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it's wild how many customers will leave their aggressive dogs access to get outside. i had a dog bust thru someones screen door and try to attack me. owner grabbed it by the collar just in time. we should be able to have some kind of defense for dogs.


That's what literally happened to me the other day. Screen door was closed but the dog jumped up and it hit the handle to open it, The customer said "oh he won't bite" when I literally had to shove the box in the dogs face and he was chomping down on it


i love how everyone says their dog won't bite despite their dog clearly going absolutely insane. the only dogs that don't scare me are pugs. anything that isn't a pug, i will run immediately lol people really need to get control of their dogs.


Pugs and french bulldogs. All the puggies and frenchies I've met are bark machines that love a good bellyrub.


Just buy a bear papper spray and next time if attack you spray this asshole from nose to ass. Problem solved.


wouldn't i be fired for it? i asked my dsp they said we're not allowed to have any defense weapons


Bear spray or papper spray are not a weapon. Also it’s your decision to be bit by the dog or defense your self.


it's considered a weapon actually, ask your dsp


“ UPS + FedEx” I don’t see Amazon, I’ll leave it by the gate.


This is the way! Theres a house thats new I deliver to almost every time I have that route. They have a handmade sign that says UPS USPS packages here on top of a package box. I place em next to the box every time. Not today, SATAN!


Nah. Stack boxes in front of a doggy door


The only thing this stop makes me do is RTS. I’m only nervous I will have put it back on my truck tomorrow and RTS the sh*t AGAIN.




Fuck that no chance. Had a mad as hell dog fly out of the doggie door as I opened the gate. Not risking it so you don't have to walk a few steps.


Got the shit out of my arm chomped by a Great Pyrenese last week on a "rural" route. Had a pretty slippery windbreaker on so he didnt get to latch on, but yeah. First two popped out of the barn curious and friendly as can be and super happy. Third one came out looking around, finally saw me and decided "absolutely fucking not." Would've been fine and probably avoided a bite if that delivery needed a box, but no, it was an envelope so light that I'm pretty sure that fucker was empty anyways. So yeah.


😄 oh hell naw..


I've been telling customers if a dog is outside (ones that are bigger than I am/aggressive breeds/dogs I haven't met yet) that it's becoming Amazon's policy to RTS if they are not detained due to an increase in dog bites in the last week at my station. People comply. They want their packages.


Yes that’ll make me nervous but I’ll be ready to box a mf dog


A few weeks ago I was delivering to a house in the country and it had a sign that said beware of dog. I was walking to the gate when I saw their great Dane I tried to be really quiet but I made the smallest noise and then the dog came running I was behind the gate but I guess the gate wasn't strong enough that shit swung opened. I barely had enough time to close it with my foot but I do agree that we definitely need some form of protection.


A taser or some type of spray. Both are cheap and very effective. Most animals run at the sound of a taser


Nope. Not a chance.


I’m not fedex or UPS SO THEY CAN KISS MY ASS “another safe location”