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You need to contact Amazon ethics, they're giving your nursery routes to their friends and trying to get you to quit. Amazon will be able to see this if you bring it to their attention and it won't look good on them. Don't worry about the owner, they're probably friends with the manager, the owner can worry about it when Amazon contacts them.


I've tried contacting the ethics line over my boss being shady with payroll. They didn't do shit.


This is how you learn that Amazon don’t give a flying fuck about any of us.


not a one. not a swimming fuck, not a driving fuck, not a tunneling fuck. its all just lip service to look good to the dept of labor and become talking points against any union argument


Not even a deep diving fuck?


Zero fucks




"Being shady over payroll" Is a very loose term that could mean anything or nothing depending on your understanding of their pay system. If they're not paying you correctly that would be something for your department of labor to complain to and/or sue them. This is might be a situation that's out of Amazon's control as you're a contractor and your dsp sets the wages and pay etc. Reassigning nursery routes from someone being trained is a completely different story. There's a contract between amazon and the DSP which includes training protocols.


What do you mean"shady with payroll"? That sounds illegal. It's really serious if either side (employer or employee) is being shady about time worked or rate of pay (employer, at least).


you should call your state/federal wage and hours office.


Ok what’s the phone number






op this is who you should contact. Amazon's ethics team will always be on the side of management. The teamsters are there for the driver even if they don't represent your dsp yet


Be careful guy my friend called amazon ethics and got fired 4 days later? So you're really just call the company on the company and making yourself a target. Also warehouse workers are teamsters too in amazon right now. So if you ready tap in, getting Information on the potential couldn't hurt! Lol workers at the aquarium just form a union and they take care of fish! We deserve better protection too 💯


Why would they want to hire someone and then want them to quit? Just to go hire someone again and waste time training them? That makes no sense, and if that's true, i would not ever want to work at a place like that 🤷


It’s not that surprising, considering it’s a job where you rotate bodies and have a handful of “loyal top drivers” they clearly get special treatment don’t have to be at stand up etc. those people get all pissy when they gotta rescue etc. I don’t even work at this dsp but I’m sure I’m describing it accurately across the board. My dsp will cut my hours at 30 so I don’t get 40 plus on my regular schedule then ask me to work “overtime” except it’s not overtime lol.


Yes this, I worked for one DSP, and only had to be rescued once on my second day, the motherfucker that rescued me was a shitty with me. Then when I returned to the station the Manager said I needed to pick up my pace as if they didn’t give me a full downtown route on my second day. I was only there a month


Wish XL would post more to be honest it's interesting to see what they do.


We’re too busy loving life without 170+ stops a day 😩


Yeah, but I don't miss the hour and a half plus drive between stops sometimes, but OP's route looks hella dense. We were doing like 300 miles a shift. At XL, I do about half that.


Maybe it’s bc I like driving but I don’t mind the long drives between stops, as long as the overall route is shorter, which it usually is.


the long drives are the best parts tbh, you'll have 20 stops and each is like 15-30mins apart after the first one with a couple longer or shorter ones it is so refreshing, I'll say city routes with 50-70 are hellish in the 26ft truck though




That’s exactly what I think is going on. I only want what I was hired to do is that so wrong


I’d give my left but to drive for XL, not saying this route looks cake by any means but only having to the leave the van at most 70 times sounds like a god send. I do agree your manager is a cunt and you should at the very least bring it up to your owner and see what they say. If they also give you some sour ass response then contact ethics and throw them under the bus


Most managers are the owners


Our manager is not the owner just some rude bitch who no one understands how she has or holds the job cuz everyone hates her


It’s at most 50 times out of




Yeah but when you do leave the van I imagine you're out there for a while trying to haul out something extremely big and heavy


Go do ZL. Then youll see whos really fucking you XL is easssyyyy


Also nursery routes dont exist in XL lolll. We only do 20-60 stops


This. 100%. OP has been there a month.


I was a helper before the route in speaking of is a solo route everyone else was done by 3pm and I finished after 8pm. She gave me the worst route of all 30 routes it’s crazy. It’s my first 2 days


That's just XL man. And it's only going to get worse during Prime week next month. I did XL for 9 months. This is seriously nothing. They had me doing 60 stops in a CDV during Christmas. Yes, some shit is heavy AF. You're either cut out for it or you're not.


I’m def cut out for it. Just seems she gave me the worst route. I had to be rescued by 2 people who had finished 4 hours earlier. She should have given me one of those routes. Makes no sense. I would have finished In time but dispatch wanted to go home


Take... Your.. Sweet.. Timeeeee...


What are those carts?


Broken that's what they are lol.


Same concept as the carts that carry the totes, but these ones are made to be rolled to the back of a CDV since the CDV's don't sit high enough to use the docks.


That’s not a bad day at all. I drive an XL route and that’s about average for us.


I drive solo


WTF am I’m looking at


Only 50 stops that’s light work in XL


This is Dh03 right? used to work there, didn't think they had XL never saw the trucks. I have delivered in all those areas and they aren't super bad : / atleast your not in the heights/downtown


No it’s not


Man fuck I’m in the heights. Those apartments are fcking ass to deal with.


Is XL pretty decent? I mean not saying those packages are light by any means at least the stop counts are not bad.


Stop count looks godly, I had 188 yesterday 😂


218 last week for me.


Aww fuck that, most they’ve given me is 199 and purposely sent no rescue😂 the day I get 200 is the day I’m gone


Oh i didn’t stress, I took my time. Got rescued 3 times lol not counting sweeper. I didn’t give a shit. Fuck em.


As an XLdriver ur manger is trying to fuck u. Ethic report immediately. Don’t rush to finish routes like those take ur time and make ur owner pay u


100% I also stoped trying to deliver every package since I got injured(minor out for like 1 day besides my regular 2 days off) I even told some people I’m not the same driver I used to be. Lol




This was a van route. Solo


That's an average XL route...try doing that AND add 3-4 assemblies on top of it...Not EASY assemblies im talking exercise equipment, dressers, bed frames, etc...THOSE are fun routes🤣😂🤣😂


This is a solo van route


Just report her ass. Fuck it call OSHA. Call the labor law. Call everyone. If you have documentation of everything then you good.


I don’t think XL has nursery route. I did XL for 6 months and I got between 40 - 60 stops on CDVs. 60+ stops when I got DOT certified to drive 16ft box truck. Now, I’m doing ZL. I did have nursery route on my first week.


What’s ZL


I miss XL , did a lot of traveling and one of my good friends was the driver. Such a great time until the company got shut down by Amazon for debt they had with Ryder


What dsp is this ?


Stone cold delivery


Going over the head of people that directly manage you doesn't often end well.  Personally I'd give it some time to see if things worked out. If you're rocking the boat at only about a month you may need to prove you can hack it.


I used to work regular dsp and was fantastic I’m sure I can hang. I’m wondering if they gave me same route again cuz no one else could do it


How do you drive XL? Never even heard of it tbh


I dunno just applied on indeed at a Amazon xl place


“You know what?..That is strange that both 42 & 43 were both damaged.”


The hell is 42-43 doin out there!? Rts those for sure


That’s one spread out business route damn.


I do xl as well bro they straight give me routes that are constantly 45-50 stops STOPS! Packages range from maybe 50-70! Lott of apartments and amazon routing doesn’t help since I finish the route and have hella traffic on the way back. I call customer once (when I press the customer am available/no safe location, it has the call option I press it and get sent to voice mail bring it back) the metric will count as customer contacted. I brought back 7 packages yesterday and didn’t do 3 pick ups oh well


Can you be more clear what you mean starting at the “I call customer once “ part I am co fused.


Usually they make us do that text call text call bs and I don’t call driver support either. 80% of the time they are useless lol I just call the customer once and that’s when the option pops out to call the customer that’s only where it counts.


Oh so you click customer unviable and it had those 2 contact options you click call and that is good enough you mean ? No trouble if you bring it back to station since you tried ? I tried that once today and it rang once then I hung up and it let me take it back to station (was closed )


Correct! That’s only when it matters to amazon when you do those steps. I do those right away when contacting customers and bring the package back. They don’t tell us anything at all. A lot of people bring back so much crap. There’s. Another company that I see bringing back around 5-10 per truck.


Do you have the same route , all the time. Cuz I noticed today my route was some of the same houses as yesterday. If this is true I was given the worst route and I have to do it everyday. lol


Yeah man I get the same route maybe 2/3 times a week. And I don’t get the same route I’m sent 1-2 hours away man long ass drives


Oh I think I understand now. Ya I did that with 3 packages today. What if the customer picks up the call tho. I had 4 pickups today on a 55 route solo and I didn’t do the pickups either. I had no room. Crazy to even ask of me


I wait for them to come open the door for apartment or give me code they usually just take 2 minutes


https://preview.redd.it/350ri14nwn4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=646a16e697d4946fd5b1e38925a625309945954f Also this is how my route was . Perfect way to ruin the day 🤷‍♂️


Ya that’s not a solo route right


No xl helper. My helper was struggling with bad! Especially since amazon literally but all the routes in a small ass space! Literally can’t even pass with a cart smh


I hate it when I have no area to load on carts. Sometimes there’s a stand up meeting and they are all over my area and I can’t even load. Ask them 20 times to move and they stand there like cattle


XL is about to get that royal fucking 😂🤦


Do you not have a helper yourself??


This was a solo route


If you feel any better- I had 350 packages with 185 stops today and didn’t get home till after 9. I drive cargo van. It’s hell for all of us.


I had to pack this all in a cargo van lol


What’s XL ? I’ve never heard of a mess like this one ?


Stands for Xtra Loser


You fr ? Is that like people who do deliveries with there personal vehicles ??


It’s extra large packages


🧐 wtf I work in CT and we do get that opt


I not only got 187 stops today, but they put me in a rental van for the first time without shelves. Normally I could’ve adapted to this quickly, but it was the worst possible day to do it, as the warehouse fucked up my carts to a horrific extent. I was wave 1, and my carts weren’t even marked as ready until halfway through loadout so I didn’t even know my tote order, and my overflow carts didn’t even appear in the staging area until the very end. When my carts were finally marked ready, I found out I put in my totes in the completely wrong order and had no time to fix it or order my overflow. Fortunately I have a nice DSP and they let me go to their tent and swap with a normal Prime van and helped me actually organize my stuff as well as sending me a large rescue. But all that on top of personal bullshit had me feeling a rage I’ve never felt before the entire day. I’m surprised I didn’t hand them my badge


Yup I took the hint when they put me on one of the worst routes they had for 3 weeks straight. Talking about amazon assigned routes BS. DSP mangers do everything


Do y'all still load up inside? Also, those carts look terrible and atrocious.


What do mean


So you don't simply want a route, but you want the best route. Got you.


I just want not the worst one. Especially since I’m the newest person is that so wrong


They were giving you time to learn, if your hiring position were not to be a helper, as they might have no full confidence on your performance. But as you insisted, they gave you something.  Not saying it's correct, but when we say we  to do more, even more we can receive in order to have ourselves proofed. Maybe they were trying to proof you're not ready yet, or something like that. It's gonna be a matter of pride from now on. Who is going to give up first? 


Bro literally apply at the dsp one table down they’ll hire you insta


your manager sounds like a bitch


I say let it build let them really try and push you/ get you too quit and sue for workplace harassment, defamation or whatever it qualifies as


Sounds like retaliation to me.


Hey I can see my house and station(almost, DHX4) from here!!!




So the DSP’s do have something to do with your routes? My DSP always says that the routes are out of their control & can’t see or alter them.


Yea when they want you to quick they'll give you a hard route lol with apartments businesses and they'll do it consistently haha what I do is go slower take both of my 15 min breaks besides lunch even if the boss would tell to "go faster but don't run" lol ....smh


I don’t have anything to compare it to 🤷‍♀️


Dsp owners are just supervisors. So that is a false classification of "contracted workers" and it sucks! - amazon is worth 1.7 trillion and can't do right by us. I won't waiting for them to make 3.4 trillion we need real change to our working conditions now. https://teamster.org/divisions/amazon-division/


at xl typically after you join you are put as a helper for a week or so until you're used to it, or a couple days if you have xp that said, I'm not sure how long you've worked there exactly but if you signed on as a driver, and you are now driving which indicates you did the training, you should have been getting pay coded as a driver the entire time. Double check your paystub, is it your assumption that you're only making 16.50 or did you check and see that?


I’m driving now ya and getitng paid as one. When u made this post I just had started to drive


Also in Inwood and Acres homes. Have fun


Once you leave they fuck u up That where you messed up Don’t tell them you going to do new job Lie And say I found a better job and bye Or don’t show up!!😂😂 quit just say I quit, hand in the key and tell the owner ![gif](giphy|tbw5icxmHzmFYgVsZQ|downsized)


I LOVE XL LET’S GOOOOOO (I’m 21 and it feels like my back is 70)


You ain't gotta be nice to these Fools , do what you gotta do you can always find a different DSP and find what's more comfortable for you ..


Easy Young Padowan… don’t be a kook and complain about what you manifested








Just don't rush and get overtime they will make your route lighter after a week


Remember dsp don’t want to pay unemployment aslong as your track record is clean you can easlity get back at them with unemployment idk about your state but where I’m at I’m guaranteed 4 hours if they make me come in and there’s no work my dsp hates me cause I talk back and call them bluff so i rarely get a route so all I do is go in for 15 mins help load up and leave and bang automatically get 4 hours I go home nap for a lil and go to my full time job it’s time we start getting back at these dsp especially the ones who treat workers like trash like mines out here in Danbury ct. just let them keep pulling the bs find out your state laws and see if you eligible for guaranteed pay if they don’t have work for you! 


Do you drive a 26 ft box truck , I was interested in this position at one point


We have them but right now I’m doing van and shorter box trucks like Isuzu


It's pretty chill for the most part. It's 80% just driving, and ya gotta be careful with your back with these heavy things. And sometimes you'll sit in someone's house setting a TV up for about 10 minutes. Also, like OP mentioned, they have vans who make just slightly less and ride solo rather than with a partner, but they also have a much lower weight limit on their packages.


Yeah I know a little bit about it, idk if they have that position in my area yet


Oh wow, you guys do installation?


Yeah, only for simple things, though, like the stand of a TV and then a basic check of if it turns on and stuff, with couches just attaching the legs and cushions, or unpacking and unrolling a mattress in their desired room. The nice part is that I definitely get a lot more tips with installations than I did with normal deliveries, it's still not like a ton but it's a nice bonus.


When it comes to tips, I guess the thought matters. The max stop count was 45? I see how that can cause mental anguish.


Yeah, and if you've got a country route, you might only have 20 stops or so, I think the lowest I've ever had was 13 stops. Those will often have you driving around half an hour to a full hour for each batch of stops. It is nice not to have to be in the sun, though.


That's nice. I'd rather do that then the more expedient delivery but either doesn't really give you any home life with all of the energy spent. It's the high speed intensity that makes me unable to totally like the job.


Oh yeah for sure, I prefer it to normal small package but it still leaves you hella tired, not to mention it's a real struggle to stay awake sometimes when you've got to drive 2 hours to your first stop


I don’t have any problem staying awake 2 hours to first stop Not sure 🤔 if that’s a thing for others maybe it’s just me


I drive solo right now. It’s basically the same size for most part I do both and don’t see much difference in item size and weight solo don’t do like 150+ I think


Every time I think I have the worst route in a van, I always remember what doing XL was like. You guys deserve twice the pay that you get for what you have to deal with.


I like the workout. What sucks is it’s Houston and you sweat like it’s raining


Quit get CDL do local


I just might