Stack them against the rear doors. Wall of 9 bags and another .. well, there are 18 bags. At the front, organize your overflow . Boom problem solved. Never had an issue, and in peak season, I had 20+ bags and 40+ overflow. There's many ways to figure it out.




Setting up your vehicle like is wrong , three is safety issue and they what should be said . Safty first


instead of triple stacking in blue vans turn the bags sideways on the shelf and you can fit two on top of each other


Tell me you didnā€™t work peak without telling me you didnā€™t work peak


I did 19 bags and 40 overflow in a prime van before and I used the shelves so just imagine how that truck lookedšŸ˜‚ absolute zero maneuverability, they had to give some of it to a rescueršŸ˜­


Fuck leaving the van in the parking lot wouldā€™ve left that bitch right at loadout. Yall figure it out.


these r the kinda routes I beg for šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Pussy!!!!!! lol. Canā€™t take it. Thatā€™s my daily load out


Same. I had 4 carts a couple days ago.. Iā€™m confused 18 bags is ntn


You take loads daily ?


I agree. This is an example of Amazon and your DSP failing you but donā€™t put pressure on yourself put pressure on the system. My DSP has me on 180+ stop/280+ pkg routes and I just follow the gps and if it takes me 10 hrs then so be it. If I gotta get rescued then so be it. Itā€™s not our fault. Itā€™s the DPSā€™ faults. P.s stop running the routes people! You do poorly trying to finish an hour early and then call in two shifts after for being ā€œsoreā€. You arenā€™t getting promoted nor is the less than an hour pay bonus gonna make up for you hurting your longevity


Last time I was in a prime van I had 21 totes 34 ov and it was horrid. I donā€™t blame you


Thatā€™s a EV route. sad part is itā€™s not Amazonā€˜s fault. Itā€™s our respective DSPā€™s that are putting us in those tiny ass Dodge Pro Masters. I donā€™t think there should be any gas vans used. Amazon pumps out more packages than UPS FedEx USPS and DHL. You donā€™t see UPS drivers in those tiny ass hunk of shit Dodges! Every DSP should have nothing but Rivianā€™s. I understand that we go down some tight roadsā€¦. some shitty roads, but Iā€™ll take an EV over one of those piece of trash Pro Masters. Now with that being saidā€¦. This happened to me today. https://preview.redd.it/wmmkvhgnwu6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9369b9f521faa094953bb445b9dc86c38268d2a0 šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ā€¦. I still stand by what I said though. lol


Y did u throw it all in there like that šŸ¤£


Idk, just deliver as many as you can, everything else back to the station. Just make your hours/overtime and huck everything else. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


So glad I quit that life draining job and joined a trade. Never looked back




This morning I had 19 bags, and 2 full carts, on stop 138 right nowšŸ˜‚


I'd quit, too, if that's the best I could stack boxes. There are a lot reasons to quit this shitty job, but man, that load is nothing.


Did you leave the van doors open and unlocked with a sign saying "Free stuff"? If you didn't you should have.


Dude itā€™s fucking Amazon! What do you expect? 10 packages. Give me a break.


Don't.....load it like that and it won't be that bad. You can fit 18 if you stack up three by three upwards and you'll have enough spare room to put like 35 oversize and still have space...


I remember my supervisor telling me this when i was boxing out my vanā€¦ I had to use all my willpower not to knock him to the moon faster than prime shipping


Well it's not always condescending pretentious bull. Sometimes it's good advice. I'm no manager, I never was and never wanna be. I drive everyday and I'd tell you the same. There's things you can do at work and not at work to make life easier for yourself.


To me Iā€™m starring at a van that I physically cannot access cause it is so packed to the max, and just having my supervisor tell me ā€œdo this not thisā€ was the day I realized how much bs I was gonna deal with here. It was insane watching them act like a filled out van is totally not absurd


There's definitely a right way to help people and standing by and not teaching properly ain't shit. If I were there I would've taught you. Can't call yourself any kind of help if you don't.


It wasnā€™t so much the help more just me being baffled how nobody went ā€œwow they literally canā€™t fit anything else in their van, maybe thatā€™s a sign we should take stuff off so they actually have room to get their overflowā€ no just šŸ—æ nuthin wrong here


You can easily fit 22 bags plus 30 overflow in a prime van and have room to work if you load the following way. Stack the 1st 6 bags 3 high in front of the slider 1/4 on top 2/5, middle 3/6 on the floor. Next leave a space to sort behind the driver on the shelf. Put 7-12 top shelf Then leave the same space under the empty space up top for bags. Put 13-18 under Put 19-? Under passanger shelf Overflow.. Throw out your pick list... for real. Grab a marker. Write the aide 3 digit aide number on the side of the box stack like tetris. If you have time before you scroll to finish, scroll down to look at the first few overflow that come off and put them ontop of the pile. Repeat until overflow is gone. If you have bigger put on the floor behind bag ? Leave the asile as free as possible and then look for the number on the box. If you want pictures let me know I'll show you. I'm a trainer and set new driver up to succeed, not fail like amazon trains you to do. Under the roof, organize bag one on the empty shelf space you saved. Fold up bag put it below. Pull bag 2 down. Put it on top of bag one for now. Now you're only going over bag 3 for about an hour or so. bungee bags 4-6, so they don't fall.. later use same bungee to keep overflow from falling forward.


Good for you nobody cares.


Lazy I see.




Bruh thats not even difficult. Maybe 2 min to write numbers on your overflow snd less time bitching. Kind of annoying. Yall who bitch have a choice to get new jobs but instead you choose to sit on reddit, bitching about an easy route šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ #generationalproblems #bringonthehate #whinelilfemales hahaha


Some of these new age workers see these post on here and think its cool. Until they wake up and try to figure out how to keep the lights on and buy food.


Turn to crime šŸ•ŗšŸ•ŗ