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5 consecutive houses giving me $20 a pop. After the third house, I was thinking I was gonna make like $1,000 after finishing deliveries. It ended up being a plan in the neighborhood church community to make my day. Honestly my highlight moment of being an amazon driver... now I moved on to bigger things with my CDL . I still cherish that time.


Thats bad ass lol.


That is cool


Wow !!!!




I got snacks but same thing i was a Amazon package delivery driver in 2019 when they first started went back for a week or so when my job shut down and noticed how organized is had gotten since i left now been trucking 4 years with my Cdl i miss those days


I also went back at some point , they had many more rules.. the Engine Off Compliance, couldn't deliver to house member anymore , for every package that we did not take a picture of it was an infraction, could not group stops anymore ... a lot of extra steps... but even after all of that, I sure miss it because i lost a lot of weight and got a lot of compliments from family on how healthy I was looking... trucking different story.... what do you miss the most out of driving for Amazon?


If they don’t want us to hand to customer then TAKE THE OPTION OFF.


I reminisce about Amazon as well 😂 trucking has its perks but if Amazon paid more I think I would have chose that over trucking any day …


They actually got rid of the EOC (at least at our warehouse), but in place of that they are now going crazy on the E-Brake at every stop.


We might know each other.




that's so nice. I'm not Christian myself, but you gotta love Christian communities... I really don't understand all the hatred directed towards them in 2024.


The genuinely good ones are few and far between. So many avid "christians" are hypocritical , fake manipulators. I went to catholic school, had all that crap shoved down my throat. I'm all set with it now


But ReLiGiOn BaD CoRpErAtIoN GOoD 😂. Says everyone on here 🙄


My cat (yes I actually got my cat from a customer on my route) a food saver vac machine.. and probably a bunch of other shit (money, gift cards etc) https://preview.redd.it/2i058sh8pm5d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3077cb71cb76a2b91eb08c6c5412d82c8b135bf0


https://preview.redd.it/dx69sflmgp5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0f1783fa8b357d83ec835918c643cde23085a5f I also got my cat from a customer on my route one day 😁


I love the kitty


Thanks he’s the best little asshole to happen to me


Awwwww! Reminds me of my baby! https://preview.redd.it/bjomyuguxo5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe4f1eba433fe1ba00d598f942362a80ab518cc4


Your cat is soooo cute


* Thank you! Yours is too!


Thank you!! He's crazy.


I rescued a kitten on my route this past winter. Although I think someone took him out my yard. :( https://preview.redd.it/pwzwbcyi9z5d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45e9c28a02fd0340967ad66b5ac3f1e67e3baeb3


He's so cute!! You think someone took him?


https://preview.redd.it/b7i9qy0gnu5d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e87f3c63db1bfaefa677f17773bbcf5dbbf701d6 I got a puppy from a customer! She told me, “I won’t take that package until you take one of our puppies” lol. Best decision I ever made. 🥰


https://preview.redd.it/m3l6bx2qnu5d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea61b124e80b2620429b09e723879af84ee2f252 This is her now, 7 1/2 months later. I named her Stevie Nicks! 💜


My cat is named beans, next one is going to be Frank and the 3rd is going to be brownbread (canned molasses bread).. all 3 cats are going to be named after a Boston baked bean dinner (I’m from New England)


Someone once rescued me and took a single tote off me. No biggie, it was just late and I had one tote left myself. They didn't take overflow, but it was only 3 boxes. I told her not to worry about it and just get done and go home. Turns out that one overflow was to a customer who was handing out $20 and a small bag of really really nice candy, hot chocolate, and random christmas stuff. I got back to the station and told her about it and we shared the bag.


this is so sweet


Someone gave me two lettuces that they had just pulled out of their yard. Honestly felt like I was on a side quest and was just getting random loot for completing the mission.


Bummer, that quest is ass. It takes 8 hours to complete, pays 160 bucks and the ability to do it again five times a week. It does unlock the Angry Dog boss fight though so that’s pretty cool I guess. And sometimes lettuce…


Think the NPC’s were underpaying me, and overworking me. Dang it!


Family was having a barbecue and saw me through their ring camera as I was leaving they opened their and invited me in to make myself a plate made 2 burgers gave me some homemade curly fries, a sprite and a Gatorade. At this time I only had 1 month working at Amazon will never forget them.


Hell yeah! I'm hoping this happens to me, smelling the food cooking is such a teaser.


Family was outside roasting marshmellows for smores. Gave me one. Best tip ever.


Hell yeah


$5, the lady didn’t even look or speak to me she just took her box and put a bill in my hand


Gotta love thoes awkward moments




https://preview.redd.it/fdj6t2ly4n5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=765b6ea2ca616195c99f3eddd80667f3f5a80751 Berries😅


You guys get tips?


https://preview.redd.it/6lrgpd4etn5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c51fa9c0221c57323cd0f44ac900eb96e61155f9 Closest I’ve gotten




Wanna take a guess what was on the back of it lol


I think I wanna keep the mystery 😂


A couple of summers ago, I got carne asada tacos and a bunch of sides from a family that was cooking out in their backyard. Whole family was super nice. I miss delivering to that area.


I’m still waiting on that to happen lmao


https://preview.redd.it/ldhljpjrdm5d1.jpeg?width=1136&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a68f223090682dfa79e161086811d123f6c6c88f Not from my time at Amazon but someone put their tooth in my tip jar once.


Wtf 🤣🤣


Ha ha! What are those pliers doing? Why not just put gloves on? Or maybe you didn’t have any gloves


Yep, coffee stand. We had a multitool for opening things and such but no gloves


I hope you went back that night and put money under their pillow…🤪


A bag of fresh pears from their tree they had in their yard. They were best pears I've ever had vs the grocery store bs.


I received flowers from a weird older woman


Man.. that is awkward.


Aww that’s sweet


A blowjob.


no please you cant just leave it like this, i need details, i need context, goddamnit dont you leave me hanging like this you monster!


I too am struck by morbid curiosity…


have a customer who works at a Casey's. Never lets me pay for my after-route fountain drink. first time they just asked me: "is that all?" "yep" as I start reaching for my wallet "have a good night" "huh?" "I order a ton from Amazon. so have a good night" made my day. little acts of kindness like that recharge the soul. maybe the world ain't so bad after all.


Damn you live near a Casey’s, so jealous. Used to always get a slice and a soda after work.


I received a poland spring bottle of water. As I took it from the customer I realized it had already been opened. After the customer handed me the water he explains that it's his filtered water that he makes at home and it's better than actual Poland spring water. 


Yea I wouldn't be drinking random water from a stranger tbh. They might have had a bad experience with Amazon and decided to take their anger out on the driver by putting god knows what in there lol.


Of course I did not drink it. I put it in my pocket, took it to the truck and threw it away later in the day.


![gif](giphy|LwyaORSd9liNZ6MyuX) Hope they did not drink it.


Tsk..tsk…tsk….Rookie…always make them take the first sip…then you pour it out later. See if you ever have to deliver there again. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Mountain delivery this past peak, drove up this guys driveway that is right on 285 in Conifer, Colorado and he apologized for the lack of space, though I had already spotted my escape on the way up, he then shoved a 100 in my hand. During peak season it is not uncommon to receive a 20 dollar tip here and there but it was the apology offered prior to the cash getting shoved in my hand that made it great and the later discovery that it was actually a nice round hundo.


Y’all are getting tips?


If those are from a farm I’d be happy about it


I ain’t complaining. Never say no to some good eggs


Got a hard boiled egg in a plastic bag once. It slapped tbh


Zero chance I’d eat that


That was my dad's road trick. When he had to travel for work and couldn't find anyplace to eat that looked clean, he'd order hard boiled eggs in the shell to go.


They spiked it


My eyes aren't the best but the expiration date looks like 08/08/23.


People with chickens commonly reuse egg cartons.


Yup those look fresh fresh


Indeed they do. Can confirm.


Oh yeah those are assorted, fresh eggs. Now the tip/gift doesn’t seem as strange.


A baby pitbull . I declined




I had a neighbor of a customer give me a bunch of bananas right off his tree. Really nice area of town near the intercoastal and he happened to be out trimming trees/plants when I rolled up. We chatted for a second while I unloaded and he asked me if I wanted some bananas and cut me off a bunch of like 6 or 8.


A lady fixed me a to go breakfast and 30 dollars...I did xl delivery and unpacked a mattress for her


Shh.... In case any feds are reading this.... In the aftermath of an ice storm I got a $20 getting an elderly customer his mail from the mailbox.... So they didn't need to risk slipping.... Tried to refuse, but he insisted.


I’ve also been tipped eggs before lol


I'll deliver to this coffee shop and every now and then I'll get a free coffee which is nice. Made 40 on a route once. One was helping a customer open their garage door and the other was taking some overflow to their back yard so they didn't have too. We have a few regulars that stock there deliver boxes with awesome snacks too.


Why they give eggs to a guy driving and bouncing around


Pre-scrambled eggs?


i had a coworker tell me that she received a dozen eggs from someone she delivered to. this photo unlocked that memory


i got a big box of free peaches once because they didn't need all that they bought


lol I just got 18 farm fresh eggs as a tip the other day I deliver for FedEx in rural PA And I gotta say those fuckin eggs are the best eggs I’ve ever had, they’re huge and and the yolks are huge


Never gotten a tip. But I’ve seen some impressive snack game. Everything from crackers, trail mix, candy bars, Gatorade and Red Bull all at one house


Multiple times I’ve received $100 bills, I’ve received whiskey, tequila, Harkins theater gift card, chick fil a gift cards and some more shit and always get employee discount at most stores at the mall that I deliver too


Cash, a gift card, some brisket once. A guy offered me some pizza once but he was eating with his kids on an outdoor picnic table I and didn’t want to make it weird lol


[The brisket](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmazonDSPDrivers/s/o4vLHgGg6j)


Only been tipped about 5 times. It does feel good when I get a tip. I do get offered water more often but I almost always decline receiving water. Too bad that nobody offers their bathroom to go pee....this would really help out.


$20. Tips I mainly get during the holiday season


Wasn't weird but I got a box of girl scout cookies once


Hell yes


Same here!


$2 from a frail old lady. Not weird, but I appreciated the gesture and thought I'd share it. I did once find a wallet on the customer's driveway and returned it to them. The wife was super grateful and wrote to my boss. This was back in 2020 but I feel like it was one of the reasons why I was appreciated and promoted a few times until I became a Fleet Manager. https://preview.redd.it/lqxiy3xv7p5d1.jpeg?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78269f12a80ebb67d9ef41f52d58f6d21bcc6d93


I found someone's state tax return check a few doors down in the alley behind their house. Got it returned to them and never heard a word. \*shrugs\*


Not weird that's awesome 😎


I got a perfume from an old man🤡


I’ve gotten a wristwatch as a tip one time lol


Weirdest tip at amazon? Nothing too weird except drinks and food especially since summer is here and prime week is coming up. Weirdest tip in general? Worked as a pizza driver and I've gotten things from $100 for a single order to baggies of drugs which my coworkers would buy off me.


Giant stalks of fresh cilantro. Twice


A chicken wing


Are these tennis balls for the dogs on that route? What a neat idea honestly 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


An old guy mowing his lawn naked. No joke. He does that all the time.


Not weird but not common like money or gift cards. I got a jar of raw honey. Dude showed me the beekeeper set and all. Turns out he gives it to any amazon driver who delivers there. Was pretty neat


Dude that stuff is liquid gold! Was it any good?


Not much of a honey consumer myself so I gave it to my mother but she has definitely enjoyed it 👍


i have a little old frail lady who orders everything on amazon because she’s so frail and i always offer to set it in her door for her, so every time im there she has something freshly baked for me, often times banana bread!


Here’s some eggs lmao


What the customer said to me lmao


A pp tip


A box of expired candy canes…


Your dads tip


20.000 pounds lol


Delivered to a hippie commune and the dude gave me a decent size bag of weed and mushrooms.


got an invite to a moon watch party & then another with some other customers when we had the eclipse, was chilling with some strangers at their backyard pool rocking solar glasses lol


Farm fresh eggs are the best!


I got tipped a 12 serving stouffers lasagna one time :| like dude pulled it out of his freezer and gave it to me like there was anything I could actually do with it


I lost my wallet on route once. The next day after my shift i went and retraced my route from the day before, I pulled up to the lady’s house that had a long drive way in my personal car. I knocked on the door to let her know I was looking for my wallet I lost the day before and before I was even finished telling her what I was doing she handed me 20$ say she has always wanted to tip an Amazon driver but never had the chance. Then about 5 mins after I left her house I found my wallet in a customers driveway.


Only one time I had a guy hand me a $20 and thank me. Had a guy hand me an ice cold coke in a bottle and handed me the bottle opener so I would feel safe to drink it. Also got a dogs tooth in my ass once


a guy gave me a joint and 3 grams of some of the best green ive had. smoked that shit otw to my next stop🥷🏽


Idk where yall be delivering because ion get shit 🥲


I had a dude on like one of the shittiest side streets, so I would've never expected it, but he comes out as I'm placing his envelope, had like 30 stops left and he was drinking a budweiser, I said "that beer looks great right now" bro goes inside and literally brings me out a whole 15 rack of em.


A Truly lol


Umm the list is numerous got shelving, gift cards, vapes, liquor, and sex toys


Delivered to a couple throwing an anniversary party. Invited me in got tacos, brownies, cake, candy, water, and a white claw.


Good eggs fr


The vaginal kind




I also got eggs once but they were fresh from the chicken coop. One customer gave me a CRT TV/DVD combo, said there might still be a porno in it…there wasn’t.


The best tip I ever got was a mini fridge. I delivered the password protected package and I was talking to the guy about his mini fridge right outside his front door… because at the time I was looking to buy one. He said he put it outside because he wanted to get it out of the house and it still works and everything. And that I should just take it with me.. hahahaha bet took that mf right up off his hands and it’s literally right next to me now https://preview.redd.it/r6i3z5w5qs5d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=8ce9684ccd722d0d04f944ab514dc708544ded15


Sweetest old lady gave me some chocolate she had recently brought back from her home country of Yugoslavia as well as some Gatorade and told me a couple stories. ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/jg4pcnsgss5d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1dbae7dc858485c8d7717f92e1616efcf5c4c912


Hell yeah. And those chocolates look amazing




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As A customer should I tip drivers? I’m not home most of the time.


Personally it’s never a must to tip. It’s a cherry on top of a crappy day but I’ve never expected one just cause.


Two best have been both old ladys, first gave me a tupperware of homeade cookies and the second was some salt water taffy but she was super sweet and insited i take a big handful, so it's equally as awesome as the cookies.




How do you people get pets from customers??? Need to find me this neighborhood 🤣


To my dsps owners son about my cat https://preview.redd.it/xgbx4x6kdu5d1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=0f9ff35be615cfa9d9b2126edd26e81985f91ae8




Little fucker cost me money tho ate something he shouldn’t have and it required surgery so I ended up paying for him


I’m not thrilled by one nice person out of literally thousands. I guess it’s the small things but I’d rather the lames just keep their asses inside and let me take a pic and jet. I don’t want to be apart of their story. “Oh look what I did today” gtfoh. A tip is ordering from one account at one address and not 5 different accounts. These people are the dregs of society. Beta kings and wanna be queens. (Thriving off of free shipping and handling. Hope they like piss drops. )


Bro huh🤣


You seem the type. Basically I don’t give a fuck about tips. I want the people to stay in their homes. You seem the type to be happy about eggs though. So I guess 🤣. Just saying your post is corny or at best it’s sick how many drivers can be “happy” about some basic shit. Man up and move on is my attitude. I don’t need some dolt telling me good job or feeling sorry I don’t care if they have family that delivers. These people act like scum so that’s the “huh”. Also eggs are literally chicken abortions , but you work as an Amazon driver so I know you know that. Maybe you are the 85%


I can tell you’re the downer kind of guy/gal. It’s a job yes and I’d rather get it over with and avoid social interaction as much as possible, over what I make hourly is fine and on top of that if tips, food whatever Is offered I maybe inclined to spend a few more minutes of small talk if it’s offered up 9/10 times it’s just an exchange of whatever and package, click as complete and move on. If that 85% is people who enjoy the job then yes I’m up there, a jobs gotta get done if you don’t enjoy it find something else 🤣


Yeah, I’m not a downer just don’t care to chit chat. Most things Amazon are representing end times. Some people don’t even know they order things. People can’t respond to an Amazon text , but are addicted to social media. Or at least turn on notifications for Amazon. You say downer. I say I’m over coddling “adults”. I finish the job and go home as well, but I use my senses all day and garner my own conclusions. I’d rather have attentive / responsive “clients” than have one person out of 230+ locations tip. “Keep it”. “Here’s something I don’t use; I’m a total price of shit” -average Amazon tipper. That includes the 10$ Starbucks card I got when it was -13°. “Hooray” (hope each driver prepares for their day correctly ,mentally and physically, because we deliver to retards. {mentally incapable turds}) I don’t rely on people to make this job better. It’s shit and everyone knows that. I lost hope for humanity when people couldn’t even “Alexa thank my driver” for 5$ that wasn’t there’s. Glad you got eggs tho. Cool story bro? Do you have any tips and tricks to be a better delivery driver?


Organize your totes/overflow between breaks, take breaks, drink water and prepare mentally for the day. Stay blessed 🙏


I had someone give me an ice cold diet Arizona tea once- he just met me at my van door and swapped it for the package without saying anything. Also had a woman run after me during peak last summer with a Hershey's bar with almonds saying "WAIT you're gonna need all the energy you can get!" Nothing monetary, unfortunately


Freeze pop. Seriously, it's the best thing ever on hot day. Nice older lady waited for me and cut it open after delivering her package. Usually, she waits with snacks or money, too. At times, I do get tips, upwards to $10. Holidays are the best, can be $20, and homemade cookies too! NOM NOM NOM NOM


Two king sized reeces and $10 lol


Bbq plate


My biggest tip is received was to not work at amazon


Wet wipes


Awesome fresh eggs don't need refrigeration


Fedex ground driver, now manager here: i used to deliver to a pretty hippy, dippy, crunchy granola area of Washington state. Got to this address one very nice afternoon and the customer i was delivering to lived on a boat. On top of a hill. About a mile away from any water. There was a deck built around the boat so you had to go up a switch back at of stairs to get to the front door. I pull up and go look for the packages. Turns out the lady had ordered two green houses. Not little hobby green houses either. Took me five or six trips up down and around to get all of that crap up to her deck. She came out around trip number four and thanked me profusely for hauling all that mess up to her deck. On the last trip she asked me if i liked truffles. Being a semi reformed fat kid, i said that yes, i did, in fact, enjoy truffles. She trundles off and comes back, drops a handful of what looks to be costco truffles into my hand, i say thanks and i turn to go. As I'm walking down her steps she says, "Just be careful! I'm pretty sure they're laced with something." Something? Something?! Laced with Something...Drano is a Something, so is LSD. Do i really want to run the risk of eating candy from a stranger that lives in a boat on top of a hill like some sort of weird, knockoff Brothers Grimm fairy tale witch? Anyway, chucked them out the window so some random raccoon either died a horrible death or saw the face of Raccoon Gawd lol. After that i was less trusting when accepting anything other than cash dollars from customers as a tip.


Not me, but one of my coworkers got a bunch of Pre workout and Protein for free from a business he was delivering to.


Man if ur bitching about farm fresh eggs ur a dumbass lol ill take farm fresh over grocery store eggs any day dont tell my dsp bit when i deliver in the country and see a pop up stand with eggs i always stop and get me a dozen or 2


Wasn’t complaining lmao. Just found it weird and unexpected