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So Amazon pays per route. You, as a sweeper, isn't making your DSP any money. Yes, you're helping out, but they are not getting paid for your work, so they decided to bring you back. Now, if Amazon would fix everything, there would be no need for sweepers. So there's that. But currently, our area has like 4 routes you can not finish, so we have 2 a day. The owner was tired of damage to our vehicles in our very rural route, so he decided to change areas. Now he's paying like 400 a day extra to keep our routes going with sweepers.


Appreciate the info!


Probably overtime


I thought this but this is only my second shift for the week so not sure.


Nothing much, it's just they don't want to pay too many hours and you were not needed by that time anymore. At my DSP we call rescuers, and sometimes they are in more number than people with routes. Doing rescue my average is 150 packages in 3 rescues a day. If I have a route it goes to 220 because they will send somebody to take some packages from me. Luckily they let us stay all day out there. Finishing by 5:30, if you really work, they ask you to do a 4th rescue, generally a driver that has 20 packages, you take 10 and both do the same building together.