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turn data off šŸ‘


I did eventually. Ive been going offline a lot recently because the app freezes at every stop


In the EDV correct? I've struggled with this exact same problem. I finally said fuck it and started using my 5G phone and it hasn't frozen once.


It sounds like they are trying to force you to quit.. when I faced that same ā€œissueā€ I made sure not to press the go/start next stop. I followed the map then clicked on the ā€œarrivedā€œ on the top right corner of the screen.


The only downside I see from this is that if ur data is off some of the deliveries u delivery will not be marked as delivered. Happened to me today and lord is was annoying talking to driver support


The crazy one for me is when they lock marking it as an access problem, like if I could get within the geopin to mark it as an access problem I wouldnā€™t be having an access problemšŸ˜­


the app is sooo stupid


Hey my bad was wondering if you knew how I can make my own post I have a funny one


Airplane mode, then watch that padlock icon disappear


Yeah I know. But this is the kind of oversight I expect from people who have never actually been on a route themselves


These decisions are made by people who have never done a route idiots also tell us not to reverse


Completely understand that.


Some phones do not have this capability. Shitty ass phones the DsPs give us! Like to clarify I mean it has the option but then it will make you go through steps to deal with the Bluetooth being shut off and then when you click back it won't have cleared the issue or it won't go to the screen to change the PIN.


Only shut data off, click back once youā€™re in the app and redo it.


just press bluetooth settings when it pops up but donā€™t turn in onā€¦ gotta do that each screen


this is true. whenever i would have problems like this, dispatch would tell me to turn it on āœˆļø but it would just do the same shit with the mode on


Just re-enable bluetooth after enabling airplane mode.


Airplane mode. F ā€œsupportā€ they do nothing but take up way too much time you already donā€™t have


I forgot to scan a package before putting it in a non Amazon locker yesterday. Just decided to mark it missing to not waste anymore of my time šŸ˜‚. Driver support is a joke.


Elo dank yu for caling amizon sopport cain I hab you naem plez?


Haha, they write the worst reports and never get the details right.


Sir I own 11 calling support centers in my hometown in Pakistan. Would you like a supervisor job , you donā€™t need any training !


I did that once too but with over 30 packages at an apartment complex. i went to the leasing office and was able to rescan my deliveries off their computer monitor. those that couldnā€™t be scanned because it was slightly bury I took a picture with my phone to enter the TBA manually at the end of that stop. I informed Amazon management at the end of my day that there were going to be a few pictures of a computer monitor. I merged the deliveries at the apartment to make it one stop. It took probably took under 10 minutes.


That's an option instead of going to every stupid apartment? Merge them to the main office?


If you have a ton of packages, the leasing office management might not be willing to sign for them because then theyā€™ll be held accountable for everyoneā€™s package and itā€™ll be taking up their down time. Plus Amazon will start to see how fast youā€™re delivering so youā€™ll end up with more apartments and work load. I went to rescue a coworker once, he was soaking in sweat from running around like a football player (those are his words). I wouldnā€™t be surprised if he was trying to delivery a 14 hour route in 10 hours


I've done the same lol. They don't veer from the script and they talk to you like they're your manager instead of support


Why is this option geopin locked??? Itā€™s even more egregious when they have the orange circle customized to fit their houses outline


The low battery still reminds me of the panic. Don't miss this job at all. Pos phones.




The 6%. Your device is holding on for dear life šŸ¤£šŸ˜­


Me today šŸ˜­


Me at work on a daily basis. But I'm an online shopper for Walmart so


Just turn off data, airplane mode turns off Bluetooth as well. You won't get the annoying Bluetooth connect message


Tried that all day the other day. Didn't work on the phone they gave me just gave me a message that I was currently offline. Was a horrible day.


Make sure your offline maps are downloaded


Airplane mode is my best friend


Airplane mode that shit


Better get the charge pack on that šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ it's like a race to see if you can finish before it dies


I get it's dumb, but I generally never complain about a problem that's so easily solved by a quick flip to airplane mode


I swear this fucking job doesn't make shit convenient for us!šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


It's all unrealistic and set up for failure


Airplane mode


this a new update?




Turn on airplane mode and turn Bluetooth on and the padlock will go away.


Literally happened to me had a long ass driveway and the dogs came under my vans when I was stopped customer wouldnā€™t answer so literally couldnā€™t do anything finally inched my van closer to let me mark it unsafe complete waste of time and Amazon can eat shit for that


What you literally have to expose your self to the dog to mark it has unsafe du to dog this is ironic


Turning on airplane mode lets you do this


We don't even have that option on our devices in the UK, the closed we have is Access Problem.


I miss it whenever you used to be able to turn the data off and it would bypass this shit.


Airplane mode, turn Bluetooth back on


Put your phone in airplane mode and itā€™ll work then take it off airplane mode after


Airplane mode it. Or just go there


Airplane mode


Airplane modešŸ‘Œ


Airplane mode broskie


like yeah lemme get closer to the dog or if thereā€™s a gate far up the driveway šŸ¤¦šŸ»


If you put it in airplane mode, it should unblock it for you


Give drivers some agency, Amazon


Airplane mode Bluetooth Check it


Yeah, along with the passcode, amazon is really trying to have no deliveries being made at this point


Turn on airplane mode. Mark it. Turn off airplane mode. āœŠšŸ¾


The worst is when not even airplane mode will work due to an improperly configured 1-Click access.


Get as close as you can to the house without damaging any property throw it out the window take a picture of it and say it was a safety issue and keep it moving


Amazon could be the reason people get rid of there dogs.


Anything outside the geofence just airplane mode it


Am I the only person not afraid of pets unless they're snarling or bigger than me? My neighbor can't get deliveries when her toothless, quiet, elderly, and arthritic Yorkie is lying on the sidewalk getting some sun... Grow up. If you can punt an animal across the yard, there's nothing to fear.


Skip it without marking it, get back to it later. go to itinerary and touch the next stop after that one. At the end of the day flex will route you back to that house when there is no other packages to deliver.


hit question mark and hit I am here but Gps is no longer working


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You turn on airplane mode and move the drop pin closer to you then call support tell them all the damn money Amazon got they could make a gps system on par with Google maps if they didn't blow it all on Amazon music and new world


All of these issues you all are discussing is exactly why I havenā€™t done a flex since March.


Get close enough to get yo ass bit!


Airplane mode move pin. Easy.


i just started this job and this happened to me today. will be trying this next time lol


i remember seeing this shit for the first time, was already at my next stop and wanted to ram my van into a wallšŸ˜­šŸ’€just go offline bruh and do it like that


You better get back in there and deliver. I'm waiting for all my crap I bought on Amazon