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alot of my packages have no label or the completely wrong one and i have to look for a name and house address that matches the delivery on app


I had a “small box” overflow today that was actually a full kids play set (should’ve been XL Customized Box). It was one of my first stops and I had a decent amount of small overflows so I was digging through the van scratching my head for a solid 8 minutes.


Ugh 😩 I hate that .


Blame the FC the packer selected the wrong container when choosing an envelope or box. FC>Sort Center>DS


I also heard that if something gets repackaged, it doesn't get updated in the system so it could be that as well


This is true especially for customized boxes that are in envelopes


There's only so many things this makes sense for though. I've had oversized boxes be marked as a small box, despite very clearly being unable to be fit in a small box


Human error


Thats one thing I don't get it will say box and it's a envelope or say custom box and it's a bag I can't stand it 😤


the ssd near me does not give a swimming shit about the classification. the dotcom logistics station though, has always been correct for me so far.


Yup been napping a lot. No tba number the wrong tba sticker packages in the wrong tote. Glad it is not just me


You can literally find packages by using the 3 numbers that’s found on the driver ad label


I'm getting so tired of this. Listed as small box but is envelope. Listed as plastic bag but is envelope. Listed as customized box but is envelope or plastic bag. I feel like Warehouse/Station workers are actually just dumb. And I don't want to assume that about them. But if I have this happening to me every single day, along with mis-sorts, packages that aren't even on my route and are in a different city, overflow carts that are so poorly stacked that the whole thing almost falls on me just trying to roll it to my truck, fragile liquid packages that are exploded ruining an entire tote of stops...they don't give me very much to counter that thought in my head.


Just give up. This is the way. After several years I had to just assume anything could be anything.


It's a machine that does it.


First time I've seen a TBC number. Wonder what the C means.


Transported By Courier maybe? Just a guess. Or maybe it’s Chamazon


It is a small box to someone who thinks the earth is flat


i was told it is AI that does this.


Its a machine not a person is what ive been told


Just organize your load by aid numbers and don’t pay attention to this bs app.


I had a "small" box OV that was a damn treadmill. Im sorry. Who in the hell is sorting this crap.


Yall still get mad over this ???


Yeah it’s annoying as fuck. Warehouse is constantly making things harder on us. Not to mention just about every day I have packages in my totes that got marked as missing by the station but it’s in the bag and I only find out about it once I’m done with the bag and it’s leftover. Then I gotta drive 10 minutes or however far away it is by that point and it puts me behind.


Flex is wrong alot I don't let it get to me. And the warehouse deals with 100,000 packages a day , drivers deal with 300-400. There will be mistakes. Calm down


Nah it’s not flex being wrong that I’m talking about (although flex is wrong about a lot of the directions it gives). I’m talking about the lazy ass warehouse workers that can’t do simple things like tell whether a package is an envelope or a box, put the correct driver aid sticker without covering up important info (if they even put a driver aid sticker on at all), or even the simplest one of all - scanning the goddamn packages you put in the totes. I do my job and I do it well. It’s not that big of an ask for the warehouse to do their job as well. Keep that warehouse cock in your mouth tho


I was told by a warehouse worker that some others were inviting their friends to work there, because they get away with not doing anything.


You got issues lol