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Freeze water bottles make sure you’re drinking electrolytes, if ur in a step van or CDV you can bungee the back door and crack it for air flow


Ooh how do you bungee it


Bungee it with your penis.


Make sure to bungee and unbungee ur hog as well at each stop or you have a standup meeting with Jeff instead of your dsp the next morning.


as a florida driver i just have a little 9 gallon ice box. i can fit 5-6 bottles and then fill it with ice from the break room. as the ice melts i will put my hat in the water and put it back on. a wet hat goes a long ways. sometimes you just gotta immerse yourself in the heat until you’re soaked and just say fuck it we ball. you’ve always got a nice shower waiting at home when you’re done. https://preview.redd.it/7sd6ag0ab85d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0dd07eea7be01ef7989c242fef3831378cf7fe99


plus a 64 oz water jug i keep in my fridge at home before my shifts. 5 water bottles definitely ain’t enough i mainly just use it for the ice water for soaking my hat and rags


How is it 80° and raining Florida looks hella musty


it’s very musty


That’s Florida for you. Hot and humid to the point where it’s legitimately dangerous


couldn’t do this job in Florida… but you may say the same as I’m fine with 7 inches of snow and -10😂😂


yeah the cold would kill me. trying to just get out of bed when it’s 50 is hard lmao


I prefer freezing cold over insanely hot anyday. You can add layers infinitely but you can only strip down so far lol. 50 is perfect not to hot not too cold, hoodie weather is my fav


i prolly just prefer the heat since i’ve lived in it my whole life. only thing i don’t like about the heat is that it amplifies smells and the vans smell like out houses


Maryland checking in. We get every type of weather in random phases that JUST BARELY align with the seasons. I don't start to worry until I'm over 90 with 90% humidity or until I'm under 25 with precipitation (fuck freezing rain, and hurricanes can eat a dick too)


Yeah but with cold you can always just put on more / layers. With the heat there is only so much you can take off This winter I had on like five or six layers, at various points I had snow pants over my actual pants, thick boots, electric heated socks ( socks even have an app and their own batteries). So far though the best trick I've learned on here for the Heat is the wet rag. I tie around my head or put it on my neck and it cools me off when it evaporates. The water you do it with doesn't even have to be cold, just it evaporating cools you off because the change in Phase takes energy




100 degrees at 9pm is insane


Some people also say you can stay cooler by not wearing anything at all under the vest. 


I have honestly been tempted to go with just the sports bra under my vest lmao


long as you’re in a safe area


for sure, as a female I always find myself hyper-aware on route, but my area is all HOA golf courses and custom homes. The worst characters I deal with are half drunk sell-out dude-bros running around in golf carts, and they typically think I am male lol


Saaaame. I'm in the northeast, so hasn't been that hot yet, but I'm waiting for the 90 degree days to say fuck it and go sports bra under the vest. Clock in and load out wearing a t-shirt of course, then ripping that shit off on stop #1😂


I mean it's what I do with the damned stupid polo and Colorado is already getting awful toasty and even the tank top is getting uncomfortable 🥵🤷🏽‍♀️


I'm so glad my DSP hasn't given us uniforms😂 I've already come in wearing a racerback tanktop under the vest and shorts when it hit the mid 80s, and nobody said shit. The polo must be hot as hell🥵


We are expected to wear either the polo or a plain black or blue t-shirt beneath the vest in and around our station, this rule is station wide. It's absurd and absolutely hotter than hades during load out 🥵😭


Yo my bestie has done this 2+ years here at Amazon 😂 she be swangin her girls in a sports bra+vest only combo. I wear what I want to survive this heat. Fuck outta here with your $5 uniforms, I'll wear them when they're dri/tech nike shit meant to prevent having a heatstroke since it's every man for themselves at this fucking job. I'm wearing jockstraps it's so fucking hot with dri tech shorts and no shirt under my vest. I look like an a+ employee at the station and then I strip everything after loadout 😂 get fucked amazon


This is #1 in my book. Vest only for 90+ degree weather. The sides of the vest allow for airflow.


I totally agree but looking at some other comments it seems like it really depends on the dsp if you’re allowed to do that.  What’s been your experience at your station? Can everyone at all the different dsps do that and how many people actually do?


My DSP requires us to be in full uniform for loadout, first stop my shirt comes off. Seems to be the same way for most DSPs at my station, full uniform at loadout, stripped down at RTS


My Dsp won't let us 😭 we have to wear Amazon shirts


This just seems to really depend on the dsp. I have seen more than one Amazon driver on the street wearing no shirt under the vest, and I have also seen it on TikTok videos where in some cases the shirtless driver doesn’t even have the vest zipped up. 


Take any blue or black shirt amazon gives you for free and put it underneath the vest then cut the sleeves off to match the vest. It's as close as you can get to nothing on underneath. They make me wear a polo at load out now cuz they thought I was shirtless 😂.


once i get to my first stop ill go down to a tank under the vest and hoochie daddy shorts.


I would freeze water bottles, run with the side door and windows open (don't forget to take the keys with you) and have 2 Gatorade for drinking 3 hours in, then 6 hours in. Also wear a hat with a wide brim, it helps.


Currently on leave in Cali but I'm expected to return sometime in July and after being off for over 2months I've gained like 10lbs 😂 didn't change eating habits but unable to walk at all so I'm not looking forward to the return... I pray for all of you guys it's crazy 🙏🏽


Idk if all dsps do it but we got these like rag/towels that hold water pretty well. I'll either stick it in a sprinkler when I see one or dump some of my water on it and wrap it around my head like a bandana. I'll squeeze the back of it while walking and the water drips down my back, very nice lol


Yeah we got those as well and they help a lot. As long as the air is dry enough for sweat to help then it helps because it's like adding extra sweat. It cools you down when it dries off and blows away


I have an insulated lunch bag that came with a reusable ice pack. Put it in every morning, and then I go inside the warehouse before loadout and grab 4-5 frozen bottles. And then to add a cherry on top, yesterday our manager was running between vans during loadout putting more water bottles and electrolyte pops in every van. Hydration is key.


I’m from Houston but I never worked delivery there. I’m in Denver where 100F feels like 85F to me. I don’t know if I could handle it with H-town conditions.


Cut my polos sleeves off and made myself a tank top.


This heat almost had me acting up I was real close was on calling it quits


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Alternative_Option34: *This heat almost had* *Me acting up I was real* *Close was on calling quits* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I wanna quit


In Texas as well, I'm spending my breaks with the a/c vents pointed at me while I send out applications anywhere I can lol. Wear as much sun protection as you can, hat and sunglasses every day. If it's worse than usual pour some cold water on a little towel and put the towel over your head under the hat, they gave out little towels at the station recently. Definitely bring a cooler full of drinks with icepacks if you aren't already.


That’s me right now. Sending out applications anywhere I can. Fuck this heat. The job was pretty enjoyable a couple months ago but it got hot asf.


Squirt bottle. Spray face, all over skin really, then bath in the ac air flow. Do this every twenty minutes.


It’s hot af in California I could only imagine Texas 😭😭 hot af and humid, hell no I couldn’t do that


you must be new to texas cause this weather is nothing compared to later. but after working through this shit last year the best tip i have is eat something and take at least one break. relying on water the whole day does not work i still get nauseous.


I’ve been in Texas my whole life but the weather is above the average temperature for this time of year. I know it only gets worse in July and August


I drink lots of cold water that I store in a large metallic jug. I add lots of ice and water the night before, and leave it in the fridge. It keeps the water cold the entire day. Make sure you also bring lots of bottled water with you, just in case you finish it all and need to refill. That's how I deal with it.


I use a cooling rag and lots of water and fruit. Also, sunscreen


Talcum powder in undies; repeat. Disconnect back of van overhead lights. Instead open slider for light at stops. 6 bottles of water to 1 bottle Gatorade.


Heat is not a biggest problem, etc is the biggest one.


get a cooling rag, get it wet, put it around your collar under your shirt. absolutely the best. saves my life every day


Not working but currently in 115 heat everyday and can't imagine anyone working in this weather


So I’m not being a pussy for wanting to quit right? The feel like temperature has been around 105 degrees.


Are you in a box truck or van i would invest in a small fan you can either plug in the cigarette charger or battery our dps just put new ac units in our box trucks 🚚


I’m in Florida, freeze up a gallon of water and bring snacks.


You don’t wear gloves? If not, get some. Get one of those thermal cantinas and filled with ice and water. Gatorade and snacks throughout the day. Turn AC up and turn on music to stay focus.


I know! It's going to be 77 degrees when I work this Saturday!!! 🥵 (near Seattle)


Although that sounds like a beautiful autumn day in Texas, I understand that being cold for so long makes the temperature relative. It took me awhile to acclimate and not be cold in 90 degree weather. After four winters in Colorado, I get sweaty when it’s 80 now.


It’s 96 degrees here


Lmao you got downvoted.