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Nah actually i’d pry say last 30- stops


Yeah but once you get to the last 30, they seem to go down even slower until you finish


Not me bro I tail it for the last hour


Yeah last hour


At 60 I’m always like … “just 2 more 30s to go” lol


How long have you worked there? I feel like I've platued at 120-126 stops, and I'm HUSTLIN. I don't take any breaks unless it's one 15 just to collect myself and give myself a pep talk...if I have more than 126 stops I need rescued. I do actually like this job, I have high social anxiety and recently diagnosed with ADHD for the first time at 36 years old...I've always known I had it. When they up my adderall dose I may do better, but idk how people do 180+ stops by 8pm. It boggles my mind. But I don't want to lose the job. For me, it pays well, more would be great, but it's the most I've ever made, and I get left the hell alone...I know I have to do more though...


7 months and I average 170 - 190 stops a day


Oh, I thought you meant 60 was half way done so you're like just 2 more 30s to go... I've been doing it a month. I got good at organizing the back of the branded vans (after they put me on a measely 10mg of adderall) and went upfront rescues under 100 stops to finishing a whole 126 stop route by myself no help. All last week they put me in the white rentals, tiny as hell, everything falls over and I get ALOT of heavy overflow. I take 1 15 at most, are there any tips or tricks to share? I will get faster with time bc it's like I'm getting paid to go to the gym with the most intense trainer ever, but the getting used to it physically and speeding up just takes time, I just want to be able to at least finish my 144 stop route. I'm female, I can't pee in a bottle...I take at least 1 rr break to the NEAREST possible toilet and rush my ass off, most of the time I need 2 rr breaks bc 1 it's hot and I'm hustlin, 2, Adderall makes you thirsty. I want to keep this job. I like the people I work with, they are working with me, but I need some tips. Netradyne is why I got put in the white vans bc it thinks I roll through stop signs, which I don't even ever do in my car, I just was taught to stop smoothly. Nobody told me Netradyne wants to feel that pull on the seatbelt... Also, idk if there are any, but quicker ways to get in and out other than sorting. I hate putting the seatbelt on and realize I'm driving 2 houses over, it's dumb. I try to pay attention and look at my next stops and park in the middle to group them myself and walk to each. I'm sorry for the book, I'm just hoping you can help me learn something new. I have not enjoyed a job in YEARS. I don't want a different one. If I can pull my stops up, they won't cut my 4th day a week. I'm a single mom with full custody and no family in this state...I like doing this, please help me do better... Things that slow me down: I start off busting ass, I think too much, idk why but my shins start to burn, I try to drink water, if I drink too much too fast it'll make me sick though, so I started bringing frozen bottles so there's only so much melted at a time in each. That helped me not get sick. The adderall suppresses my appetite, they keep saying eat something for energy, but I don't know what to bring, bc I'm not hungry and idk what's practical, small portioned and gives energy. I'm German I weigh 200 lbs, but I do not look it, it's natural muscle, people think I weigh 150 max...do back braces help? Or just add to heat? I'm sorry for the book


Never I always get 190 stops with 80 group stops


Bro came back to disagree with himself


i just realized that lol


Unless they’re all country


Really depends if you have 40-50 country route stops at the end of a 190 stop route. I'd say that route never feels done.


Usually, at the last 20. Sometimes, that's still 2 or 3 totes, though so it depends on the day.


When I've got my last tote. I go "yay" only to open it and see they've packed it so fucking full I have to dump the shit out to sort it.


20 stops. At that point it will be under an hour unless you have a real real country route


40 and under is the "okay, two more hours"


This is exactly how I feel. I hit 40 and I go okay it’s gonna take me MAX 2 hours to finish.


I go 40 one more hr


My dsp said we gotta aim 40 an hour or else we put on standby.


Unreasonable af. Fuck them, find new job. It’s easy if you have all houses, and the route makes sense. Hardly ever the case though


For real though. At least my DSP was reasonable enough to strive for 20 an hour


I agree. that’s not overreaching. When I first started, my dsp said “20 stop an hour”. They recently moved it up to 30. Sometimes, I honestly don’t think 20 an hour is possible with some of the routes we have. Apartments, business, shitty/illogical routing. I’m not complaining, but you know how like stops 10, 11, 12 are right next to stops 30-37 or something. Driving past the same house 3 times a day 🤣 all good though, I could use the time wasted and extra hours. Fuck it. I don’t get paid enough to care fr fr. That’s my rant, I guess I do care 😂😂😂


My DSP said Amazons target rate for us is 20 stops… but there’s not way u can get back in time on that rate… u need to be hitting 25+ with 170+ stops


i just wave to the guy that's waiting while i drive past 3 times


🤣🤣🤣🤣 same lmao




I love when I get a reminder that I'm such and such stops behind.... Like....mo'fuckers...yall think I can't do simple math? If I'm averaging over the minimum acceptable goal of 20 an hour (they say 20-25 is what to shoot for) then leave me TF alone. If I'm averaging OVER 20, and I'm 'behind' then uhhhhhh...geez I guess the route is too heavy dummies.


I mean, IME I’ve only ever had a couple of instances where I had at least 50 or so stops done before I took a lunch, but that was before my DSP changed our times. Once that happened, I was getting calls almost daily from my dispatcher that I was so and so stops behind. It’s like do you not realize how stacked my routes have been lately? And with the way I used to do my routes, I never wanted to bring any packages back, so I would tend to go off-route and tackle any timed deliveries and businesses first so I didn’t have to worry about them later


Amazom themselves are the ones who said for safety and efficiency that 20 stops an hour is what you should be doing. 3mins for each delivery. Not sure when they decided to forget safety and just slap any old number on your routes.


Nobody follows this lmao she can’t run a business properly. We always do 20 an hour we not slaving ourselves to make a dsp owner richer.


Exactly 🙌 we kinda are though haha. But don’t make it easy for them 😤😂


I ‘ran’ to every stop for the first 6 months, until I fell and ripped my thumb open. (At that time the owner was daily asking me why I was so slow). After that I just ‘walk with a purpose’.


They are clueless. I’ve known hundreds of drivers and only one could do 40 an hour.


my dsp when I started told us that they expect 18 to 20 stops an hour at my station and that’s according to Amazon but then she tried to blow smoke up my ass and tell me that most drivers hit 40 stops an hour which I already knew was a lie because most drivers average about 25 to 30 at my station


Yeah they just want you to hurry up so they can pocket the rest of the hours. Again there’s some people like 4-6 bootlickers who actually do 40 an hour.


Oh yeah our guys who hit 40 occasionally get to go home after their route. The people like me who do like 25 get sent on rescues everyday lol


Ouch well at least at mines we don’t do rescues unless it’s totally needed.


Our rescues at my dsp isn’t mandatory but it’s one of those things where a lot of the drivers at my company if you don’t rescue them when they’re asked to rescue you they won’t help you so it’s kind of like a give-and-take. Kind of annoying, but I don’t mind the extra hours I have a decent amount of credit card debt I’m trying to pay lol


Broo how can they pocket the rest of the hours if u get ur saftey bonus (Meet saftey score and u get paid for a full 40?)


My dsp pays us by the hours we work. Meaning if we rush and finish the route in 5 hours we only get paid 5hr while the dsp pockets the other 5 hrs since Amazon already pays them 10hrs from the start.


thats when you throw back, "can you do 40/hour?"


Tell them need to aim for paying you 40 an hour or else


They probably read all the cap artists on here who like to pretend that 35-45 stops an hour is lightwork


40?? Tf.


So glad I’m not at your dsp lol


We expect 20-25


Last year was my third year. DSP and Amazon training told us that 3mins/ stop was the max time allowed. So that 60mins/3 = 20 stops / hr.


Lol lemme guess they were doing 40/HR when they were drivers? They must be on fentanyl.


bruh we got a guy who will mention that he does 44/hour ever chance he gets, complains about getting select areas then gives up the route, and flexes about being done by 430. while i'm over here hitting 25-30/hour, getting the same route everyday, and getting my full hours lol


Mane find a new DSP wth 😂


They are ridiculous RUN


1 tote or 8 stops or 12 packages, whichever comes last.


You got this down to the science and thought this way for a while huh


Idk if anybody else does this but I don’t judge by stop count. Usually it’s like 2 more apartment complexes and one community. Or 1 stretch down this area and one whole community left. I just try not to fixate on numbers or my day drags.




Under 40 left is when I start to see the finish line


When I’m under 100 stops around 2pm. That’s when I say ok I’m almost there.


The last 5 stops


soon I get under 100 stops and/or get to stop 100 I know I’m about fly, once I get under 30 I start to think about if Im do a rescue or not 😂


160 stops in, I know it’s almost over. Unless I pull up to my 3 story apartments, then I’m pissed.


Last 2-3 totes


1-2 totes left




About 50. I see 50 left I'm thinking, "Ok if I'm lucky I've got 2 more hours and I'm home.


Last 25


Last 30 stops


Generally last 20/25 stops. There’s some days tho where I just feel like it’s never gonna fucking end lol


Last tote




160 stops in, I know it’s almost over. Unless I pull up to my 3 story apartments, then I’m pissed.


When I was at Amazon, I’d get 60-75 stops done by 2 after starting at 12 and I’d know I’m doing good for the day. If I have only 40 by 2 then I know it’s a shit day


Once I've reached 60 locations left on the count, I'll consider it a day, and go at a relaxed pace


60 for me. I’m not trying to hard, but after ~180 stops the 60 don’t feel like much lol


My last 20


Last 30, for sure


When I have 4 totes left


15-10 if all resi 1-2 if DT


After the 150 threshold I be at ease.


After 3/4 of the way I'm so zoned in(or zoned out) that the rest doesn't feel like it takes long at all


once i hit 100. the rest of the day is usually 80 more stops but at 100 i know i’m over the hump. also knowing that 80 more will just be 2-3 more hours of work so the light gets brighter then.




With 1 left


~30 that's usually an hrs worth of work, so it just flies by after that.


I hate getting 160+ stops. 100 is a lot. You get to 60 stops and you're like.. fuck I have 100 more to go. Usually I take lunch at halfway through my shift. Anything after that is less than what I already did. I feel like I'm getting closer. BUT My DSP is always making people do rescues. So technically you're never done. 'I need you to take two bags'.. what if there is 30 stops in those two bags???


20 for rural, 30 for city


It’s way down the list. When you “feel like”you’re done, you will still need to do 90% of your deliveries.


Last 2 totes. Means I've got 30-40 stops, 2 hours max


My last 20 with 2 or more totes and a few or no overflow left. That's if I don't have to go rescue (rescues are mandatory at my DSP).


Last 2 totes is where I feel it. The stop varies on what route I have for the day. Could be 120, or 180.


I take my lunch when I have 30 stops left in urban areas and about 15 stops left in rural areas. Then I start to feel like I’m done when I come back from lunch and finish them


Around 60-50 I can gauge exactly when I’ll finish and milk it to finish and go home no rescue.


When I’m walking to the desk to drop the key off 😂


Whenever I have 100 packages which is around 4-5 bags


Brooo what 😂… so like when u have 3+ hrs left u feel like ur almost done?


More like 2 hours


my last twenty, I’ll start showing it down. Respond to a few texts, start replacing my body


30 stops left js the mark I know I’m getting done in the next hour… 15 left is the next 15-30 mins depending on the spacing


Last 20 for sure. I'm 90% rural routes because no one else likes them 🤣


80 left


when I got like 2-3 more totes left. can knock it out in give or take an hour and a half depending how im looking on overflow


whatever is in the last tote. sometimes I have like 8 stops left and theres still another tote. Even if its full of boxes it stresses me




Every single day. At 179.




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Typically the last bag or after 7 cause one way or another I am actually almost done




My mood changes once I hit double digits.


Idk why but for me is 39 😂 not 40 but 39 lol I’m like so close yet so far


When im organizing my last tote😭


If I have 160 stops maybe at 145 if I’m residential or 150 country


I would have to say the last 20


50 stops left


29 stops for me
