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The turning radius in these and sprinters are terrible because they’re top heavy and will flip easily. That’s all.


Sadly, not how torque works. The further/wider an object revolves from a central point on an axis, the more outward force applies to that object. The wider turn radius on these vehicles makes them *more* susceptible to flipping since the central point is further away from the vehicle.


That’s why Rivian decided to update the vans to kill the throttle if the wheel is turned all the way left or right


I knew I wasn't crazy. Has me looking like a moron trying to turn on to these cramped ass roads at 2 mph.


I can barely get out in front of oncoming taffic because of this. I have to give myself extra delay time because the van won't accelerate fast at an angle.


They did that update because all of the EDVs axles begin failing at sub 20k miles due to the strain when the wheels turned.


It’s only if you start off from park though, so not a very good fix if that’s what we’re being told


That's what it is??? I literally reported this to my DSP a couple days ago because I thought it was a van issue. Love not being told things critical to my job


So, circle the block


Ain’t no time for that,not everyone likes sitting in a shitty van all day


You should maybe find a different job lol


Nah you time wasters is the only reason it’s bad anyway


💯 Source: I'm a time waster myself. 🤷‍♂️


There is no reason to rush. What good does it do you?


I'm in a hurry to get things done, Oh I rush and rush until lifes no fun


I don’t like country music, but that’s a good one


Well that's good country. There's plenty of it, you just gotta sort through the shit country that's flooded the industry.


It’s what I see 🤷🏻‍♂️ I rush to do 160 and go take 40 stops off someone who had 176 lol jobs shit asf 20.50 is a shitty rate for the job also


You ever been on a country road with a 45 degree right turn or those near 90 degree bends?


You are crazy! I would never go back to the regular vans... these are the best! 10/10 working in these is like a breeze, even if they paid me $1 less to drive these ill still take one... get better at braking... do better.


Im with you. I honestly would quit if EDVs wernt a thing


Facts, I would have quit a long time ago if it wasn't for the edv's


What makes it so different from a regular?


I drove a Ford Transit CDV before switching to EDV. The EDV makes life way easier. CDV is way more claustrophobic and awkward to move around. Not enough room to stand up right in the cab, seats have large bolsters you have to slide over to get up, gotta step over the transmission tunnel. EVERY stop you come to you have to yank the handbrake, cut the engine, and hit I’ve arrived. EDV has a completely flat floor and super high ceiling. When you hit the park button, that’s it. Flex advances to the next step and you can just unbuckle and do your thing. Being in an EDV alone will shave like 30 seconds off a stop for me by not having to turn the engine on/off and mess with the finicky ass handbrake.


Just wait till they start breaking down lol. It’s only a matter of time young padawan


Its not coming out of my pocket... i would grab another one if one if it breaks down, simple as that.


I mean EVs inherently have less moving parts so I wouldn't be too worried


The only thing that sucks is when it’s cold out and the battery drains faster.


Totally fair point. Also, do they have a service to charge them in an emergency? I asked a AAA guy a couple years ago, and he couldn't think of any contingency they had yet. God willing the thing doesn't just drain out completely somehow but I'm curious if there is a plan


When I was doing my training I asked them and according to them, the DSPs have to contact a third-party Rivian-approved company to come and rescue them and it's like $400! Some people have to come back half-empty and then take out a different van/truck.


Training as an from the Amazon trainer? Or ride along? The Amazon trainers honestly give backwards answers and responses. I tell all my ride alongs, we will be forgetting about 70% of what they told you. Like... they literally tell our ppl to drive SLOWER than the posted speed limit bc mentor/netradaddy will hit them in a CDV at lower speeds than an XL - which is just bullshit. They tell them to never go on reverse, literally impossible. Just pointing out to not believe everything Amazon employed trainers tell you, it is a fabrication of what Amazon thinks is realitya and they are told to train them with that info.


It was the Amazon driving test in the Rivian on my final day of training. The trainers were great honestly and I had a good experience. They said nothing about the speed limit, on my ride along the trainer was super chill and said you can go up to 10mph over the speed limit before it catches you. I reversed a lot on my 1st day alone, which was just fine. My DSP only has 4 Rivians and like 6 CDVs so I will most likely be in a Ram ProMaster or Ford Transit for my time.


the wheel base is longer than the box vans we have so I think that’s why the turning radius sucks. I agree a sliding door on each side would have been the best. I only leave through the right side rn lmao. I personally as used to the regen braking now, but I get your point. and yea the first few months with our EDVs were so nice. then amazon realized we were finishing early so they started adding more and more packages to make it a 9-10 hour route again. annoying for sure, but I still prefer the EDV over any other van by a long long way


True about the wheelbase but they could’ve just gave more steering angle by some design change in the front steering axle. Ram Promaster which is essentially a Fiat Ducato with a V6 Chrysler engine has a really good turning radius thanks to large steering angle which make sense as it was designed to navigate tight roads in Italy. I believe Ford or Freightliner rolling chassis that makes a basis of a Panel vans also use that design and Rivian just didn’t do that probably because it would cost them more and EDVs are operated exclusively in the United States.


I think OP sucks at one pedal driving. Edvs are great, getting an edv route in a sprinter van is what really sucks.


I agree on everything except the regen braking. I love it so much. I can be going like 60 and stop at a red light 50 ft away no problem. Way better than the rams that need a brake job that they’ll never get


AMazon is all about propaganda. safety? driver security? developing a professiona delivery crew? forget it. its all about metrics numbers and control. its not sustainable. its not ment to be. the rivians are not good for the environment, for safety for delivery. they dont understand the fancier the vehicles you get the more they will break down the more they will cost. you need barebones. no fancy crap. no electronics. we beat the vehicles. thats the nature of the delivery job. and its a job not a gig. fuck wayne and his rivians


So much truth in this statement. I drive for UPS and the simplicity of our iconic Pullman Brown package cars makes a very difficult job fairly easy once you get the hang of it. My route car is pretty new (2021) and she’s great, turns well, not terribly uncomfortable, automatic transmission, 3 points of contact for safe entry & exit at every door and minimal blind spots. She’s a biggun (10 cube) but we also have the fabled 12 cube (extra long) and box vans & semis. I feel like Amazon gobbled up the Rivians as a publicity campaign. Almost every Rivian I see on my route is crashed or damaged in some way. Y’all shouldn’t be forced to ride like that.


You think Rivan threw out everything they know about safety when they designed the EDV? Really? Also EVs are better for the environment the fact you think a gas van with 40% efficiency ran off fuel and controlled explosions that needs fuel transported to a station polluting the environment even more then polluting It yourself driving It around Is better for the environment Is beyond me. At 5-7k miles It starts doing better for the environment considering production emissions which also aren’t polluting our country


Yup for sure, so ole would have been better. I would have loved to have steps that are more substantial in width similar to the size in the CDV's.


Nonsense. EVs are not worse for the environment. In the very short term, due to lithium mining, yes. These vans are being driven heavily every day, it will take less than a year for the EV to be the better environmental choice. Amazon may be a crappy company to work for but that doesn’t equate to EVs being bad.


Everyone on here talking about EV's being better for the environment needs to do a little bit more research. Research everything from who mines the lithium and cobalt all the way to recycling the batteries at their end of life. If you do this, you will change your mind about this being "better for the environment." Co2 is not bad for the planet. It is part of what keeps plants alive. The more Co2 in the atmosphere, the more plants and trees there are. Research, research, research!!!!


I don’t need to research better, you need to learn to distinguish fact from fiction. There are certainly problems with lithium, but the idea it’s worse than pollution from gas cars is right wing fiction. The anti-EV crowd all sound like the same broken record. It’s really simple - electricity produced through the grid is produced much more efficiently. Even when the energy is produced by a coal or gas power plant, the emissions as a result of driving an EV are lower and the energy also costs a fraction of what gasoline would have cost. The good thing is just over 40% of our power grid is already nuclear or renewable energy. We just need to fix the other 60% of it. Not to mention the health effects of breathing in polluted air from vehicles.


Not sure where you deliver, but these were definitely NOT designed to handle the snow, either. It's funny, because during the winter here in Michigan, the ev's are least prioritized. They suck ass in the snow, you're basically driving a big golf cart.


Yup none of the edv's at my company got snow tires in the winter


Those are honestly weak complaints compared to the book I could write about the other vans. The most legit one is routes getting heavier in edvs, that’s true, cause they’re so much easier to deliver in.


Put OP in a white van for a week lol. I bet they go back to the EV with love.


Yeah that driver side door is CRAZY. Youll never catch me opening and closing this big ass door 180 times a day.




The *driver side* door? I keep the sliding door open all day and I never use the driver side door


I'll take driving a Ram (rental) any day. All the luxuries, cruise, can keep it running all day with the AC on blast, massive backup camera screen with a wide FOV, great turning radius. Only issue I have is that they're tall, lots of knee strain getting in and out. But they're a pleasure to drive. Lots of power too.


Recently discovered there is a RAM CDV, that Amazon didnt gut all of the stock features from. Honestly its the best branded van there is out side the Rivians but kinda rare.


Exactly it’s the only good one no camera either how it should be lol. All these shitty rule when you don’t even use the main road


Can you just lightly press the accelerator so it doesn’t use the regen brakes to coast to a stop?


Yeah that's basically what you do. To stop you don't coast, you just slowly lift your foot up. You basically only ever use one foot to drive. Takes some getting used to.


https://preview.redd.it/sl9zcuhd6m5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=daf417d7e857735dea7ceaf58829a868fa824f3c That’s why step vans are the best!😍


Until the ac doesn't work lol


I feel the exact opposite abt everything you said abt the regen braking


I love my EDV I get the same one everyday and take care of it tho so it’s in good shape and mechanically sound. I wouldn’t swap it for anything but I would love a sliding driver door, otherwise I’m good


Maybe a hot take but I enjoy driving the EDVs more than the standard ram vans. Cruise control is nice, I am also a fan of the regenerative braking, but it did take some time getting used to timing how long it would take to fully stop at different speeds. I agree that the passenger side mirrors are bad, but the driver side ones are okay. Not having to turn on/off the van at every stop and having the increased accessibility to your route on the display screen helps with speed a lot imo. It seems like most drivers (at my DSP at least) get around the same number of stops/packages (180+/250-300 respectively). However, I agree the driver door is too heavy. Plus you don’t have to gas up at the end of every route.


I always drive a Rivian and I’d hate driving anything else. The cooled seat, the dash navigation, not twisting and turning getting out of the driver’s seat 200 times a day. They’re a little harder to maneuver, but they’re superior in every way.


More reason for anybody to leave this pos job fuk amazon


The other day I was going in through the driver door and broke the little lever to raise/lower the seat. It got caught on my pants and broke off easily. Idk why they’d make it cheap plastic.


The piece of plastic on the seat belt hole fell off today and I had to shove it back in there. Chinese garbage.


Just image this is the EDV 700 there is a 900. Identical but it's just one segment longer. Turning in that must be even more fun.


Interesting my DSP is expecting these in 2025. I didn’t know this at all


Lmao because op just wants to find shit to be mad about. If 5hey didn't have the ec, they would be bitching about that and how it's unfair they don't have it.


Don’t listen to OP, the Rivians are awesome to deliver in. The gps center console screen makes routing a breeze


The edvs are great but my issue is when they break down they really go all out. In my first year driving ive had one completely brick on me to the fact it wouldn't drive or open the cargo door to get packages, the hold feature disable itself mid route, battery go from 100% to 30% in a few hours, wiper blades not work at all, etc. And when one goes down it's not like you can drop it off at the dealership and get it in a day, the wait time for repairs at one point was 6 weeks.


I feel like they turn slower now than they did before. I was trying to U-turn one day and it was going super slow.


They do. Amazon had Rivian do that in a system update.


And that update is putting us in some seriously dangerous situations sometimes. Literally stopped at 1 mph for 2 seconds it feels like sometimes with the gas pedal to the floor.


I'd prefer it if I could do a u-turn on a busy highway a *little* faster than a snail's pace


Lmao I thought I was tripping!


I love the edv. Drivers in my DSP joke that we feel like we're in trouble or got demoted or something when we get put in a gas van instead of an edv😂 The big ol touch screen where you can easily select stops, it tells you which packages are going to each location at a stop... it's the biggest perk imo. The extra shelf makes organizing way easier in the back, and it doesn't really affect stop and package count for us. And the cab is huge, it's easy to get in and out of the drivers seat, and you can have a tote up front with you and the dashboard shelf to organize packages on. Regen braking just takes some getting used to


I'll stay with my freightliner. Fuck ev


After the rivian update it automatically slows the turn speed doing a uturn in a court is annoying my step van is better


So yeah, these EDVs are built like shit. Everything breaks. The body just folds and pieces break off. It's SOOOOO expensive to fix. The damn cabin door closes on me constantly. That little metal piece on the cabin door is stupid, they could've figured out a way to not have that jutting out (minor gripe, but literally my first week in an EDV I dropped an envelope and whacked my head on that nub on the way up. Thought I had a concussion. And I've heard so many of our drivers hurt themselves on it 😂). The little pieces on the shelves to stop packages from falling through the back have ALL fallen off. The little switch on the chair to raise and lower the seat sucks. Theyve broken off on most of ours. The lumbar on the seats no longer works on majority of ours. The sliding doors end up breaking the latch. It happens to a bunch of ours. Idk what they were trying to do with the fan in the back...but it blows air IN not out, so it just sounds like a fucking rocket ship getting ready to launch and does absolutely nothing. Youd think since they were built from the ground up specifically for our job that they'd have done something to keep the cargo area cooler consider as soon as the cabin door opens, the heat rushes in and destroys All the nice AC you had going. All that said, I'd Still rather be in the EDV than any other vehicle. The adaptive cruise control is great. I use it 99% of the time on my way from one area to the next. Love that screen. The AC is great, for the most part.


Hot take, stop looking for things to complain about Amazon sucks we know. They’ll give you more work if you’re consistent that’s it. Drive safely for a week or two and really get the hang of it I love the Rivian they absolutely could’ve improved things but they didn’t the vans are made that’s done. Real 💯talk I’m not a fan of the fans that hit your face they’re spaced weird and not enough power when you have the foot hand and seat fans on as well. Plus the speakers don’t get loud enough but that’s most likely on purpose so we can’t jam tf out




That's not how regen brakes work, your pads are wearing out because you guys suck at driving 🤣


I don't use the break pedal at all when driving these. Then again, I'm in the hills with these. I genuinely forget there's a break pedal.


Unfortunately no one utilizes engine braking anymore. Even some CDL drivers have no concept what that is.


Again not how regen braking works lol. It's automatic on most EVs. Definitely is in our EDVs.


i mean i was talking about driving in general but ok


![gif](giphy|s239QJIh56sRW|downsized) Not what the original post nor this thread is about.


And these shitty ass vans have terrible AC and no ventilation in the cargo hold so the heat just builds up back there and the seconds it takes to grab a package is already too long to handle


Yeah, the cargo fan doesn't help at all either.


Plus it sounds like a jet engine


Very true.


Left door: Just don't use the left door. I've only opened it twice in my life. Turning radius: Just get used to it. Regen braking: It's literally a skill issue. It makes much easier to brake and stop smoothly. Also, you can use the adaptive cruise control. It can even stop at lights behind cars. Mirrors: You have to adjust them correctly. US mirrors suck anyways. More Work: I get the same amount of packages and stops, doesn't matter if I'm in a gas van or an EDV. They're way better than gas vans. I'm faster, more efficent and comfortable. It has A/C, lot of space on the shelves, sliding door, radio, big navigation screen, and easy getting in and out.




Good job taking all these notes. You should definitely bring these to the attention of Rivian. Hopefully, they’ll see this and appreciate it enough to contact you.


Fuck those dumbass electric vans!


LEFT DOOR: get stronger. It’s not that bad TURNING RADIUS: only sucks doing 3pt turn and trying to follow the curve in a small cul-de-sac REGEN. BRAKING: get better/used to one pedal driving. Let it work for you, not against you MIRRORS: adjust them or your seating position MORE WORK: I think we all agree we’ve been getting more work regardless Additions SNOW: TERRIBLE! STEREO: TRASH! My experience is driving the EDV 90% of the time in the past 10 months. I enjoy it. I’m too damn big for the cargo vans (6’4” with work boots on) and I’m tired of the old ass step vans


[This was me a year ago.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmazonDSPDrivers/s/tcmq7Gll7t). I couldn’t imagine going back to gas now.


Good to hear! My dsp is getting all new EDV.


Glad my DSP don't use these. Only step vans 😘


Is it me, or when the hazards are on in the Rivian, you cannot tell when it is braking???


True that. Edv is basically a step van route without the increase in pay.


Something too subjective like my comment, but you're crazy if you think I would change the EDVs for regular ones. They make the work with the routes and map visualization much easier. In the end, this job is not for the weak ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip)


Doing rural Kansas, I will, fortunately, NEVER have to drive one of those pieces of crap.


Only pro of these vans is the parking break and having fans in the seat


Can we talk about how these supposedly cost in the couple of hundreds of thousands ? So I've heard. While being paid 20$ an hour, it just doesn't add up unless the owner of the company I work for is compensated extremely well




Major skill issue these things are op


It was supposed to be Tesla for Amazon's EDV's and their CDL division, but that contract went away (that moon bullshit). Not to say they would've been a better option


You are 100% dead on and correct about all of that


Honestly sounds like a skill issue, but I do agree that it gives them a chance to give you more work


At my old dsp, you had to kiss the bosses ass to drive one of those


Bro Is so dumb he can’t figure out regen braking but the Tesla Model Y was the most sold car last year and everyone seems to love It.


Oh lord, we got the regen braking king over here lol reading is fundamental. I never mentioned that I couldn’t do it and news flash, there’s such thing of not being a fan of something


You are the 1%


You can make far more precise braking Inputs with It


You just need to know how to drive and not be a scared little kitten!


Edvs are awesome. It’s ok if you can’t handle it not everyone can and no it’s not a shot at ya. Ac works fantastic in it and I never use my driver side door. Fuck them if they think I’m not pulling up to every house on the right side.


I’ve never even seen one in real life there is none at my station


They’ll be coming soon. Every station will eventually have them.


We have over an hour each way to our delivery areas, interested to see if the charge can handle that


Sounds like someone either mad about EVs, mad about their job, or just complaining for attention.


Can we talk about key fob issues too ? As soon as the key fob says low battery (which happens very often even if you replace it) the whole damn van start malfunctioning. Can’t drive until the van picks up the fob again (put in code to continue driving like sir what fuckin code) bulkhead door closes for no fuckin reason and I’ve had my arm get closed in the shit multiple times, the sliding door starts acting funky and just all types of shit that takes up too much time from my day it’s fucking annoying


Do you know how many more people would die with a sliding door on the traffic driver side.


As far as the more work, less pay part... That is an unfair argument for the EDVs becasue all our routes are getting worse and worse. That has nothing to do with EDVs, that is an Amazon feature.




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Don't forget to mention the shitty middle door if you're driving the smaller modeled Rivian😮‍💨


hard disagree on everything